The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Oh, i’m not denying that Kim is making it worse. So, go bomb his palace then, not the whole country. You don’t bomb the whole or Germany looking for Hitler or the whole of Syria looking for Baghdadi.

That's not how it works I'm afraid. Bombing any part of North Korea would result in NK going after South Korea, so that's obviously not on the table. Unless of course its a decapitation strike, but I doubt that would work either just as it didn't work in 2003.
The wider problem with the inclusion of Iran is that it gives North Korea a get out of jail free card.

Why should they disarm (make a deal) if all it takes is one election to change the terms of the deal? Trump told them to disarm and then criticized the most prominent example of a country following a similar path.

Yup, exactly, which is why I believe that General Kelly was sat there with his head in his hands looking like he wanted the floor to just swallow him up. And it's exactly what I mean by Trump causing untold damage, he's just so thick and inexperienced. Couple that with his rampant narcissism and need to be adored and always right and his nasty vengeful side and that's exactly what I mean by how dangerous he is.
If there is anyone here whose life has in any way been tangibly affected by Trump then I'm all ears.

How about someone effected by the travel ban? Or a dreamer facing extreme uncertainty? Or maybe someone effected by a potential ACA repeal?

Not sure why we have to limit it to tangibles either. He has weakened institutions and emboldened fringe/hateful elements. You might be lucky enough to never feel any impact from this down the line, but surely you can't say no one will?
How about someone effected by the travel ban? Or a dreamer facing extreme uncertainty? Or maybe someone effected by a potential ACA repeal?

Not sure why we have to limit it to tangibles either. He has weakened institutions and emboldened fringe/hateful elements. You might be lucky enough to never feel any impact from this down the line, but surely you can't say no one will?

I don't know what the status of the travel ban actually is - whether its on or off, nor do I know anyone affected by it. Do you ?

If the ACA is repealed then you could say that would be something tangible, although again, Republicans have been running on this for 7 years and any Republican, Trump or otherwise, was always guaranteed to try their hardest to repeal it. I'm pro-single payer, so anything short of that will always be a disappointment, but that's for a health care debate.
And then Bush took office and declared them terrorists, invaded Iraq, and sanctioned North Korea.

Good on all three accounts.

Unlike Langster, I'm hope you're happy, deep down inside, that Israel took out the North Korean supplied Syrian nuclear reactor....yes/no?

I don't know what the status of the travel ban actually is - whether its on or off, nor do I know anyone affected by it. Do you ?

If the ACA is repealed then you could say that would be something tangible, although again, Republicans have been running on this for 7 years and any Republican, Trump or otherwise, was always guaranteed to try their hardest to repeal it. I'm pro-single payer, so anything short of that will always be a disappointment, but that's for a health care debate.

Sure, there's loads of stories of people turned away at American airports or not allowed to board their flights.
I don't know what the status of the travel ban actually is - whether its on or off, nor do I know anyone affected by it. Do you ?

If the ACA is repealed then you could say that would be something tangible, although again, Republicans have been running on this for 7 years and any Republican, Trump or otherwise, was always guaranteed to try their hardest to repeal it. I'm pro-single payer, so anything short of that will always be a disappointment, but that's for a health care debate.

I know at least 4 people adversely impacted by travel ban. Is that enough or it's not valid as they don't post in RedCafe? Not really sure why it should matter anyway.
I know at least 4 people adversely impacted by travel ban. Is that enough or it's not valid as they don't post in RedCafe? Not really sure why it should matter anyway.

Ok well that's a start. If you or someone you know has been affected then that's a good foundation for a credible argument against Trump. Moaning about him using Rocketman or the like not so much.
Ok well that's a start. If you or someone you know has been affected then that's a good foundation for a credible argument against Trump. Moaning about him using Rocketman or the like not so much.

