SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Perfect time to lockdown?

I wonder if they've been waiting for this to help with peoples acceptance of any incoming lockdown as there is now an obvious goal at the end of it.

Would be much easier to convince people now with the news of this vaccine.
Jesus. Just 41 years old too and no mention of underlying health conditions. Hopefully it’s a clear enough message to wise the feck up. RIP

Excellent, have we got an idea of schedule yet?
I heard it was going to start being rolled out from 4th Jan
Two weeks before the holidays we got a text from the school saying one of our kid's classes was going to be WFH for a week because someone in his class had tested positive for Covid. BUT they were expected in the following week for the last two days. We then got a call the next morning asking why his sister wasn't in school and why I had left them a message saying neither wouldn't be back until after the holidays.

I told them that it was mental for them to expect us to send him to school for the last two days in a week's time when his class might be rife with cases, and it was downright stupid to think that we would be sending his sister, who could possibly have it if he had been infected in his class, so that she could possibly spread it to her class as well.

The school were simply following policy. It’s worth remembering that when communicating with admin staff.

Also, your child’s school will have only requested that pupils return after they had isolated in line with PHE guidance.

For what it’s worth, with two days to go it was likely DVD time anyway. Your child wouldn’t have missed anything too important.
The school were simply following policy. It’s worth remembering that when communicating with admin staff.

Also, your child’s school will have only requested that pupils return after they had isolated in line with PHE guidance.

For what it’s worth, with two days to go it was likely DVD time anyway. Your child wouldn’t have missed anything too important.
I should point out that I know the staff quite well so we were actually laughing about it during the call.
Two weeks before the holidays we got a text from the school saying one of our kid's classes was going to be WFH for a week because someone in his class had tested positive for Covid. BUT they were expected in the following week for the last two days. We then got a call the next morning asking why his sister wasn't in school and why I had left them a message saying neither wouldn't be back until after the holidays.

I told them that it was mental for them to expect us to send him to school for the last two days in a week's time when his class might be rife with cases, and it was downright stupid to think that we would be sending his sister, who could possibly have it if he had been infected in his class, so that she could possibly spread it to her class as well.
Too right lad. Glad to see some common sense!
For me this is nothing to do with parties, Corbyn or Starker probably wouldn't have done better and Corbyn certainly would never have won my vote.

However, this government has been so unclear with messaging that it undermines the importance of the rules. You can't on the one hand claim every life matters and we must follow the rules and then on the other defend you aid for outright breaking the rules and then say the rules can be all be scrapped for Christmas, then late in the day changing you mind again.

If the rules over winter had remained as they were in November, sure people wouldn't have been happy but I guarantee compliance would be higher.

University's are also a case in point. For the vast majority of courses online learning would be absolutely fine, but the powers that be want to protect the 'student experience' and ultimately justify the absurd tuition fees so they plough on even though it is probably the single biggest hotspot alongside secondary schools.

The irony is in flip flopping as much as they are they are doing far more harm to both health and the economy.

I get you, and there’s not one post of mine absolving the government for their decision making, not one, and me putting blame largely on people does not constitute me defending the government. I am just saying I feel more annoyed with the behaviour of people disregarding masks, social distancing and restrictions that we all know exist than I do with the government.

Boris has been dreadful. He’s a good times Prime Minister and in this situation we need someone who isn’t scared of making big decisions that will make people unhappy. I know this, most on here know this but that doesn’t mean that we, or any other people should not wear masks, should flout social distancing or meet with multiple other households as I’ve been seeing with my own eyes.

We know what we should be doing in essence. We do. Most of us are doing this and I’m pretty sure it’s not people like me that is causing the spread of this virus. It is the people who are flouting the rules that we all know we should be abiding by regardless of the mixed messaging.

I would never have relaxed the restrictions for 5 days over Christmas. I’d have looked at the numbers In late November and early December and told people Christmas isn’t happening. It was clear we would have to curtail Christmas so my family made arrangements accordingly. Someone on here earlier gave a ‘can I?’ ‘Should I?’ scenario, so ‘Boris says I can relax over Christmas’ but anyone with a grain of sense actually thought ‘hmmm, I can, but should I?’

Same with holidays. ‘I can’ but actually ‘should I?’. I’ve not even thought about booking a holiday. I think it’s stupid.

Boris stupidly said everyone could relax, so what, if someone stupid tells you to do something stupid, you do it?

I live somewhere where a lot of people gather. I don’t moan about this, I’m lucky to live here and acknowledge that but it does give me a good view into the world right now and there are a heck of a lot of very stupid and selfish people living in it that clearly don’t care about catching or transmitting the virus. These are the focus of my annoyance and anger, not the government. The government are just doing a bad job.
And then you see this happening, hope they were fined:

So much for tier 4 meaning stay in your local area...
Doesn't supprise me in the slightest, until last week we were tier 1, and had people from the 4 counties bordering us trying ti get into the pubs here despite all being tier 3 or higher. The door staff were checking id, and anyone who's address wasn't a herefordshire address was turned away, including two coach loads of people from South Wales.
I've just read that a nurse in California, vaccinated over a week ago, has tested positive for Covid 19.

