The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Major drama tonight. Schumer and Pelosi had dinner with Drumpf and put out a statement that Daca is saved and there will be no wall. GOP in massive meltdown mode. Tomorrow will be fun.

Major drama tonight. Schumer and Pelosi had dinner with Drumpf and put out a statement that Daca is saved and there will be no wall. GOP in massive meltdown mode. Tomorrow will be fun.

I've long been saying this. (The above may not play out well but I'll reiterate my point)

Trump could be the greatest President of all time.

All we need to do is praise and worship good behavior. Feed the ego when he does good things that Americans all want.

The guy just wants to be loved. He truly would run with the majority on every single issue. Path of least resistance and most praise/worship.

I think I'm more than half serious on that. Never happening obviously.
I've long been saying this. (The above may not play out well but I'll reiterate my point)

Trump could be the greatest President of all time.

All we need to do is praise and worship good behavior. Feed the ego when he does good things that Americans all want.

The guy just wants to be loved. He truly would run with the majority on every single issue. Path of least resistance and most praise/worship.

I think I'm more than half serious on that. Never happening obviously.

You sure you are alright buddy? You start advocating less hate for Pharma bro, now you want praise for Trump :D
I've long been saying this. (The above may not play out well but I'll reiterate my point)

Trump could be the greatest President of all time.

All we need to do is praise and worship good behavior. Feed the ego when he does good things that Americans all want.

The guy just wants to be loved. He truly would run with the majority on every single issue. Path of least resistance and most praise/worship.

I think I'm more than half serious on that. Never happening obviously.
I agree with you. The man craves positive feedback and acceptance, the problem lies in the fact that it's not just a domestic market that can sway him with praise.
This whole Trump think is not funny anymore after Kelly has become Chief of Staff....

Need more lol's during my day
You sure you are alright buddy? You start advocating less hate for Pharma bro, now you want praise for Trump :D

Perspective across the board on all issues Captain.

Trump runs on ratings and ego. Just feed the guys ego with praise when he does good. He had a Pavlovian response. The left could absolutely game the system. There are more of them.

(I have a degree of intelligence. I'm just dicking around for the most part)

But the deplorable's wanted a brand new beautiful wall .Not some renovation to Obama's border security.

But the deplorable's wanted a brand new beautiful wall .Not some renovation to Obama's border security.

I believe there are 4 test "concrete style solutions" being built this month to undergo security tests... and 5 "other material solutions... presumably FRP, metal, mesh, etc undergoing similar tests the month after to determine which will be the (erm forgive the choice of words but) "final solution" - and thus costs etc

So in theory he is still building a new big beautiful wall - (no doubt giving the concrete contracts to mafia contacts again...) and presumably mexico will still somehow be paying for it (according to trump)
This must be the biggest backlash that Trump has faced so far from his base. Even on the propaganda forum "The Donald", they are fuming.
He'd swap Ivanka for a positive Amazon review, so I don't know why these people are shocked by Trump's lack of loyalty & conviction.
I think I'm more than half serious on that

Congratulations, that's the first sensible thing that's been said on how to handle Donald Trump. Some people are so intent on showing their displeasure with the man and keep trying to aim kicks at his 'groin area', but he is immune to all that, what it needs is some old fashioned 'smoozing', tell him everyday that you love him and see how things go!
If people were curious how long Trump's base would stick with him, what he did last night will prove to be the first big test of how the MAGA right wingers react to him completely toying with the idea of not deporting DACA kids and not building a wall. If he capitulates on both - on a topic that is critical to the right wing - then he is risking losing their support when Mueller starts making incursions into the Russia investigation.
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