The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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He'd swap Ivanka for a positive Amazon review, so I don't know why these people are shocked by Trump's lack of loyalty & conviction.
is that official - because If the wonderful trump university taught me three things it was there is nothing better than having perfect trump steak, washed down with some beautiful trump wine after a round of golf at am amazing trump course
It's a rather strange approach from Trump. Might be a tactic to buy some time by portraying a more "moderate" image. I wonder if he's playing the Dems, only to land a sucker punch sometime before the 2020 elections or something.
is that official - because If the wonderful trump university taught me three things it was there is nothing better than having perfect trump steak, washed down with some beautiful trump wine after a round of golf at am amazing trump course

Trump University taught me three things.

1. Trumps the best business man to have ever lived.
B. Maths
MAGA right wingers react to him completely toying with the idea of not deporting DACA kids and not building a wall.

What you have to remember is 'the Wall' is Trump's magic wand! He waves it to take the wall away and the left starts to think 'uhm, maybe we can work with him'?. He then waves it to bring the wall forward and his supporters stamp their feet and give the rebel yell!

'The Wall' is an idea whose time will never come, but Trump will keep throwing it into the arena, because it irritates his enemies and thrills his supporters, in equal measure, he can't lose!
It's a rather strange approach from Trump. Might be a tactic to buy some time by portraying a more "moderate" image. I wonder if he's playing the Dems, only to land a sucker punch sometime before the 2020 elections or something.

Its an obvious tactic - he's pissed at the freedom caucus for what they did during the repeal/replace Obamacare and wants to show that his agenda is not going to be held hostage by their lack of flexibility. To do that, he's trying to create the impression that he will work with Dems. The Dems are obviously happy to play into this because it causes all sorts of panic on the right. Its a bizarre political kabuki dance that is sure to extend well into next year.
It's a rather strange approach from Trump. Might be a tactic to buy some time by portraying a more "moderate" image. I wonder if he's playing the Dems, only to land a sucker punch sometime before the 2020 elections or something.

I think Pelosi and Schumer grabbed the divide between him and GOP to swoop in, butter him up with praise and get him to work on the Democratic legislative agendas while cutting some deals on his promises.

Think something like "Don.. you are such a great negotiator, I'll give you tighter border if you give us DACA but no wall though.." kind of stuff.
Feck, you lot are slacking, Trump has been on a Tweetstorm for hours and nobody has posted them yet. :eek:

Here's a selection of the best ones.

There goes his promises to his base. Remember the discussion he had on HIS plane when he said that "They have to go somewhere, they have to go, they can't stay here" He contradicts himself so often, because he's a lying piece of shit who will say anything at any time to anyone just to get them on his side or get what he wants.

And the last two.....

:lol: He just doesn't make any fecking sense. Even if the Republicans passed their bullshit healthcare plans it wouldn't stop Bernie or people like that trying to get a version of UHC passed instead. He really is a fecking moron. No surprise he doesn't want the poor to have anything for free though. Cnut!
Drumpf is so transactional that he could be pro deportation last week and pro Daca this week. I'll bet you anything that he would be pro-Bernie care of he thought it would raise his poll numbers.
Feck, you lot are slacking, Trump has been on a Tweetstorm for hours and nobody has posted them yet. :eek:

Here's a selection of the best ones.

There goes his promises to his base. Remember the discussion he had on HIS plane when he said that "They have to go somewhere, they have to go, they can't stay here" He contradicts himself so often, because he's a lying piece of shit who will say anything at any time to anyone just to get them on his side or get what he wants.

And the last two.....

:lol: He just doesn't make any fecking sense. Even if the Republicans passed their bullshit healthcare plans it wouldn't stop Bernie or people like that trying to get a version of UHC passed instead. He really is a fecking moron. No surprise he doesn't want the poor to have anything for free though. Cnut!

i don't understand? he wants to veto Universal Healthcare? i thought he wanted to help all Americans :wenger:


What a thoroughly pathetic piece of shit.

well to be fair, he didn't actually say anything, the other dude did and he went with it, i mean Trump is alot of things and willing to have a pop at Obama but in this instance, he didn't say anything other than asking if it was a good vote for him.
well to be fair, he didn't actually say anything, the other dude did and he went with it, i mean Trump is alot of things and willing to have a pop at Obama but in this instance, he didn't say anything other than asking if it was a good vote for him.
He coerces the guy to say he was the best vote, and then paraphrases it to say it was the best vote of his life. This is the president of the United States of America we're looking at.
He coerces the guy to say he was the best vote, and then paraphrases it to say it was the best vote of his life. This is the president of the United States of America we're looking at.

Well yeah that bit is just typical Trump, he will literally just twist words however people fall for it which is the sad thing.
Can't say how much I love this.
ANd judging from the replies, it's not just Coulter.
Even the bots are turning.

I find it remarkably amusing as to how so many of them expected a pathological liar to keep true to his exact word just for them.
I think the plan of Chuck and Pelosi is to bait him, Trump has to do a deal with these two and they know if they can get him on side, it'll piss off his support and then Chuck can probably bait Trump till he gets totally pissed off dealing with them and then he has no one to go back to leaving him pretty much without his core support who now cant trust him, good plan.
I think the plan of Chuck and Pelosi is to bait him, Trump has to do a deal with these two and they know if they can get him on side, it'll piss off his support and then Chuck can probably bait Trump till he gets totally pissed off dealing with them and then he has no one to go back to leaving him pretty much without his core support who now cant trust him, good plan.

Yeah, it's ideal. Democrats are never going to favour Trump, so the group we want to see him alienate is his own core base. Seems to be working to some extent.
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