The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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South Korean media and intelligence have a reputation for embellishing and/or fabricating outrageous stories out of the North.
"...Africa has tremendous business potential. I have so many friends going to your countries trying to get rich."

To be honest, I don't see much wrong with that. He's basically saying there are huge investment opportunities. That's what most Africans want.
To be honest, I don't see much wrong with that. He's basically saying there are huge investment opportunities. That's what most Africans want.
It's just the imagery of rich white guy telling a room full of Africans that his friends are coming to get rich off of them.

Like that's not happened before...
Sorry, saw this on facebook and had to post. Could we threadmark this for future use

And this is why you cannot argue with believers of alternative facts.
To be honest, I don't see much wrong with that. He's basically saying there are huge investment opportunities. That's what most Africans want.

Translation: "My rich white mates - don't forget I surround myself with white supremacists - are coming to your country to plunder your natural resources, and get richer. You should be honoured."
Translation: "My rich white mates - don't forget I surround myself with white supremacists - are coming to your country to plunder your natural resources, and get richer. You should be honoured."

Alternatives he could have said:

- to invest in your growing economies
- to work with you to develop these opportunities
- to leverage their expertise in these exciting times
- to help take these economies to the next level
etc etc

He could even have said:
- to make you and themselves very rich

What he went for:
- My mates are coming here to get rich
Alternatives he could have said:

- to invest in your growing economies
- to work with you to develop these opportunities
- to leverage their expertise in these exciting times
- to help take these economies to the next level
etc etc

He could even have said:
- to make you and themselves very rich

What he went for:
- My mates are coming here to get rich

Yeah there is a bit of a different vibe to the way he chose to say it.
I suspect Rand Paul is a fake 'No'.

Murkowski would still be needed.

Paul is definitely a no. Murkowski I hear they are attempting to bribe with all sort of goodies for Alaska if she votes yes, so let’s see where her moral compass is. Also Portman is a maybe since Kasich is staunchly opposed.
Paul is definitely a no. Murkowski I hear they are attempting to bribe with all sort of goodies for Alaska if she votes yes, so let’s see where her moral compass is. Also Portman is a maybe since Kasich is staunchly opposed.

I hope you are right.
I have respect for Murkowski. She does seem to think about these things and her governor is an independent.
If you step back and think about this Bill.

They are painting themselves as heartless bastards...which they are of course but showing their true self to voters.

The entire Trump effect if you like it, of people wanting to 'say what they think'.
Paul is definitely a no. Murkowski I hear they are attempting to bribe with all sort of goodies for Alaska if she votes yes, so let’s see where her moral compass is. Also Portman is a maybe since Kasich is staunchly opposed.

They can possibly turn Paul by offering to back his bipartisan prison reform bill with Kamala Harris but with Sessions as AG that is a non starter.
Is this new repeal bill worse than the last one that didn’t get through?
They can possibly turn Paul by offering to back his bipartisan prison reform bill with Kamala Harris but with Sessions as AG that is a non starter.

Yeah but Paul has been pretty hardline on a complete repeal from the beginning, so I can't see him changing his mind now. To do so would be a complete capitulation to the principled positions he's taken on the ACA since the beginning.

If Paul and McCain hold, I'd imagine Murkowski will be the key. If another Senator peels off they may call the whole thing off to avoid getting humiliated on a floor vote.

Edit. Forgot about Susan Collins. Looks like those three alone would be enough.
They should just write up the same exact Obamacare bill word for word and replace it with Trump's name. Win win for everyone.
Yeah but Paul has been pretty hardline on a complete repeal from the beginning, so I can't see him changing his mind now. To do so would be a complete capitulation to the principled positions he's taken on the ACA since the beginning.

If Paul and McCain hold, I'd imagine Murkowski will be the key. If another Senator peels off they may call the whole thing off to avoid getting humiliated on a floor vote.

Edit. Forgot about Susan Collins. Looks like those three alone would be enough.

Paul voted for the last bill. A 'skinny repeal' right?
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