Yaaas Broncos!
@Mr Pigeon not gonna lie I was pretty proud of that one
Yet when I feed a whole packet of animals bars to the pet dog, suddenly I'm was the bad guy.The same thing with Muppets buying baby wipes because there's no toilet paper. The clue is in the fecking name you dipshits. Enjoy clogging your drains up as well.
Oh god I had forgotten that at first some people on here defended the government. I posted this tweet last Thursday and well......NOT A U-TURN!
Starting to get the feeling this is a lot worse than anybody is willing to admit at this moment, especially with the recent government mess up most people knew would happen. The fact a minority are undermining and purposely ignoring the advice given is really worrying. Maybe my anxiety kicking it up a gear, but really feels like the beginning of something we won't come good from. If anything was to wipe humanity out, it would be something like this. Don't think my anxiety can handle reading more into this, but at the same time, the need to pay attention and show maturity here is essential.
My best wishes go out to every single one of you.
From the 3rd page of this thread.Such a load of shit.
SARS was gonna kill us all. Swine flu and Bird flu was gonna kill us all. Ebola was gonna kill us all. I'm sure it's a serious illness but it's deadliness is amplified 6000% to fill 24 news cycles. No-one will care about this in two weeks.
This thread doesn't look good.
For example:
Yeah I was proud for you too. Printing it off and framing it as we speak.@Mr Pigeon not gonna lie I was pretty proud of that one
Yeah, find my other post where I admitted my mistake.From the 3rd page of this thread.
I've heard doctors say it has been a particularly bad flu season, I wonder if it has been circulating for a long time.
Wonder where all the well read government supporters have ran off to now? This shit show can only get worse from the idotic decisions made by said government, completely disregarding everything the rest of the world advised.From the 3rd page of this thread.
Literally anyone with a brain on a fecking football forum, who has looked at the graphs from Italy and Iran. The mind boggles.Who'd have fecking thought it?
Noooo.... @Regulus Arcturus Black is going to make 10 consecutive posts defending the government before he even reads the summary.
The two strategies - China style suppression vs UK style mitigation have been modelled by MRC Centre for Global Infectious disease at Imperial. Well worth a look:
Listen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.Wonder where all the well read government supporters have ran off to now? This shit show can only get worse from the idotic decisions made by said government, completely disregarding everything the rest of the world advised.
Wonder where all the well read government supporters have ran off to now? This shit show can only get worse from the idotic decisions made by said government, completely disregarding everything the rest of the world advised.
Listen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.
Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.
Yeah I was proud for you too. Printing it off and framing it as we speak.
I still think the government should've held out for longer, the economy will be the bigger problem in the long run. I think they've now taken the politically expedient decision, rather than the most beneficial one, but the government obviously didn't think they could cope with death rates outstripping those on the continent.
This theory will be proven wrong if effective vaccines or anti-virals are developed and able to be distributed in the next 12 months, but I doubt it.
I'm still quite stunned by this.
It's one thing to feck up your predictions. That can happen, even if it's to horrendous effect in this case.
But to wilfully deviate from what other countries are doing and the WHO are imploring, only to so quickly (but not quickly enough) realise it was a horrendous mistake?
The sheer fecking arrogance of thinking they knew better than everyone else. Jesus.
Spat my drink outListen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.
Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.
i was thinking about the very same posts from last night, bloody hell. thankfully the virus stays away from affluent likeminded people in large groupsListen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.
Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.
Bill Gates must be thrilled.. ?
‘The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Ex vaccine researcher:
‘At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but its true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests’.
Im not endorsing any ‘conspiracy’ theory, especially in times like these, but one can objectively present statements from ‘wealthy’ influential ‘elites’ who have been advocating for a ‘less populated’ earth for decades.
Again, i am merely presenting a view, and quotes which are tracable to the people who said them.
TBF to him, he has also said that he was expecting 500k-1m deaths. Right @Dante ?Is that what it actually says though? I must be misreading it because they can't actually have fecked up that badly.
@Dante has been defending the government's position a bit, what do you make of it?
Not blaming you or anything. Just found it interesting to read back early sentiments.Yeah, find my other post where I admitted my mistake.
Christ you're a horrible piece of work.
Your tests per million capita (if we want to compare apples with apples) has you in 12th place according to the link you shared. With 11 countries (including 6 other European countries) doing better than you. Which is pretty shoddy for one of the biggest/wealthiest countries on the continent.
In fact, you’re only one place ahead of Ireland in that table and I know for a fact that the rolling out of testing in Ireland has been an absolute clusterfeck. Only just starting to become fit for purpose.
Bill Gates must be thrilled.. ?
‘The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Ex vaccine researcher:
‘At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but its true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests’.
Im not endorsing any ‘conspiracy’ theory, especially in times like these, but one can objectively present statements from ‘wealthy’ influential ‘elites’ who have been advocating for a ‘less populated’ earth for decades.
Again, i am merely presenting a view, and quotes which are tracable to the people who said them.
But...the Dutch are following a somewhat similar strategy though.Not sure what's funnier, that UK government proved just again how clueless they are or that there actually were people defending that suicide plan.
SARS, MERS, Ebola, swine flu and bird flu should have served as a wake up call. Unfortunately, it only made governments (and people) complacent and it is gonna be alright next time too.It's quite remarkable how this all evolved. Early this year a spokesman for the Dutch airport Schiphol said "there's basically zero chance the virus spreads to the Netherlands. We don't have direct flights to Wuhan."
I get why they said that, they genuinely thought it would remain a Chinese domestic issue. But boy, did that quote age like milk.
Then they’re also a bit dumb.But...the Dutch are following a somewhat similar strategy though.
Quote from the paper (my bold):
I must be missing something because to me that reads like the UK pursued one plan only to realise in the last few days what posters here have been saying for ages, that the health service would be massively overwhelmed?
feck offBill Gates must be thrilled.. ?
‘The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could LOWER that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Ex vaccine researcher:
‘At the highest levels of the medical cartel, vaccines are a top priority because they cause a weakening of the immune system. I know that may be hard to accept, but its true. The medical cartel, at the highest level, is not out to help people, it is out to harm them, to weaken them. To kill them. At one point in my career, I had a long conversation with a man who occupied a high government position in an African nation. He told me that he was well aware of this. He told me that WHO is a front for these depopulation interests’.
Im not endorsing any ‘conspiracy’ theory, especially in times like these, but one can objectively present statements from ‘wealthy’ influential ‘elites’ who have been advocating for a ‘less populated’ earth for decades.
Again, i am merely presenting a view, and quotes which are tracable to the people who said them.
Listen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.
Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.