SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Between £200 and £10,000 depending on the severity.
Are they tied in with other restrictions? In the states, for example, not paying child support will get your driver’s license taken away. Are other liberties targeted if the fines aren’t paid? It might need to be more than financial punishments to make people understand.
I'm sure I've heard the old "we hope things will be better by [insert random date here]" before. It was BS then and it's BS now.
We heard it at the start, mentioning things will be better by summer. Then in August/September, things will be better by Christmas. And now, yeh things will be better by April.

I get this is a new threat, things change. At the start of this ordeal you could give the government the benefit of the doubt, but come on....we’re not far off a year of this now. Rules are so wishy washy, this place can stay open but this place can’t. This area is in tier 2, but this other one is tier 4. And their explanations for doing so are so flawed.

Got Dominic Cummings testing his eyesight with a trip in his car, Matt Hancock crying on TV and Boris Johnson bumbling out bollocks every time he gives an announcement. It’s so embarrassing.
Are they tied in with other restrictions? In the states, for example, not paying child support will get your driver’s license taken away. Are other liberties targeted if the fines aren’t paid? It might need to be more than financial punishments to make people understand.

Further on the congressman who died of covid. He apparently was an ‘all businesses should be open with no restrictions at all, all schools should be open with no restrictions at all, society should be open with no restrictions at all’ trumpeter as well...

The building is a shell so take that out of the equation. It’s the mixing that necessitates a school to run which causes the issue. The teachers can only do so much, but kids being in school and travelling to / from in vast numbers in close proximity is bound to cause issues.

I’m just saying that last point you’re making - the thing that is bound to cause issues - there have been scientific studies into that part of the school environment and they didn’t find conclusive evidence of those issues, which is what governments have consistently pointed to when defending their decision. They’ve been shared in this thread going all the way back to the summer, from different countries.

Whether governments are using that as political cover, whether those scientific studies are accurate, whether we should even rely on science instead of what is considered common sense - reasonable people can disagree. I’m not saying your position is wrong. I’m just clarifying that their position on the safety of schools is different because they differ mostly on that specific point. They agree with you that household mixing in general is a risk factor, they disagree on that secondary risk.
Why believe a fairytale? Why not believe realities on the ground, especially as they are happening? Why not remain founded in reality? Sure, positive thoughts help, but actual realities on the ground everywhere are starting to poke holes in this line of thought.

It’s this kind of fairytale mentality that will create even more of a spike on top of the current morass in which we find ourselves.
Believing terrorist attacks are inevitable is basing yourself in reality? You’re comfortably the most miserable person in this thread and that ain’t healthy.
Good that more areas in T4.

Don't understand why Leeds hasn't, when all that will happen is more people will pile in there.

Our lockdowns are too soft, discipline non-existent for rule breakers and no punishment.

But, glad more places are in. My brother works in the NHS, and it sounds like we will be in a disaster in the next week.
I’m just saying that last point you’re making - the thing that is bound to cause issues - there have been scientific studies into that part of the school environment and they didn’t find conclusive evidence of those issues, which is what governments have consistently pointed to when defending their decision. They’ve been shared in this thread going all the way back to the summer, from different countries.

Whether governments are using that as political cover, whether those scientific studies are accurate, whether we should even rely on science instead of what is considered common sense - reasonable people can disagree. I’m not saying your position is wrong. I’m just clarifying that their position on the safety of schools is different because they differ mostly on that specific point. They agree with you that household mixing in general is a risk factor, they disagree on that secondary risk.

Fair point mate, you could well be right, I’ve not read enough of the science behind it to argue otherwise.
Believing terrorist attacks are inevitable is basing yourself in reality? You’re comfortably the most miserable person in this thread and that ain’t healthy.
Hmmm. We just had a terrorist attack in my country due to 5G & lizard people in government. You think that the supply chain of the vaccinations isn’t a ripe, soft target, especially when the vaccines are finally available for the masses? You think the ilk that wants to murder Democratic governors in my country & destroy power grids won’t see this as a viable window of opportunity, especially when their psychosis of Bill Gates wanting time depopulate then world really gets tweaked? You think this mindset exists only in the backwoods of my country?

It’s not unhealthy to posit potential logical outcomes, no matter how dark they may be.
Hmmm. We just had a terrorist attack in my country due to 5G & lizard people in government. You think that the supply chain of the vaccinations isn’t a ripe, soft target, especially when the vaccines are finally available for the masses? You think the ilk that wants to murder Democratic governors in my country & destroy power grids won’t see this as a viable window of opportunity, especially when their psychosis of Bill Gates wanting time depopulate then world really gets tweaked? You think this mindset exists only in the backwoods of my country?

