SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

That was my point mate. We don't have cities comprised of apartment blocks. It's fecking EASY to lockdown an apartment block. Full lockdown isn't coming mate, deal with it and accept it. They can barely police a partial lockdown, if they were capable of implementing it they would have done so. I genuinely hope you're okay when this ends because you don't seem like you're going to handle a return to life very well judging by the nature of your posts.
The military and the Police could easily enforce lockdowns in major cities and towns.

No government have the stomach to impose the measures needed.
If we plan and prepare there is no reason to let anyone die from starvation.

Just as in WW2 we can work with this, however opening things up for the sake of it is the wrong way to do it and will make things worse.

Eitherway, our world will never be the same again.
The guy you initial quoted has made it very clear that if he doesn't work he can't feed his kids.

Ultimately there's more chance of kids dying on the way to school than there is of the virus.

If they don't get fed, they're dead within weeks.
That guy strikes me as one of those who will be properly scarred mentally from this. Agoraphobic basically. Some people are still going to be in lockdown years after it ends unfortunately

I can see a lot of people milking this and being "unfit to work" due to the mental scarring from the pandemic, obviously some will be affected, but a lot of wasters will try milking it too, just so they don't have to goto work.
The guy you initial quoted has made it very clear that if he doesn't work he can't feed his kids.

Ultimately there's more chance of kids dying on the way to school than there is of the virus.

If they don't get fed, they're dead within weeks.
You don't get it, the world is not going back to how it used to be.

We either build a new society with new ways if doing things or it will evetuallt collapse into anachy.
Viral load doesn't necessarily equate to symptoms. You can give the same cold virus to 2 people in the same household, both will have the same viral load but one might sneeze once and the other has 1 week in bed. I know this because I'm always the latter :(

Symptoms are about how your body is responding to the virus rather than it being the virus itself causing them.
How do you know you had the same viral load?
That guy strikes me as one of those who will be properly scarred mentally from this. Agoraphobic basically. Some people are still going to be in lockdown years after it ends unfortunately
It's why it scares me what will happen. If the government ever decided they wanted to implement martial law into this country it really won't be that hard to get a significant number on board. Right subtle words at the right time, the correct context on graphs all off a sudden people who swore they would never give up their liberty's are signing up as volunteers to enforce the new law.
I can see a lot of people milking this and being "unfit to work" due to the mental scarring from the pandemic, obviously some will be affected, but a lot of wasters will try milking it too, just so they don't have to goto work.
When do you ever see a time this will happen ?

We need a cure, that isnt likely to happen.
Hate to say it, but 4 sites aren’t gonna survive. He’d be better consolidating 1 or 2
Thankfully, he's a long way from that happening. It's a good business which I believe will be fine once the restrictions are lifted but it's a horrible waiting game now for so many people out there.
Well nothing is impossible. It's not impossible that we'll all be confined to our homes for 18 months and the army will deliver rations to our front door. Can't see it happening though.

I think it's impossible for the UK to impose a strict lockdown on a population who don't support one, but as the population currently overwhelming support the lockdown the government don't have to worry about it.

However it is impossible for a UK politician to appear on the media without being pressed about an exit strategy. So in my view, the UK lockdown is much more likely to relaxed than tightened in three weeks time.
I don't think there's a final strategy in place at the moment, they have mentioned the five key indicators which I think they will use if they need to extend the lockdown.

I am not really sure what to expect in three weeks time, I am guessing certain businesses may start operating again as we need a bit of normality in life.

I work in IT for the one of the supermarkets and there was a big push to get the business setup for home working, there's no way we did that for six weeks of home working. Social distancing policy will stay in place for a while so I think most of us who work in an office will continue to work from home for now and I can't see nothing wrong with this, anyone who works in a manufacturing will probably return to work as well assuming the workshop layout has changed and people can work two meters apart.

Those in the retail and social industry will suffer the most as I can't see shops, pubs, bars, restaurants opening for a while. Some will adapt their business and survive but we are going to see so many broken people at the end of this this.
It's why it scares me what will happen. If the government ever decided they wanted to implement martial law into this country it really won't be that hard to get a significant number on board. Right subtle words at the right time, the correct context on graphs all off a sudden people who swore they would never give up their liberty's are signing up as volunteers to enforce the new law.
So whats going to happen ,

Lockdowns lifted and life returns to normal?
A lot of papers running with the story that UK schools will reopen in three weeks.

The papers are wrong.

My local schools have already told Year 11 that they’re never coming back. The final year of infant school has been cancelled too.

This must surely be the case in many other towns/counties.

Schools may start taking children in, butI would expect that to be a surgical decision by region, down to town and village level. Restrictions on catchment area - no travelling more than X miles to get to school would be a huge consideration.

You’ve got to contain and manage. Some will be dealt a worse hand than their friends at school, but that’s how it needs to be.
You don't get it, the world is not going back to how it used to be.

We either build a new society with new ways if doing things or it will evetuallt collapse into anachy.
No you're the one who isn't get it.

