SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Could be. The reason I'm interested in the idea is that there was a flu-like illness going around here earlier in the year and now, looking back, I can't help but remember how many people had severe coughs. Purely anecdotal and likely just a paranoid, biased opinion, of course.

Just a quick question about that bolded bit - if somebody had it in, say, January and got over it with few to no symptoms, would they still be able to test positive for it in March?

It was the flu not a "flu like illness".
I need to go shopping in Tesco. I have a face mask, should I wear it? Will I be the only one? Am I being ridiculous?

Absolutely wear it. What else are you going to wear it for? Even if it does sod all else but remind people in the moment about social distancing it's a good thing.
Maybe you're right, but higher earners usually have higher outgoings too, I know some people who earn way more than me, but they barely make ends meet, they'll still be screwed if their income dries up.

The agreement is already in place to give workers 80% so why shouldn't the self employed get the same?

I didn't see you raise these concerns when employers were getting this given to them a week ago (though admittedly I could have missed this).

The fact is it would be very costly to start means testing this, and the manpower isn't their I wouldn't think. It's simpler to do a blanket payment of a fixed amount of what ALL earn, so we can all exist at something similar to what we do now. Without anyone getting into serious financial trouble.
80 percent with a max of 2.5k.

Whats the 80 percent based on for self employed?
Thanks @Revan

Tests are being made by rtPCR, which looks for the virus' RNA. Hence no, if the infection has cleared you won't test positive.

I've heard of some IgG/IgM tests going around, but know little to nothing about them. This sort of test searches for antibodies and would, presumably, be able to tell if you have antibodies agains coronavirus. I expect these to become important in the future if they can tell the difference between who is already immune or not. It would be tremendous to know who had assymptomatic infection, and if research proves these people will be immune, imaginw the benefit. You'll have an increasingly large population that you know would be safe to go out and take the higher-risk jobs.

Thanks for the answer! Appreciate it. I could easily just be babbling and no such things existed until recently, but I witnessed some symptoms already that look very much like covid-19 e.g. it's the relentless cough that I couldn't help but notice.

It was the flu not a "flu like illness".

Isn't "influenza-like illness" (slightly amended above, sure) a perfectly acceptable term if you're seeing flu-like symptoms but not unequivocal that it is the flu itself? I was reading a WHO paper and they seemed to use it when speaking about the flu season. Is it a term used, @Arruda?
I've seen couple videos floating in Punjab, police are stopping cars/people walking on streets and giving them a few smacks with the wooden sticks. They're also filming them and spreading them (assume to raise awareness and scare the public)
Yeah mostly its too put sense in the people whom they catch breaking the self imposed curfew.

People here seem to not understand the seriousness of the problem and seem to think that they will not catch it. One of the reasons why Modi in his address kept on emphasising on staying at home and avoiding contact.
I can't speak to how typical this is but I rang the Samaritans because I'm struggling with trying to stay strong for other people and I spent about an hour depressing some poor woman with my views. By the end of the chat she sounded like she needed to ring up herself.

It's very difficult when the specific thing aggravating your mental health issues is also a thing literally everyone is scared about.
I can't speak to how typical this is but I rang the Samaritans because I'm struggling with trying to stay strong for other people and I spent about an hour depressing some poor woman with my views. By the end of the chat she sounded like she needed to ring up herself.

It's very difficult when the specific thing aggravating your mental health issues is also a thing literally everyone is scared about.
Yep, it's really scary. I do some work for a mental health charity and on a call today it was decided that the target audience is now everyone. Crazy :(
I need to go shopping in Tesco. I have a face mask, should I wear it? Will I be the only one? Am I being ridiculous?
Loads of people got them on in grocery stores even in the US.

The efficacy of prevention I cannot speak to; it certainly doesn’t help as much if you’re constantly touching your face because you’re not used to PPE.
The suggestion is an average of the last three tax returns, (also with a similar maximum of course). Not sure what they're doing for the relatively newly self employed though
Id have no objection and no one would, but the maximum has to be the exact same imo.

What figure is it based on though, net profit? Cant be turnover!

Those that deal in cash etc and "hide" income to reduce tax will take a hit.
I wonder if Laundrettes will stay open. Having clean clothes
I need to go shopping in Tesco. I have a face mask, should I wear it? Will I be the only one? Am I being ridiculous?

Are you sick? Wear it.

Do you want people to give you a wide birth because they'll think you are sick? Wear it.

Do you want protection from getting it? Don't bother, you'd better off wearing a snorkel.
Thanks for the answer! Appreciate it. I could easily just be babbling and no such things existed until recently, but I witnessed some symptoms already that look very much like covid-19 e.g. it's the relentless cough that I couldn't help but notice.

Isn't "influenza-like illness" (slightly amended above, sure) a perfectly acceptable term if you're seeing flu-like symptoms but not unequivocal that it is the flu itself? I was reading a WHO paper and they seemed to use it when speaking about the flu season. Is it a term used, @Arruda?

Flu-like symptoms and flu-like illness have two different meanings and in the context of your post the answer was the flu. Earlier this year and currently we are in flu season, a lot of people have and had the flu.
Can someone please explain to me how mankind doesn't deserve this. We're +7 billion for fecks sake.


