SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Tier 4 in Birmingham is a must, seen countless videos of the Bullring looking like. . . a cattle market.

National lockdown incoming.
Is there still a Boris announcement at 5? If so is he expected to announce anything new or just rehash what Hancock has said?
Is there still a Boris announcement at 5? If so is he expected to announce anything new or just rehash what Hancock has said?

He won't announce anything new, it'll be a TV version of what was heard in the commons earlier.
Yeah, a family member who works on ICU in manc just had her 1st dose and she reckons most of 2021 will be needed. I know as more and more get the vaccine things will slowly return to the new normal but not sure I can handle another year of this.
I know how you feel. It feel like some scary parallel universe.
Yeah, a family member who works on ICU in manc just had her 1st dose and she reckons most of 2021 will be needed. I know as more and more get the vaccine things will slowly return to the new normal but not sure I can handle another year of this.

I'm not saying they're wrong but it is easy to see the worst case scenario when youre in the middle of the fire.

I think once lockdown takes effect, followed by vaccines, followed by coming out of winter, we'll see a dramatic improvement in our lives.

Travel won't be back to normal, things will operate at lower capacity but our every day lives will seem quite normal again, seeing family etc.
You could see tier 4 coming for northern areas when you saw pictures of all those people "fleeing" London when that went tier 4

How confusing for primary schools- those in tier 4 may be open, but some may not be, list to be published later, how stressful for teachers/ headteachers etc knowing what to do and plan for
Bristol still in Tier 3 somehow.

Massive pain in the arse for me. I’ve been down in cornwall with my Dad since my Mum passed away early last month and I’ve promised him I’m here as long as he needs me. My partner has been working remotely from cornwall too but is needed in Bristol in the next couple of weeks which means she’s going to have to go back home on her own. We were hoping it would be in Tier 4 so she wouldn’t be able to do what was needed of her (organise a product testing with local businesses) but as Bristol is somehow avoiding Tier 4 she’s likely going to be under pressure to return home and be stuck there on her own which I’m really not comfortable with.

Worst of it all is that my Dad while fine for the most part has early stages of Alzheimer’s and isn’t entirely confident in cooking for himself and is very sociable with a good network around a couple of local pubs which are now shut. So I’m very much between a rock and a hard place. My partner is very cool and completely understands but it doesn’t really make it any easier seeing her go off to be stuck on her own for god knows how long.

feck this virus in particular.
Probably a stupid question but why don't they start using the hospitals they built during the initial wave- they have them so why not use them, then where possible use the hospitals local to them for "everyday" emergencies, anything COVID related goes straight to the purpose built hospitals?
Massive pain in the arse for me. I’ve been down in cornwall with my Dad since my Mum passed away early last month and I’ve promised him I’m here as long as he needs me. My partner has been working remotely from cornwall too but is needed in Bristol in the next couple of weeks which means she’s going to have to go back home on her own. We were hoping it would be in Tier 4 so she wouldn’t be able to do what was needed of her (organise a product testing with local businesses) but as Bristol is somehow avoiding Tier 4 she’s likely going to be under pressure to return home and be stuck there on her own which I’m really not comfortable with.

Worst of it all is that my Dad while fine for the most part has early stages of Alzheimer’s and isn’t entirely confident in cooking for himself and is very sociable with a good network around a couple of local pubs which are now shut. So I’m very much between a rock and a hard place. My partner is very cool and completely understands but it doesn’t really make it any easier seeing her go off to be stuck on her own for god knows how long.

feck this virus in particular.

Sorry to hear about your mum and dad, could your dad go stay with you both in Bristol for a bit or would that make it harder for him? Least then you'd be with your partner but also still able to look after him?
Sorry to hear about your mum and dad, could your dad go stay with you both in Bristol for a bit or would that make it harder for him? Least then you'd be with your partner but also still able to look after him?

We live in a tiny one bed flat so it just wouldn’t work. We’re currently purchasing a two bed house but realistically its going to be months before the chain completes, probably longer now. If that was to go through it would solve the issue but until then it’s a shitter.
Detailing the closure of certain primary schools in parliament and not having the list ready to release to the public (and the bloody schools themselves!) is peak Gavin Williamson.
Detailing the closure of certain primary schools in parliament and not having the list ready to release to the public (and the bloody schools themselves!) is peak Gavin Williamson.

Feel for the teachers etc, surely the list should go live as the announcement is made, they need to know if they're going live lessons or not- even if it was tier 4= virtual lessons only, bar vulnerable children/ exam years- you'd think schools would have identified those pupils who's parents don't have access to equipment for virtual learning so those children can either be leant equipment, or included in the vulnerable group in schools

Some tier 4 having live lessons, others being virtual is clear as mud...
So just seen the latest figures.

Can anyone explain why the North West has moved to tier 4 when everything is essentially steady as it has been?
We live in a tiny one bed flat so it just wouldn’t work. We’re currently purchasing a two bed house but realistically its going to be months before the chain completes, probably longer now. If that was to go through it would solve the issue but until then it’s a shitter.

Oh that really sucks, has she absolutely got to go back or would her work be lenient?
Detailing the closure of certain primary schools in parliament and not having the list ready to release to the public (and the bloody schools themselves!) is peak Gavin Williamson.

I thought that was just me not being able to find the lists. I should never doubt myself in comparison to Gavin Williamson!
Although hospital admissions haven't increased? So are we saying people are staying in hospital longer? If so where's these figures?
This is my problem with the hospital capacity argument in relation to the North West going into tier 4. There are no figures available.

Would be happy if someone can correct me and share hospital capacity by UK region.
I didn’t say they wished them love, I said they didn’t wish death on her family, which is what you claimed. This is like the third time I’ve had to explain this to you ye damn tool.

Anyway, let’s move on. Wishing you love, prosperity and a long life :)

Cheers, you too. Wish you all the best to you and the people close to you :)
Feel for the teachers etc, surely the list should go live as the announcement is made, they need to know if they're going live lessons or not- even if it was tier 4= virtual lessons only, bar vulnerable children/ exam years- you'd think schools would have identified those pupils who's parents don't have access to equipment for virtual learning so those children can either be leant equipment, or included in the vulnerable group in schools

Some tier 4 having live lessons, others being virtual is clear as mud...

Of course it should have been. But this is Gavin Williamson and the DfE we’re talking about.

There are still hundreds of secondary schools all over the country that haven’t received the laptops they were promised for their pupils. All the while, the disadvantaged gap just gets bigger and bigger.
This is my problem with the hospital capacity argument in relation to the North West going into tier 4. There are no figures available.

Would be happy if someone can correct me and share hospital capacity by UK region.

Well hospital admissions haven't increased in the NW and are still below the baseline.

Looking at the figures we've just been presented with I can see zero justification for placing the region in to 4. You're essentially saying the region is in the same difficulty as the South and South East when it's clearly not.

What's the point with the system when it doesn't differentiate.

Let's be honest though there was no way London would stay in 4 and the rest of the country remain in less restrictive measures. They simply wouldn't have it.
Well hospital admissions haven't increased in the NW and are still below the baseline.

Looking at the figures we've just been presented with I can see zero justification for placing the region in to 4. You're essentially saying the region is in the same difficulty as the South and South East when it's clearly not.

What's the point with the system when it doesn't differentiate.

https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...ter-news/non-urgent-care-still-pause-19539079 - they're reporting rises here.

Case rates aren't declining, they're increasing as a total. It would be foolish to keep Greater Manchester in Tier 3. Admission data for last week is patchy at best due to Christmas reporting.