The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Drumpf is so transactional that he could be pro deportation last week and pro Daca this week. I'll bet you anything that he would be pro-Bernie care of he thought it would raise his poll numbers.

Can you imagine how people would react if he decided on pushing through single payer healthcare for all.

His support railing against him. People he hates having to find a grudging respect for him doing what nobody could ever do. Both sets watching him soak up global applause.

It'd be like seeing your ex girlfriend in the street, insanely happy with a smart, funny Brad Pitt lookalike, on a day you'd nipped to get some fags in your pajamas.
Carl Bernstein has said that we are going to soon find out that the Russians were much more effective in their election interference than we currently believe :eek:
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He is a clown without any sort of backbone. If he agrees to this, he won't even have the slightest chance of getting reelected and he'll probably be the most hated president in the history of the US.
Carl Bernstein has said that we are going to soon find out that the Russians were much more effective in their election interference than we currently believe :eek:
He mentioned on AC360 last night that Clinton is aware of info not made public related to that so I figure that's what he's talking about
He mentioned on AC360 last night that Clinton is aware of info not made public related to that so I figure that's what he's talking about

Yep. Also potentially significant is that Cooper told Clinton that no votes were changed and Clinton herself would not say that.

COOPER (on camera): As you know, the Republicans will say no vote was ever changed. This did not affect the outcome of the election.

CLINTON: Well, I would say two things. This was a highly sophisticated influence operation. I believe it did affect people's votes.
He coerces the guy to say he was the best vote, and then paraphrases it to say it was the best vote of his life. This is the president of the United States of America we're looking at.

He might have said "Best vote of my life" when he turned his back? I didnt catch it.
Sanders was wrong to use her official role to call for it, but in truth Hill should be sacked by ESPN.
Pretty sure they have previous for not immediately firing an employee because of statements made that were controversial so, no.
Can I just say... I'm loving the current meltdown status over all this.

The Great Pumpkin has overshadowed his own travel ban win in SCOTUS.
The backlash from Trump's support on his DACA tweet's from yesterday is fantastic to watch. You sometimes see the odd comment but those tweets have comment after comment of outrage and they aren't even attempting to hide their disgusting thoughts.

I've said it before but it really pains me to see every single Twitter bio for these people is the same. They're obsessed with military vets, God and the constitution. Also a common theme is the fact these guys live in the sticks and they really do just fear what they do not know.
President Trump said on Thursday that he did not know hurricanes could be rated as high as a Category 5 after his visit to Florida, which is reeling from Hurrican Irma's devastation.

"I never even knew a category five existed," the president told reporters at the White House.

The storm wreaked havoc on the Caribbean before continuing to Florida.

"It's been a rough time for Florida," Trump said, adding that his administration did an "A plus job" responding to the storm and its aftermath.

The president earlier on Thursday said that there have been bigger storms than Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma, dismissing the notion that climate change played any part in the powerful storms.

Climatologists have said that while climate change didn’t cause the two monster storms, it likely exacerbated them and made them stronger.

So, he didn't know hurricanes could get as strong as category 5 but dismissed the climate change angle because he knows of other hurricanes that were stronger.
How this guy got to be president I will never truly understand....

Didn't the people vote for him, simples really!:lol:

In years to come political journalists and political scientists will marvel over how Donald Trump got to be President, numerous books will be written (even how he became the Republican nominee is 'two books' worth on its own). His strategy and the way he pulled it off will be formal reading in political science courses for years to come.

Of course having Hilary as his rival was his biggest asset and the Democrats party leadership will go down as the dumbest in their history, thats how he got to be President!
Is everyone being sacked for calling the president exactly what he is?

No he isn’t. And on top of it, she’s a public figure who works for a corporation therefore her public comments reflect directly on their brand. If she wants to talk like that let her resign and become a political commentator.
No he isn’t. And on top of it, she’s a public figure who works for a corporation therefore her public comments reflect directly on their brand. If she wants to talk like that let her resign and become a political commentator.
He isn't a racist?

ESPN have previous for not immediately firing people for controversial statements. So you're wrong that she should have been fired

She should have been sacked immediately. Schilling was also rightfully let go. No place for that sort of nonsense at ESPN.
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