Phil Jones Face
Full Member
- Joined
- Apr 23, 2013
- Messages
- 1,859
Development (value of provinces):
Land army size:
Navy size:
Total income:
Mana generated (i.e, how lucky you've been with your monarch spawn stats or events and how much you've spent improving your country):
Ideas chosen (provide important buffs, generated by mana):
56: Redky, Organic Potatoes, Crackers, altodevil, hobbers, PSV, nimic-Simbo, Great Shakesy, The Cat, Salt Bailly, maniak
54: Dr. Dwayne
Army casualties (in combat + attrition
Navy casualties:
And here's some other stats I hadn't been compiling before:
Most developed player provinces in world:
Each players most developed province:
Averaged ruler stats from 1444-1821(randomly generated, 18= maximum):
Average development per province:
Total gold spent:
Total gifted (generously gifted money to other countries):
Total loan repayments:
Gold paid in peace deals (from wars lost):
Effective discipline (this tracks multiple army stats like morale, discipline, tech level, etc. Basically, it shows who has the best units, man for man.):
Largest battles (first name = winner):
Largest battle per player (first name = winner, bold = participants largest battle)
Dead players:
Religious map
Tech map (the greener you are, the more tech you've embraced and the bigger advantages you have over your neighbours):
The state of the HRE. It passed 3 reforms:
List of Holy Roman Emperors:
The dynastic map:

