The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Progressives are also taking on establishment Democrats by putting up candidates against moderates. Interesting times
A little click baity not mentioning the judge is Canadian :)

Yeah, I should have mentioned that, but I just found the headline amusing. The Hill are always pretty click baity to be honest, they never really flesh out their stories and usually are just quoting a story from someone else, and breaking it down in a very quick consumable few paragraphs.
Yeah, I should have mentioned that, but I just found the headline amusing. The Hill are always pretty click baity to be honest, they never really flesh out their stories and usually are just quoting a story from someone else, and breaking it down in a very quick consumable few paragraphs.
Definitely still funny in a fubar kinda way :)
Yeah, I should have mentioned that, but I just found the headline amusing. The Hill are always pretty click baity to be honest, they never really flesh out their stories and usually are just quoting a story from someone else, and breaking it down in a very quick consumable few paragraphs.

I feel that's underrating them. Some of their stories clearly required some journalistic effort, they aren't as sensationalist as some newspapers, more bipartisan and they clearly have some exclusive sources. They will never be winning a Pulitzer but otherwise, they are decent.
Huckerbee Sanders was awful but how come she's been replaced?

This new one looks like the type that you'd give your A game too and she'd give you a C+
Huckerbee Sanders was awful but how come she's been replaced?

This new one looks like the type that you'd give your A game too and she'd give you a C+

She's not been replaced. Hicks is the Director of Communications. Huckabee-Sanders is Press Secretary.
Former President Jimmy Carter offered a damning indictment of US foreign policy and domestic affairs on Tuesday, saying money in politics makes the nation more like an "oligarchy than a democracy" and casting President Donald Trump as a disappointment on the world stage.

Flynn is fecked beyond belief unless Trump pardons him too.

Washington (CNN)House Democrats sent special counsel Robert Mueller what they say is evidence that former national security adviser Michael Flynn failed to disclose a trip he took to the Middle East to explore a business deal with the Saudi government and a Russian government agency.

The Democrats allege the retired Army lieutenant general broke the law by omitting the trip, according to the letter they sent to Flynn's former business partners requesting more information about his overseas travels and contacts.
The letter was sent by Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the oversight committee, and New York Rep. Eliot Engel, the top Democrat on the House foreign affairs committee. No Republicans from the two GOP-led committees signed onto the letter, a copy of which was also sent to Mueller.

Democrats sought information from three American companies in June after Newsweek reported that Flynn traveled to the Middle East in the summer of 2015 to broker a $100 billion deal between the companies, Saudi Arabia and Russia's nuclear power agency. In response, officials from the US companies provided statements to the Democrats, confirming Flynn's trip in 2015.
When Flynn returned to the US several months later and reapplied for his security clearance, he never disclosed the trip or the contacts he had with foreign nationals as part of the trip, the Democrats say.
Think you underestimate the level of hatred for Hillary
I did say "more". You can like someone more and still not really like them :lol: And I don't mean the crazy right wingers, I think of people close to myself on the political spectrum.
Probably be served KFC in a Ming Dynasty vase.
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