I suppose that means the legendary state of Cheimoon will cease to exist any time now.
Oh well, I've had a good run. Or a run, anyway. More like a short walk. But at least I got off my ass! Possibly.
I suppose that means the legendary state of Cheimoon will cease to exist any time now.
Is there an achievement for making it to the end of the game having gained, nor lost, any territory? The Italian states seem to be happy just chilling.
edit: and also what @RedSky said.
We're just sat around trying to perfect the pizza.
I seem to be doing nothing.
Italy sucks!
You really lorded over me, that's for sure!I am god
But all I got to show for it was this lousy fezCome on @Salt Bailly, this is the point you pay me back for all those North African camping trips I've taken you on.
I am Great ShakeseyI am god
Boo!GreatDane was dead
What have you done!? There's no way in hell Scotland could do that to me! SorceryOkay, this update is going to be a lot shorter. In the space of 5 years, the follow wars all triggered and started simultaneously. It was impossible to keep track of them all at the same time.
PSV vs Shakesey
RedSky vs Switzerland
Crackers and RedSky vs hobbers
maniak vs SilentWitness
altodevil vs P-Nut
PSV and WI_Red vs The Cat
Organic Potatoes, PSV and WI_Red vs Geneva
Dan vs Solius
Dr Dwayne vs Solius
PSV, Organic Potatoes and WI_Red vs maniak and Dr. Dwayne
Shakesey vs Scotland
Dan vs. Dr Dwayne
They say if you can't beat them.. join them.
I think it was an attempt by @Crackers to win back his Emperor title, but it didnt work. maniak refused to give him an electorship and when maniak died, the electors voted @hobbers to replace him as Emperor.
Crackers then threw a tantrum and declared war on Ausburg , a one province HRE member. As Emperor, hobbers was compelled to defend Ausburg, which brought him into war with Crackers, who in turn called on his allies and RedSky to help him.
The outcome was never in doubt, with Crackers gaining land off hobbers and RedSky gaining land in a separate peace.
Now, back in our Anglo-French war, Great @Shakesey seemingly made a huge blunder vs @PSV. He decided to send his home fleet, the defender of the English channel, to the caribbean to.. okay I'll be honest. I didn't know what he was doing. More on this later.
With his fleet absent, Tactics Tim Shakesey allowed PSV to land in Dover uncontested and the French army promptly sieged down London. At this point it looked like the war was as good as over. Indeed, it got worse when Tactics Tim sent the British expedtitionary force to France and it was destroyed.
But crucially, the war goal for PSV was in Colombia. And in order to reach it, he had to sail across the Atlantic with his inferior navy. Which he couldn't do because of Tactics Tim's cruise ship trip around the caribbean. Therefore, PSV was forced to come to terms and accepted a white peace. Was it a master plan from the Great Shakesey? Or another fortunate accident?
@Organic Potatoes beat Geneva
@The Cat lost to @PSV and @WI_Red
@altodevil ate @P-Nut entirely in one war. I don't even know how. RIP P-Nut.
@Dr Dwayne stomped @Solius
@SilentWitness beat @maniak
@Dan beat @Solius
Elsewhere, I nearly fell out of my chair when this popped up. No, your eyes don't deceive you. @RedSky declared a war and won. Truthfully, Crackers did most of the grafting. But a wins a win.
And I'll finish on this cliff hanger.
Great Shakesey is losing to Scotland. Just Scotland. No other power is involved. Just Scotland.
Dear god. There's still several other wars ongoing.
See how good a pairing we are @RedSky
The HRE will back you if you come back to the light.Nice. I'd been eyeing up those Solius lands lately.
Victory at last.
Nice. I'd been eyeing up those Solius lands lately.
What have you done!? There's no way in hell Scotland could do that to me! Sorcery