SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

5,850 is the most cases we've had in a day since April 5th, and the second most overall. We've managed to almost double testing since then but still...that's a bit shit.

Yeah it's got to be the increased testing because otherwise lockdown isn't working at ALL....and I highly doubt that.
Yeah it's got to be the increased testing because otherwise lockdown isn't working at ALL....and I highly doubt that.
That's why I have ignored the cases graph up to this point anyway, now testing is ramping up it can't be relied on for any sort of context atall.

A graph to show cases per 100/1000 people will be much more use.
Then you haven't looked closely at the US justice system where innocent people are locked up and even executed often enough to make it a huge concern. Then there are all the incidences of police brutality, illegal shootings by cops, false arrests, evidence tampering, and conspiracy that frequently impact innocent people.

More power leads to abuse of power.

The US is a strange one though. I really don't understand how the police brutality there goes unchecked.
I'm a Singaporean. I have no idea why you doubt the statistics. It's not making us look good at all. Anyway, what I was trying to say is that the virus spreading like wild fire smoking among the foreign workers living in dormitories show that temperature isn't as big a factor, and that goes that the virus will go away automatically in the summer is quite misplaced.

It's hard to say because the foreign workers are in such cramped conditions any virus will circulate. Temperature having an effect refers to things like how long it can survive on a surface. If people are living on top of each other, that doesn't matter as much, it will spread anyway.

I'm saying if the handling of the foreign workers draws too much criticism i have little doubt the authorities will start to cover things up to protect the country's image.
It's hard to say because the foreign workers are in such cramped conditions any virus will circulate. Temperature having an effect refers to things like how long it can survive on a surface. If people are living on top of each other, that doesn't matter as much, it will spread anyway.

I'm saying if the handling of the foreign workers draws too much criticism i have little doubt the authorities will start to cover things up to protect the country's image.

Like all countries, they would try to deflect criticisms. Use state media to influence kettle maybe. Cover up? No. That's just not how Singapore functions. I honestly don't know how you got this idea.
You don't get it, the world is not going back to how it used to be.

We either build a new society with new ways if doing things or it will evetuallt collapse into anachy.

I’m glad for you that you’ve reached an opinion for yourself that you’re happy with. You shared it a few times and I’d suggest you now concentrate on getting ready for that eventuality. Given your so confident in your prediction, put all your chips and resources into that future so you and your family are best placed to deal with it.

But please stop your incessant over zealous and non stop barrage of telling everyone ‘they don’t get it’. There is no way of knowing what happens in the future: and some are very capable of living with that uncertainty even though you clearly are not.
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Hadn't occurred to me that if schools re-opened it might initially be on a one day per week basis. I wonder how much of an impact that would have for people? Seems very limited but I suppose from a mental health point of view it would make a big difference for the kids.

The government is being exposed for the blunt instrument that it is on the education front.

Honestly I’d have expected it to reach out to television networks. Have a few STEM and PE tv programs rolled out, just 2 or 3 a week. Popular faces of tv rolled into the odd home existence.

- A science program to show 5-10 year olds how to make bouncy balls
- A popular footballer talking about keepy uppies
- An athlete talking about keeping fit and how walking is important
- Someone talking about phases of the moon, advising kids to look out the window every night.
- A musician talking about song structure, beats, how to play an instrument

I’m not saying the National Curriculum isn’t important.

But there’s also a chasm between Nothing, and 5 Days a week school.

1 Day a week seems to be waaaaay to close to the latter, than a sensible starting point.

Shit, weaponise this thing. Math and English is hard at a distance. Breed creativity. Get supermarkets selling 8 colour paint and paper at £1. Have a fcuking National Rainbow Unicorn painting competition. Collate responses. Put them on tv. Have a website that cycles through creations every 10 seconds. Get kids to record 15 seconds to a camera. Put that somewhere. Have some basic cooking shows on. Every kid should leave this with the ability to make an Omlette. Right now there are 14 year olds that can’t boil a fcuking egg. Have understandable 13 year olds read 5 year olds books on an approved .gov YouTube channel. Let kids help each other. Give them a structure outside of ‘When will school open mum’.