It’s not unhealthy to posit potential logical outcomes, no matter how dark they may be.
Expecting not one, but several terrorist attacks on vaccine supply chains is bad enough. Saying you are looking forward to it is weird as feck. Why? So you can be proved right that vaccines aren’t our saving grace? You are a weird one. And most definitely not thinking healthily.
Further on the congressman who died of covid. He apparently was an ‘all businesses should be open with no restrictions at all, all schools should be open with no restrictions at all, society should be open with no restrictions at all’ trumpeter as well...

Anything which starts, ends with, or even has "let this/that sink in" is some of the most ridiculously annoying shit ever.

Dude was clearly a bit dim mind.
They should be fining more people here, a lot just don’t seem to care

  • Belgium: €250 for individuals, €750 for businesses; government lawsuit for nonpayment
  • England: Up to £200 for the first offense and up to £6,400 for repeat offenders
  • France: €135 fine for breaking nighttime curfew, up to €3,750 for repeat offenders
  • Italy: €400-€1,000 fine for not wearing a face mask (almost always required inside and outside)
  • Netherlands: €95 fine for individuals not wearing masks and groups of people not keeping distance
  • Spain: €100 for not wearing mask; €600 to €600,000 for violating other national restrictions
Expecting not one, but several terrorist attacks on vaccine supply chains is bad enough. Saying you are looking forward to it is weird as feck. Why? So you can be proved right that vaccines aren’t our saving grace? You are a weird one. And most definitely not thinking healthily.
‘Looking forward you...’ implied heavy sarcasm on my part. Apologies if you truly thought I was advocating for it & hoping it would happen & didn’t catch my sarcasm.
‘Looking forward you...’ implied heavy sarcasm on my part. Apologies if you truly thought I was advocating for it & hoping it would happen & didn’t catch my sarcasm.
I don’t know, you seem to revel in the misery of it all.
  • Belgium: €250 for individuals, €750 for businesses; government lawsuit for nonpayment
  • England: Up to £200 for the first offense and up to £6,400 for repeat offenders
  • France: €135 fine for breaking nighttime curfew, up to €3,750 for repeat offenders
  • Italy: €400-€1,000 fine for not wearing a face mask (almost always required inside and outside)
  • Netherlands: €95 fine for individuals not wearing masks and groups of people not keeping distance
  • Spain: €100 for not wearing mask; €600 to €600,000 for violating other national restrictions
Spain ! I‘d love to see someone’s face when they get handed a €600,000 fine :lol:
  • Belgium: €250 for individuals, €750 for businesses; government lawsuit for nonpayment
  • England: Up to £200 for the first offense and up to £6,400 for repeat offenders
  • France: €135 fine for breaking nighttime curfew, up to €3,750 for repeat offenders
  • Italy: €400-€1,000 fine for not wearing a face mask (almost always required inside and outside)
  • Netherlands: €95 fine for individuals not wearing masks and groups of people not keeping distance
  • Spain: €100 for not wearing mask; €600 to €600,000 for violating other national restrictions

Belgium has changed, fines have become higher. 750€ for a minor offence by an individual, 4000€ and a court order for a major (for instance hosting a lockdown party). No warnings, immediate fine.
Belgium has changed, fines have become higher. 750€ for a minor offence by an individual, 4000€ and a court order for a major (for instance hosting a lockdown party). No warnings, immediate fine.

Yeah, the English one doesn't sound quite right now. Lockdown parties and anti-lockdown protests can be fined £10,000 on the spot and have been a few times.
This is exactly what needs to be said at the PM’s media briefings.

What if it makes the targets of this criticism just more likely to dismiss the rules because they now believe the government no longer speaks for them, they're being victimised, etc.?
What if it makes the targets of this criticism just more likely to dismiss the rules because they now believe the government no longer speaks for them, they're being victimised, etc.?
Particularly if it’s coming from people with a fair amount of ‘blood on their hands’.
What if it makes the targets of this criticism just more likely to dismiss the rules because they now believe the government no longer speaks for them, they're being victimised, etc.?

I’m certainly not advocating that Boris start shouting at the cameras that the public are too blame mate. But a sterner message stating that if you stop moving the virus stops moving should be sent out.
What if it makes the targets of this criticism just more likely to dismiss the rules because they now believe the government no longer speaks for them, they're being victimised, etc.?

