The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I disagree really, well you could look at it in a few different ways, but you could just blame the Republicans who should definitely have been able to get a plan together in 7 years. However, you could easily blame Trump for not having a proper message on healthcare just him saying stuff to please supporters. What he really wants is something similar to UHC, that's what he says, but he cant have that as it's not what the Republicans want, and he doesn't understand enough to get his message across either. Also, he's not been able to get everyone together to agree on a plan. He's passed the buck big time and he's put the blame squarely at the feet of other people. Something I predict he will do constantly throughout his Presidency. So yeah, you can blame him for having a confusing message, not being able to convey his wishes OR be able to bring people together and you can blame him for being a weak and feckless leader and a coward.

I do see your point though, and of course the Republicans need to take a lot of blame too.

You posted too quick! I meant on NK ICBM test.
What the feck are NK thinking? Do they not realize how deranged the POTUS is? Do they want to annihilation at some point?

Politically, considering how fragile the US is right now I presume they don't think he'll actually take any full-on action against him, and they're testing the waters to see just how far they can push him. But then that presumes NK act out of some form of rationality when we know that's not true.
Haha, Sorry, mate. :lol:

I'm not aligned with most here on what the ideal healthcare system would look like (if you recall past discussions). But I don't trust these Republicans to run a hot dog stand effectively or honestly. So I make no effort to defend any of them or the Don.
Ah come off it. He's spineless. I'll never deny him his military career and POW status but the man most often toes the party line, and we've seen him cower to Trump and others over and over. The closing paragraph sums him up quite nicely.

When it comes to John McCain, some journalists will never, ever learn

--Maybe McCain will find a way to vote “no” on one of the health care bills that will apparently come before the Senate, while voting “yes” on other versions of the legislation. If that happens, his “base” in the media will surely grab ahold of that vote with both hands and declare the senator and themselves vindicated, regardless of how little sense that makes. But expecting McCain to be the deciding vote preventing Republican health care legislation would be foolhardy. He’s a run-of-the-mill Republican senator who can be counted on to fall in line. Indeed, he almost always has.--

I think people are getting swept up by the internet herd behavior on this. He has the responsibility to vote according to his and his party's policy preferences which is what he did. The liberal moaning about McCain voting yes yesterday is the fault of the moaners not McCain. It was they who set themselves up for a fall by quixotically believing he would swoop in at the last second to kill the bill just because he has brain cancer. Warped logic to say the least.
So... folks in SC are having a hard time getting their minds around the fact that if they argue that transgender soldiers should be removed en masse because they "have a mental illness", that they should also campaign for all soldiers with the mental illness of PTSD to be removed en masse as well.

We don't have to demand or push to kick those out with already happens. Why would we push for something that alrewdt happens. Continue to wait with baited one is gonna demand something That already occurs. That was the context of your original comment. Had you led or brought up the Trump tweet or demands on the first place I'd had entertain that conversation but you didn't. You only brought up comparing PTSD to transgenders.

{Name of Person}, one happens after months or years of treatment and psychological evaluation, the other happened via tweet storm. One is a medically declared disability rendering the soldier unfit for duty, the other creates a blanket removal of soldiers who ARE fit for duty and who have yet to fail a psychological assessment of their mental abilities.
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Shocking figures coming from the CBO.

They're estimating 16 million more becoming uninsured in 2018 under this skinny repeal law.
I think that is one of those times where two Tweets would be preferable to trying to cram everything in to one. I don't quite get what the hell he's on about.

He's saying that a potential new AG will not go through his committee, which is part of the nomination process.

Though Trump could still appoint an acting attorney general who doesn't have to go through the nomination process.
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I think he's saying they won't confirm a new AG this year. Which is probably just BS, they'd make room for it if Sessions went.

Ahh, ok. Yeah I can see that. I agree with you too, of course they would make room for it. Thanks for translating, It's getting late, I must be tired.

What the feck are NK thinking? Do they not realize how deranged the POTUS is? Do they want to annihilation at some point?

He's not deranged enough to launch a nuke nor are NK deranged enough to do so either.

Just gesturing and power plays.

He's not deranged enough to launch a nuke nor are NK deranged enough to do so either.

Just gesturing and power plays.
It's like 'Mutually Assured Destruction' between the US and the Soviets except each leader has watched too many Transformers movies.
What story?
Sorry this thread is my main source of US related news

Scarmuuci's financial disclosure documents were "leaked", he tweeted a pissy response and declared he's going to get the FBI and NSA on it and rat out the illegal leakers and then weirdly hash tagged Preibus seemingly calling him out for it.

It was since revealed to him that the document could easily have been obtained as a freedom of information request after 30 days of it being submitted which would have been on 23rd July... the day it was released. He had no further comment.

The funny (also scary) thing about this Administration is the emotional response they always give. React now by running your mouth off and pick up the pieces later.
The funny (also scary) thing about this Administration is the emotional response they always give. React now by running your mouth off and pick up the pieces later.

That is because they are a bunch of privileged rich people, who have been protected by money their entire lives, and as such have never been held to account or even challenged on anything they do, ever, by anyone.
Regarding transgenders in the military, that last reporters question to Huckabee about how a decision this big hasn't been discussed and planned before it's announced was right on the money. Making the decision and then working out the details is hardly the correct procedure with something like this, but it seems to be par for the course for Mr.Orange.
Has anyone looked up what was being said on Fox News 10-15min before he tweeted?
So transgender in the military can't happen due to costs. But the USA spend a lot of money on weapons elsewhere.
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