You can bring people together, help out parents and stop kids feeling isolated without gambling anyone’s health.

Trying to use existing structures right now is just so painfully stupid. Like, blood boiling stupidity.

I don’t need to see someone walk in their garden. I really don’t. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t help me. It doesn’t really help society. It reduces us all to look at one persons existence. It’s looking through the wrong end of the telescope. It’s generating ad revenue online and letting people consume more nonsensical shite.
Like all countries, they would try to deflect criticisms. Use state media to influence kettle maybe. Cover up? No. That's just not how Singapore functions. I honestly don't know how you got this idea.

I ran an office there for almost 7 years. The way the government controls the media was surprising.
The government is being exposed for the blunt instrument that it is on the education front.

Honestly I’d have expected it to reach out to television networks. Have a few STEM and PE tv programs rolled out, just 2 or 3 a week. Popular faces of tv rolled into the odd home existence.

- A science program to show 5-10 year olds how to make bouncy balls
- A popular footballer talking about keepy uppies
- An athlete talking about keeping fit and how walking is important
- Someone talking about phases of the moon, advising kids to look out the window every night.
- A musician talking about song structure, beats, how to play an instrument

I’m not saying the National Curriculum isn’t important.

But there’s also a chasm between Nothing, and 5 Days a week school.

1 Day a week seems to be waaaaay to close to the latter, than a sensible starting point.

Shit, weaponise this thing. Math and English is hard at a distance. Breed creativity. Get supermarkets selling 8 colour paint and paper at £1. Have a fcuking National Rainbow Unicorn painting competition. Collate responses. Put them on tv. Have a website that cycles through creations every 10 seconds. Get kids to record 15 seconds to a camera. Put that somewhere. Have some basic cooking shows on. Every kid should leave this with the ability to make an Omlette. Right now there are 14 year olds that can’t boil a fcuking egg. Have understandable 13 year olds read 5 year olds books on an approved .gov YouTube channel. Let kids help each other. Give them a structure outside of ‘When will school open mum’.

You can bring people together, help out parents and stop kids feeling isolated without gambling anyone’s health.

Trying to use existing structures right now is just so painfully stupid. Like, blood boiling stupidity.

I don’t need to see someone walk in their garden. I really don’t. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t help me. It doesn’t really help society. It reduces us all to look at one persons existence. It’s looking through the wrong end of the telescope. It’s generating ad revenue online and letting people consume more nonsensical shite.
Love every suggestion and idea!
The government is being exposed for the blunt instrument that it is on the education front.

Honestly I’d have expected it to reach out to television networks. Have a few STEM and PE tv programs rolled out, just 2 or 3 a week. Popular faces of tv rolled into the odd home existence.

- A science program to show 5-10 year olds how to make bouncy balls
- A popular footballer talking about keepy uppies
- An athlete talking about keeping fit and how walking is important
- Someone talking about phases of the moon, advising kids to look out the window every night.
- A musician talking about song structure, beats, how to play an instrument

I’m not saying the National Curriculum isn’t important.

But there’s also a chasm between Nothing, and 5 Days a week school.

1 Day a week seems to be waaaaay to close to the latter, than a sensible starting point.

Shit, weaponise this thing. Math and English is hard at a distance. Breed creativity. Get supermarkets selling 8 colour paint and paper at £1. Have a fcuking National Rainbow Unicorn painting competition. Collate responses. Put them on tv. Have a website that cycles through creations every 10 seconds. Get kids to record 15 seconds to a camera. Put that somewhere. Have some basic cooking shows on. Every kid should leave this with the ability to make an Omlette. Right now there are 14 year olds that can’t boil a fcuking egg. Have understandable 13 year olds read 5 year olds books on an approved .gov YouTube channel. Let kids help each other. Give them a structure outside of ‘When will school open mum’.

