SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

We’re on the verge of level 5 and dropping the kids off there are still quite a large proportion wearing no masks. The school area must be a breeding ground for passing viruses around. I see some parents sniffling, sneezing and blowing their noses. It’s crazy. I wish they would make it mandatory to wear masks on school grounds and if you don’t then your kid can’t come into school, it’s not fair on those of us who want their kids to go to school but are delicately trying to balance with medical cocooning

Full disclosure. I just dropped my kids off at school. I didn’t wear a mask. I never do outdoors. I think the risk of anyone picking up an infection standing near someone outdoors is slim to none.
Full disclosure. I just dropped my kids off at school. I didn’t wear a mask. I never do outdoors. I think the risk of anyone picking up an infection standing near someone outdoors is slim to none.
You should see our yard. Loads stand in huddles chatting, sniffling, sneezing etc. And not just a few minutes either
Why is closing schools again seen as such a huge negative? It won’t really have a long term impact on children IMO. They are very adaptable. I get that it’s inconvenient for parents but if everything is going to be shut anyway then there shouldn’t be a hesitation.

It's as simple as it pisses off parents in huge numbers and is therefore electoral suicide. It polls really poorly.
I was visiting hospital over the weekend and was talking to a former work mate of my mums who has been in the Covid end of life care unit throughout the emergency. Cases are increasing again and although they know more about the disease and she isn't as scared by it as she was before she still predicts a huge new outbreak and deaths back to where they were. She has put off retirement and is staying on until until we have control over the situation as she can't bring herself to leave with things as they are.

A very inspiring women indeed and her loathing of the fake virus people was visceral.
Agree with this. What matter is the probability of infection and if that's the same domestically and internationally, then there's no point in it.

It makes sense for countries like NZ.

If you shut your border and quarantine those coming in you aren't swapping like for like, you are preventing infection coming in even if you yourself are exporting it.

Of course it works to best effect if you then reducing infection within your own borders. If your ambition is merely to match the infection rates of other countries then you don't need to quarantine if the measures you do make match the Ro of these other countries. Even if that is a very low bar.
We’re on the verge of level 5 and dropping the kids off there are still quite a large proportion wearing no masks. The school area must be a breeding ground for passing viruses around. I see some parents sniffling, sneezing and blowing their noses. It’s crazy. I wish they would make it mandatory to wear masks on school grounds and if you don’t then your kid can’t come into school, it’s not fair on those of us who want their kids to go to school but are delicately trying to balance with medical cocooning

Absolutely right. Our kids went back in early September and we had loads of very thorough looking emails and correspondence from the school assuring us of this safety measure and that procedure but dropping them off and picking them up is an horrific experience. Absolutely no enforcement of any kind of distancing outside of the school entrance and no enforcement of masks in the corridors.

My son came home with a cold literally 6 days after their return and in turn the whole of our household were sneezing and sniffing within days. It's scary how easily things spread. Luckily it was only a cold but you know, there but for the grace of that fella upstairs.
Quarantining people coming from countries with similar infection levels to our own country couldn’t make any difference when people staying in the UK can still go to work etc.
This is what I actually said.
Why would you close the schools rather than dropping down to a 3 day school week and have staggered years to reduce contact incidents?

Even politically surely that's an easier sell to parents rather than a sudden snap back into closures.
I agree with you as did brwned. Wibble can't be argued with anything in this thread for some reason. Normally he is excellent poster. So best to just move on imo.
I’d be happy to, people disagree at times, what I don’t like is people straight up lying about what was actually said and the arrogance around it.
Why would you close the schools rather than dropping down to a 3 day school week and have staggered years to reduce contact incidents?

Even politically surely that's an easier sell to parents rather than a sudden snap back into closures.

I agree, we had a letter / email from our school last week saying that all students would have laptops provided from this week onwards, I can only assume it is in preparation for closures.

Staggered and part time schooling would be infinitely better than full closure.
Why would you close the schools rather than dropping down to a 3 day school week and have staggered years to reduce contact incidents?

Even politically surely that's an easier sell to parents rather than a sudden snap back into closures.

Staggered is happening now in some schools in England at least, not sure about elsewhere but my sisters year have just had to come home today and isolate for a week because of some cases. Rest of the school years are fine as they're in different days.
Full disclosure. I just dropped my kids off at school. I didn’t wear a mask. I never do outdoors. I think the risk of anyone picking up an infection standing near someone outdoors is slim to none.

What do you think the chances are of picking one up at the beach, where there's loads of people but all at 6 ft away?

I haven't seen good research on this - and I know it's probably hard to come to conclusive results on this so soon.