Well, people moan about things all the time. If you this kind of logic, Noodlehair should not be allowed to live in this world.
Unlike Langster, I'm hope you're happy, deep down inside, that Israel took out the North Korean supplied Syrian nuclear reactor....yes/no?
If it was in fact a nuclear reactor then it was definitely best destroyed. No conclusive proof that it was a reactor. The downside being Israel striking a (at the time) sovereign state which could have led to serious tensions and possibly war. Something Israel doesn't particularly care about as demonstrated when they carried out a similar attack on Iran which didn't even have the approval of the United States. Israel and North Korea have one thing in common: they both act like despots because they have a super power backing them and nuclear weapons.

But then I don't consider the Iraq War to have been a good thing in any way whatsoever.
Floyd Mayweather Defends Trump "No one was calling him racist before he became President"

What about the Central Park five? :confused:
Just one example of blatant rabid racism, way before he had anything to do with politics at all.
You kind of endorsed it by posting it tho. I'm assuming to back up your belief that Trump is not racist.

I don't agree with everything Floyd said, but I did post it to underscore the complexities of labeling Trump a racist or white supremacist when his past is a bit more complicated than that (see the Jesse Jackson praise video from 1998).
I don't agree with everything Floyd said, but I did post it to underscore the complexities of labeling Trump a racist or white supremacist when his past is a bit more complicated than that (see the Jesse Jackson praise video from 1998).
I personally don't think he's a true racist, but you have to wonder about his intentions when he is widely supported by alt-right, neo-Nazis, the KKK, and militant white pride groups.
I personally don't think he's a true racist, but you have to wonder about his intentions when he is widely supported by alt-right, neo-Nazis, the KKK, and militant white pride groups.

He lacks the personal constitution for anything as complex as race hate.

If antifa want to get him to chastise alt right all they need to do is praise him and he'd be genuinely torn as to what to do.
If it was in fact a nuclear reactor then it was definitely best destroyed. No conclusive proof that it was a reactor. The downside being Israel striking a (at the time) sovereign state which could have led to serious tensions and possibly war. Something Israel doesn't particularly care about as demonstrated when they carried out a similar attack on Iran which didn't even have the approval of the United States. Israel and North Korea have one thing in common: they both act like despots because they have a super power backing them and nuclear weapons.

But then I don't consider the Iraq War to have been a good thing in any way whatsoever.

So Israel taking out Assad's nuke programme was "definitely best destroyed" (which didn't and no way would have led to war, just like when the IAF took out Saddam's reactor) but it's still act's like a despot? You are as usual trying to have this both ways. A bit like....

"UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim told the Security Council that the Entebbe raid was "a serious violation of the sovereignty of a Member State of the United Nations" though he was "fully aware that this is not the only element involved ... when the world community is now required to deal with unprecedented problems arising from international terrorism."
I don't agree with everything Floyd said, but I did post it to underscore the complexities of labeling Trump a racist or white supremacist when his past is a bit more complicated than that (see the Jesse Jackson praise video from 1998).
Which is what I said. Either way I can only assume you think these videos go some way to negate the numerous posters evidence of earlier racism posted repeatedly in this thread?

In fact I recall hearing JJ talking about him on a chat show recently, he was quite scathing.
I personally don't think he's a true racist, but you have to wonder about his intentions when he is widely supported by alt-right, neo-Nazis, the KKK, and militant white pride groups.

For me, to best way to understand Trump is to understand the two things that have motivated him throughout his entire adult life - power and self-aggrandizement. All of his actions are driven to achieve both, including obviously his surreal attempt at thinking he could become President. He is therefore largely amoral and completely transactional. If he thinks saying something to a particular group can engender their support then he will (see the Jesse Jackson video). If he thinks criticizing a particular group will buy him support from an opposing group then he will as well (Mexicans rapists etc). This is a highly cynical and somewhat narcissistic way to go about life, but he has done it. He is of course very wrong to play groups off one another to gain support from the opposite group and should be called out on it every time he does it, but it also sort of accurately frames his reasoning, which imo isn't racist, but rather more akin to deeply cynical opportunism as vehicle to gain more power.
Thats not what I asked is it.
You asked a pointless question. As far as I'm concerned he is so where does 'want' come into it? You're welcome to disagree. Raoul disagrees. Why didn't you just open with that?
I meant in the most simplistic terms that he can literally launch a nuke at will. He can ignore all the advice and the inevitable blow back and just launch the thing if he wanted to because that's the way the US system is set up.

