The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I've always felt like people getting annoyed about people not singing anthems or not standing or whatever is one of the weirdest things ever. But hey if it keeps annoying people like trump then crack on.

I get weird looks because I don't sing it and don't put my hand on my chest. I stand, take off my hat and put my hands behind my back. I've had people tap their chest to me and I've had to shake my head.
Tbf I usually find they're nice people and when they know I'm English they say well at least you stood up. And yes is usually at sports games.
I've asked this to Mrs Blaggs and she's never come up with the answer.
So to all Americans let me ask. Its a Christian country. Why do you pledge to a flag every morning? Is that not worshipping a false idol?
And why every morning. The flag is plastered almost everywhere so it's not like you're gonna forget where you're from.
What was the Bush axis of evil
North Korea
1 down... 2 to go (though possibly not for much longer judging by trumps tweets)

He's clueless because Iran haven't actually done anything illegal or anything that goes against the agreement. However, it is clearly reckless, irresponsible and also completely timed to wind up Trump as much as possible, especially after his appalling address to the UN this week.

I said time and time again that Trump could easily cause wars on any scale and that he was too dangerous to be elected as President and this is EXACTLY what I meant. I got slammed over and over in the US Election thread for being OTT or a drama queen, simply because I said ad nauseam that this would happen. I don't want any credit or forum points or anything, and I take no pleasure in being right, but it was fecking obvious to anyone that this is how it would turn out. Trump is too inexperienced and mentally unstable to be President, he's too racist, narrow minded, aggressive and far too stupid too. He also has a very OLD view of the world and how it should be, he also has a very skewed one as well.

Iran were fine until Trump started on them, he's been off and on about the nuclear agreement and he won't let it lie. Then he goes completely OTT with Israel just because he maybe knows a few Jews in New York, but certainly for no clear political reason and you can tell that by his moronic statements about a one state possibility between Israel and Palestine. He cares not about those people thousands of miles away, he just cares how he looks and someone agreeing with him. The North Korea issue is a problem that someone would have faced anyway BUT Trump is handling it irresponsibly and recklessly and is only making things much worse. Iran shouldn't even be in question, he's just prodded and prodded until they reacted and is looking for any excuse to go and bomb them or to tear up the agreement that the majority of the world thought was an excellent deal, and everyone agrees Iran was sticking to.

Trump is causing huge uncertainty and instability at home in the US and all over the world now. There is a real fear of the unknown and what he could do, or what he might force others to do with his provocative bellicose rhetoric. He's treating all this like one giant game and the world is his playground. It's how he's always treated everyone and everything before so why did anyone think he would be any different as President? The only pivot this cnut will ever do is the one in his chair when he spins around in glee while watching smoke get blown up his arse from the goons on Fox & Friends.
TBF Iran weren't fine. I like the Iranians more than the Saudis...but, that really isn't saying much.

Iran have been displaying a very aggressive posture for years now - they're in Iraq in a very big way...we know all about Syria and of course the really big piece - Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Is it even worth mentioning the poor Yemenis getting done up the ass by the Iranians and Saudis?

What I don't go along with is the constant threat of war to subjugate and bully Iran - which actually is counterproductive to the moderates there (moderates is of course a relative term in Iran).

The Iranians would of course argue...this is our backyard - if the US can flex it;s muscles all around the world, why can't we have a say in how our backyard is being shaped.

I also have a principled issue about American foreign policy in the ME essentially being Israeli foreign policy. We have time and time again, gone against our national interests in order to advance Israeli interests.
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Fine might have been a poor choice of words and for that I apologise, but they haven't been as aggressive as they had in previous years and according to all reports, they were sticking to the deal struck with Obama. The relationship with the US and the rest of the world was better than it had been for a long time, and a new leader, in my opinion, had the responsibility to see that that continued. Trump had a responsibility to see that the deal was adhered to of course, but also to continue to promote peace and unity and to continue to build bridges, especially in the Middle East.

Are we not forgetting that he has said time and again that peace in the Middle East is a distinct possibility and it's easy? Did he not send Kushner to sort it all? He talks pure shit and has no clue. How can he talk about peace while all the time stoking the flames of war and destruction?
Ahem, Mr. President...

