SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

To be quite honest I don't fault them too much.

The government are doing the right thing by listening to their own experts, who know the situation in their own country better than anybody in the WHO (who are a total waste of space) or anywhere else. It's how good government is supposed to work.

How those experts managed to feck it up is another question, but again the government is doing the right thing by admitting the mistake and changing course.

It's far better than a certain idiot leader who refuses to listen to those who know better and would never in a million years admit he was wrong.

If your experts are saying one thing and the experts of other countries & the WHO are saying something different, surely the onus is on the government to make sure they're following the right advice? Rather than just assuming it's the right advice because it's coming from British experts?

It's not like they've come undone by some obscure flaw in a complicated plan. The extremely obvious problem that that multiple countries, health organisations, doctors, scientists and mindless internet posters were all screaming about turned out to be correct.

It's an absolutely horrendous, arrogant feck up.
To be quite honest I don't fault them too much.

The government are doing the right thing by listening to their own experts, who know the situation in their own country better than anybody in the WHO (who are a total waste of space) or anywhere else. It's how good government is supposed to work.

How those experts managed to feck it up is another question, but again the government is doing the right thing by admitting the mistake and changing course.

It's far better than a certain idiot leader who refuses to listen to those who know better and would never in a million years admit he was wrong.
Those experts are idiots then. I calculated in the last two days here that what they were trying to do is impossible. Anyone with half a brain and a basic education in math should have known then.

But considering that I don't believe the experts are idiots, it leads to believe me that it is worse than that. Someone is hiding something. It is either that the economy will get damaged so much by doing lockdowns that it is not worth it, or the simulations put it as the best-case scenario, with the other scenarios reaching the same (or more) number of deaths long term. Of course, whatever it is, it is not something that can be said to the public.

Here’s the bit where I cynically say that the banks will be injected with cash, the corporations will have their taxes cut and the average joe will receive feck all help.

Tomorrow is the bit where all of the above is announced and the people who called me cynical are nowhere to be seen.
Listen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.

Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.
:lol: :lol:
Those rules came in, what, 5 years ago?
I don't know, you'd know better than me. I was winding you up btw.

I presume you mean he doesn't have enough saved up pension payments to allow him to stop working due to it coming in recently?
So what is the current level of thinking about how this particular virus behaves with different weather conditions?
If the summer does something, it will probably slow it down by a bit by not too much. And even if it stops it a lot, it will return in the autumn.
Didn't mean to misrepresent your position, was actually just asking what you thought of the paper?
No worries, mate.

I honestly don't know what to make of it. It looks like they underestimated the reproduction rate and now they're going to gamble on a prolonged lockdown causing less damage than a quicker-than-predicted spread of the virus.

I think we've found ourselves stuck even more firmly between a rock and hard place than before, with two terrible outcomes being the only ways out.

If true, this is potentially terrible news. We wouldn't be changing direction so sharply for any other reason. I really hope it's wrong.
To be quite honest I don't fault them too much.

The government are doing the right thing by listening to their own experts, who know the situation in their own country better than anybody in the WHO (who are a total waste of space) or anywhere else. It's how good government is supposed to work.

How those experts managed to feck it up is another question, but again the government is doing the right thing by admitting the mistake and changing course.

It's far better than a certain idiot leader who refuses to listen to those who know better and would never in a million years admit he was wrong.
Nope. It was moronic nonsense. It was all politics - very little science involved (if any).
Those experts are idiots then. I calculated in the last two days here that what they were trying to do is impossible. Anyone with half a brain and a basic education in math should have known then.

But considering that I don't believe the experts are idiots, it leads to believe me that it is worse than that. Someone is hiding something. It is either that the economy will get damaged so much by doing lockdowns that it is not worth it, or the simulations put it as the best-case scenario, with the other scenarios reaching the same (or more) number of deaths long term. Of course, whatever it is, it is not something that can be said to the public.

And you can choose the experts you want to listen to. You only have to see the current cabinets stance on brexit to know that.
Your tests per million capita (if we want to compare apples with apples) has you in 12th place according to the link you shared. With 11 countries (including 6 other European countries) doing better than you. Which is pretty shoddy for one of the biggest/wealthiest countries on the continent.

In fact, you’re only one place ahead of Ireland in that table and I know for a fact that the rolling out of testing in Ireland has been an absolute clusterfeck. Only just starting to become fit for purpose.
Well, yeah, the point wasn’t that we are a positive outlier, but the tone of the last couple of days was that we performing poorly, which doesn’t appear true when comparing. Iceland are too small to bother comparing against and you’d only hope Italy were outpacing us out of necessity.

I don’t think describing us as one of the wealthiest European countries is fair. By both GDP per capita and average salaries, we sit below the Nordic, Benelux and German-speaking contingents and are roughly equivalent to France. Whether we should be is another matter.

Be interesting to see how this progresses in the next week or two.
Here’s the bit where I cynically say that the banks will be injected with cash, the corporations will have their taxes cut and the average joe will receive feck all help.

Tomorrow is the bit where all of the above is announced and the people who called me cynical are nowhere to be seen.

I hope they do helicopter money and universal basic income until the crisis is over, I think the only way to calm people. Otherwise in 2/3 months there will be riots.
I should have pointed out no dogs were harmed in the making of this joke. Although I did once have to chase him around the house when he stole a cream egg.