Development (value of provinces):
- altodevil: 8427 (unchanged)
- Great Shakesy: 4366 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 4043 (+1)
- PSV: 3966 (-1)
- nimic-Simbo: 3786 (unchanged)
- Dan: 1659 (not including Lithuania's 1447) (unchanged)
- RedSky: 1243 (+1)
- maniak: 994 (not including hobbers' 538) (-1)
- hobbers: 538 (+1)
- Organic Potatoes: 245 (+1)
- Crackers: 202 (-2)
- The Cat: 159 (unchanged)
- Dr. Dwayne: 15 (new entry)
Land army size:
- altodevil: 1,438,000 (unchanged)
- PSV: 1,103,000 (unchanged)
- Great Shakesy: 856,000 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 875,000 (+1)
- nimic-Simbo: 811,000 (-1)
- Dan: 445,000 (not including Lithuania's 393,000) (unchanged)
- RedSky: 208,000 (+1)
- maniak: 157,000 (not including hobbers' 8,000) (-1)
- The Cat: 49,000 (+2)
- Organic Potatoes: 45,000 (+2)
- Crackers: 26,000 (-2)
- Dr. Dwayne: 9,000 (new entry)
- hobbers: 8,000 (-3)
Navy size:
- Great Shakesey: 1381 (unchanged)
- altodevil: 912 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 482 (+2)
- nimic-Simbo: 357(unchanged)
- PSV: 251 (-2)
- maniak: 123 (not including hobbers 49) (unchanged)
- Dan: 123 (not including Lithuania's 23) (unchanged)
- Organic Potatoes: 80 (+1)
- RedSky: 79 (-1)
- hobbers: 49 (unchanged)
- Crackers: 3 (unchanged)
- Dr. Dwayne: 0 (new entry)
- The Cat: 0 (unchanged)
Total income:
- altodevil: 2231 (unchanged)
- Great Shakesey: 1890 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 1289 (+2)
- PSV: 969 (unchanged)
- nimic-Simbo: 962 (-2)
- Dan: 517 (not including Lithuania's 480) (unchanged)
- RedSky: 439 (+1)
- maniak: 227 (not including hobbers' 84) (-1)
- Organic Potatoes: 220 (+1)
- hobbers: 84 (+1)
- Crackers: 42 (-2)
- The Cat: 41 (unchanged)
- Dr. Dwayne: 10 (new entry)
Mana generated (i.e, how lucky you've been with your monarch spawn stats or events and how much you've spent improving your country):
- altodevil: 148,696 (unchanged)
- Great Shakesey: 138,355 (unchanged)
- PSV: 135,408 (unchanged)
- nimic-Simbo: 129,552 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 126,204 (unchanged)
- Dan: 121,868 (unchanged)
- Organic Potatoes: 119,480 (unchanged)
- maniak: 118,607 (+1)
- RedSky: 118,162 (-1)
- hobbers: 115,909 (unchanged)
- Crackers: 112,108 (unchanged)
- Dr. Dwayne: 106,343 (unchanged)
- The Cat: 99,556 (unchanged)
Ideas chosen (provide important buffs, generated by mana):
56: Redky, Organic Potatoes, Crackers, altodevil, hobbers, PSV, nimic-Simbo, Great Shakesy, The Cat, Salt Bailly, maniak
54: Dr. Dwayne
Army casualties (in combat + attrition
- altodevil: 21,000,612 (unchanged)
- PSV: 7,602,761 (unchanged)
- nimic-Simbo: 5,162,128 (unchanged)
- Great Shakesey: 4,808,045 (unchanged)
- Salt Bailly: 3,550,394 (unchanged)
- maniak: 3,320,745 (unchanged)
- RedSky: 2,642,209 (unchanged)
- Dan: 2,488,544 (unchanged)
- Crackers: 2,375,667 (unchanged)
- Dr. Dwayne: 1,942,730 (new entry)
- hobbers 1,808,339 (-1)
- Organic Potatoes: 999,210 (-1)
- The Cat: 372,467 (-1)
Navy casualties:
- PSV: 1767 (jesus fecking christ what happened to you since the last update??) (+1)
- Great Shakesy: 798 (+1)
- nimic-Simbo: 522 (-1)
- altodevil: 418 (+1)
- Salt Bailly: 358 (-1)
- maniak: 280 (unchanged)
- Dan: 180 (unchanged)
- RedSky: 162 (new entry)
- Oganic Potatoes: 137 (-1)
- Dr. Dwayne: 101 (new entry)
- Crackers: 81 (-1)
- hobbers: 59 (unchanged)
- The Cat: 52 (-2)
And here's some other stats I hadn't been compiling before:
Most developed player provinces in world:
- Asturias: 67 (nimic-Simbo)
- Milano: 67 (RedSky)
- Leon: 62 (nimic-Simbo)
- Auvergne: 62 (PSV)
- Cambresis: 61 (PSV)
- Krakow: 61 (Dan)
- Lublin: 61 (Dan)
- Ayshire: 61 (Great Shakesy)
- London: 61 (Great Shakesy)
- Constantinople: 60 (altodevil)
Each players most developed province:
- Asturias: 67 (nimic-Simbo)
- Milano: 67 (RedSky)
- Auvergne: 62 (PSV)
- Krakow: 61 (Dan)
- Ayshire: 61 (Great Shakesy)
- Constantinople: 60 (altodevil)
- Trentino: 60 (Organic Potatoes)
- Pate: 53 (Salt Bailly)
- Vratislav: 48 (hobbers)
- Lienz: 47 (Crackers)
- Sjaelland: 44 (maniak)
- Hodna: 33 (The Cat)
- Velsk: 15 (Dr. Dwayne)
Averaged ruler stats from 1444-1821(randomly generated, 18= maximum):
