SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Good news is she'll likely have some protection after a week or so. Need the booster for the longer term immunity.
Yep. Fingers crossed. I just want her to have some peace of mind. I know it’ll have to be a massive weight off her shoulders because I almost caught some dust in my eye this morning when she sent me the pic of her about to get the injection.
Yep. Fingers crossed. I just want her to have some peace of mind. I know it’ll have to be a massive weight off her shoulders because I almost caught some dust in my eye this morning when she sent me the pic of her about to get the injection.
I'm so glad for you both. I know it's been a massive worry for you.x
Those idiots going to ski resorts to help spread the new variant around the world and then running away to escape quarantine and then having the gall to demand their money back from hotel .... disgusting. You really couldn't make this shit up.
It's especially bad when it is already well known that ski resorts are known super spreader venues.

Excess deaths in the UK already exceeded 70K in mid nov.

For England and Wales alone, data shows excess deaths until 4 Dec is 71K.

So you are probably right, they are under counting it, which is consistent with the rest of the world.
No chance you can say excess deaths and use that. The figure won't be the same each year, so that's not a good stat. Its fear mongering.
Sure it's nuanced but it simply amounts to a nuanced defense of unnecessary travel during a pandemic. If someone less articulate said they were off on holiday they'd be crucified by some in here.

Agree with you there generally. Like I said I don't expect people to agree with my view, but the question was asked so I thought I'd share an alternative perspective. Essentially, I think almost everyone has travelled unnecessarily during the pandemic, and the distinction between going across the city and going across the continent is relatively small. It's worse, but if it's compensated by "safer" behaviour on the other side, it is a defensible choice. Taking unnecessary risks that contribute to spreading the virus to another part of the city is generally accepted, even though that's the main driver of community spread. It's not the odd house party, crowded pubs, busy restaurants, it's just meeting friends and family even in controlled circumstances.

Most people in this thread said the person they knew got covid despite being very conscientious, very safe, because it's those inconsequential moments that build up to allow the spread to happen. I chose to drop out of that. But rather than become a hermit - which I think is the morally righteous thing to do, but a very dangerous choice to make personally - I chose to take different risks, with the broad goal of creating the best conditions to live healthily and safely for a sustainable period. This new strain raises extra questions but the reality is this new strain could only spread from the South East to every other part of the UK because people were involved in unnecessary travel, and drawing a distinction between this piece of land or that one seems a little contrived.

So I think the people who have chosen to live like a hermit can afford themselves the moral superiority to say "this is the way to live", but for people who have decided that some level of "unnecessary risks" is justifiable, it seems a little disingenuous to point the finger at this one choice. And it is worth clarifying that I didn't go on holiday, as per the normal description. I was working from another country. I was originally working in London but the office closed, and there was no point paying London rent to work from a smaller London apartment, so I went to work somewhere else where I was less likely to run into an infected person on the street, less likely to spend time indoors during the winter, and less likely to see friends and family. It may have been the wrong choice but it wasn't a frivolous one, as per the usual characterisation. Whether those nuances matter are up to you really.
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Basically what my wife said as well. I was just wondering what y’all thought too. She’s thinking the older population has been convinced it’s serious but a generation younger and the like are hard headed.
Young girl on the news a day or two ago wasnt wearing a mask out shopping, the reporter asked if was concerned about catching covid.

'Not really, I'm young so it won't really affect me'

How i hope she gets it and suffers badly.
Young girl on the news a day or two ago wasnt wearing a mask out shopping, the reporter asked if was concerned about catching covid.

'Not really, I'm young so it won't really affect me'

How i hope she gets it and suffers badly.
I hope you get it and suffer badly too.
Agree with you there generally. Like I said I don't expect people to agree with my view, but the question was asked so I thought I'd share an alternative perspective. Essentially, I think almost everyone has travelled unnecessarily during the pandemic, and the distinction between going across the city and going across the continent is relatively small. It's worse, but if it's compensated by "safer" behaviour on the other side, it is a defensible choice. Taking unnecessary risks that contribute to spreading the virus to another part of the city is generally accepted, even though that's the main driver of community spread. It's not the odd house party, crowded pubs, busy restaurants, it's just meeting friends and family even in controlled circumstances.

