SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Yeah, also probably meals served into classrooms instead of a dining hall for now aswell, deep clean classrooms every night.

It's quite a good idea tbh, it's still risky, but not as risky as letting the entire school in for the same day. It's sort of contained still
Sure, kids especially young ones always practice safe hygiene, cough into their armpits or use tissue for their mucus.

They understand why we must keep 2 meters apart.

Ih wait, actually they all do the opposite of this.

I wonder what teachers are prepared to by the Guinea Pigs for this experiment!
Nobody knows, but lets look at the facts.

Lockdown or no lockdown, people are fying, people are getting seriously ill, some with long term health issues.

Even if you somehow get the virus there are no guarantees you wont catch it worse a 2nd time, or that you could be a carrier.

We are not going back to normal any time soon, some experts dont even believe we will ever create a vaccine.

Thus, our civilization as we know it has come to an end, can we rise and create a new civilization? Who knows, but the slow decay and crumbling of this one has begun.
That's not what civilisation means.
Nobody knows, but lets look at the facts.

Lockdown or no lockdown, people are fying, people are getting seriously ill, some with long term health issues.

Even if you somehow get the virus there are no guarantees you wont catch it worse a 2nd time, or that you could be a carrier.

We are not going back to normal any time soon, some experts dont even believe we will ever create a vaccine.

Thus, our civilization as we know it has come to an end, can we rise and create a new civilization? Who knows, but the slow decay and crumbling of this one has begun.

You think we are in a movie the way you're going on. Take it "The last of us" is your favourite PlayStation game? :lol:
Nobody knows, but lets look at the facts.

Lockdown or no lockdown, people are fying, people are getting seriously ill, some with long term health issues.

Even if you somehow get the virus there are no guarantees you wont catch it worse a 2nd time, or that you could be a carrier.

We are not going back to normal any time soon, some experts dont even believe we will ever create a vaccine.

Thus, our civilization as we know it has come to an end, can we rise and create a new civilization? Who knows, but the slow decay and crumbling of this one has begun.
What a ridiculous scaremongering post.

This is why I'm genuinely worried about Martial Law, some people are so easy to manipulate it's untrue.
I'd send them back, doesn't make a difference to me anyway as I'm a key worker, as is the Mrs, and by us being key workers and risking ourselves, we are also having to send them to school when we are working anyway, so putting the entire family at risk tbh.
Being a key worker means you have a higher risk of catching the virus, also means your kids have a higher risk of carrying and spreading the virus.

Sure, sounds like a great idea, send them to school.
That's not what civilisation means.
You are confusing extinction and civilization.

The Roman Empire was a civilization and that collapsed putting us into the Dark Ages until we rose again.
Being a key worker means you have a higher risk of catching the virus, also means your kids have a higher risk of carrying and spreading the virus.

Sure, sounds like a great idea, send them to school.

All your ideas sound amazing, keep everyone at home forever, nobody eat, work, produce electricity, water, gas, and just die in our own shit and piss in our homes.

Guessing it's all because of 5G?
We need to make a wall with posts like this for all of those who want to lockdown until a vaccine is available.

And imagine how much this would happen after, say, six months of lockdown. Exponential growth.
A real lockdown would burn this virus out.
Being a key worker means you have a higher risk of catching the virus, also means your kids have a higher risk of carrying and spreading the virus.

Sure, sounds like a great idea, send them to school.

Also, what choice do I have but to send my kids to school when I have to goto work to produce the food to feed people to you know, keep them alive.
Being a key worker means you have a higher risk of catching the virus, also means your kids have a higher risk of carrying and spreading the virus.

Sure, sounds like a great idea, send them to school.

Where are they supposed to go considering key workers are required
Sure, kids especially young ones always practice safe hygiene, cough into their armpits or use tissue for their mucus.

They understand why we must keep 2 meters alart.

Ih wait, actually they all do the opposite of this.

I wonder what teachers are prepared to by the Guinea Pigs for this experiment!
You could probably describe professional footballers the same way and we are trying to get them playing again. Tapping elbows at kickoff, kissing each other every goal.
You think we are in a movie the way you're going on. Take it "The last of us" is your favourite PlayStation game? :lol:
No its real life.

People are dying, people are getting sick, we have no cure, no idea about this virus.

Sure, lets open up and roll a dice.
Yep, it was incredibly apparent early on that the Government weren't doing all that it could do to minimise the spread of this early on - whether to try and keep the nation calm, or whether because Boris truly is as much of a buffoon as I think he is, it doesn't really matter at this point.
It's unforgivable.
I’d be pretty sure the answer is they didn’t want to spend the money when they wouldn’t have got any credit for it. Spending it now for furlough generates positive headlines for them.
What a ridiculous scaremongering post.

This is why I'm genuinely worried about Martial Law, some people are so easy to manipulate it's untrue.
Which part is not true or fact?
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Also, what choice do I have but to send my kids to school when I have to goto work to produce the food to feed people to you know, keep them alive.
Are you prepared to risk you and your childs life?

Thats what it comes down too.
All your ideas sound amazing, keep everyone at home forever, nobody eat, work, produce electricity, water, gas, and just die in our own shit and piss in our homes.

Guessing it's all because of 5G?
Maybe you have missed some of my posts.

I said its a civilization event we are witnessing.

Nothing will ever be the same again until we have a cure, some scientists believe we wont have a cure.

Thus our civilization as we know it is ending.

Humans will still be here but it will be a different society and world.
Are you prepared to risk you and your childs life?

Thats what it comes down too.

If everyone thought that, then nobody would work, your power would go out, food would stop, heating would go off, drainage systems would fail.

That's going to cause as much death as the virus.

Add onto that the economic impact, and suicide rates.

