likes to take afvanadva wothowi doubt
Been seeing this online for a few days now. You couldn't make it up.
Been seeing this online for a few days now. You couldn't make it up.
Did she read it out wrong?
She was awful at reading the statement but she's actually doing a lot better talking off the cuff.
Some of the questions being asked are inane. Give a date when the PPE will be delivered, how can you give a date? This is an unprecedented situation, you can't pull it out of your arse and the logistics issues are crazy.
We're so fecking weak we almost deserve to be annihilated by this virus.
Imagine how people handled WWII. Six years of sheuggle and we can't even manage three weeks without getting tied of it and having trouble coping.
I guess I can take comfort in the fact that no matter what the circumstances people will invariably make me sick, the pathetic fecks.
With a generous portion of victim blaming.Patel's apology was true to form.
Not to mention that same population was thrown from the Great Depression straight into WWII... and many also had lived through WWI.We're so fecking weak we almost deserve to be annihilated by this virus.
Imagine how people handled WWII. Six years of struggle and we can't even manage three weeks without getting tied of it and having trouble coping.
I guess I can take comfort in the fact that no matter what the circumstances people will invariably make me sick, the pathetic fecks.
None. Aren't they only testing sick people?regards the UK numbers, almost 1 in 4 tested has the virus. How much extrapolation can you do there? more than 15million cases by the time this is over?
Some of the questions being asked are inane. Give a date when the PPE will be delivered, how can you give a date? This is an unprecedented situation, you can't pull it out of your arse and the logistics issues are crazy.
Too right. I can't get any almond milk at the moment, but did you hear me moan about it? feck no! I did the proper thing and broke into my neighbour's house to steal his.Well said. People moaning about this lockdown are like fecking babies.
How do you know? Out of interest?
Even the experts don't know for sure, unless they're hiding it amongst themselves.
Too right. I can't get any almond milk at the moment, but did you hear me moan about it? feck no! I did the proper thing and broke into my neighbour's house to steal his.
Your observations make sense. To be clear, I wasn't saying this explains the current UK situation. But do we really have any reason to believe that the initial government approach was based on any real science? They wouldn't say what published research their decisions were relying on. The chief 'scientific' advisor and others have repeatedly spoken in favour of the approach that was quickly abandoned after the outcry from experts. So it wasn't just based on a misunderstood tweet. Being a 'scientific' advisor to the government you're essentially required to not contradict the government. I've no doubt many other countries had similar economic considerations; the same messed up scientific advisory dynamic being shared by other countries wouldn't surprise me either.There were plenty of experts in other countries that had a similar view to the experts in the UK. The outrage seemed more directed at the out of context quotes from Boris that we we‘re going to effectively have a giant pox party to deal with the issue.
Thats not to say that the government haven’t made mistakes but I suspect the core reasons as to why some countries have done better than others will be a lot more complex than the narratives going round on here at the moment.
Regarding demographics for instance, the most populous countries in Europe are
1. Germany 84m
2. UK 68m
3. France 65m
4. Italy 60m
5. Spain 47m
The next most populous western/southern nation is Holland with 17m.
Apart from Germany the worst hit nations are the most populous in Europe. The interesting thing about Germany is that they have 16 federal states within the country that have a lot more autonomy than regions in the UK (not sure about the other nations mentioned), so their response more like a series of smaller nations managing smaller populations as opposed to the Westminster ‘blob’ trying to to coordinate a large country (by European standards). England is also the mostly densely populated or crowded country in Europe which could prove to be another natural disadvantage.
Another seeming outlier in the narrative on here is Belgium. I believe they shutdown really early but have one of the worst deaths per million population rate in the world.
These are just ideas from my own observations but my point is that I feel the final picture will be a lot different to what people are estimating it to be be now.
I reckon this is the real slow down and not China's supposed slowdown. With that said, Italy might see another upsurge next week or the week after because of Easter.Italy's decline has been frustratingly slow.
Not to mention that same population was thrown from the Great Depression straight into WWII... and many also had lived through WWI.
There's a quarantine in effect, so there shouldn't be one. If anything you'd think most new infections are related with people that are still going to work.I reckon this is the real slow down and not China's supposed slowdown. With that said, Italy might see another upsurge next week or the week after because of Easter.
Is this news? There were cases of reinfection back in February, doesn't seem to have altered anyone's methods of tackling the virus?I reckon this is the real slow down and not China's supposed slowdown. With that said, Italy might see another upsurge next week or the week after because of Easter.
I imagine that if the virus was shooting people in the face they would be more likely to stay inside. There's a lot less of a visible and an immediate threat with COVID. It's a pointless comparison.We're so fecking weak we almost deserve to be annihilated by this virus.
