The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Surely Mueller can't be happy about all these leaks again? What does an investigation like this gain by having this stuff all over the news every night?
Trump to decertify the Iran nuclear deal - despite top US general saying today, Iran was sticking to the deal.

Looks like assholes like Cotton and the Israeli lobby are about to get what they want
hope these pesky hurricanes stay clear of the USA. Russia story is getting some traction again!!
It seems that way but then why were no nuclear weapons launched during a bloody Vietnam conflict, the first Gulf War, or post 9/11? It's because an individual doesn't control the entire system even if his/her title would seem to suggest otherwise. And the individuals who might have been tempted include such savoury characters as Richard Nixon and George Bush (father and son).

I still believe Trump is more pragmatic than people are willing to acknowledge. Dangerous man to have in the White House because his views perpetuate the worst side of American politics, but that doesn't make him a dictator unbeholden to either Mars or Mammon.

The other side didn't have nukes so I'd imagine the US would risk the wrath of the rest of the world combined if they used nukes during Vietnam, the first Gulf war or in Afghanistan/Iraq and they'd never sign off on it in congress.

I hope he's more pragmatic than we're willing to acknowledge I really do. Hopefully too people can see I wouldn't for a second wish to willfully murder millions of innocent North Koreans, I just think that's the only realistic option that all this stops, grim as that is.
Trump to decertify the Iran nuclear deal - despite top US general saying today, Iran was sticking to the deal.

Looks like assholes like Cotton and the Israeli lobby are about to get what they want

Starts bets about whether it will be Iran or NK to be hit first. Venezuela is the dark horse! Exciting times!
Surely Mueller can't be happy about all these leaks again? What does an investigation like this gain by having this stuff all over the news every night?

I doubt the stuff that is being leaked is anywhere close to the damaging stuff that is under lock and seal.

Mueller wont be too bothered unless something really critical gets leaked, but you imagine that kind of info is very tight guarded and only known by certain people.
Starts bets about whether it will be Iran or NK to be hit first. Venezuela is the dark horse! Exciting times!
Congress will have to officially do the pulling out, so still a while to go...

NK was never in danger of getting bombed.

Venezuela simply isn't worth the hassle and with oil prices the way they are...the country is broke and no one wants to foot the bill to rebuild the country, post Maduro (a CIA funded assassination maybe??)

Iran was always the likely target - not a war obviously, but some sort of surgical attack.

Israelis have been begging for Iran to get bombed for years - Obama didn't oblige...and in the last couple of years, the f-ing Saudis want Iran bombed even more than the Israelis :lol:
Hopefully the CBO will get their report out soon on the Graham-Cassidy healthcare plan. CNN has some thoughts that overall and by 2026 all states will lose funding compared to the current situation.
Hopefully the CBO will get their report out soon on the Graham-Cassidy healthcare plan. CNN has some thoughts that overall and by 2026 all states will lose funding compared to the current situation.
I thought it would come out after the vote. Have you heard otherwise?
If pre-existing conditions will be in the hands of states there will be a lot of bankrupt people in red states. Careful what you wish for! I feel sorry for the minority Dem voters in those states. Time to move! I wonder if we'll see people with pre-existing conditions move states when they need healthcare? This will be such a mess.
That last comment aggravates me
People like that are happy that the country is coming apart at the seams so long as 'liberals' get pissed off
Absolute numpty. I hope the first nuke lands on his head
You are a kind person, I'd rather it lands far enough so he doesn't die immediately.
That last comment aggravates me
People like that are happy that the country is coming apart at the seams so long as 'liberals' get pissed off
Absolute numpty. I hope the first nuke lands on his head