If you want to live this dream, stop using your electricity right this minute.
it’s not impossible, the Chinese did it. Why do British people assume that a hard lockdown isn’t on the cards IF absolutely necessary?

It's very easy to lockdown a city of apartment blocks mate. A handful of armed cops can secure thousands of people without having to even move from their vehicles.
Maybe you have missed some of my posts.

I said its a civilization event we are witnessing.

Nothing will ever be the same again until we have a cure, some scientists believe we wont have a cure.

Thus our civilization as we know it is ending.

Humans will stull be here but it will be a different society and world.

Think it'll be much different if we find a vaccine?
(Btw this is a genuine question, not me being a dick)

If a vaccine is found everything will go back to pretty much how it was, some jobs will be lost but the economy will eventually recover to atleast this level, might take 20 years but it will get there, the only thing which would stop it would be automation in jobs but that was happening anyway. Automation would have been ideal for this situation tbh, a lockdown would have been much much easier.

I also think it means countries will be much better prepared for another virus (or so I'd hope).

I still reckon my life will be, goto work, come home, goto work, come home, goto pub, play golf, goto pub, home, work.
So it's ok to increase health risks?

It's OK to allow essential workers to do their thing and work in hospitals, food production & electricity production etc. If this didn't happen there would be many more deaths up to now than there has been so far.
If everyone thought that, then nobody would work, your power would go out, food would stop, heating would go off, drainage systems would fail.

That's going to cause as much death as the virus.

Add onto that the economic impact, and suicide rates.

If you want to live this dream, stop using your electricity right this minute.
There is a deadly virus out there, these are not normal times.

If schools were safe the government would put kids back 5 days per week.

Every employer, every school has a duty of care.

Just ask them if you have to return kids to school or return to work, can they guarantee your safery from catching Covid-19.

If they are unable to awnser Yes, then ask yourself, are you prepared to gamble with you and your childs life.
I always thought this was the case anyway, it doesn't make much different to us does it? Or does it make it easier to work on a vaccine?
I would have thought viral load would increase symptoms. My remaining question is around how contagious the two groups are since they have equal viral loads. I suspect asymptomatic people actually cough a lot without considering they are contagious.
It's very easy to lockdown a city of apartment blocks mate. A handful of armed cops can secure thousands of people without having to even move from their vehicles.
The Chinese did this in Wuhan, if we can believe their figures, it worked very successfully.
What a ridiculous scaremongering post.

This is why I'm genuinely worried about Martial Law, some people are so easy to manipulate it's untrue.

That guy strikes me as one of those who will be properly scarred mentally from this. Agoraphobic basically. Some people are still going to be in lockdown years after it ends unfortunately
It's OK to allow essential workers to do their thing and work in hospitals, food production & electricity production etc. If this didn't happen there would be many more deaths up to now than there has been so far.
Yes I agree, but then letting their higher risk children going to schools?
That guy strikes me as one of those who will be properly scarred mentally from this. Agoraphobic basically. Some people are still going to be in lockdown years after it ends unfortunately
So you think the virus is a hoax, or not deadly?

Maybe like Trump you think it will magically go away!
I would have thought viral load would increase symptoms. My remaining question is around how contagious the two groups are since they have equal viral loads. I suspect asymptomatic people actually cough a lot without considering they are contagious.

Viral load doesn't necessarily equate to symptoms. You can give the same cold virus to 2 people in the same household, both will have the same viral load but one might sneeze once and the other has 1 week in bed. I know this because I'm always the latter :(

Symptoms are about how your body is responding to the virus rather than it being the virus itself causing them.
The Chinese did this in Wuhan, if we can believe their figures, it worked very successfully.

That was my point mate. We don't have cities comprised of apartment blocks. It's fecking EASY to lockdown an apartment block. Full lockdown isn't coming mate, deal with it and accept it. They can barely police a partial lockdown, if they were capable of implementing it they would have done so. I genuinely hope you're okay when this ends because you don't seem like you're going to handle a return to life very well judging by the nature of your posts.
There is a deadly virus out there, these are not normal times.

If schools were safe the government would put kids back 5 days per week.

Every employer, every school has a duty of care.

Just ask them if you have to return kids to school or return to work, can they guarantee your safery from catching Covid-19.

If they are unable to awnser Yes, then ask yourself, are you prepared to gamble with you and your childs life.

Thing is key workers jobs are to keep everyone else safe, fed, with essential gas, water and electricity at this time. If every key worker said "I fear for my safety, I'm staying home" it would put just as many lives at risk if not more.

Imagine being a passenger on a plane (general public) and it's having electrical problems, then the key workers (pilot and co-pilot) decide to just save themselves and parachute out for their safety...
Are you happy to risk them dying of starvation?
If we plan and prepare there is no reason to let anyone die from starvation.

Just as in WW2 we can work with this, however opening things up for the sake of it is the wrong way to do it and will make things worse.

Eitherway, our world will never be the same again.
There is a deadly virus out there, these are not normal times.

If schools were safe the government would put kids back 5 days per week.

Every employer, every school has a duty of care.

Just ask them if you have to return kids to school or return to work, can they guarantee your safery from catching Covid-19.

If they are unable to awnser Yes, then ask yourself, are you prepared to gamble with you and your childs life.

If you go to the shops you're rolling the dice with your child's life because you can't guarantee you won't bring the virus back with you. That doesn't change the fact that your children need to be fed though.

Similarly, going to work is also a roll of the dice as you can't guarantee you won't bring the virus back with you. That doesn't change the fact that you need money to support your family.

Nobody can guarantee anyone's safety from the virus. So you're living in a fantasy land if you think that's the appropriate standard to insist on before lockdown measures get eased.