Swinney will leave for Bama.
Susan Collins just said she likely won't support the bill on CNN.
Some said this thing was DOA straight off the bat - but, I wasn't sure. Hard to trust the GOP to do the right thing, but somehow enough people for all sorts of different reasons are helping to kill this thing.
Trump will weather the storm once more, you already got his idiotic supporters drumming up memes and hashtags of #dumpNFL which tbh won't exactly happen but it goes to show there is literally nothing he can do or say that will piss them off, hell he might even claim he shot John Lennon and still be revered as a hero.
Some said this thing was DOA straight off the bat - but, I wasn't sure. Hard to trust the GOP to do the right thing, but somehow enough people for all sorts of different reasons are helping to kill this thing.

Well if Lyin' Ted Cruz has jumped off the boat then its fairly likely McConnell will spare himself another round humiliation by not bringing it for a floor vote.
Trump will weather the storm once more, you already got his idiotic supporters drumming up memes and hashtags of #dumpNFL which tbh won't exactly happen but it goes to show there is literally nothing he can do or say that will piss them off, hell he might even claim he shot John Lennon and still be revered as a hero.
tbf this was never really about doing damage to Trump. This was him simply looking to jump on the bandwagon and get his supporters energized.

They've had next to nothing to cheer about for a while.
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tbf this was never really about doing damage to Trump. This was him simply looking to jump on the bandwagon and get his retarded supporters energized.

They've had next to nothing to cheer about for a while.

I don't think it was. I think it was 100% to take the attention away from the failing healthcare bid. Or something else. Anyone have any ideas what it could have been?
Trump will weather the storm once more, you already got his idiotic supporters drumming up memes and hashtags of #dumpNFL which tbh won't exactly happen but it goes to show there is literally nothing he can do or say that will piss them off, hell he might even claim he shot John Lennon and still be revered as a hero.

Of course he will, it won’t affect his reputation which is set in stone on both sides. It’ll make his blood boil all the same.

The unified protests should be in his favour, I cant imagine he likes having tonnes of famous people coming out against him.
I don't think it was. I think it was 100% to take the attention away from the failing healthcare bid. Or something else. Anyone have any ideas what it could have been?
I just think he took it personally and then the toys came out of the pram... Good job (not so) lil kim fatty the third isn't on twitter posting pictures of north Korean sports folks belting out the anthem with pride or he may have started chucking the nukes in a temper tantrum
I've always felt like people getting annoyed about people not singing anthems or not standing or whatever is one of the weirdest things ever. But hey if it keeps annoying people like trump then crack on.
It's jingoistic nonsense that is common with Dailymail readers.
I always cringe when fans attack players for not bellowing the anthem at top volume.
Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious. Oscar Wilde
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Samuel Johnson

Just a couple I can remember off the top of my head. There's nothing wrong with loving your country and at times, especially sporting occasions, then patriotism is definitely a positive. But the need to be continuously patriotic about everything to the point where it seriously clouds your judgement or makes you nasty, well then it goes too far. The USA's obsession with being the greatest country in the world has long amused me and at times angered me, right now though, I just think it's very very sad, but also dangerous too because of the attitude of the President.

We have long separated God from politics here, leaders rarely if ever mention religion or God, and I know that in the USA they simply wouldn't get elected if they didn't say they believed in God, but I do wonder, what would offend people more, if the President came out and said he was atheist? or Buddhist? or if he came out and said, "Look, I love the USA, it's a great place but we need to get real here, we are NOT the greatest country on Earth and when we say that it makes us look arrogant and disrespectful to many other nations around the world" :lol:

Anybody got an over/under for how many games will see players taking a knee today?

Apparently up to 500 NFL players could take the knee. It's got so worrying that clubs are talking about not coming out for the anthem or even playing the anthem early.
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Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious. Oscar Wilde
Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. Samuel Johnson

Just a couple I can remember off the top of my head. There's nothing wrong with loving your country and at times, especially sporting occasions, then patriotism is definitely a positive. But the need to be continuously patriotic about everything to the point where it seriously clouds your judgement or makes you nasty, well then it goes too far. The USA's obsession with being the greatest country in the world has long amused me and at times angered me, right now though, I just think it's very very sad, but also dangerous too because of the attitude of the President.