I'd love to take money off all these people up for spending $1000 for wall building and then use it to build walls of building that provide socialised medical facilities on the border serving both Americans and Mexicans alike. They're definitely not smart enough to read the small print.
I thought it would come out after the vote. Have you heard otherwise?
If pre-existing conditions will be in the hands of states there will be a lot of bankrupt people in red states. Careful what you wish for! I feel sorry for the minority Dem voters in those states. Time to move! I wonder if we'll see people with pre-existing conditions move states when they need healthcare? This will be such a mess.
Been thinking about that. Let's say a bunch of people who work in jobs like waitresses/waiters, no longer get covered by the state that they are in. They decide to move to a state where they are covered. Skill vacuum in the state they left and now too many in the state they go to. Long term impact on small businesses?
Been thinking about that. Let's say a bunch of people who work in jobs like waitresses/waiters, no longer get covered by the state that they are in. They decide to move to a state where they are covered. Skill vacuum in the state they left and now too many in the state they go to. Long term impact on small businesses?
I would imagine so. There will be other examples as well.
Been thinking about that. Let's say a bunch of people who work in jobs like waitresses/waiters, no longer get covered by the state that they are in. They decide to move to a state where they are covered. Skill vacuum in the state they left and now too many in the state they go to. Long term impact on small businesses?

This is why imo, the whole country is going to be incentivized to go to single payer where everyone is covered. Otherwise workers will just keep hopping to states where they get coverage to the economic detriment of states that offer nothing.
This is why imo, the whole country is going to be incentivized to go to single payer where everyone is covered. Otherwise workers will just keep hopping to states where they get coverage to the economic detriment of states that offer nothing.
Ironically those states will be crying out for cheap foreign labour
This is why imo, the whole country is going to be incentivized to go to single payer where everyone is covered. Otherwise workers will just keep hopping to states where they get coverage to the economic detriment of states that offer nothing.
Wonder how this will go in places near state lines. Live in one state, work in another.
This is why imo, the whole country is going to be incentivized to go to single payer where everyone is covered. Otherwise workers will just keep hopping to states where they get coverage to the economic detriment of states that offer nothing.

Can I ask, you being an American, why are so many of your countrymen against single payer health care? I mean, considering it being implemented in basically every other western nation to great succes.

I can't imagine seeing other people not being able to afford insurance to go to the hospital/doctor or whatever.
Can I ask, you being an American, why are so many of your countrymen against single payer health care? I mean, considering it being implemented in basically every other western nation to great succes.

I can't imagine seeing other people not being able to afford insurance to go to the hospital/doctor or whatever.

I can't speak for Raoul but I've got very distant relations who are from New Jersey and when they visited last year I quizzed them on that. It's basically the culture of "Work hard and earn it". Lots of people would rather choose to pay through the nose for premium healthcare than be forced to pay a reasonable amount towards healthcare that they might not use but you can be damn sure other people who don't work half as hard as them or even at all will be taking full advantage of it.
Can I ask, you being an American, why are so many of your countrymen against single payer health care? I mean, considering it being implemented in basically every other western nation to great succes.

I can't imagine seeing other people not being able to afford insurance to go to the hospital/doctor or whatever.

Its generally down to misinformation.

Various industries associated with the medical field obviously profit more in a deregulated system. These industries then lobby politicians to advocate for continued deregulation and less government involvement to preserve the current system. Part of that process involves successfully misinforming the public that more regulation (Obamacare, Single Payer etc), would result in less health care value. Therefore a large part of the U.S. public (typically on the right) remain dubious that any further government involvement in health care would provide more value to the average citizen.

To their detriment, people who want to advance a more European model have not yet done an adequate job of selling why it would be more beneficial to the public. Bernie Sanders being the obvious exception to this. When these politicians do a better job in selling it, there will be a massive upswell of support, and consequently massive support to elect politicians who support it.
I can't speak for Raoul but I've got very distant relations who are from New Jersey and when they visited last year I quizzed them on that. It's basically the culture of "Work hard and earn it". Lots of people would rather choose to pay through the nose for premium healthcare than be forced to pay a reasonable amount towards healthcare that they might not use but you can be damn sure other people who don't work half as hard as them or even at all will be taking full advantage of it.
They are right up there in the world giving index. I suspect it's more to do with propaganda demonizing it, partisanship and the general feeling that they will do things their way.
I can't speak for Raoul but I've got very distant relations who are from New Jersey and when they visited last year I quizzed them on that. It's basically the culture of "Work hard and earn it". Lots of people would rather choose to pay through the nose for premium healthcare than be forced to pay a reasonable amount towards healthcare that they might not use but you can be damn sure other people who don't work half as hard as them or even at all will be taking full advantage of it.