Disease is bound to happen more frequently in the future.
We don't deserve it. Some rich cnuts deserve plenty but most of us do not.
Average earnings over a period of time for that particular job in that particular area is the only realistic way they can do it, I would think.
By earnings you mean what though?

Turnover? Net profit? Taxable income?

All 3 are vastly different
Flu-like symptoms and flu-like illness have two different meanings and in the context of your post the answer was the flu. Earlier this year and currently we are in flu season, a lot of people have and had the flu.

No idea what it was, and if we can say "influenza-like illness" to describe something that looks like the flu but isn't officially declared as such, influenza-like illness it is.
Id have no objection and no one would, but the maximum has to be the exact same imo.

What figure is it based on though, net profit? Cant be turnover!

Those that deal in cash etc and "hide" income to reduce tax will take a hit.

I would assume it would be the same, as you say, it certainly should be.

Yes, I also assume based on net profit, only thing that makes sense really.

Yes, cash in hand workers will be hit, but they are, contrary to popular opinion, a small minority. I guess they'll get their comeuppance for not paying into the system, in the most harshest of ways
So the lockdowns that have been going on in Italy for over 2 weeks now and almost 2 week in Spain sure don't seem to be turning the tide. Record numbers coming out of Spain today. Surely those figures are the ones to follow and if they have not had the desire result what has China done that seems so effective - cooked the books.
Thanks @Revan

Tests are being made by rtPCR, which looks for the virus' RNA. Hence no, if the infection has cleared you won't test positive.

I've heard of some IgG/IgM tests going around, but know little to nothing about them. This sort of test searches for antibodies and would, presumably, be able to tell if you have antibodies agains coronavirus. I expect these to become important in the future if they can tell the difference between who is already immune or not. It would be tremendous to know who had assymptomatic infection, and if research proves these people will be immune, imaginw the benefit. You'll have an increasingly large population that you know would be safe to go out and take the higher-risk jobs.

Here’s an FT article about some epidemiological research which will use serological testing. Annoyingly, can’t find anything in the medical literature, so no idea whether to take this seriously or not. If rampant spread of extremely mild, or asymptomatic illness has been going on for ages that would be by far the best outcome. So I would be fecking delighted if they’re onto something here.
So the lockdowns that have been going on in Italy for over 2 weeks now and almost 2 week in Spain sure don't seem to be turning the tide. Record numbers coming out of Spain today. Surely those figures are the ones to follow and if they have not had the desire result what has China done that seems so effective - cooked the books.

Wuhan's lock down lasted a lot longer than two weeks.

You've been told two weeks because anything more will create significant public panic.
By earnings you mean what though?

Turnover? Net profit? Taxable income?

All 3 are vastly different

Turnover is not really "earnings", is it? You can have a turnover of £10,000,000 but not earn a penny.

They'll be giving people 80% of their net profit I would imagine (a total guess on my part). It's going to be rough for a lot of self-employed people (not a guess at all sadly).
So the lockdowns that have been going on in Italy for over 2 weeks now and almost 2 week in Spain sure don't seem to be turning the tide. Record numbers coming out of Spain today. Surely those figures are the ones to follow and if they have not had the desire result what has China done that seems so effective - cooked the books.

China’s ability to test, diagnose, isolate and accurately trace all contacts of every case is/was absolutely leagues ahead of any European country. It obviously helps that they’ve been preparing for this for years.
And any public health body would recognise the number of new cases is limited by the amount of testing being done and not by actual new cases. We all know there is an order of magnitude greater than that with COVID-19. The “drop” in cases is such a small number to be negligible too, it has such a small degree of confidence. Just looking at these headline figures in isolation does not tell you anything relevant.

If someone can present a fuller, more insightful case for good news. I’d love to read it. The Italians are publishing a fair bit of data.

The absolute number is fairly irrelevant, but if you test 10% of all cases yesterday and then you also test 10% today and tomorrow, the trend you see is valid. The head of the Civil Protection Agency said as much today, they estimate there could be 10x the cases in Italy but it's the trends they are the most interested in.

It's also not a totally irrelevant number because these are the cases at highest risk of taking a hospital bed.
China’s ability to test, diagnose, isolate and accurately trace all contacts of every case is/was absolutely leagues ahead of any European country. It obviously helps that they’ve been preparing for this for years.

Do you reckon their ability to trace was the biggest factor in containing the outbreak?
Do you reckon their ability to trace was the biggest factor in containing the outbreak?
Undoubtedly it was their fear of authority.

I speak to Chinese people every day. Have done for years. They wouldn't dare leave their homes if the government forbid it. On the extremely rare cases when they did they always wore masks.

Liberty and our idea of freedom will screw us. Selfish west.
So the lockdowns that have been going on in Italy for over 2 weeks now and almost 2 week in Spain sure don't seem to be turning the tide. Record numbers coming out of Spain today. Surely those figures are the ones to follow and if they have not had the desire result what has China done that seems so effective - cooked the books.

Wuhan is in lockdown since January 23th and it will reportedly be lifted on April 8.
Turnover is not really "earnings", is it? You can have a turnover of £10,000,000 but not earn a penny.

They'll be giving people 80% of their net profit I would imagine (a total guess on my part). It's going to be rough for a lot of self-employed people (not a guess at all sadly).
Thats why im asking.

You also have to factor in depreciation reducing net profit