We have long separated God from politics here, leaders rarely if ever mention religion or God, and I know that in the USA they simply wouldn't get elected if they didn't say they believed in God, but I do wonder, what would offend people more, if the President came out and said he was atheist? or Buddhist? or if he came out and said, "Look, I love the USA, it's a great place but we need to get real here, we are NOT the greatest country on Earth and when we say that it makes us look arrogant and disrespectful to many other nations around the world" :lol:

Apparently up to 500 NFL players could take the knee. It's got so worrying that clubs are talking about not coming out for the anthem or even playing the anthem early.

The Steelers aren't even coming out for it.
Boss move. Team United.

What did he say about McCain?

He fired off a series of Tweets about him. Pretty low really how he continuously seems to go after McCain, even more so since he was diagnosed with cancer. Yet again Trump showing he's nothing but a fecking bully. I despise violence, I really do, but I would love to see Trump get a good kicking from someone. Maybe just a slap and a punch in the balls, but someone properly standing up to him. I so hope he gets his much deserved downfall, and I so hope it's a complete and utter public humiliation that forces him to spend the rest of his days in hiding or giving apology interviews on daytime TV.
He fired off a series of Tweets about him. Pretty low really how he continuously seems to go after McCain, even more so since he was diagnosed with cancer. Yet again Trump showing he's nothing but a fecking bully. I despise violence, I really do, but I would love to see Trump get a good kicking from someone. Maybe just a slap and a punch in the balls, but someone properly standing up to him. I so hope he gets his much deserved downfall, and I so hope it's a complete and utter public humiliation that forces him to spend the rest of his days in hiding or giving apology interviews on daytime TV.

I want to see Arnie pull his arm clean out of its socket.
Those "my country, right or wrong" types are mad feckers but it's nothing new and they will always be around. You cannot educate them as they refuse to listen to what others would call reason.
He fired off a series of Tweets about him. Pretty low really how he continuously seems to go after McCain, even more so since he was diagnosed with cancer. Yet again Trump showing he's nothing but a fecking bully. I despise violence, I really do, but I would love to see Trump get a good kicking from someone. Maybe just a slap and a punch in the balls, but someone properly standing up to him. I so hope he gets his much deserved downfall, and I so hope it's a complete and utter public humiliation that forces him to spend the rest of his days in hiding or giving apology interviews on daytime TV.
That's all? I hope the real truth comes out and he's imprisoned and his family needs to start a go fund me page. Wouldn't that be sweet. Oh you lost your golden toilet.
That's all? I hope the real truth comes out and he's imprisoned and his family needs to start a go fund me page. Wouldn't that be sweet. Oh you lost your golden toilet.

That would be amazing but I can't see an ex President of the USA going to jail. It would be nice, but I just can't see it. I also think given who Trump is and given his personality that public humiliation and being shunned and becoming persona non grata with his own citizens would be poetic justice, and just as bad as him going to jail. Probably even worse.
That would be amazing but I can't see an ex President of the USA going to jail. It would be nice, but I just can't see it. I also think given who Trump is and given his personality that public humiliation and being shunned and becoming persona non grata with his own citizens would be poetic justice, and just as bad as him going to jail. Probably even worse.

I genuinely think prison could be a realistic option, if he lives long enough to be sentenced. His legal team will make sure it is protracted for years and years.

I’ve mentioned my reasoning before - both parties will want to shut him the hell up. The “Witchhunt, Ego and Whuba Crooked Hilary Tour” would be in nobodies interest. Best he’s locked away and forgotten about.
Best he’s locked away and forgotten about.

That should have happened when he started The Apprentice. His election has really exposed the problems in the USA though and how BOTH SIDES now need to work hard to come and meet in the middle. Nobody is getting everything they want, that's unrealistic, well all in one go it is anyway, and unfortunately a large section of the USA is going to have to catch up with the rest of the world, but it needs someone to do it with tact and reasoning. Trump is just destroying everything and is now intent on taking his unrest and upheaval around the world with him too. I do hope you are right though mate, and will live in hope that you are.
That would be amazing but I can't see an ex President of the USA going to jail. It would be nice, but I just can't see it. I also think given who Trump is and given his personality that public humiliation and being shunned and becoming persona non grata with his own citizens would be poetic justice, and just as bad as him going to jail. Probably even worse.

It was a wish. But him being the one president everyone hates would be enough.
The absolute opposite to Lincoln. If it comes about because of sports.:D
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