You can bring people together, help out parents and stop kids feeling isolated without gambling anyone’s health.

Trying to use existing structures right now is just so painfully stupid. Like, blood boiling stupidity.

I don’t need to see someone walk in their garden. I really don’t. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t help me. It doesn’t really help society. It reduces us all to look at one persons existence. It’s looking through the wrong end of the telescope. It’s generating ad revenue online and letting people consume more nonsensical shite.
Brilliant suggestions, the government have really been piss poor on the educational side, I work full time and have 4 children a 6 year old, 5 year old, 2 and a 1 year old. How the feck are me or my missus supposed to fully educate the older 2 whilst the 2 little ones are running about needing constant supervision.

The school's don't seem to have got much help or guidance on what to do as it has took them 3 or 4 weeks (however long schools have been closed for, I forget) to get an app together to help with home learning.
I ran an office there for almost 7 years. The way the government controls the media was surprising.

I work in the government. The government does have a lot of influence over the media. But it is also very transparent. Esp on issues like that. There is no way that it is able to cover up something like that.
5,850 is the most cases we've had in a day since April 5th, and the second most overall. We've managed to almost double testing since then but still...that's a bit shit.

I haven’t seen a single Daisy today.

If I go for a walk in the park I’ll see thousands.

You can’t compare days if conditions have changed. You know this. You literally hint at the answer in Your post.

Tests doubled
Cases increased
Deaths fell

It’s bad if we have a week of that (as you assume deaths will go up in 7-14 days). But it’s not indicative of anything as it’s not a like for like comparison.
I thought we just had to put our grown up pants on?

We'll certainly need such undergarments for the excruciating moral choice that is heading straight for us and I'm keeping numerous pairs of grown up pants ready for when we arrive at this difficult cross road.

In terms of the lockdown, it was overwhelming support right now so it's a moot point. If public opinion turns then in my view a government of a democratic country is going to find it very hard to maintain a lockdown.

It's a moot point anyway, the reports from the well connected journalists indicate the public like the lockdown more than government do at the moment.
This is happening too often. It’s about time religious leaders took responsibility and closed down.
Well the big organised religious groups have been closed down for weeks. The Archbishop of Canterbury has even banned his own priests from entering their own churches, even if their houses are physically joined to them.
Then you haven't looked closely at the US justice system where innocent people are locked up and even executed often enough to make it a huge concern. Then there are all the incidences of police brutality, illegal shootings by cops, false arrests, evidence tampering, and conspiracy that frequently impact innocent people.

More power leads to abuse of power.
All this from a tracking app? Bit of a stretch
Brilliant suggestions, the government have really been piss poor on the educational side, I work full time and have 4 children a 6 year old, 5 year old, 2 and a 1 year old. How the feck are me or my missus supposed to fully educate the older 2 whilst the 2 little ones are running about needing constant supervision.

The school's don't seem to have got much help or guidance on what to do as it has took them 3 or 4 weeks (however long schools have been closed for, I forget) to get an app together to help with home learning.

Honestly man, it’s not fcuking hard to do MILLIONS of percentage points better than they’re doing.

Principally because they’re trying to answer the question : “How do we get back to normal”

(+/-) April to September = 5-7 months of schooling

We don’t need normal.

Parents need relief.
Kids need leadership.

The news is shit. The papers are shit. Social media is shit.

I didn’t want to give examples as it would seem as though I'm judging people.

But would it really be that hard to task Stormzy (assume he’s the biggest UK star right now) to work with 50 samples online, have a producer walk and talk through beat timing, musical composition, host a YouTube live, throw in some stories about getting in to music, and after 8 hours in 4 weeks have a 3 minute song made. Kids can throw together something in the same time. Lyrical, music only, whatever. You don’t need the 30 kids from Class 3B to watch. You need the 4 kids from all of the Class 3B’s in the country to watch.

