The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Jax owner linking with the players, showing support in response to Trump's comments.

A lot of knees taken from both sets of players.

Yeah, I reckon over 20 in total, maybe more. BIG show of unity on display and a big FU to Trump. Although Joe Scarborough just tweeted that anyone taking the knee is actually helping Trump politically. I think that will most definitely be up for debate after today's/tonight's matches in the NFL. I'm just looking forward to a great full day of football.
Yeah, I reckon over 20 in total, maybe more. BIG show of unity on display and a big FU to Trump. Although Joe Scarborough just tweeted that anyone taking the knee is actually helping Trump politically. I think that will most definitely be up for debate after today's/tonight's matches in the NFL. I'm just looking forward to a great full day of football.

I can feel the heat glowing off your beaming smile :lol:
And just in case people were feeling too euphoric, don't forget this

This, this right here is what white privilege is and looks like. If you don't like it, don't complain...get out.

Slavery was great.
Blacks getting lynched was great.

People should have never complained and fought for what was right back then.
Yeah, erm, it's causing a serious amount of shit. Many are protesting the NFL over this and slamming the players, especially for taking the knee on foreign soil. That's really not going down well at all.
Yeah fcuk them.

Wish they'd spend 10% of the time and energy on righting the wrongs the players are protesting against, instead of questioning their right to protest.
Yeah, erm, it's causing a serious amount of shit. Many are protesting the NFL over this and slamming the players, especially for taking the knee on foreign soil. That's really not going down well at all.

Yeah but this is gonna be so polarized. I bet more will go against the president than against their team.
Plus he mentioned the NFL singular. That's a powerful organization to feck with.

Remember the NFL isn't NASCAR. Now that would be funny as feck. Screw NASCAR and their boring races.
Yeah fcuk them.

Wish they'd spend 10% of the time and energy on righting the wrongs the players are protesting against, instead of questioning their right to protest.

I am with you 100%, just putting the other side out there, although this may not be the thread for it?

As an Englishman, even I can see that these players love the USA, they are not protesting the country for fecks sake. The fact that is being called in to question is disgusting.

Yeah but this is gonna bee so polarized. I bet more will go against the president than against their team.
Plus he mentioned the NFL singular. That's a powerful organization to feck with.

Remember the NFL isn't NASCAR. Now that would be funny as feck. Screw NASCAR and their boring races.

:lol: Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw! That would be funny.

And here's a statement from the first ever MLB player to take the knee when ironically he's taking a stand. Anyway, that aside, he is so right, this is now about equality and unity for everyone's rights. I do think Trump has now started something he cannot stop.
And just in case people were feeling too euphoric, don't forget this

This, this right here is what white privilege is and looks like. If you don't like it, don't complain...get out.

Slavery was great.
Blacks getting lynched was great.

People should have never complained and fought for what was right back then.

Will players like this get isolated from their team mates? Will Donald trump be the cause of some team disharmony?
I dont understand why a us citizen would not follow a national anthem procedural.

Unless he/she isn't a citizen then yeah its their right.

Besides isn't kneeling a greater form of submission rather than standing?
I think the vast majority is all planned as a distraction simply because he's a conman and that's how they work

Pity the democrats and the press/media haven't come to the same conclusion, they seem to keep sitting up begging and waiting for more from the master, 'now you see it, now you don't'.
I bet Donald's enjoying chuckling to himself. What would happen if no one, anywhere in the US (except of course his own retainers) even mentioned his name, or commented on everything, except what he said or did, for say two weeks... no one week?
Would the illusions he creates be able to last that long without an audience? Its a thought?
Will players like this get isolated from their team mates? Will Donald trump be the cause of some team disharmony? the end, these guys spend more time with their teammates than families. There are pretty strong bonds there.

Will some be hurt...will some look at the guy next to them in a different light...sure.

But, a couple of weeks will pass and people will get over it.

Just the way the world works.
The UK's national anthem is shit. There I said it, oh the disrespect...

People who are offended by people kneeling whilst listening to a national anthem really need to grow up. It's childish even before taking into account that it's their 1st amendment right to do so, an argument which many of the people slandering the NFL players usually resort to.
We had Black Power protests in 1968 Olympics.

Personally I do not see taking a knee or what happened in 1968 as being disrespecting the flag.

Many people died for the right of people to protest or even to burn the flag.

What is important is what that the flag represents.

This country by how the laws are enforced are not treating all people the same, therby disrespecting the flag and all it represents.

Trump is an arsehole. He and many others who agree with him are incapable of self reflection.
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I dont understand why a us citizen would not follow a national anthem procedural.

Besides isn't kneeling a greater form of submission rather than standing?
Because protest is an integral part of being a citizen. It's your right as a citizen to demand better from your nation, your leaders.

Nations progress because citizens protest and fight against the shortcomings of their nation. Patriotism isn't simply accepting the status quo.

And kneeling is not submissive when the normative act is to stand.
Just a matter of time til they tell us that the Russians managed to alter the voter registration rolls, which meant people weren't able to vote in certain areas as they had been unregistered.

The fact that DHS has waited so long to inform the states who were targeted is dodgy and alarming.

Is it not going to be a problem whereby players who don't kneel now get criticised?

The whole kneeling was them expressing their feeling within their rights. Fine, do what you want so long as it's not forced on others.

Trump's comments were wrong. However the reaction is now kneeling is a symbol against Trump, and if you don't kneel you're part of the problem if you get what I mean.
I am with you 100%, just putting the other side out there, although this may not be the thread for it?

As an Englishman, even I can see that these players love the USA, they are not protesting the country for fecks sake. The fact that is being called in to question is disgusting.

:lol: Yeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw! That would be funny.

I know they'd storm the white house screaming yay trump!! With flags in monster trucks
On this question about the anthem before sports events, and not just professional by the way. I caught part of an intriguing story on npr on how this was a successful attempt by the military to be affiliated with sporting events and promote patriosm. I think this is why the Republican snowflakes are getting so upset. They think they are disrespecting the military as well.

Here is a related story.
And just in case people were feeling too euphoric, don't forget this

I like that he can't see anything between you either must think it's the greatest country or you should feck off somewhere else :lol:

Does he realise the most people can't just up and leave? Does our privileged white American boy think people can just move to any country they feel like?

Does the thick twat realise there is no single "greatest country" in the old World of ours?
I like that he can't see anything between you either must think it's the greatest country or you should feck off somewhere else :lol:

Does he realise the most people can't just up and leave? Does our privileged white American boy think people can just move to any country they feel like?

Does the thick twat realise there is no single "greatest country" in the old World of ours?

Yes he's that stupid.
That Derek Wolfe statement is standard mouth breather manual material.

1. Murrica!! (x)
2. Greatest country in the world (x)
3. Go back to where you came from (x)

Yep, ticks all the boxes.
Derek Wolfe is as dumb as a box of rocks. He put something on Instagram about getting behind Trump just after the election too.
I've always felt like people getting annoyed about people not singing anthems or not standing or whatever is one of the weirdest things ever. But hey if it keeps annoying people like trump then crack on.
I've always felt like people getting annoyed about people not singing anthems or not standing or whatever is one of the weirdest things ever. But hey if it keeps annoying people like trump then crack on.

If people actually heard me singing the national anthem they’d think I was disrespecting it.
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