The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It was a wish. But him being the one president everyone hates would be enough.
The absolute opposite to Lincoln. If it comes about because of sports.:D

Mate, I have no doubt he will be the one President everyone hates and will probably be one people want erased from the history books. Just look at the world polling figures for him. He isn't even above 20% ANYWHERE except Israel I think. He's single figures in many places and barely in double for the vast majority of Europe. He's despised globally, and the vast majority not only think he's a joke, they can't work out how he gets away with barefaced lying to everyone. Unfortunately he's not doing your amazing country any favours on the world stage.

Just look at what he has already done to the so called "special relationship" with the UK. Theresa May lost huge support and was absolutely destroyed for her siding with Trump and defending him. Seriously, your next President needs to be Obama and Lincoln, Ghandi and Mother Theresa all wrapped in to one to repair the shit Trump has caused. I just hope there's a world left for them to have to repair.
That would be amazing but I can't see an ex President of the USA going to jail. It would be nice, but I just can't see it. I also think given who Trump is and given his personality that public humiliation and being shunned and becoming persona non grata with his own citizens would be poetic justice, and just as bad as him going to jail. Probably even worse.

It doesn't take much though. You never know with this eejit, all it takes is just a tapped evidence of him coliding with putin and game over.
Mate, I have no doubt he will be the one President everyone hates and will probably be one people want erased from the history books. Just look at the world polling figures for him. He isn't even above 20% ANYWHERE except Israel I think. He's single figures in many places and barely in double for the vast majority of Europe. He's despised globally, and the vast majority not only think he's a joke, they can't work out how he gets away with barefaced lying to everyone. Unfortunately he's not doing your amazing country any favours on the world stage.

Just look at what he has already done to the so called "special relationship" with the UK. Theresa May lost huge support and was absolutely destroyed for her siding with Trump and defending him. Seriously, your next President needs to be Obama and Lincoln, Ghandi and Mother Theresa all wrapped in to one to repair the shit Trump has caused. I just hope there's a world left for them to have to repair.

I dont know much about us presidents. But the one after trump would be the best ever president
It doesn't take much though. You never know with this eejit, all it takes is just a tapped evidence of him coliding with putin and game over.

Yeah, fair point. But if they had stuff like that surely it would be out there by now? Or do you think they are taking it slowly and carefully to avoid mass protests and riots? Just imagine if Obama had started his Presidency like this? Hannity would be on each night with flames coming out his head and asking people to shoot Obama and bomb the White House. I know there are two sides (often more) to everything and I have looked at Trump and his words and actions with a different perspective and I just can't grasp it at all. There is just no defending him the majority of the time. However, he and his supporters now just use the same persecution defence all the time. It's obviously all of us and not them.
Yeah fcuk them.

Wish they'd spend 10% of the time and energy on righting the wrongs the players are protesting against, instead of questioning their right to protest.

It is funny, when Kaepernick started the protest, he was shouted at, marginisalised, and finally left without a team when the owners seemed to decide that he wasn't worth playing. But suddenly the tide seems to have turned the other way.

Is it to do with NFL audiences being more conservative? Or just general anti-Trump feeling?

Edit: His protest was specifically about BLM. Now this could be just "the right to protest" or "Trump is bad", which are much more mainstream positions than BLM.
I genuinely think prison could be a realistic option, if he lives long enough to be sentenced. His legal team will make sure it is protracted for years and years.

I’ve mentioned my reasoning before - both parties will want to shut him the hell up. The “Witchhunt, Ego and Whuba Crooked Hilary Tour” would be in nobodies interest. Best he’s locked away and forgotten about.

Jail is never going to happen. He'd be protected but also it'd cause a precedent whereby every President can be accused of breaking the law. That would cause a constitutional dilemma.