In these times we are so far apart, we can digitally bring together those with common interests.

Kids don’t need super polished content to learn. Let presenters mess up, laugh, be humans.

You could combine this content with Public Service Announcements.

IT’S. So. Fcuking. Simple.

This desperation to open schools will see children’s time wasted. Give them paths of learning. That’s it.

My 11 year old niece HATED cooking. Hated eggs. Ate sh1te food. After a weekend with us she went home, made her mum scrambled eggs on toast. Eggs, cream, salt, pepper, butter, chilli flakes, a few herbs on toast. Her mum thought it was witchcraft. No. I just had time to teach a kid something. I am not a teacher. I spilled things, had to throw an egg away. I didn’t have to worry about life and and and.

We do not need great teachers right now. Teachers need a break, they need to be at home, safe, until classrooms are safe.

We cannot make parents into teachers. They are good at all the other things that puts food on the table, and good at being parents.

What we CAN do, is give society some kind of loose, band-aid learning path to keep kids engaged and parents sane for a few hours every day.

The Government is fcuking this up. More than it’s fcuking up the Virus response.
No. People don’t need to die. Not at scale. We should never accept that.

We have to grow up and take personal responsibility. Realise that the government is not our friend. Nor will it protect us to a standard that we try to protect people we love.

I will not be the cause of anyone else getting sick.

I will not take public transport until this is under control. I’ll ride my bike.

I won’t be booking international travel for well over a year. I can find joys in this country with a degree of safety.

I won’t be going to internal gatherings at pubs.

I won’t be booking gig tickets.

I’m willing for life to be a little less fun, until there’s some semblance of calm and understanding.

The problem is selfish people putting faith in the government. All they need is a little suggestion that things will be relaxed and they start doing everything that got us in this mess. If everyone realised that personal responsibility should trump guidelines from total strangers in Westminster, we’d all be a lot safer.

well said
The papers are wrong.

My local schools have already told Year 11 that they’re never coming back. The final year of infant school has been cancelled too.

This must surely be the case in many other towns/counties.

Schools may start taking children in, butI would expect that to be a surgical decision by region, down to town and village level. Restrictions on catchment area - no travelling more than X miles to get to school would be a huge consideration.

You’ve got to contain and manage. Some will be dealt a worse hand than their friends at school, but that’s how it needs to be.

Which school, which local authority and what is the context of the school setting, out of curiosity? Unless it’s a private institution with greater control of their settings, it would be irresponsible of schools to be issuing statements such as this when there is no government guidance from the DfE to say so.

Year 11 not returning is understandable. Many pupils were due to leave upon exam completion irrespective.
well said

Should also have added;

- I will also be TOTALLY fine with a remote part of Cornwall/Wales/Scotland being on a different set of restrictions to London. For months on end.

- I will also be TOTALLY fine with an importance or means-tested return to work. If the government turned around and said [deliberately extreme example] “We’re closing the M25 for 3 months, widening it, fixing it, all workers will be protected and insured, group sizes managed”.... Go for it. Important things for the long-term economy would have fewer barriers now. Act on them.

People seem To need absolute equality. That’s nuts. The economy isn’t equal. London has the largest number of remote workers. They can suffer stricter measures, for longer. Some towns may have zero cases. Tell them how to co trim things. Test them lots. First sign of danger, change policy.

We can’t apply blanket rules and expect fast results. Fast changes can only occur regionally by exception and a proof threshold
That was my point mate. We don't have cities comprised of apartment blocks. It's fecking EASY to lockdown an apartment block. Full lockdown isn't coming mate, deal with it and accept it. They can barely police a partial lockdown, if they were capable of implementing it they would have done so. I genuinely hope you're okay when this ends because you don't seem like you're going to handle a return to life very well judging by the nature of your posts.
I take your point but it can still be done. It’s done in Spain, Italy and France. People need permission slips to be out and about or you’re fecked. It’s just that in UK and Ireland we believe our governments could never do that to the people. Why? Push come to shove, if they need to enforce it they can. Address the nation, tell them it’s happening and anyone on the streets who shouldn’t be will be forcibly detained. You’ll see empty streets pretty soon.

