The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Feck me that Sammsky'esque "people should just work harder" and the "I don't care since it doesn't effect me" :lol:

As a standalone statement there is nothing wrong with this. People should indeed work harder and 10 months in, there is nothing Trump has done that has tangibly affected me any differently than what Obama did. If you remove the food fight on social media and 24/7 news, nothing tangible has changed.
Floyd Mayweather Defends Trump "No one was calling him racist before he became President"

his real estate company was twice charged in the 1970's with racial discrimination by the justice department, which he settled out of court and promised not discriminate in future

in 1992 his New Jersey casino was charged and found guilty of discrimination against african american dealers.

and most famously of all he questioned whether Obama was really born in the USA.

thats just from a 2 minute internet search
Floyd Mayweather Defends Trump "No one was calling him racist before he became President"

For someone who made a career out of picking fights at the right time and not being hit, he sure makes it easy to beat the shit out of him when he's outside the ring. What a wazzock. He may have made a couple of decent points but even a broken clock is right twice a day. When you talk as much as he does, it's a mathematical impossibility for him to always be wrong.
his real estate company was twice charged in the 1970's with racial discrimination by the justice department, which he settled out of court and promised not discriminate in future

in 1992 his New Jersey casino was charged and found guilty of discrimination against african american dealers.

and most famously of all he questioned whether Obama was really born in the USA.

thats just from a 2 minute internet search

All famous cases that have been raised before. In which case, I'm sure prominent members of the U.S. civil rights community would have denounced him at the time.

Mayweather therefore may have a bit of a point that much of this didn't really become a hot topic until Trump ran for President.
For someone who made a career out of picking fights at the right time and not being hit, he sure makes it easy to beat the shit out of him when he's outside the ring. What a wazzock. He may have made a couple of decent points but even a broken clock is right twice a day. When you talk as much as he does, it's a mathematical impossibility for him to always be wrong.

Good point. Floyd is obviously an extreme outlier in this regard. I hear he's still illiterate.
So to totally destroy NK, that’s the answer?

Cold hearted truth, yes.

They're never coming back from the way they are.

I'm well aware of what that means and it makes me feel truly horrible as a person and a fellow human being.

You get rid of Kim if it were at all possible then you have others in his regime who think the same way so you've got to topple them too and that's an endless cycle and then you've got the population who are so far gone in terms of reality and the cult of personality and worship of the Kim dynasty that even if we freed them they'd never be a functioning member of the world.

I can't see a diplomatic way in which this ends before it escalates into people dying on a massive scale. I used to think we were okay and it'd never devolve into the endgame because Kim just needed the nukes to protect himself and his powerbase but I don't think he's that benign any more.
Cold hearted truth, yes.

They're never coming back from the way they are.

I'm well aware of what that means and it makes me feel truly horrible as a person and a fellow human being.

You get rid of Kim if it were at all possible then you have others in his regime who think the same way so you've got to topple them too and that's an endless cycle and then you've got the population who are so far gone in terms of reality and the cult of personality and worship of the Kim dynasty that even if we freed them they'd never be a functioning member of the world.

I can't see a diplomatic way in which this ends before it escalates into people dying on a massive scale. I used to think we were okay and it'd never devolve into the endgame because Kim just needed the nukes to protect himself and his powerbase but I don't think he's that benign any more.
So kill tens of millions is the answer?
Cold hearted truth, yes.

They're never coming back from the way they are.

I'm well aware of what that means and it makes me feel truly horrible as a person and a fellow human being.

You get rid of Kim if it were at all possible then you have others in his regime who think the same way so you've got to topple them too and that's an endless cycle and then you've got the population who are so far gone in terms of reality and the cult of personality and worship of the Kim dynasty that even if we freed them they'd never be a functioning member of the world.

I can't see a diplomatic way in which this ends before it escalates into people dying on a massive scale. I used to think we were okay and it'd never devolve into the endgame because Kim just needed the nukes to protect himself and his powerbase but I don't think he's that benign any more.

There is still a diplomatic path but that involves China's participation.
So kill tens of millions is the answer?

It's not a good answer, in fact it's a terrible answer and I'm very glad I'm not the one making it, but that's what'll happen, inevitably.