The approach you want to take (going all out to stop the virus but not worry about anything else), will cause more problems than this virus could dream to cause. It will ease one problem and intensify a further 10.

There's not just the problem with people feeding their kids, who the hell will pay the taxes to keep the NHS running if no one works?
Maybe you have missed some of my posts.

I said its a civilization event we are witnessing.

Nothing will ever be the same again until we have a cure, some scientists believe we wont have a cure.

Thus our civilization as we know it is ending.

Humans will still be here but it will be a different society and world.

Civilization is constantly evolving. The world now is nothing like it was 50 years ago. The world is full of randomness and as humans we react and adapt. Always happened. This virus may spurn more rapid change in a particular direction and the world will never be the same way again, but that would be true without this pandemic. The world was always going to be unrecognisable in 50 years, regardless of whether this pandemic happened or not.
It's why it scares me what will happen. If the government ever decided they wanted to implement martial law into this country it really won't be that hard to get a significant number on board. Right subtle words at the right time, the correct context on graphs all off a sudden people who swore they would never give up their liberty's are signing up as volunteers to enforce the new law.

I hate this government man but what keeps me optimistic is this...... without us, they don't get their money. That is all that drives them. To get their money, they need the economy. The economy doesn't exist if we're in lockdown. So they will release it ASAP. Martial law = no economy = no money for them. But yeah it's scary how easily manipulated people can be. Scared people are easy to control, and a lot of people are incredibly scared at present. Rightly so but there's a five line between concern and hysteria and something like this reveals just how 'on the edge' a lot of people are mentally.
The papers are wrong.

My local schools have already told Year 11 that they’re never coming back. The final year of infant school has been cancelled too.

This must surely be the case in many other towns/counties.

Schools may start taking children in, butI would expect that to be a surgical decision by region, down to town and village level. Restrictions on catchment area - no travelling more than X miles to get to school would be a huge consideration.

You’ve got to contain and manage. Some will be dealt a worse hand than their friends at school, but that’s how it needs to be.
A lot of schools of course remain open for key workers children etc
It may be that we see some increase in the children they take over the coming weeks?
I mean they could open in a month's time and remain open over the normal summer holidays and catch up all the academic learning for pupils potentially which would be good I think
Well nothing is impossible. It's not impossible that we'll all be confined to our homes for 18 months and the army will deliver rations to our front door. Can't see it happening though.

I think it's impossible for the UK to impose a strict lockdown on a population who don't support one, but as the population currently overwhelming support the lockdown the government don't have to worry about it.

However it is impossible for a UK politician to appear on the media without being pressed about an exit strategy. So in my view, the UK lockdown is much more likely to relaxed than tightened in three weeks time.
I thought we just had to put our grown up pants on?
I hate this government man but what keeps me optimistic is this...... without us, they don't get their money. That is all that drives them. To get their money, they need the economy. The economy doesn't exist if we're in lockdown. So they will release it ASAP. Martial law = no economy = no money for them. But yeah it's scary how easily manipulated people can be. Scared people are easy to control, and a lot of people are incredibly scared at present. Rightly so but there's a five line between concern and hysteria and something like this reveals just how 'on the edge' a lot of people are mentally.
Nah it definitely won't happen now, Rishi Sunak's presence alone would see to that if the unthinkable was being considered.

But ultimately a high number of this public are a dream for some Kim Jong-Un wannabe, all it will take is one complete wrongun getting into power.
How do you know you had the same viral load?

Fair point and obviously a high viral load means that your body is not fighting the virus efficiently and it may last longer.

However, viral load isn't necessarily a direct indicator of symptoms as it is the body causing the symptoms not the virus. Fever is a good example - that is your body deliberately raising your temperature to fight the virus, so somebody with a fever may have a low viral load and their body has responded as it should. The same can happen in reverse if your body doesn't notice the threat as it should.
I hate this government man but what keeps me optimistic is this...... without us, they don't get their money. That is all that drives them. To get their money, they need the economy. The economy doesn't exist if we're in lockdown. So they will release it ASAP. Martial law = no economy = no money for them. But yeah it's scary how easily manipulated people can be. Scared people are easy to control, and a lot of people are incredibly scared at present. Rightly so but there's a five line between concern and hysteria and something like this reveals just how 'on the edge' a lot of people are mentally.

We went into lockdown with a handful of cases.

Open backup and the cases will surge.

Where will the country and the economy be when its is fully exposed to this virus?
A lot of schools of course remain open for key workers children etc
It may be that we see some increase in the children they take over the coming weeks?
I mean they could open in a month's time and remain open over the normal summer holidays and catch up all the academic learning for pupils potentially which would be good I think
Yeah, I keep reading schools are closed, but many are not as you say. They are open for children of key workers but also those vulnerable because of their needs or their families, which in some areas amounts to a substantial number.
Are the moderators following this thread at all? No problems at all with what is being posted?