I stress though it’s not what im advocating. I’m just arguing that it’s entirely possible to do
This guy doing the briefing today is a bit of a drip isn't he, I think they've got him there to bore the ass off everyone so they switch off. He's making Alok Sharma look like he's full of charisma. Makes you wonder how some of these ministers get these jobs.
Well the big organised religious groups have been closed down for weeks. The Archbishop of Canterbury has even banned his own priests from entering their own churches, even if their houses are physically joined to them.
But still happening in US and Asian countries to an extent from reports that I’ve read
I can see a lot of people milking this and being "unfit to work" due to the mental scarring from the pandemic, obviously some will be affected, but a lot of wasters will try milking it too, just so they don't have to goto work.
Glad to see you have really prioritised the main problem stemming from this event.
My friend has it apparently. Offered to drop off some soup and water later.

My landlord is a home aid nurse. She asked me to turn down music yesterday evening because she wasn't feeling well. I wake up this morning and hear her coughing in the unit above me. So being a concerned tenant I googled "what happens when your landlord dies"... Hope she is good but won't be going up there until rent is due in 2 weeks!
My friend has it apparently. Offered to drop off some soup and water later.

My landlord is a home aid nurse. She asked me to turn down music yesterday evening because she wasn't feeling well. I wake up this morning and hear her coughing in the unit above me. So being a concerned tenant I googled "what happens when your landlord dies"... Hope she is good but won't be going up there until rent is due in 2 weeks!

When the government decides to loosen the restrictions and request that (some) businesses and schools return to action, they’re going to have to be incredibly good at communicating why. I feel there is a growing (albeit well-intentioned) misunderstanding of the repercussions that continuous lockdown will have on the economy. In short, prolonged periods of this will lead to significantly more deaths elsewhere.

People need to accept that social distancing will remain for a long time. They need to understand that life will not go on as it were a mere month ago. But they must also accept that this virus will remain in the community and that it must be managed. By that, I mean that people will continue to die. It sounds rather galling to acknowledge, but it’s the economic reality.

Where the government has undeniably failed is in the procurement and distribution of PPE and the ability to test and contact trace. The care homes situation is a disgrace. Improving these aspects of the response will be crucial towards ensuring that the current restrictions can be gradually loosened. Further (planned) lockdowns on an intermittent basis would also ensure that our healthcare services aren’t overwhelmed.

The latter is speculation on my part. But the communication towards reopening has to be better than the communication in the build up to closure.
The government is being exposed for the blunt instrument that it is on the education front.

Honestly I’d have expected it to reach out to television networks. Have a few STEM and PE tv programs rolled out, just 2 or 3 a week. Popular faces of tv rolled into the odd home existence.

- A science program to show 5-10 year olds how to make bouncy balls
- A popular footballer talking about keepy uppies
- An athlete talking about keeping fit and how walking is important
- Someone talking about phases of the moon, advising kids to look out the window every night.
- A musician talking about song structure, beats, how to play an instrument

I’m not saying the National Curriculum isn’t important.

But there’s also a chasm between Nothing, and 5 Days a week school.

1 Day a week seems to be waaaaay to close to the latter, than a sensible starting point.

Shit, weaponise this thing. Math and English is hard at a distance. Breed creativity. Get supermarkets selling 8 colour paint and paper at £1. Have a fcuking National Rainbow Unicorn painting competition. Collate responses. Put them on tv. Have a website that cycles through creations every 10 seconds. Get kids to record 15 seconds to a camera. Put that somewhere. Have some basic cooking shows on. Every kid should leave this with the ability to make an Omlette. Right now there are 14 year olds that can’t boil a fcuking egg. Have understandable 13 year olds read 5 year olds books on an approved .gov YouTube channel. Let kids help each other. Give them a structure outside of ‘When will school open mum’.