Either the US gets trigger happy or Kim does, one of them will though.
I'm well aware of what that means and it makes me feel truly horrible as a person and a fellow human being.
So why say it then? When you have high level officials saying it's probably time to try and open up a dialog why do you and some others think that killing a large amount of innocent people (because that's what happens isn't it?) is the next logical step?

It amazes me in this day and age that people still think that a shock and awe style military attack is anything other than the absolute last resort.

in fact it's a terrible answer and I'm very glad I'm not the one making it

So am I....
There is still a diplomatic path but that involves China's participation.

He won't listen to China and Russia will just keep going around the sanctions and giving NK what they need to carry on as usual because they know nobody will risk war by blockading them at the border.
There is still a diplomatic path but that involves China's participation.

Indeed it does. There's also another alternative where concessions are made to North Korea. There are many alternatives to war, and in no way is destroying North Korea a serious option until it's the last option. Thankfully (aside from Trump) there seems to be more intelligent and rational people making the decisions, it's only Trump who is so unpredictable and irrational that there is more concern than there has been before.
So why say it then? When you have high level officials saying it's probably time to try and open up a dialog why do you and some others think that killing a large amount of innocent people (because that's what happens isn't it?) is the next logical step?

It amazes me in this day and age that people still think that a shock and awe style military attack is anything other than the absolute last resort.

Do you honestly think Kim backs down? Even if as I originally thought he just needs the nukes to make sure he doesn't get invaded the US certainly certainly don't think that way and he keeps poking the bear launching them over Japan. If Trump doesn't get a second term it's a lot more likely that the status quo remains the same and an invasion/the death of millions doesn't happen but we've got another three years of impossible tension to get through. Especially when he doesn't require approval to launch an attack on them.

So am I....

Think about it though, I wouldn't have the same rhetoric as Trump so it wouldn't escalate as much as it has. I just think the goalposts have moved too far right now. I'd be advocating peaceful diplomacy and never suggest attacking them if I was actually in charge.
Do you honestly think Kim backs down? Even if as I originally thought he just needs the nukes to make sure he doesn't get invaded the US certainly certainly don't think that way and he keeps poking the bear launching them over Japan. If Trump doesn't get a second term it's a lot more likely that the status quo remains the same and an invasion/the death of millions doesn't happen but we've got another three years of impossible tension to get through. Especially when he doesn't require approval to launch an attack on them.
I get if you are exasperated and think Trump is likely to kick it off (I don't think others would let him), but you said/hinted that's what you would do. Not a good look....
What the hell is wrong with people, thinking that killing millions of people is justified because of the actions of 1 idiot. Go kill Kim, not the people of NK.
Especially when he doesn't require approval to launch an attack on them.
He does. It has to be approval from the population, the political apparatus, or the military apparatus, but he needs approval of some kind. He isn't going to individually begin a nuclear war without a) support from the polls, b) widespread support from the experts whose opinions can change the polls.

B changes A, but he needs one or the other. If he does it as a lone wolf (which technically he can, but won't), he'll be strung up after it all goes to shit.
What the hell is wrong with people, thinking that killing millions of people is justified because of the actions of 1 idiot. Go kill Kim, not the people of NK.

Its not justifying it, but rather acknowledging the likelihood that it will happen unless a yet unknown diplomatic solution takes place.
Having said that, his UN address had shades of axis of evil. Iraq was left out (the US already invaded it), but North Korea and Iran both firmly back on the table. The inclusion of Iran is a disgrace. You can't make a deal with a country to prevent it going fully nuclear and then try to paint them as criminals because you personally disagree with a deal the entire world (except right wingers in the US and Israel) agrees with.
He does. It has to be approval from the population, the political apparatus, or the military apparatus, but he needs approval of some kind. He isn't going to individually begin a nuclear war without a) support from the polls, b) widespread support from the experts whose opinions can change the polls.

B changes A, but he needs one or the other. If he does it as a lone wolf (which technically he can, but won't), he'll be strung up after it all goes to shit.

I meant in the most simplistic terms that he can literally launch a nuke at will. He can ignore all the advice and the inevitable blow back and just launch the thing if he wanted to because that's the way the US system is set up.