He's pigheaded enough to do that too. If he doesn't care about public opinion and foreign relations right now and it's obvious he doesn't then what's to stop him? He'd be (in)famous forever too, that'll satisfy his narcissism no end.

Floyd Mayweather Defends Trump "No one was calling him racist before he became President"

What an ignorant, bigotted, racist, selfish, sellout midget and social class traitor. IE a typical republican.
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How do you know what I think about that? I'd rather you didn't presume nor bring me in to your posts for no reason. I don't ever mention you. Thanks.

He's using his purpurted 10 inch dick as a a truth detector mate, according to the 10 inch dick literature he's got you banged to rights I'm afraid. Painfully banged to rights at that.
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Do you honestly think Kim backs down? Even if as I originally thought he just needs the nukes to make sure he doesn't get invaded the US certainly certainly don't think that way and he keeps poking the bear launching them over Japan. If Trump doesn't get a second term it's a lot more likely that the status quo remains the same and an invasion/the death of millions doesn't happen but we've got another three years of impossible tension to get through. Especially when he doesn't require approval to launch an attack on them.

Think about it though, I wouldn't have the same rhetoric as Trump so it wouldn't escalate as much as it has. I just think the goalposts have moved too far right now. I'd be advocating peaceful diplomacy and never suggest attacking them if I was actually in charge.

I agree with your general points, war is probably inevitable but I doubt Trump will be able to take any blame for it. The pussyfoot / ignore them / laugh at them approach taken up to now hasn't done anything, I've nothing against Trump trying some kind of tough guy approach, I'm sure it just won't make any difference, things will continue as they have.

The way things are going, there is a day in the future where NK will have the ability to drop a nuke on the US. They couldn't possibly be clearer about their desire to nuke the shit out of the US and so it is a simple fact that that day will never be allowed to happen and it doesn't matter who is the pres at the time or how many deaths on the Korean Peninsula it will take to stop it, it will be stopped.

It is basically all down to China to resolve it diplomatically, I don't see there being any chance of giving in to NK's concessions.

Obama has finally started to speak out against Trump and his destructive attempts to destroy anything Obama created or approved of. Trump will have to retaliate soon too, this could get messy, although I trust Obama to have the class and restraint he showed the majority of time he was President.

Obama has finally started to speak out against Trump and his destructive attempts to destroy anything Obama created or approved of. Trump will have to retaliate soon too, this could get messy, although I trust Obama to have the class and restraint he showed the majority of time he was President.

He's still so young and energetic it would almost be a waste to see him go into retirement early. I hope he finds a high impact position some place or goes back to teaching.
For me, to best way to understand Trump is to understand the two things that have motivated him throughout his entire adult life - power and self-aggrandizement. All of his actions are driven to achieve both, including obviously his surreal attempt at thinking he could become President. He is therefore largely amoral and completely transactional. If he thinks saying something to a particular group can engender their support then he will (see the Jesse Jackson video). If he thinks criticizing a particular group will buy him support from an opposing group then he will as well (Mexicans rapists etc). This is a highly cynical and somewhat narcissistic way to go about life, but he has done it. He is of course very wrong to play groups off one another to gain support from the opposite group and should be called out on it every time he does it, but it also sort of accurately frames his reasoning, which imo isn't racist, but rather more akin to deeply cynical opportunism as vehicle to gain more power.
This really sounds more like him and is consistent with what his colleagues have mentioned about him.
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