I think people who already break the rules don’t care what they’re being asked to do with or without guidance. And frankly, if they’re ignorant enough to dismiss the requests for mask wearing and distancing then what right to they have to feel victimised in the first place? While numbers are spiralling as they are there should be no excuses for either public behaviour or governments messages.
I think people who already break the rules don’t care what they’re being asked to do with or without guidance. And frankly, if they’re ignorant enough to dismiss the requests for mask wearing and distancing then what right to they have to feel victimised in the first place? While numbers are spiralling as they are there should be no excuses for either public behaviour or governments messages.

Nowadays you always have the right to feel victimised particularly if you do something vile or act like an idiot and people tell you that you are a vile idiot.
I’m certainly not advocating that Boris start shouting at the cameras that the public are too blame mate. But a sterner message stating that if you stop moving the virus stops moving should be sent out.

Oh right I thought you meant they should say exactly the same message. Agree that sterner messaging is required in this moment but I think it's reasonable for governments to consider what are the negative side-effects of certain kinds of messages.

I think people who already break the rules don’t care what they’re being asked to do with or without guidance. And frankly, if they’re ignorant enough to dismiss the requests for mask wearing and distancing then what right to they have to feel victimised in the first place? While numbers are spiralling as they are there should be no excuses for either public behaviour or governments messages.

The question is what you're trying to achieve by saying "you have blood on your hands"? If it isn't to get these people to change their behaviour, what positive effect is it intended to bring? It might make some people feel vindicated for saying the same thing all this time, but it isn't going to change their behaviour either. And if it comes with a legitimate risk of further disillusioning people, then that choice of words can just lead to more blood. No point in winning moral victories if it leads to more losses as a result.

I think it's good that the doctor said it. In that case it comes with some potential benefits because people do trust them more than politicians, and it comes with fewer risks because they aren't speaking as an elected member representing the public. If the government chose not to weigh up those risks and benefits and it did alienate people, it would be a bad decision. It doesn't really matter what people are entitled to feel, it matters what they do feel. You can tell them that's a stupid thing to feel but they'll just ignore you and let those feelings guide their actions. And that brings dangers.
Oh right I thought you meant they should say exactly the same message. Agree that sterner messaging is required in this moment but I think it's reasonable for governments to consider what are the negative side-effects of certain kinds of messages.

The question is what you're trying to achieve by saying "you have blood on your hands"? If it isn't to get these people to change their behaviour, what positive effect is it intended to bring? It might make some people feel vindicated for saying the same thing all this time, but it isn't going to change their behaviour either. And if it comes with a legitimate risk of further disillusioning people, then that choice of words can just lead to more blood. No point in winning moral victories if it leads to more losses as a result.

I think it's good that the doctor said it. In that case it comes with some potential benefits because people do trust them more than politicians, and it comes with fewer risks because they aren't speaking as an elected member representing the public. If the government chose not to weigh up those risks and benefits and it did alienate people, it would be a bad decision. It doesn't really matter what people are entitled to feel, it matters what they do feel. You can tell them that's a stupid thing to feel but they'll just ignore you and let those feelings guide their actions. And that brings dangers.

I wasn’t advocating the use of that phrase in particular, just a stronger message in general. Nicely does it has got us to 50k case a day so time to get much sterner.

I was just meaning that the enforcement of wearing of masks and social distancing should be ramped up to the Nth degree and those flouting the rules should be targeted specifically in the messaging, feck their feelings at this point.
Nowadays you always have the right to feel victimised particularly if you do something vile or act like an idiot and people tell you that you are a vile idiot.

That may well be the case and lots of people are legitimately victimised but there should be no concern at targeting those in disregard of the current mess we’re in just in case they feel victimised, let them feel it.

The little old lady Nextdoor to us, who’s been like a step mother to me for the last 10 years, who we do shopping for and look after has now been taken into hospital with suspected covid. She barely leaves the house, so it must be either some shopping or a carer. If her result comes back positive then my whole family will have a nervy wait.

What the hell is going on? Just wear a mask, wash your hands and keep your fecking distance.
Rules on the 'essential' shops continue to baffle me. I just went for a run and noticed its heaving around here with people hanging outside Costa and the indie coffee shops having a good old chat.
Rules on the 'essential' shops continue to baffle me. I just went for a run and noticed its heaving around here with people hanging outside Costa and the indie coffee shops having a good old chat.
My shop closed today and I was shutting everything down today and the town was absolutely heaving with people. Absolutely baffling.
I went to Tesco today, as I was going in a couple was arguing with the staff (on the door) because they were not letting 2 people from the same household in at once.

As I left, a different couple was having the same argument with the same staff member.

feck working in retail at the moment.