The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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If everyone starts kneeing in the stadiums today, there’s something incredibly cheesy and Disney American about it, like the ending of Angels in the Outfield when everyone finally believes in the angels and starts flapping their arms like wings. The fact it will be an act that is “disrespecting the flag” at the same time only goes to show how arse over tit everything is now.
I don't think a lot of athletes are going to take the knee actually because just like the Kaepernik issue has shown you can only do this if you are irreplaceable . If you are not one of the best and can be replaced then you are basically risking your career doing this , these teams can say whatever bullshit they want in statements but the fact that Kaepernik is sitting while some way worse quarterbacks are still on rosters shows what the franchises actually think
He's like a shite wrestler trying to get over with the crowd. "How about [local sports team] huh?"


Exactly what I thought. As ever, they predictably ate it up like hungry dogs.

I find it amusing that he's using this kind of rhetoric - about them being sons of bitches - in somewhere like Alabama. He might as well have just said, "all those black folk need to learn what respect is."
The backlash against Trump's comments has now spread to other sports.

Military family too apparently. How is Trump going to have time to slag off alllllll of the people who are going to take a knee today :lol:

If everyone starts kneeing in the stadiums today, there’s something incredibly cheesy and Disney American about it, like the ending of Angels in the Outfield when everyone finally believes in the angels and starts flapping their arms like wings. The fact it will be an act that is “disrespecting the flag” at the same time only goes to show how arse over tit everything is now.

I sorta agree, personally I think the athletes should've taken a knee much quicker.
Saying that - if a large amount of them simultaneously take a knee today, then while it will be cheesy, it will certainly send a clear message.
If anything at all good comes from this trump idiocy, may it be that people finally get it into their heads that the size of a bank balance is not an indication of the quality of the person.

America (and looking at cameron, boris johnson and may, the UK too) has this reverence for rich people that is most destructive, its how trump is where he is, why the kardashians are worshiped, and it is assumed they are clever, somehow 'worthy' people.

Most of them were just born into money.
Honestly don't know if this is acting like a cornered cat, since by now he must be feeling some heat. It might as well be his usual self.

What a petty man.
It’s been said a million times but can you imagine the GOP reaction to a Dem president acting in such an unpresidential manner? He’d have been impeached in February.
Definitely a movement started here. It’ll be a bit of a shame if the original sentiment is lost but if some solidarity and positivity comes out of it it can be nothing but good.
Jesus Christ he's thick.

I'd love a whole team or league to come out and say "This fixture week we are wide open. Anyone that disagrees with our current president can take a knee if they choose too. Anyone that stands is still an American and is respected on the same level"

It's a movement that can go beyond something as facile as Black Lives Matter.
Why do they even play the national anthem before sport games?

I get it for internationals but club matches....where is the relevance? Maybe for the major events which get the most viewership from casual fans like Cup Finals, or in their case Superbowl but for the routine league games seems over the top
Why do they even play the national anthem before sport games?

I get it for internationals but club matches....where is the relevance? Maybe for the major events which get the most viewership from casual fans like Cup Finals, or in their case Superbowl but for the routine league games seems over the top
This is the US of A we're talking about. Their president wears a hat that reminds him where he's from.
Is there anything this crazy administration has got right? Or done right? It just seems like an endless list of feck ups and incompetence.
Who'd ever have thought that insanity could be so bloody boring?
I'll be taking a knee a today.

Once again white people in authority trying to control what is acceptable and unacceptable for minorities and questioning our patriotism.

'Shut up and be grateful...otherwise get out'

Nah...fcuk that.
I'll be taking a knee a today.

Once again white people in authority trying to control what is acceptable and unacceptable for minorities and questioning our patriotism.

'Shut up and be grateful...otherwise get out'

Nah...fcuk that.
Good man.
So his rating has climbed up a few points. America loves a tough talking stance towards (perceived or real world) hostile nations and after massive storms ravage parts of the nation.
Perhaps most surprising their is 4% undecided

Yeah, although as Phil says.......

39% is way too high. He was down around 33% so I can't see how he has gained support again, especially after literally the entire world (except his arse licking war mongering mate over in Israel) have condemned his speech to the UN. Not to mention every other feck up he's committed since stepping in to office. As @MrMarcello says, it must be the tough talking war rhetoric and the fact he bothered to travel to Florida while all his supporters truly believe that Obama was playing golf during Katrina (when he wasn't even President)
Yeah, although as Phil says.......

39% is way too high. He was down around 33% so I can't see how he has gained support again, especially after literally the entire world (except his arse licking war mongering mate over in Israel) have condemned his speech to the UN. Not to mention every other feck up he's committed since stepping in to office. As @MrMarcello says, it must be the tough talking war rhetoric and the fact he bothered to travel to Florida while all his supporters truly believe that Obama was playing golf during Katrina (when he wasn't even President)

He gained a bit because he embraced Chuck and Nancy for a week or so, which let's face it, is very appealing to independent voters. He could of course quickly feck it up with this NFL handbags and starting a war with Kim.
Wow....Preet Bharara just joined CNN as senior legal analyst. Just in time to analyze the Mueller investigation. :drool:
He gained a bit because he embraced Chuck and Nancy for a week or so, which let's face it, is very appealing to independent voters. He could of course quickly feck it up with this NFL handbags and starting a war with Kim.

This would get him back up into the 40s. It’s in 10+ years time it gets criticism.
He gained a bit because he embraced Chuck and Nancy for a week or so, which let's face it, is very appealing to independent voters. He could of course quickly feck it up with this NFL handbags and starting a war with Kim.

Ah yes, of course. It's insane how fluid all this is, so much happens and he causes so much bs and unrest that it's impossible to remember everything he does. I think the vast majority is all planned as a distraction simply because he's a conman and that's how they work. Look at one hand while the other is stealing you wallet and watch.
When we needed to replace Own Goal, we should've signed Trump.
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