Imagine how people handled WWII. Six years of struggle and we can't even manage three weeks without getting tied of it and having trouble coping.
I guess I can take comfort in the fact that no matter what the circumstances people will invariably make me sick, the pathetic fecks.
Fake coos.
Italy's decline has been frustratingly slow.
Not to mention that same population was thrown from the Great Depression straight into WWII... and many also had lived through WWI.
You just have to laugh
The quarantine has worked in slowing down abd reducing the numbers from the peak but its not a complete isolation, people still go shopping and interact with each other. Moreover, asymptomatic can still spread the virus especially if they haven't been tested. Italy was always going to suffer because people typically live with their families even in their 30s and 40s.There's a quarantine in effect, so there shouldn't be one. If anything you'd think most new infections are related with people that are still going to work.
Ok, firstly what did hancock blame footballers for? Im not sure he blamed them for anything, certainly not in relation to the coronavirus.Are you joking? These people are politicians and are accountable for their actions and decisions. The cabinet is made up of rabid Brexieers who have made it an incredibly uncomfortable place for immigrant workers to ply their trade.
Here is the warning 4 years ago that they chose to ignore:
Brexit 'will make NHS staff shortages worse'
Here is the reality:
More than 22,000 EU nationals have left NHS since Brexit referendum, figures show
If now, during a crisis, when we are building emergency hospitals that we do not have enough staff to actually service is not the time to hold these people accountable for their statements and their decisions that have lead to this farcical level of unpreparedness, when exactly do you think that time will be?
Let them crack on with blaming footballers for earning too much money, NHS staff for frivolous use of PPE equipment and while mortality figures are smashing ahead as #1 in Europe, we should all be using this as a time to celebrate Boris's sudoku spirit instead.
You can feck right off if you expect me to be OK with that attitude.
Did she read it out wrong?
It's the same test from everything I know. The test kit is what you use to to preserve the sample you take from someone.
The sample is then tested in a lab in a PCR. Funnily enough, my friends company in the middle are looking at supplying the kits from South Korea in different countries in the middle east. He sent me the sales pack for it
I've seen a small article in German where the director for the institute for virology of the university clinic Leipzig put the certainty at 99.9% and the director of the institute for virology of the technical university of Dresden is quoted with "more than 97%". All assuming that swabs are taken correctly I guess.
Thanks guys for replies@worldgonemad
Here's a summary of serology tests to date. There's actually a lot more, in different states of crappiness. Don't trust the data for accuracy, sensitivity or specificity but it will give you a sense of where we are heading.
But do we really have any reason to believe that the initial government approach was based on any real science?
The big difference in the countries response has been timing of the restrictions, for instance no visitors for the elderly dwelling was Iceland first action 6 weeks ago, but Sweden just took that measure a week ago. Now it seems the virus has hit the elderly bad in Stockholm.
Some Swedish health expert (the Swedish health expert, I think, at least that's the way Norwegian media has treated him) claimed that the difference in death rate between Sweden and Norway (and the other Nordic countries, but it was a response to a Norwegian journalist) is that 1) Sweden is further along in the infection cycle and 2) the elderly homes (and such) in Sweden were hit much harder than Norway so far. He didn't really have an explanation for why elderly homes were hit harder, beyond maybe random chance.
Do you know of any website that provides the uncombined figures for the UK?
As for the bolded point where does that come from?
Vaccine could be ready by September. Say they are 80% sure it will work.
Will work with what side effects? I think any human trial is supposed to be 14 month minimum for this sort of thing. If your going to mass vaccinate everybody on the planet you have to be absolutely-fecking-sure.
I saw a report that Norway just have a much more professional approach in their nursing homes, that Sweden are a long way behind Norway when it comes to treating our elderley.
What I will say to @Oldham is that the missus gran is in a short term care home for dementia, and we haven’t been able to visit her for over a month. We look at her through a window and she’s beyond confused, depressed and sad. Poor thing, what a time to end up there, she just gets to see her great grand daughter through a window and can’t hug her. It’s devastating and she calls us 10 times a day
So yeah, the government “banned” visitors but many many nursing and care homes had taken that step a long long time before due to health ministry recommendations.
Nah, you're alright. I have more respeckt for myself than that. Don't mean to squabble but birds puns are owlful.Not getting the love that deserves. Political comedy to rival Ben Elton
(Edit. You could reply with "than-coo")
In Finland 230 people got narcolepsy from that. Over 2.5m had the vaccine, so less than 1 in 10.000 got narcolepsy. Your chance of dying from covid is more than 1 in 10.000, so I would go with the vaccine myself.Yup. Swine flu vaccine dished out some nasty narcolepsy right?
Give me Covid-19 over that.