SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Yes, that is the case since the 25th. The stats I posted were released on the 26th, collated from all the tests prior to the change in criteria.

The point is the number of confirmed cases in Ireland is an underestimate and probably a large one. It’s misleading to look at what percentage of those who died or ended up in hospital from only the confirmed cases.
I'm pissed off with the amount of Americans I know on Facebook not taking this seriously and bringing up Swine Flu all the time.
Sure, many more people died from Swine Flu than this, but there are still valid parallels
British people are some of the most obedient and subservient to government in Europe, I don’t know why people imagine we’re some country of closet revolutionaries.

It's bizarre. People have this idea that everyone will lose the head and run riot.

It doesn't happen. In times of crisis people generally look after out for each other and follow the rules.
The Police would lose a nationwide push. Very quickly.

British people are some of the most obedient and subservient to government in Europe, I don’t know why people imagine we’re some country of closet revolutionaries.

Pretty much this. Although I'd say civilised too. The vast majority are adhering to the lock down with minimal enforcement and are praising the police. I don't see why this would escalate to rioting at this point but if it did, as in previous years, it would be quelled in a couple weeks max.
It's bizarre. People have this idea that everyone will lose the head and run riot.

It doesn't happen. In times of crisis people generally look after out for each other and follow the rules.

My Police comment was a p1ss take.

If, in 2 months people are still inside, and food starts to run short... there will be riots though. Without question.
Christ. WUM's are the ones spreading doom. I'm one of the ones trying to look at the situation and not get people shitting themselves.
Where the feck did you get the idea that 5% of the hospitalized go to ICU? Are you making it up as you go? I don't know the real number, but that is an absurdly low estimate.

On the surface it looks like 20-40%.
Where the feck did you get the idea that 5% of the hospitalized go to ICU? Are you making it up as you go? I don't know the real number, but that is an absurdly low estimate.

On the surface it looks like 20-40%.

We can use the figures for Occitanie. Currently 1823 people have been tested positive, 697 are hospitalized and 210 are in ICU/reanimation. So around here it's closer to 30% than 5%.
Question for the experts: why do all of the curve models assume that the ICU capacity is static? Surely if the peak can be delayed by 4-6 months this gives time to increase ICU capacity by converting standard wards to ICUs?
What are you on about? :lol:
You're saying that people are comparing Covid to Swine Flu. I'm saying that just because Covid hasn't killed anywhere near as many people yet, it could do in time so the comparisons are not ridiculous.
Pretty much this. Although I'd say civilised too. The vast majority are adhering to the lock down with minimal enforcement and are praising the police. I don't see why this would escalate to rioting at this point but if it did, as in previous years, it would be quelled in a couple weeks max.
And that's without the army even getting out of bed. Plus if ever there were a call for volunteers for a militia there would be literally millions in the queue.
Question for the experts: why do all of the curve models assume that the ICU capacity is static? Surely if the peak can be delayed by 4-6 months this gives time to increase ICU capacity by converting standard wards to ICUs?

Because you need nurses and doctors for those new ICU beds and it takes more than 4-6 months to form them. You are always limited by the amount of staff available.
Where the feck did you get the idea that 5% of the hospitalized go to ICU? Are you making it up as you go? I don't know the real number, but that is an absurdly low estimate.

On the surface it looks like 20-40%.

Firstly I'm talking young people in my age group. Secondly at the moment in the UK we can assume the rate of hospitalisations due to confirmed COVID19 in all age groups is essentially 100%.

I can't find the paper where the estimates were given but I remember it as 3.2% 30s hospitalised. 5% of that group tubed. 20-40% hospitalised young people is a load of bollocks when accounting for the lack of testing.
You're saying that people are comparing Covid to Swine Flu. I'm saying that just because Covid hasn't killed anywhere near as many people yet, it could do in time so the comparisons are not ridiculous.
I think you need to go back and read the full sentence that I said and have a think about it.
Question for the experts: why do all of the curve models assume that the ICU capacity is static? Surely if the peak can be delayed by 4-6 months this gives time to increase ICU capacity by converting standard wards to ICUs?
Because the logistics of that are incredibly difficult.

Standard wards wont have the same high flow oxygen systems installed, they may lack room for the basic ICU machinery, they'd need extra ICU trained staff which are gold-dust at the moment.