How i imagined that looked
I should have pointed out no dogs were harmed in the making of this joke. Although I did once have to chase him around the house when he stole a cream egg.
My brother used to have a dog that loved stealing chocolate bars, they're daft things.
Hoooo stop! Im not an anti vaxxer at all...

I merely stated a different view. There are actual quotes from decades of people who advocate the concept of depopulation.

Henry Kissinger: ‘ Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

Prince Philip: ‘If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.’

Sir David Attenborough: ‘The human population can no longer be allowed to grow in the same old uncontrolled way. If we do not take charge of our population size, then nature will do it for us.”

Tedd Turner (CNN founder) : ‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Jacques Costeau: ‘In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Maurice Strong: ‘Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.”

Again, i am NOT an anti vaccin, what i did was present quotes from ‘globalists’ who are on record advocating for a decrease in population. However i am NOT saying that vaccines are used to do that, i presented an article whereby the vaccines given to Kenyan girls and woman was discovered to have anti fertility in it. That could have been a mistake by the WHO, by inadequate research of the vaccine itself.

You’re absolutely tone fecking deaf mate.
Listen. My friends and I live in an affluent and like minded area and we are doing everything we can to reduce the risk to others. Swapping spit, licking railings, lobbing phlegm into jars and pouring it into our 10 pint punch bowl at our daily coughing parties. My friends are an astronaut, a Geth Prime, Santa Claus and a sentient pair of loafers. I head a team of four hundred tadpoles who sell knock off Adibas tracksuits.

Until Boris tells us what to do again we'll continue to think for ourselves.
You sound like a PE teacher I know.
Hoooo stop! Im not an anti vaxxer at all...

I merely stated a different view. There are actual quotes from decades of people who advocate the concept of depopulation.

Henry Kissinger: ‘ Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

Prince Philip: ‘If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.’

Sir David Attenborough: ‘The human population can no longer be allowed to grow in the same old uncontrolled way. If we do not take charge of our population size, then nature will do it for us.”

Tedd Turner (CNN founder) : ‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Jacques Costeau: ‘In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Maurice Strong: ‘Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.”

Again, i am NOT an anti vaccin, what i did was present quotes from ‘globalists’ who are on record advocating for a decrease in population. However i am NOT saying that vaccines are used to do that, i presented an article whereby the vaccines given to Kenyan girls and woman was discovered to have anti fertility in it. That could have been a mistake by the WHO, by inadequate research of the vaccine itself.

Yeah but nah. Do not appreciate this at all. Find yourself a conspiracy theory thread please.
Hoooo stop! Im not an anti vaxxer at all...

I merely stated a different view. There are actual quotes from decades of people who advocate the concept of depopulation.

Henry Kissinger: ‘ Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

Prince Philip: ‘If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.’

Sir David Attenborough: ‘The human population can no longer be allowed to grow in the same old uncontrolled way. If we do not take charge of our population size, then nature will do it for us.”

Tedd Turner (CNN founder) : ‘A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Jacques Costeau: ‘In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it is just as bad not to say it.”

Maurice Strong: ‘Either we reduce the world’s population voluntarily or nature will do this for us, but brutally.”

Again, i am NOT an anti vaccin, what i did was present quotes from ‘globalists’ who are on record advocating for a decrease in population. However i am NOT saying that vaccines are used to do that, i presented an article whereby the vaccines given to Kenyan girls and woman was discovered to have anti fertility in it. That could have been a mistake by the WHO, by inadequate research of the vaccine itself.
Can someone ban you, please? Just make a conspiracy thread somewhere and talk with yourself.
Just seen someone posting a picture of someone selling baby milk formula on Facebook for £40, they had 35 of them left as well.
They should be arrested for that, hope you have reported them, although I'm not sure what the police could actually do.
Here’s the bit where I cynically say that the banks will be injected with cash, the corporations will have their taxes cut and the average joe will receive feck all help.

Tomorrow is the bit where all of the above is announced and the people who called me cynical are nowhere to be seen.
Yep pretty much what I'm expecting too. I can't see them putting forward similar policies to that of Denmark, Norway or even France. Although hopefully they will because it seems like sheer madness at moment(They are fecking over giants parts of their voting base as well).

How i imagined that looked

In fairness to him, he is actually a mass big thing(Can't say the same for myself).

Slightly bigger than this one and is a half German shepherd(So basically wants to kill anyone who isn't a family member).


:lol: dogs are the best.
My brother used to have a dog that loved stealing chocolate bars, they're daft things.
Yeah lots my time with him is making sure he doesn't accidentally kill himself. But he is brilliant.
To be quite honest I don't fault them too much.

The government are doing the right thing by listening to their own experts, who know the situation in their own country better than anybody in the WHO (who are a total waste of space) or anywhere else. It's how good government is supposed to work.

How those experts managed to feck it up is another question, but again the government is doing the right thing by admitting the mistake and changing course.

It's far better than a certain idiot leader who refuses to listen to those who know better and would never in a million years admit he was wrong.

Would be nice of them to publicly admit it, unless I have missed that.
Strawman. However, the Pirbright Institute filed for a patent of a coronavirus in 2015 and was granted one in 2018. Majority stakeholder of this institute? Bill Gates.

You can interpret that any way you like.

Strawman. However, the Pirbright Institute filed for a patent of a coronavirus in 2015 and was granted one in 2018. Majority stakeholder of this institute? Bill Gates.

You can interpret that any way you like.
That's quite the quantum leap from "Bill gates has stake in companies that make vaccines" to "Bill Gates wants to terminate 10% of the world"