You can bring people together, help out parents and stop kids feeling isolated without gambling anyone’s health.

Trying to use existing structures right now is just so painfully stupid. Like, blood boiling stupidity.

I don’t need to see someone walk in their garden. I really don’t. I don’t care about it. It doesn’t help me. It doesn’t really help society. It reduces us all to look at one persons existence. It’s looking through the wrong end of the telescope. It’s generating ad revenue online and letting people consume more nonsensical shite.
Great post.
This is happening too often. It’s about time religious leaders took responsibility and closed down.

Seems like leaders are making the required statements and providing responsible leadership. Question is if their following will listen.

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This guy doing the briefing today is a bit of a drip isn't he, I think they've got him there to bore the ass off everyone so they switch off. He's making Alok Sharma look like he's full of charisma. Makes you wonder how some of these ministers get these jobs.
You can have Trump for a while. He’ll be more ‘entertaining’.
Word to the wise though; he’ll give you no real and helpful information.
This is my biggest problem with the UK's response. You are not in lockdown. People are still allowed out pretty much as and when they please, and it's barely being enforced. That's very different to what has been going on in other countries and it seems to be giving everybody a false sense of security.

Viral load also relates to the time it takes for the virus to reach a specific level in your blood. Unless you know that both of you took in the exact same quantity there's no way to know that you weren't exposed to a much higher initial dose and therefore the virus propogated in your bloodstream faster. Some indications suggest this is what is happening to nurses and why a lot are getting very sick.
So you don’t actually live in the Uk and you’re telling us we’re not in lockdown? Maybe you need to come and spend a day in London at the moment and see . What are you expecting ? Police and the army to be following people around whenever they leave the house? Armed officers at the communal entrance of every residential block? Would that then be categorised as a ‘lockdown’ ?
I can see a lot of people milking this and being "unfit to work" due to the mental scarring from the pandemic, obviously some will be affected, but a lot of wasters will try milking it too, just so they don't have to goto work.

Can you?

Well I can see oodles of people earning 6 figures not being able to ask simple yes/no questions on national television during a briefing that’s the only clear line of site to future policy and current conditions.

They are creating a system that’s failing people.

If people choose to reward their slack-arseholed leadership with deceit and fraud.... I can understand why.
So you don’t actually live in the Uk and you’re telling us we’re not in lockdown? Maybe you need to come and spend a day in London at the moment and see . What are you expecting ? Police and the army to be following people around whenever they leave the house? Armed officers at the communal entrance of every residential block? Would that then be categorised as a ‘lockdown’ ?

Cmon. This is not really a lockdown!! other countries definitely have a more of an enforced approach.

You can effecticely leave for a walk and be out all day if you wanted albeit there’s nowhere to really go.

If we were locked down, we’d be allowed out once a week at a set period of time for trips to pharmacy or supermarket. Spot checks with ID compulsory ensuring only out when we should be.
This guy doing the briefing today is a bit of a drip isn't he, I think they've got him there to bore the ass off everyone so they switch off. He's making Alok Sharma look like he's full of charisma. Makes you wonder how some of these ministers get these jobs.
He is.

I don't mind Sharma though - I'd rather have a quiet politician who's half decent at his job (I don't know if he is) than an idiot who makes good TV watching.

(Not picking out any specific politicians/ Presidents)
Cmon. This is not really a lockdown!! other countries definitely have a more of an enforced approach. You can effectively leave for a walk and be out all day if you wanted albeit there’s nowhere to really go.
If we were locked down, we’d be allowed out once a week at a set period of time for trips to pharmacy or supermarket. Spot checks with ID compulsory ensuring only out when we should be.
You're right, Not only was UK very late with its lock down order, but its also a very half arsed attempt at it. And that's why we can't expect to get results anywhere close to what the likes of China, Singapore or Germany have recorded.

Only time will tell why BJ chose this strategy, and if British public are bothered much at its consequences.