I'm far from being an expert but I thought vaccines don't prevent a virus from entering the body. They work by triggering our bodies immune system with the appropriate response.

The vaccine is not 100% anyway and the nurse, working in a high exposure environment would not have yet have the full benefit.
Really worrying. We live on an A road between two ambulance stations and we’ve really noticed how many more ambulances are flying past at all hours of the day or night.
Where I live, the ambulance goes past about 4-5 times a night the last few weeks. Similar to March/April
Where I live, the ambulance goes past about 4-5 times a night the last few weeks. Similar to March/April

Yeah, there’s been a definite escalation over the last few weeks no doubt. Some of it may just be us being more aware of it but we’ve been here a long time now and haven’t noticed it this much since last March / April as you said. It puts you on edge a little as it’s a reminder of what’s out there.

Some ambulances are waiting up to six hours to offload covid patients in California. They have to sit there, keeping the covid patient alive in their ambulance in many instances, waiting for a bed, completing tying them up from responding to other emergent issues.
My partner just tested positive! We made the best decision ever to not allow her parents over for Christmas!

She’s been very under the weather, lost all smell and taste, had a bit of a cough, otherwise okay. I assume I got it too, I have had a bit of a fever and been extremely fatigued.

We have been isolating because we’re in tier 4 anyway, and the second she felt a bit unwell we made sure to not to out at all, very happy we can say we have contained the virus here.
My partner just tested positive! We made the best decision ever to not allow her parents over for Christmas!

She’s been very under the weather, lost all smell and taste, had a bit of a cough, otherwise okay. I assume I got it too, I have had a bit of a fever and been extremely fatigued.

We have been isolating because we’re in tier 4 anyway, and the second she felt a bit unwell we made sure to not to out at all, very happy we can say we have contained the virus here.

That's shit, hopefully stays not too bad and you both recover well!
My partner just tested positive! We made the best decision ever to not allow her parents over for Christmas!

She’s been very under the weather, lost all smell and taste, had a bit of a cough, otherwise okay. I assume I got it too, I have had a bit of a fever and been extremely fatigued.

We have been isolating because we’re in tier 4 anyway, and the second she felt a bit unwell we made sure to not to out at all, very happy we can say we have contained the virus here.
Good decision. Get well soon
Someone my gf works with is isolating because someone in her bubble tested positive. She's been working up until this point though.

Need to wait for her results now (should be today) and then if she's positive we'll have to get tested.
My partner just tested positive! We made the best decision ever to not allow her parents over for Christmas!

She’s been very under the weather, lost all smell and taste, had a bit of a cough, otherwise okay. I assume I got it too, I have had a bit of a fever and been extremely fatigued.

We have been isolating because we’re in tier 4 anyway, and the second she felt a bit unwell we made sure to not to out at all, very happy we can say we have contained the virus here.
I had a very similar thing where I had swapped being my mums support bubble so she could have care after an op around 4 weeks ago. Following week our house got covid, thankfully seem to no bad after effects.
Hope you only get a mild case

Wouldn’t say this photo says as much as you think it does. Hospitals are currently being very cautious with who gets admitted to hospital. I’d imagine a lot coming off those ambulances, many who may just be having medical emergencies will need to be screened thoroughly before entering. I’d also point out this is something I’ve seen on Friday nights down the years working in London.
This isn’t to say the situation isn’t bad at the moment, it clearly is but yeah photos like this don’t actually tell a full picture. But it’ll get clicks and looks dramatic.
Wouldn’t say this photo says as much as you think it does. Hospitals are currently being very cautious with who gets admitted to hospital. I’d imagine a lot coming off those ambulances, many who may just be having medical emergencies will need to be screened thoroughly before entering. I’d also point out this is something I’ve seen on Friday nights down the years working in London.
This isn’t to say the situation isn’t bad at the moment, it clearly is but yeah photos like this don’t actually tell a full picture. But it’ll get clicks and looks dramatic.

Senior people in the NHS have said for weeks that people are being triaged in ambulances because hospital space is so limited across different parts of the country. In some cases (like where I’m from) ambulances have turned up at hospitals that told them they were too full to take them because there was no alternative to provide the required care. That isn’t a case of hospitals screening people more thoroughly but a case of crisis management. It’s not a dramatisation of events designed for clicks but an accurate reflection of unusual circumstances that are becoming all too usual.
Someone my gf works with is isolating because someone in her bubble tested positive. She's been working up until this point though.

Need to wait for her results now (should be today) and then if she's positive we'll have to get tested.

She's negative which is good news.