While I get the "work hard and earn it" sentiment, it just seems incredibly sad to me that you'd not want to make sure that everyone in your country can go to the doctor if they're sick. And yes, some may argue that they can just pay for the insurance, but a lot of people can't afford it, even if they work hard.

You really should watch Star Wars btw:)
Its generally down to misinformation.

Various industries associated with the medical field obviously profit more in a deregulated system. These industries then lobby politicians to advocate for continued deregulation and less government involvement to preserve the current system. Part of that process involves successfully misinforming the public that more regulation (Obamacare, Single Payer etc), would result in less health care value. Therefore a large part of the U.S. public (typically on the right) remain dubious that any further government involvement in health care would provide more value to the average citizen.

To their detriment, people who want to advance a more European model have not yet done an adequate job of selling why it would be more beneficial to the public. Bernie Sanders being the obvious exception to this. When these politicians do a better job in selling it, there will be a massive upswell of support, and consequently massive support to elect politicians who support it.

I fecking hope so. I'm not American and I don't know any Americans, but I still feel for the millions of people that will lose coverage if the republicans get their way.

The Dems better get their act together and find the new Obama. While I support almost anything Sanders says, he's too old.
If the founding fathers had simply was a right...everything would be peachy.

The constitutionalists would be parading day and night demanding it...but alas, they didn't include it, so everyone SHUT UP.

'Healthcare isn't a right'


Case closed.
If the founding fathers had simply was a right...everything would be peachy.

The constitutionalists would be parading day and night demanding it...but alas, they didn't include it, so everyone SHUT UP.

Imagine if it was the 2nd amendment to the constitution.
Imagine if it was the 2nd amendment to the constitution.


plural noun: amendments
  1. a minor change or addition designed to improve a text, piece of legislation, etc.
I fecking hope so. I'm not American and I don't know any Americans, but I still feel for the millions of people that will lose coverage if the republicans get their way.

The Dems better get their act together and find the new Obama. While I support almost anything Sanders says, he's too old.
Part of the benefits with my job is really good insurance. Some of the people I work with don’t think about what it was like before they had this job but now that they do have it, they dont want to pay for somebody else’s healthcare. There’s some hard core republicans that started this job in their 40s and 50s, it’s a union job, and they made half as much without benefits before but they continue to vote against their job, usually because of something small and stupid like gun control or abortion or because we’re all going to die of the common cold if we have universal healthcare.
I live in a very red state but I’m starting to slowly see more and more people change their minds about healthcare. I haven’t given up yet that we’ll get it eventually
Part of the benefits with my job is really good insurance. Some of the people I work with don’t think about what it was like before they had this job but now that they do have it, they dont want to pay for somebody else’s healthcare. There’s some hard core republicans that started this job in their 40s and 50s, it’s a union job, and they made half as much without benefits before but they continue to vote against their job, usually because of something small and stupid like gun control or abortion or because we’re all going to die of the common cold if we have universal healthcare.
I live in a very red state but I’m starting to slowly see more and more people change their minds about healthcare. I haven’t given up yet that we’ll get it eventually

Don't even get me started on abortion or gun control:lol:

Anyway, that's exactly it. They don't want to pay for someone else. I've paid much, much more in taxes over the years than I've ever gotten back in terms of health care, but I don't mind that because I like the fact that every Dane can get treatment whenever they need it even if they're dead poor. Even if it means me paying a little more every month. I really, really can't understand the selfishness that makes people preferring their fellow Americans potentially dying just so that they can have more money.

This election has really opened my eyes as for how different Americans are from Danes.
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