Most people in this thread said the person they knew got covid despite being very conscientious, very safe, because it's those inconsequential moments that build up to allow the spread to happen. I chose to drop out of that. But rather than become a hermit - which I think is the morally righteous thing to do, but a very dangerous choice to make personally - I chose to take different risks, with the broad goal of creating the best conditions to live healthily and safely for a sustainable period. This new strain raises extra questions but the reality is this new strain could only spread from the South East to every other part of the UK because people were involved in unnecessary travel, and drawing a distinction between this piece of land or that one seems a little contrived.

So I think the people who have chosen to live like a hermit can afford themselves the moral superiority to say "this is the way to live", but for people who have decided that some level of "unnecessary risks" is justifiable, it seems a little disingenuous to point the finger at this one choice. And it is worth clarifying that I didn't go on holiday, as per the normal description. I was working from another country. I was originally working in London but the office closed, and there was no point paying London rent to work from a smaller London apartment, so I went to work somewhere else where I was less likely to run into an infected person on the street, less likely to spend time indoors during the winter, and less likely to see friends and family. It may have been the wrong choice but it wasn't a frivolous one, as per the usual characterisation. Whether those nuances matter are up to you really.
Depends where you’re going on vacation. I’d imagine packed ski resorts (certainly judging by some of the pictures we’ve seen) are a bigger risk than socially distanced on a beach. I really can’t defend the ski resort types
Depends where you’re going on vacation. I’d imagine packed ski resorts (certainly judging by some of the pictures we’ve seen) are a bigger risk than socially distanced on a beach. I really can’t defend the ski resort types

100%. A ski trip really puzzles me but opening the ski resorts also really puzzles me. What were they thinking? We know what happened just 9 months ago and we know how they could that ever be an ok thing to do? The thing about the ski trips last year was that people left in a mad scramble last time and those clusters exploded. It's absolutely mad to me that exactly the same thing happened this time, and it was exclusively UK folks. The only distinction so far is that we know there were some cases in the Austrian slopes last time, this time we just have to hope that we got lucky with the Swiss slopes. Otherwise it could be carnage. And if that happens, they should be held accountable in a serious way IMO.
100%. A ski trip really puzzles me but opening the ski resorts also really puzzles me. What were they thinking? We know what happened just 9 months ago and we know how they could that ever be an ok thing to do? The thing about the ski trips last year was that people left in a mad scramble last time and those clusters exploded. It's absolutely mad to me that exactly the same thing happened this time, and it was exclusively UK folks. The only distinction so far is that we know there were some cases in the Austrian slopes last time, this time we just have to hope that we got lucky with the Swiss slopes. Otherwise it could be carnage. And if that happens, they should be held accountable in a serious way IMO.
We’re on the same page
Young girl on the news a day or two ago wasnt wearing a mask out shopping, the reporter asked if was concerned about catching covid.

'Not really, I'm young so it won't really affect me'

How i hope she gets it and suffers badly.
Right there with you.

Willfully ignorant decisions have consequences.

It probably won’t be her that suffers, but a beloved member of her family. Hope that family member’s death devastates this idiot.
Young girl on the news a day or two ago wasnt wearing a mask out shopping, the reporter asked if was concerned about catching covid.

'Not really, I'm young so it won't really affect me'

How i hope she gets it and suffers badly.
Right there with you.

Willfully ignorant decisions have consequences.

It probably won’t be her that suffers, but a beloved member of her family. Hope that family member’s death devastates this idiot.

I ger the anger, i really do. I am to angry at people downplaying this whole thing and not understanding that what they do might affect others, but to wish for someone to get very sick or even hope for someone to be devastated for their (innocent) family members death, thats just wrong imo.

Maybe im soft, but since youre wishing for things cant you wish for her to wisen up and act better in the future without something horrible to happen.
Could these new figures be partly a function of the new more contagious strain, rather than just selfishness etc?
Some, but it can only be more contagious when it passes from one person to another.