And in the event something happens soon he'll make a deal with Pence for a pardon to draw a line. It's been long rumoured there was a deal made that Nixon would resign before being impeached meaning Vice President Ford assumed the Presidency. In return Ford pardoned Nixon and therefore our knowledge of how deep Watergate really went is still up in the air as Nixon didn't have to face trial whereas the conspirators who carried it out did and were jailed.
Yeah, fair point. But if they had stuff like that surely it would be out there by now? Or do you think they are taking it slowly and carefully to avoid mass protests and riots? Just imagine if Obama had started his Presidency like this? Hannity would be on each night with flames coming out his head and asking people to shoot Obama and bomb the White House. I know there are two sides (often more) to everything and I have looked at Trump and his words and actions with a different perspective and I just can't grasp it at all. There is just no defending him the majority of the time. However, he and his supporters now just use the same persecution defence all the time. It's obviously all of us and not them.

Under normal circumstances the cia and everyone will probably sweep it under the rug for the greater good of the nation. It all comes done to whether the majority want to oust him or keep him at the end of the day.

Nobody can hide any dirt these days, not if the right person with the right tools wants to find out.

:lol: Omg, so sad. So pathetic and transparent. He's getting his arse handed to him and he claims a hollow victory. I'd so love it now for the Penguins to turn around and say "actually, nah, you're alright, we aren't coming" Or if they all take the knee during the White House photo :lol:

“Bad ratings!”


That's what I meant to quote earlier, but for some reason it quoted a Merkel Tweet. :lol: He's a moron, he's scrambling so hard to turn it back around, and yet still makes it about himself, he just can't help himself. His next Tweet I posted is brilliant too. Do you think he's losing it badly again? This has to be winding him up, it's world wide coverage now, not just national. The UK news has all been all over this because of the NFL game being played in England today.

:lol: Omg, so sad. So pathetic and transparent. He's getting his arse handed to him and he claims a hollow victory. I'd so love it now for the Penguins to turn around and say "actually, nah, you're alright, we aren't coming" Or if they all take the knee during the White House photo :lol:

Yes hockey...the sport known for its abundance of black players
Yes hockey...the sport known for its abundance of black players

:lol: Yeah, but I love Hockey, and that's more to do with geographical positioning of the teams, the countries it is played in and also tradition etc. I'm sure a fair amount of black people like hockey and want to play it, and of course some do. Damn, if some football players could skate they would be lethal on the hockey rink.
That's what I meant to quote earlier, but for some reason it quoted a Merkel Tweet. :lol: He's a moron, he's scrambling so hard to turn it back around, and yet still makes it about himself, he just can't help himself. His next Tweet I posted is brilliant too. Do you think he's losing it badly again? This has to be winding him up, it's world wide coverage now, not just national. The UK news has all been all over this because of the NFL game being played in England today.

John Kelly right now.

:lol: Yeah, but I love Hockey, and that's more to do with geographical positioning of the teams, the countries it is played in and also tradition etc. I'm sure a fair amount of black people like hockey and want to play it, and of course some do. Damn, if some football players could skate they would be lethal on the hockey rink.

Yeah I know that but the race differences between NHL players and the NBA/NFL are stark.
Yeah I know that but the race differences between NHL players and the NBA/NFL are stark.

Yes, of course, and it is pretty clear who he is attacking in the past few days.

Yet again I find it absolutely amazing that after Puerto Rico being devastated with two hurricanes and Mexico with THREE earthquakes, and yet still he hasn't even mentioned it or offered at least one Tweet of condolence or support yet he can attack football players, basketball players and John McCain.
I don't think it was. I think it was 100% to take the attention away from the failing healthcare bid. Or something else. Anyone have any ideas what it could have been?

I'm going to go with the word @Raoul uses on this and call it "transactional". He's just riffing on what his tiny ego sees in front of him for as long as his attention span lasts. I'm sure he thought too that they'd fold and he'd be able to make an angle out of this that plays to his support.

Sorry if someone made this point already and I didn't see it yet :D

More authoritarian rhetoric coming out of the White House. "If we don't like it, you can't do it" Hopefully the NFL tells him where to stick it.

It was only a few years ago he was defending people who burned the flag ffs.

More authoritarian rhetoric coming out of the White House. "If we don't like it, you can't do it" Hopefully the NFL tells him where to stick it.

It was only a few years ago he was defending people who burned the flag ffs.

Munchkin should probably best figure out how to avoid him and his wife joyriding on government planes.
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