The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Knowing Trump he did this to change the conversation from Sessions and Russia
Yes, it's entirely a distraction.

He's obviously not going to lose support by kicking trans people but he can change the news coverage a bit from topics he could.
Some one came to the White House in the last day or two and gave this guy a good ball tickle and ego stroking while mentioning that there are too many wo/men in the military and only some one as great as him could end this tyranny. You can fecking guarantee he made the decision to tweet this nonsense based on a conversation with one person. He is so easily influenced by manipulative people that it kind of explains the thousands of court cases where he is the defendant or plaintiff.
Trouble on the horizon for Heller. Fecked if he does, fecked if he doesn't (support Obamacare repeal).

With the Distractionist in Chief putting out this transgender announcement without consulting the Pentagon, you can guarantee something big is about to drop.
With the Distractionist in Chief putting out this transgender announcement without consulting the Pentagon, you can guarantee something big is about to drop.

The something big was the annoucement. Although it wasn't that big at all. It will eat up part of tonight's cycle then we will be back full on with Russia.
On a somewhat unrelated note, I just realised John McCain was in Wedding Crashers:

Symbolic day (Nancy Pelosi speaking):

Now this...The man is unstable ffs. I thought I would never see another president as bad as Dubya in my lifetime.


But yeah, if we were to analyze this and the transgender ban, then its quite obvious he's playing to the religious nutters which are a good chunk of his base. If he loses them, he's fecked, and he knows it.

But yeah, if we were to analyze this and the transgender ban, then its quite obvious he's playing to the religious nutters which are a good chunk of his base. If he loses them, he's fecked, and he knows it.
Is any republican president ever in danger of losing them? The religious nutters basically think the Democrats are godless heathen - or in the case of Obama, worse...a moose lamb.

I would have thought out of all the people he could lose - evangelicals would be the most unlikely.
I put this on Facebook...

"Once upon a time, the commanding general of the American militaty appointed a gay man to be Inspector General and train his forces. That was George Washington and the Baron von Steuben. Amazingly enough, he didn't care about Steuben's personal preferences and instead saw him as a valuable asset to his soldiers. It's a sad state that the current Commander in Chief can't see transgendered people the same way."
Is any republican president ever in danger of losing them? The religious nutters basically think the Democrats are godless heathen - or in the case of Obama, worse...a moose lamb.

I would have thought out of all the people he could lose - evangelicals would be the most unlikely.

They are the most hard core, which is why he absolutely has to retain them, so I would by shocked to see Trump up his antics with new policies designed to impress them. If he loses them, he will be in bad shape, as he would have lost support among independents, establishment Republicans, and then conservatives.
I put this on Facebook...

"Once upon a time, the commanding general of the American militaty appointed a gay man to be Inspector General and train his forces. That was George Washington and the Baron von Steuben. Amazingly enough, he didn't care about Steuben's personal preferences and instead saw him as a valuable asset to his soldiers. It's a sad state that the current Commander in Chief can't see transgendered people the same way."
Stop trying to shove your liberal agenda down my throat.

George Washington also owned slaves - whatcha gonna say now???
My question though, what's the distraction for this time?

And the media must be equally focused on big issues and not get distracted by this latest Trump edict.

There's supposed to be a big announcement on jobs coming up. Foxconn is supposed to set up a plant in Wisconsin to employ about 3000 people. Ryan, Priebus, Kushner have all been campaigning for this.

He make a big concession to cater to his religious nuts, then makes the job announcement, more jobs, improved economy, MAGA etc etc and get back on good books again. His supporters will lap it up.

Maybe he's smarter that what we give him credit for...
The current theme right now among right wingers on FB is that trans people are "mentally ill" and that's why they shouldn't be allowed to serve.

While the belief that being trans = mental illness is bullshit, I'm anxiously waiting for them to push for the discharge of all servicemen and women with PTSD too.
Does the president even have the power to do this? Isn't this clear discrimination? I would expect this to go to the supreme court and be over ruled by them (despite it being a republican controlled one).
Now this...The man is unstable ffs. I thought I would never see another president as bad as Dubya in my lifetime.

He's so fecking transparent. When was he last seen voluntarily at Sunday morning worship anyway?

Mind you if you acknowledge that his god is money it is in fact a pretty accurate statement.
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