There isn't too much wrong at the minute, a few are having a bit of a discussion on different sides of the outcome and lockdown, it's not personal attacks, and it's not misinformation?
Is there anything to be said for just going on Twitter and doing a little more arguing about the sustainability of people not paying for journalism, albeit under the guise of discussing Covid? I feel like we’re close to solving this one.
Yeh, it's weird. Basically an article wanting to suggest Boris has basically been on holiday and not bothered with COVID-19. The good bits are things surrounding planning for a pandemic which should have been better - this is the key to our our problems now. Not lockdown a week later, not Boris absent from COBRA meeting. The UK is doing OK I think, Like I said above we aren't behaving in some insane relaxed way...we're in lockdown and people are picking fault with whether it should have been a week or two earlier. Some countries aren't even in lockdown!

This is my biggest problem with the UK's response. You are not in lockdown. People are still allowed out pretty much as and when they please, and it's barely being enforced. That's very different to what has been going on in other countries and it seems to be giving everybody a false sense of security.

Fair point and obviously a high viral load means that your body is not fighting the virus efficiently and it may last longer.

However, viral load isn't necessarily a direct indicator of symptoms as it is the body causing the symptoms not the virus. Fever is a good example - that is your body deliberately raising your temperature to fight the virus, so somebody with a fever may have a low viral load and their body has responded as it should. The same can happen in reverse if your body doesn't notice the threat as it should.

Viral load also relates to the time it takes for the virus to reach a specific level in your blood. Unless you know that both of you took in the exact same quantity there's no way to know that you weren't exposed to a much higher initial dose and therefore the virus propogated in your bloodstream faster. Some indications suggest this is what is happening to nurses and why a lot are getting very sick.
Are the moderators following this thread at all? No problems at all with what is being posted?
If this was a less serious topic and here wasn't a highly busy forum I'd question if one of them was doing it themselves to spice things up.

Happened on a forum I use to visit, a mod got caught out creating a ridiculous soc account to try and boost activity, was working for months until he accidently posted a comment meant to be by the WUM from his own account.
We went into lockdown with a handful of cases.

Open backup and the cases will surge.

Where will the country and the economy be when its is fully exposed to this virus?
Thats my worry. Folks arent running out to shops thats open now due to better knowledge of social distancing etc so God knows why people think simply opening up more businesses will get the public flowing to them. The only reason why Boris will open them back up is to see them fail in the reality of the new climate so they cant claim as much as they do now. The lockdown is saving a lot of wages that the workers dont know is gone yet
Social distancing will kill a lot of jobs on its own
Fair point and obviously a high viral load means that your body is not fighting the virus efficiently and it may last longer.

However, viral load isn't necessarily a direct indicator of symptoms as it is the body causing the symptoms not the virus. Fever is a good example - that is your body deliberately raising your temperature to fight the virus, so somebody with a fever may have a low viral load and their body has responded as it should. The same can happen in reverse if your body doesn't notice the threat as it should.
Yes, thats why the paper is worrying. It backs up previous studies indicating asymptomatic people will spread this, perhaps just as well as the really sick since viral loads are equivalent.

I just had a quick look and this appears to be specific to each virus and likely patient population.
You don't get it, the world is not going back to how it used to be.

We either build a new society with new ways if doing things or it will evetuallt collapse into anachy.

This was Berlin on Wednesday:


Similar scenes in my city yesterday. The parks were full of people picknicking, drinking and enjoying themselves.

Not saying that is right either but it's obvious the situation is very far from "civilsation ending" or "collapsing into anarchy". Such rhetoric does not really help anyone and the one think I give at least the German government credit for (regardless of what I think about each individual measure) is using adequate language that doesn't downplay the threat this thing poses while at the same time outlining a way out of this. You cannot talk about building a new society when this one seems to be coping alright under the circumstances and the shops are reopening tomorrow.
Almost every country has been working on the understanding that the virus confers some degree of immunity. The countries actually treating patients and seeing how the virus progresses. Are they wrong? If so, where are the confirmed reinfections? How are patients clearing the virus on their own? Why are numerous countries working on serological tests?

Or is it the WHO, the organisation that has been stumbling through this and making mistakes at every turn? They're just protecting themselves at this point because they know when this is all over a lot of difficult questions will be asked of them.

Mostly in the foreign worker dormitories with their cramped conditions. As with anything to do with Singapore, take their information with a pinch of salt. It's only a free and open country as long as their image remains good.

There is very little evidence of how seasons affect it because we haven't hit summer yet in most of the hard hit countries, but there is a small bit of evidence appearing in Spain that it might slow it down.

I'm a Singaporean. I have no idea why you doubt the statistics. It's not making us look good at all. Anyway, what I was trying to say is that the virus spreading like wild fire smoking among the foreign workers living in dormitories show that temperature isn't as big a factor, and that goes that the virus will go away automatically in the summer is quite misplaced.
300 less deaths than yesterday. This usually happens though ona weekend doesn't it, we'll probably have lower numbers reported again tomorrow then a climb on Tues-Thurs. Our peak last week was lower than the peak the previous week so I'd hope to see the same again this week.