It's for these reasons that they branch into ED resus bays first as they have the capacity to support ventilation etc.
The point is the number of confirmed cases in Ireland is an underestimate and probably a large one. It’s misleading to look at what percentage of those who died or ended up in hospital from only the confirmed cases.

I don't really get what your point is here, everyone understands the fact that the final numbers will look a lot different, but do you want everyone to just essentially ignore the only facts available now, because of this?
Because the logistics of that are incredibly difficult.

Standard wards wont have the same high flow oxygen systems installed, they may lack room for the basic ICU machinery, they'd need extra ICU trained staff which are gold-dust at the moment.

It's for these reasons that they branch into ED resus bays first as they have the capacity to support ventilation etc.

Is it possible to just quickly train people on ventilator use and patient support?
I think you need to go back and read the full sentence that I said and have a think about it.
I did. You seem to think that people bringing up Swine Flu aren't taking this seriously. I'm saying that it doesn't follow as half a million people died from Swine Flu.
I did. You seem to think that people bringing up Swine Flu aren't taking this seriously. I'm saying that it doesn't follow as half a million people died from Swine Flu.
I've literally told you people aren't taking this seriously and bringing up swine flu as a basis for that opinion, so I'm not sure what your point is. Are you taking this seriously or not? Aren't you the same poster that said this isn't effecting people's jobs because you can't think of anyone personally?
I don't really get what your point is here, everyone understands the fact that the final numbers will look a lot different, but do you want everyone to just essentially ignore the only facts available now, because of this?

Not at all. The comment I originally replied to said 15% of those infected aged between 25-40 ended up in hospital. I was just pointing out why this is misleading and it’s actually much lower.
I've literally told you people aren't taking this seriously and bringing up swine flu as a basis for that opinion, so I'm not sure what your point is. Are you taking this seriously or not? Aren't you the same poster that said this isn't effecting people's jobs because you can't think of anyone personally?
If they're comparing it to Swine Flu then they are taking it seriously!
Is it possible to just quickly train people on ventilator use and patient support?
Not when the patient is very sick and unstable. I've been involved with ventilated patients being cared for at home by relatives on a long-term basis, but they weren't acutely ill.

I've looked after vented patients myself, but they were premature neonates and it's a completely different scenario.
If they're comparing it to Swine Flu then they are taking it seriously!
What? Even when they are posting things like:

Such a load of shit.

SARS was gonna kill us all. Swine flu and Bird flu was gonna kill us all. Ebola was gonna kill us all. I'm sure it's a serious illness but it's deadliness is amplified 6000% to fill 24 news cycles. No-one will care about this in two weeks.
Just curious, how much bashing you received.

I really hope you are staying safe and not too casual about it.
The point is the number of confirmed cases in Ireland is an underestimate and probably a large one. It’s misleading to look at what percentage of those who died or ended up in hospital from only the confirmed cases.

You're right, the stat I posted didn't take into account the unidentified cases. But neither does the 3.2% stat I was responding to, with fergieisold saying it would actually be a lot lower than 3.2% once unidentified cases were taken into account. So unidentified cases don't explain away the gap between what he was asserting and what the Spanish and Irish figures are reporting.
Ireland should be getting more confirmed cases if theyre testing those who are more likely to have it.
Which is a great sign that its not going up too much
Where the feck did you get the idea that 5% of the hospitalized go to ICU? Are you making it up as you go? I don't know the real number, but that is an absurdly low estimate.

On the surface it looks like 20-40%.

In one of the first large-scale studies of the characteristics of the coronavirus in Wuhan, 5 percent of patients required the intensive care unit and 2.3 percent required a ventilator.
Is it possible to just quickly train people on ventilator use and patient support?
I wouldn't say so, not safely anyway. There are far too many variables within the scope of acutely unwell ventilated patients. It's not just a case of knowing what settings and how the machine works, its the skill of trying to pre-empt deterioration and recognising that which ICU trained specialists are very good at, unfortunately that really only comes with experience.


I doubt this applies to Europe though. I think (am happy to be corrected on this) that China hospitalized a far greater share of diagnosed cases, even assymptomatic ones (for isolation purposes). They never lost control of the situation outside Wuhan.

@fergieisold says we should assume 100% of cases are being hospitalized in England. You can't assume that, you either know or you don't. If that's currently true, I assure you it will not be the case in a couple of weeks.