He's pigheaded enough to do that too. If he doesn't care about public opinion and foreign relations right now and it's obvious he doesn't then what's to stop him? He'd be (in)famous forever too, that'll satisfy his narcissism no end.
I went to Tehran and Esfahan in January on holiday. It was sort of on a whim as tickets were exremely cheap. They were seriously some of the nicest people I’ve met on my travels. So I classify Iran just like the US now, mostly nice people with an idiotic government.
I meant in the most simplistic terms that he can literally launch a nuke at will. He can ignore all the advice and the inevitable blow back and just launch the thing if he wanted to because that's the way the US system is set up.
It seems that way but then why were no nuclear weapons launched during a bloody Vietnam conflict, the first Gulf War, or post 9/11? It's because an individual doesn't control the entire system even if his/her title would seem to suggest otherwise. And the individuals who might have been tempted include such savoury characters as Richard Nixon and George Bush (father and son).

I still believe Trump is more pragmatic than people are willing to acknowledge. Dangerous man to have in the White House because his views perpetuate the worst side of American politics, but that doesn't make him a dictator unbeholden to either Mars or Mammon.
Its not justifying it, but rather acknowledging the likelihood that it will happen unless a yet unknown diplomatic solution takes place.
Nah, Trump is only making brash and bold statements because it appeals to his supporter base. Brainless statements without even thinking of the impact it may have. Diplomatic is definitely one way but the idea of eliminating an entire country because of 1 idiot, still makes no sense at all.
Nah, Trump is only making brash and bold statements because it appeals to his supporter base. Brainless statements without even thinking of the impact it may have. Diplomatic is definitely one way but the idea of eliminating an entire country because of 1 idiot, still makes no sense at all.

He's been making similar brainless statements for the past two years and is now President so I doubt he will stop now. Also don't forget that Kim is making things much worse by continuously testing missiles that could reach U.S. allies like Japan, places like Guam, and potentially the U.S., so there is a double edged sword in all of this.
I went to Tehran and Esfahan in January on holiday. It was sort of on a whim as tickets were exremely cheap. They were seriously some of the nicest people I’ve met on my travels. So I classify Iran just like the US now, mostly nice people with an idiotic government.
Doesn't surprise me at all, you have to draw a distinction between the acts/ideals of the people and their government, even tho there's usually a degree of overlap with a percentage of the population agreeing with the acts and ideas of their government, but not all of the people.
The inclusion of Iran is a disgrace. You can't make a deal with a country to prevent it going fully nuclear and then try to paint them as criminals because you personally disagree with a deal the entire world (except right wingers in the US and Israel) agrees with.

Exactly, which is partly why Trump's address is being universally panned except by the war mongering criminal running Israel at the moment. It's also worth mentioning that like nearly every single issue and policy mentioned or commented on by Trump, the Iran deal was previously praised by him and he even said some parts of it were fine. He's an unbelievable arsehole and he's so dangerous it's not true. The damage he is doing on a daily basis could take decades to restore.
Doesn't surprise me at all, you have to draw a distinction between the acts/ideals of the people and their government, even tho there's usually a degree of overlap with a percentage of the population agreeing with the acts and ideas of their government, but not all of the people.

There's a reason they keep voting for moderates.
He's been making similar brainless statements for the past two years and is now President so I doubt he will stop now. Also don't forget that Kim is making things much worse by continuously testing missiles that could reach U.S. allies like Japan, places like Guam, and potentially the U.S., so there is a double edged sword in all of this.
Oh, i’m not denying that Kim is making it worse. So, go bomb his palace then, not the whole country. You don’t bomb the whole or Germany looking for Hitler or the whole of Syria looking for Baghdadi.
Exactly, which is partly why Trump's address is being universally panned except by the war mongering criminal running Israel at the moment. It's also worth mentioning that like nearly every single issue and policy mentioned or commented on by Trump, the Iran deal was previously praised by him and he even said some parts of it were fine. He's an unbelievable arsehole and he's so dangerous it's not true. The damage he is doing on a daily basis could take decades to restore.
The wider problem with the inclusion of Iran is that it gives North Korea a get out of jail free card.

Why should they disarm (make a deal) if all it takes is one election to change the terms of the deal? Trump told them to disarm and then criticized the most prominent example of a country following a similar path.
The wider problem with the inclusion of Iran is that it gives North Korea a get out of jail free card.

Why should they disarm (make a deal) if all it takes is one election to change the terms of the deal? Trump told them to disarm and then criticized the most prominent example of a country following a similar path.

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