- altodevil: 11.95
- Organic Potatoes: 11.27
- Great Shakesy: 10.9
- Dr. Dwayne: 10.35
- PSV: 10.26
- RedSky: 9.55
- Salt Bailly: 9.47
- nimic-Simbo: 9.38
- maniak: 9.25
- Dan: 9.19
- hobbers: 9.11
- The Cat: 9.02
- Crackers: 8.82
Average development per province:
- Organic Potatoes: 49
- RedSky: 44.39
- Crackers: 33.67
- The Cat: 31.80
- PSV: 31.67
- hobbers: 31.65
- Dan: 22.73
- nimic-Simbo: 19.87
- Great Shakesy: 17.47
- maniak: 17
- Dr. Dwayne: 15
- Salt Bailly: 13.44
- altodevil: 12.92
Total gold spent:
- altodevil: 3,282,506
- Great Shakesy: 2,173,616
- nimic-Simbo: 1,656,349
- Salt Bailly: 1,526,841
- PSV: 1,454,446
- Dan: 953,745
- maniak: 726,403
- Organic Potatoes: 634,548
- RedSky: 500,187
- Crackers: 470,451
- Dr. Dwayne: 321,98
- hobbers: 317,568
- The Cat: 113,051
Total gifted (generously gifted money to other countries):
- altodevil: 77,867
- Organic Potatoes: 34,490
- Great Shakesy: 17,596
- Dan: 13.685
- Salt Bailly: 13,608
- Crackers: 9,209
- PSV: 8,279
- RedSky: 7,381
- nimic-Simbo: 7,329
- maniak: 6,570
- Dr. Dwayne: 4,028
- hobbers: 3,667
- The Cat: 295
Total loan repayments:
- PSV: 51,957
- nimic-Simbo: 46,746
- Dan: 36,025
- Great Shakesy: 35,487
- altodevil: 32,057
- maniak: 31,996
- Dr. Dwayne: 25,889
- Crackers: 25,580
- hobbers: 19,510
- Salt Bailly: 15,767
- RedSky: 7,334
- The Cat: 1,848
- Organic Potatoes: 840
Gold paid in peace deals (from wars lost):
- Dr. Dwayne: 5186
- hobbers: 4986
- Crackers: 3693
- Great Shakesy: 2526
- maniak: 2151
- nimic-Simbo: 1424
- Organic Potatoes: 1270
- The Cat: 1060
- Salt Bailly: 522
- Dan: 262
- RedSky: 0
- PSV: 0
- altodevil: 0
Effective discipline (this tracks multiple army stats like morale, discipline, tech level, etc. Basically, it shows who has the best units, man for man.):
- PSV: 136
- Great Shakesy: 136
- Salt Bailly: 135
- nimic-Simbo: 130
- RedSky: 130
- Crackers: 125
- altodevil: 123*
- Organic Potatoes: 115
- maniak: 114
- hobbers: 113
- Dan: 105*
- Dr. Dwayne: 95*
- The Cat: 90*
Largest battles (first name = winner):
- 599,000 - PSV (483,000) vs Netherlands (116,000) in 1783
- 564,400 - PSV (421,000) vs nimic-Simbo (143,000) in 1808
- 534,520 - Westphalia (488,520) vs RedSky (46,000) in 1802
- 468,289 - altodevil (462,759) vs Delhi (23,530) in 1814
- 432,704 - Crackers (183,429) vs PSV (249275) in 1758
- 424,702 - PSV (367,000) vs nimic-Simbo (57,702) in 1807
- 413,484 - altodevil (343,824) vs Somalia (69,660) in 1699
- 412,479 - altodevil (398515) vs Delhi (13,964) in 1813
- 403,000 - Delhi (333,000) vs altodevil (70,000) in 1813
- 401,692 - PSV (171,000) vs nimic-Simbo (230,692) in 1808
Largest battle per player (first name = winner, bold = participants largest battle)
- 599,000 - PSV (483,000) vs Netherlands (116,000) in 1783
- 564,400 - PSV (421,000) vs nimic-Simbo (143,000) in 1808
- 534,520 - Westphalia (488,520) vs RedSky (46,000) in 1802
- 468,289 - altodevil (462,759) vs Delhi (23,530) in 1814
- 432,704 - Crackers (183,429) vs PSV (249275) in 1758
- 263,390 - PSV (153,545) vs hobbers (109,845) in 1709
- 263,193 - Salt Bailly (166,510) vs Delhi (96,683) in 1725
- 252,757 - altodevil (192,000) vs maniak (60,757) in 1759
- 221,461 - Great Shakesy (128,536) vs Sokoto (92925) in 1769
- 187,000 - altodevil (158,000) vs The Cat (29,00) in 1804
- 174,773 - altodevil (101,000) Dr. Dwayne (73,773) in 1720
- 172,749 - Dr. Dwayne (97,294) vs Dan (75,455) in 1701
- 172,182 - Organic Potatoes (95,182) vs Saxony (77,000) in 1774
Dead players:
- Eboue (absorbed by PSV via personal union)
- MadDogg (killed by altodevil)
- Cheimoon (annexed by altodevil, made Chief Eunuch)
- GreatDane (died in League war)
- P-Nut (killed by altodevil)
- WI_Red (absorbed by PSV via personal union)
- Solius x2 (gangbanged by Dr. Dwayne and maniak, ressurected by Japan, killed by maniak again)
- SilentWitness (annexed by Great Shakesy)
Dr. Dwayne(annexed by altodevil, gangbanged by maniak, Shun, Kazan, Japan and Jianzhou) REVIVED by Dan via mouth-to-mouth
Religious map

Tech map (the greener you are, the more tech you've embraced and the bigger advantages you have over your neighbours):

The state of the HRE. It passed 3 reforms:

List of Holy Roman Emperors:

The dynastic map: