The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I so hate the term "race traitor". You should refrain from using the term as it doesn't befit your intellect bro.

You caught me seconds before my sobered up edit. I don't like the term either, it's a poor choice of words.
Have we talked about the Lawrence O'Donnell meltdown yet ? O'Reilly must be relieved.


Nah, waaaaay different to Bill O surely. He seems phenomenally professional for the first 4 minutes of the video, amazed he got through it for as long as he did. Think he's justified about the hammering too.

Can I ask, you being an American, why are so many of your countrymen against single payer health care? I mean, considering it being implemented in basically every other western nation to great succes.

I can't imagine seeing other people not being able to afford insurance to go to the hospital/doctor or whatever.

I'm reading Goldwater's "Conscience of a Conservative", and it's insane the levels to which some Americans will ignore common sense initiatives because it violates their illusion that government is evil and everyone should take care of themselves. Until they suffer some personal incident and create a GoFundMe page of course. The hypocrites.
Regarding the opposition to universal healthcare, apart from the misinformation that @Raoul pointed out, the idea that many Republican voters have is to not want to pay for someone else. They think, "it's my money so it's my choice and I don't want no lazy fecker to benefit from me". They forget that almost everything they use in their daily lives and benefit from can be attributed in one way or another to government funds or regulation. In other words, other people paid for it. Having infrastructure in order to do their jobs is one of many examples. Having a drivable road with working traffic lights and such use is pretty great. Another ironic thing about them is that they are staunch supporters of the military, which due to proper funding, benefits from a socialist-style system. Tricare was practically our single payer growing up in the military family. Doctors visits were no charge. Housing is provided, inexpensive, and maintained. Moving costs are covered. Jobs and training are available. Hell, even gym access was free.
I'm reading Goldwater's "Conscience of a Conservative", and it's insane the levels to which some Americans will ignore common sense initiatives because it violates their illusion that government is evil and everyone should take care of themselves. Until they suffer some personal incident and create a GoFundMe page of course. The hypocrites.

Sorry, saw this on facebook and had to post. Could we threadmark this for future use
I thought it would come out after the vote. Have you heard otherwise? No. I wish.
If pre-existing conditions will be in the hands of states there will be a lot of bankrupt people in red states. Careful what you wish for! I feel sorry for the minority Dem voters in those states. Time to move! I wonder if we'll see people with pre-existing conditions move states when they need healthcare?
that was my 1st thought. wouldn't you move, if you were sick and your neighboring state covered you, but yours didn't? What would happen then though: It'd work for the first few hundred or 1,000 people but then the state with the better plan would have to put restrictions on their plan.... what a mess is right.

While this was happening, Bernie gave a speech today on foreign policy. He attacked the rising miliitary budget and quoted Eisenhower's MIC speech. Traced intervention in Iraq back to intervention in Vietnam, Iran 1953, Allende, el Salvador, etc. The consequences of these interventions show that the dogma of benign hegemony is flawed. Said the war on terror allowed a few thousand extremists to hijack our entire foreign policy for decades. Criticised drone strikes* and torture. Said that US support for Saudi in Yemen is like Assad's support from Putin. Contrasted interventionism with the Iran deal and Marshall plan. "We must rethink the old Washington mindset that judges “seriousness” according to the willingness to use force." Climate change, global inequality (linked with rising authoritarianism), and disease prevention as foreign policy issues.
It was pretty much leftist heaven in the form of a foreign policy speech.

Half the time this Trump circus is entertaining drama, especially when they trip over themselves trying to pass a bill. But when the contrast is so sharp it's just obviously sad that Sanders didn't win.

*because of civilian deaths. This is a more radical position from him compared to the primaries.

Edit: he didn't mention Israel, but he had done an interview yesterday where he said US is complicit in Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
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That is like the epitomi of irony. And the exact reason why everbody should pay up to make sure everyone is covered at any time.

It would be easy. Tax a percentage of your paycheck before you get your paycheck. You wouldn't notice it. Plus you'd know you'd be having that percentage pulled out when negotiating your salary.
It would be easy. Tax a percentage of your paycheck before you get your paycheck. You wouldn't notice it. Plus you'd know you'd be having that percentage pulled out when negotiating your salary.

Yep. And it would save you the trouble of finding an affordable insurer. And all those elders and people with pre-existing conditions wouldn't be skinned.
There was this incredibly depressing news cast where a guy with black lung voted for Trump despite the fact that Obamacare literally saved his life. He'll die if the republicans get their way as his meds costs 1000s each month
Yep. And it would save you the trouble of finding an affordable insurer. And all those elders and people with pre-existing conditions wouldn't be skinned.
There was this incredibly depressing news cast where a guy with black lung voted for Trump despite the fact that Obamacare literally saved his life. He'll die if the republicans get their way as his meds costs 1000s each month

They're brainwashed.
Pretty hilarious that Kim, who routinely murders people with anti-aircraft guns is giving Trump diplomatic advice.
The Indy article doesn't seem entirely convinced.

Dr Alexander added that the latest revelations fit “a narrative that we’re almost becoming accustomed to hearing”.

He said it was possible that ”somebody with a vested interest has got hold of this defector and has decided that it’s within their interest to approach international media and to run a story about this within the current climate”.
American health care really is a fecking horrible joke.

The whole country on both sides of the argument should be fecking appalled by the state of it.
Wish Bernie wasn't one of the people debating the republicunts on CNN.

The assholes will move away from talking about their disastrous bill and concentrate on single payer. Making the debate all about the wrong thing.

Bernie will ferret out the deficiencies with the proposed bill - but I bet he'll spend half the time defending single payer instead of Cassidy and Graham being on the defensive and trying to defend their abomination.
American health care really is a fecking horrible joke.

The whole country on both sides of the argument should be fecking appalled by the state of it.

That so many politicians on both sides of the Atlantic don't actually care about and prioritise healthcare anywhere near as much as they should is as blatant as not giving a feck about the people gets.

It's especially a joke in the US though.
Wish Bernie wasn't one of the people debating the republicunts on CNN.

The assholes will move away from talking about their disastrous bill and concentrate on single payer. Making the debate all about the wrong thing.

Bernie will ferret out the deficiencies with the proposed bill - but I bet he'll spend half the time defending single payer instead of Cassidy and Graham being on the defensive and trying to defend their abomination.

Still, can't do any harm to have a major political figure continuing to argue tooth and nail for single payer.
Wish Bernie wasn't one of the people debating the republicunts on CNN.

The assholes will move away from talking about their disastrous bill and concentrate on single payer. Making the debate all about the wrong thing.

Bernie will ferret out the deficiencies with the proposed bill - but I bet he'll spend half the time defending single payer instead of Cassidy and Graham being on the defensive and trying to defend their abomination.

ACA is doing ok now in popularity, but that's when people saw the GOP alternatives. Many people are dissatisfied with the healthcare status quo, even Clinton during the campaign had to make noises about reform.
Single payer isn't that popular either (40-25 approval), but Medicare is, and it will be easy to contrast their vision of life dictated by welath versus a simple-to-understand universal program.
But I agree, he needs to have some ready defences for their attacks on spending. It's not important how right he is, but if he can score a point - for example, cost of the wall or cost of military that should be enough.
That so many politicians on both sides of the Atlantic don't actually care about and prioritise healthcare anywhere near as much as they should is as blatant as not giving a feck about the people gets.

It's especially a joke in the US though.

not a joke.

Its about money and corruption. Both parties are involved at various levels.
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