Ivancare would probably get him interested.
Comparably bad.
Is this new repeal bill worse than the last one that didn’t get through?
Lost that interest long ago. Pussycare or Covevecare
Let's be honest, Ivanka is too old at this point.
Also: *cofeve
Kimmel came out of nowhere to be the public face of healthcare. Kudos to him, I haven't seen a talk show host put themselves out there for a cause like that especially with the polarized political climate of today.
Kimmel came out of nowhere to be the public face of healthcare. Kudos to him, I haven't seen a talk show host put themselves out there for a cause like that especially with the polarized political climate of today.
Yep, although it’s not quite over yet.
Think Collins will definitely say no.
I never trusted Paul. Murcovski I'm not sure.
He was apolitical for a long time, comparable to that other black haired guy who's name I'm forgetting all the time.
His kid nearly dying and him realizing less wealthy families might not have been able to pay the medical bills changed him entirely. Him explaining the issues and losing his composure over it is a pretty chilling video. r/the_donalds reaction (and the hardcore conservatives at that) was chilling as well, it was basically "yeah true poor people's health care wouldn't have covered it, but some doctors would have done it for free somehow, so feck off". That likely pushed him over the edge and since then he pretty much doesn't care anymore to show his true persona.
It's not out of nowhere for those who saw his last show before his hiatus.
Yep, it sucks. My wife has a pre-existing. That sucks too.I thought it would come out after the vote. Have you heard otherwise?
If pre-existing conditions will be in the hands of states there will be a lot of bankrupt people in red states. Careful what you wish for! I feel sorry for the minority Dem voters in those states. Time to move! I wonder if we'll see people with pre-existing conditions move states when they need healthcare? This will be such a mess.
Sorry to hear that. Hope it works out.Yep, it sucks. My wife has a pre-existing. That sucks too.
Can't wait to see what SC wants to do to feck us over.
Twitter diplomacy... I just wish kim fatty the third would set up a twitter account and they could have a spat on there instead of risking WW3
It's hard to see how much something matters until you've witnessed it firsthand. You kid needing a treatment like Open Heart Surgery is a major milestone in your life. Then realising that if you weren't rich your kid wouldn't be having that treatment. That must mess with your head.
I'm glad I'm not in his shoes but I'm grateful that someone as articulate and with the following he has is willing to discuss his personal problems to get this issue over to the general public.
McCain's no is actualy buying top cover for others like Murkowski, Heller, and Portman. Collins, Paul, and McCain should be enough to stall this, although I wouldn't put past the dirty tricks committee to do something at the last minute to flip one of the three.
Ernst just informed her townhall meeting that the vote was not likely to happen now, all to huge applause.
What the fcuk is this?
Well that's good. Hopefully McConnell would make it official. I hear Collins will come out as no this weekend, which should stick a fork in this thing for good.
still must wait for Paul's vote. Murkowski votes first right?
If the vote is scheduled, we must suspect Paul may switch or Morkowski has made teh deal.
To depend on someone who thinks this does not do Enough harm is dangerous.
Nobody votes if it doesn't get a full floor vote if McConnell already knows it will fail.
then why or how did the last vote take place?
Was McCain a last minute switch?
They likely had a whip count that suggested there was a chance the bill could pass if the likes of McCain, who was on the fence at the time and had to be cajoled by the likes of McConnell and Pence, might change his mind. This time, if there's no chance the bill will pass because 3 Senators are already hard no's then, they will likely spare themselves the humiliation of a full floor vote.
Doncare sounds better
It has to be both, obviously: IdoncareIvancare would probably get him interested.