So, it’s the contagion rate & government now, not selfish behavior?
100%. A ski trip really puzzles me but opening the ski resorts also really puzzles me. What were they thinking? We know what happened just 9 months ago and we know how they could that ever be an ok thing to do? The thing about the ski trips last year was that people left in a mad scramble last time and those clusters exploded. It's absolutely mad to me that exactly the same thing happened this time, and it was exclusively UK folks. The only distinction so far is that we know there were some cases in the Austrian slopes last time, this time we just have to hope that we got lucky with the Swiss slopes. Otherwise it could be carnage. And if that happens, they should be held accountable in a serious way IMO.

I understand it tbh. These mountain villages are in the middle of nowhere and rely 100% on tourism for their economy. There is literally nothing else. Unless the government is able to prop them up entirely, they need to be open to some degree.

In Switzerland they have been fairly careful with the regulations in my experience. Austria on the other hand actively lied and covered up their failings.
I ger the anger, i really do. I am to angry at people downplaying this whole thing and not understanding that what they do might affect others, but to wish for someone to get very sick or even hope for someone to be devastated for their (innocent) family members death, thats just wrong imo.

Maybe im soft, but since youre wishing for things cant you wish for her to wisen up and act better in the future without something horrible to happen.
I certainly would if I could ascertain any semblance of altruism on the young lady’s part.

Unfortunately, it will most likely need to be tragedy that wises this woman up.

I live in the states where willful m, aggressive ignorance & adherence to fairytales & alternative facts is systemic in multiple tens of millions of citizens here. There’s no real hope of them seeing the light unless tragedy strikes them.

Decisions have consequences. We can’t keep blaming governments, new strains, etc. & we need to focus on those who are responsible for the continued spread.
Right there with you.

Willfully ignorant decisions have consequences.

It probably won’t be her that suffers, but a beloved member of her family. Hope that family member’s death devastates this idiot.

An ignorant teen is one thing.

But a (presumably) you wishing death on her family?
That's ever so slightly sick
Some, but it can only be more contagious when it passes from one person to another.

So, it’s the contagion rate & government now, not selfish behavior?
No but when something becomes even more contagious its just that bit easier to slip past people if they make slight mistakes. There are selfish people out there and there have been Govt mistakes but there are also a lot of people trying to do the right thing. It only takes a small number of selfish people during something very contagious to impact a lot of people trying to do the right thing. I just dont believe the narrative that its a simple case of the majority of a population being jerks.
An ignorant teen is one thing.

But a (presumably) you wishing death on her family?
That's ever so slightly sick
Decisions have consequences.

But, by all means, find absolvement for this poor, put upon young lady.
Hard not to when most governments have been so incompetent and provided so little leadership.
So you think people are the innocent victims of inept governments & don’t hold any culpability here?

This is such a childish statement. It’s not as though 99% of the population of this earth doesn’t know the consequences of this pandemic. It’s also not as though 100% of governments haven’t discussed this with their populace.

We’ve never experienced a pandemic like this in modern times where the ability to educate ourselves is instantaneous.

It’s not governments that are spreading the virus, it’s people. Granted, most governments haven't employed strict enough measures to stem the tide, but there needed to be willing buy in by the populace to stem the tide in the absence of draconian shut downs.

This is where the populace in most countries failed their governments. It’s puerile now to solely blame governments. That horse has left the barn. Blame needs to be apportioned to the populace lest we might have to see draconian shut down measures soon.
No but when something becomes even more contagious its just that bit easier to slip past people if they make slight mistakes. There are selfish people out there and there have been Govt mistakes but there are also a lot of people trying to do the right thing. It only takes a small number of selfish people during something very contagious to impact a lot of people trying to do the right thing. I just dont believe the narrative that its a simple case of the majority of a population being jerks.
Never said there was a majority of jerks out there. Vast swaths of people are doing the right things. But that was never going to be enough. There needs to be consequences for those who are obviously & willfully spreading the virus.