The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Munchkin should probably best figure out how to avoid him and his wife joyriding on government planes.

Exactly, and his mates. Have you seen that it's been like a fecking jolly for most of Trump's clan. Most are billionaires too, it's sickening and taking the piss on a whole new level.
Mate, I have no doubt he will be the one President everyone hates and will probably be one people want erased from the history books. Just look at the world polling figures for him. He isn't even above 20% ANYWHERE except Israel I think. He's single figures in many places and barely in double for the vast majority of Europe. He's despised globally, and the vast majority not only think he's a joke, they can't work out how he gets away with barefaced lying to everyone. Unfortunately he's not doing your amazing country any favours on the world stage.

Just look at what he has already done to the so called "special relationship" with the UK. Theresa May lost huge support and was absolutely destroyed for her siding with Trump and defending him. Seriously, your next President needs to be Obama and Lincoln, Ghandi and Mother Theresa all wrapped in to one to repair the shit Trump has caused. I just hope there's a world left for them to have to repair.

Use your lightly. No-one in this house voted for this fecking home of a man. In fact Mrs Blaggs car was in the shop and she walked a mile to vote for Clinton.
Mate, I have no doubt he will be the one President everyone hates and will probably be one people want erased from the history books. Just look at the world polling figures for him. He isn't even above 20% ANYWHERE except Israel I think. He's single figures in many places and barely in double for the vast majority of Europe. He's despised globally, and the vast majority not only think he's a joke, they can't work out how he gets away with barefaced lying to everyone. Unfortunately he's not doing your amazing country any favours on the world stage.

Just look at what he has already done to the so called "special relationship" with the UK. Theresa May lost huge support and was absolutely destroyed for her siding with Trump and defending him. Seriously, your next President needs to be Obama and Lincoln, Ghandi and Mother Theresa all wrapped in to one to repair the shit Trump has caused. I just hope there's a world left for them to have to repair.

We all hope there's a world left to repair. Out shows just how powerful the seat is. Gone from arguably the greatest president of all time to arguably the worst president of all time.
Use your lightly. No-one in this house voted for this fecking home of a man. In fact Mrs Blaggs car was in the shop and she walked a mile to vote for Clinton.

Yeah, sorry mate. I get that. Every single person I have had come in to the pub since Trump was elected has apologised for him. Every single one, and I don't mean thousands, but we are well high up in the double figures now. Must be nearly 100 I should think. Didn't mean to insinuate you were all to blame, or all the same.
Just look at the world polling figures for him. He isn't even above 20% ANYWHERE except Israel I think.

This is from PEW back in June:

This president is dividing and destroying the USA. Never seen someone like him.

As I said earlier mate, not just the USA, the world. He's fecked the relationship with the UK, slagged off the London Mayor constantly, made Russia a huge enemy again taking us back to the cold war era. He's destroyed the progress with Cuba and set the problems back a couple of decades, has upset and offended Iran, Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, Ukraine, France, Belgium, really upset and pissed off Merkel and Germany, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Mocked ISIS to the point that that have escalated attacks around the world. He's offended Muslims and minorities at home and abroad, mocked the Palestinians and made light of their oppression and struggles. He's over simplified every single conflict in the Middle East. Oh yeah, he's really upset North Korea and he's continually spoken absolute shite about China, so much so, most are amazed they have ignored him and not retaliated. He's also clearly gone after minorities and blacks at any opportunity. He's also threatened war or destruction on a few places too.

He HAS supported Nazis and White Supremacists rights to march and protest and sent congratulatory messages to despicable people like Duerte over in the Philippines and has refused to say a bad word against Putin.

Have I forgotten anyone or anything? Surely I must have.
He's now retweeted this:

Well, they are still resting on their own knees. So his moronic point is rendered null.
He’s so desperate. What’s this all supposed to be distracting us from btw?

North Korea. His UN speech was one of the most bizarre things I've witnessed in my adult life. Even with an egomaniac like Trump the realisation of what he's done kicks in at some point. I think formally a declaration of war can only happen via congress. But what he did is just about the closest non-official thing possible, and in combination with the clear incompetence of the last months it's scary to think where it will lead to. I'm genuinely not sure what they tried to achieve here.

Went against all orders from his staff and advisors and made a fool of himself for the whole world to see, threatening to totally destroy North-Korea. Then he got humiliated by Kim Jong-Un. After which this happened:

Which to me can only be meant to send the message: "We're not bluffing". And then when you think about that for a minute, it's just absurd. Unheard of, really. Again, what is their endgame? It's like they're deliberately creating some catch 22 for themselves.
MAGA by focusing on the NHL because we know all those players are fine patriotic Americans!

Funny thing is that only about 25% of the players in the NHL are American. So the vast majority who are playing for the US teams are actually pesky immigrants who are stealing jobs from real Americans.
He’s so desperate. What’s this all supposed to be distracting us from btw?

I hope that people can realise - he is impulsive, and will tweet accordingly. There need not be a grand plan. f you prick his ego, he is forced to respond.
I hope that people can realise - he is impulsive, and will tweet accordingly

Agreed. I think he can be taunted to lose his shit completely, it just needs to be the right topic to upset enough of his base.

I thought they would be losing their shit over his recent meeting with Pelosi and Schumer and then the apparent U-turn on the wall, but when I went to Twitter his base were all defending him saying he was just conning the Dems to get the deal he wants. Anyone saying otherwise was told that he was just talking metaphorically about the wall and he didn't mean a real one. If that fails it's all fake news. You honestly can't win with many of them, they will have to come round themselves or die thinking they were right, but their hatred of the left and distrust of the media is real, and it's scary as hell.
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