Similar to you, I don't wear a mask when I go running. I don't see the need. I am conflicted about the beach, however, where there's loads of people.
That’s not great. The school shouldn’t let them in the yard. Our has had “drop at the gate and piss off please” rule since it reopened. Can you not bring this up with the PTA?
I’m on the BoM :lol:
In theory they are meant to drop and go but because we are sharing parking with the neighbouring school, the reality is parking wars so people hang around as they don’t want to give up parking spot before the school bell goes. Also we have issued directives to wear masks but it appears our neighbours haven’t so a big proportion of theirs don’t appear to wear masks but are walking around the shared areas with us. Obviously we have no control over them so I’d love a government directive
That it exactly when he first said. A straight out statement that quarantine doesn't work. He has changed his point a couple of times without acknowledging that his original point wasn't correct. And it is an important distinction. Fighting a pandemic involves many measures and dismissing such an important one out of hand is unhelpful at best.

And contact tracing potentially helps massively no matter the scale of the infection but it is practically impossible in current circumstances with our current technology and the huge numbers of infections in many countries. A pandemic needs a large range of measures and each little bit helps but no one works on its own. Our woeful lack of preparation has also been a huge factor.

Nowhere have I suggested that the UK could or will shut the border and without that a proper quarantine is almost impossible to enforce, without vastly restricting the number of people arriving at each airport per day and there is no appetite for that either. They have fecked it up so badly I have no idea where they should go from here. And if you aren't going to totally shut your borders and/or impose a proper qusrantine then of course allowing people in from countries with similar or lower infection rates is better than countries with higher infection rates. But that is not the opinion I disputed no matter how much he would like to pretend it is.

I think he just stated his point a little emphatically and didn't expect someone to hold him to his precise words, when the sentiment was what mattered. Which we've all done every now and then. Otherwise I agree.
I’m on the BoM :lol:
In theory they are meant to drop and go but because we are sharing parking with the neighbouring school, the reality is parking wars so people hang around as they don’t want to give up parking spot before the school bell goes. Also we have issued directives to wear masks but it appears our neighbours haven’t so a big proportion of theirs don’t appear to wear masks but are walking around the shared areas with us. Obviously we have no control over them so I’d love a government directive

Nobody would need to wear masks if the parents weren’t hanging around in groups in the yard. Surely the school can tell all the parents that they’re not allowed in the yard? Drop your kids at the gate and go home. Of if you’re picking them up, meet them outside the school gate. You don’t need a government directive for that.
Absolutely right. Our kids went back in early September and we had loads of very thorough looking emails and correspondence from the school assuring us of this safety measure and that procedure but dropping them off and picking them up is an horrific experience. Absolutely no enforcement of any kind of distancing outside of the school entrance and no enforcement of masks in the corridors.

My son came home with a cold literally 6 days after their return and in turn the whole of our household were sneezing and sniffing within days. It's scary how easily things spread. Luckily it was only a cold but you know, there but for the grace of that fella upstairs.
Yeah we had the same experience. Now we are starting to sniffle again.
then I get one of my idiot ex workmates posting shit graphs On whatsAp showing low deaths and saying cases are only going up because you know, extra testing. Absolute waste of sperm
What do you think the chances are of picking one up at the beach, where there's loads of people but all at 6 ft away?

I haven't seen good research on this - and I know it's probably hard to come to conclusive results on this so soon.

Similar to you, I don't wear a mask when I go running. I don't see the need. I am conflicted about the beach, however, where there's loads of people.

I think avoiding crowds, indoors or outdoors, is wise. And if you can’t avoid a crowd then mask up. I haven’t seen any solid evidence either. This just seems like common sense.
Nobody would need to wear masks if the parents weren’t hanging around in groups in the yard. Surely the school can tell all the parents that they’re not allowed in the yard? Drop your kids at the gate and go home. Of if you’re picking them up, meet them outside the school gate. You don’t need a government directive for that.
I wish it was that easy. We’ve told them repeatedly about wearing masks but some just outright ignore requests. Another issue is our location. We are pretty much down an old country lane so you don’t have room to stop outside the gates, especially with traffic for 2 schools. You have no choice but to drive into the school grounds.
there is a church being built on neighbouring land and we are hoping to strike an agreement with them to use their extensive parking once it’s completed. Fingers crossed
This is what I actually said.

Yes and it is utterly wrong. Quarantine works no matter the comparative rates. Obviously it is more beneficial the higher the rate of the source country and quarantining people from the few countries with no or negligible infection may be of litte or no benefit. Ideally quarantine allows internal gains to be maintained.

If you choose to accept a certain level of infection then allowing free movement between countries with similar infection rates becomes acceptable. But that wasn't the point I responded to. You said,

Quarantining people coming from countries with similar infection levels to our own country couldn’t make any difference when people staying in the UK can still go to work etc.

That isn't correct.
I think he just stated his point a little emphatically and didn't expect someone to hold him to his precise words, when the sentiment was what mattered. Which we've all done every now and then. Otherwise I agree.

If you look at my original response that is what I expected. Rather than denial and pretending that that wasn't the point. If he didn't have so much form I'd probably have ignored it more.
Speaking of outdoor crowds. The GAA haven’t exactly played a blinder in this pandemic, have they?

Is that the sport which is some kind of mental mash-up of football, rugby and basketball? No wonder they can't follow simple rules that make sense.
Yes and it is utterly wrong. Quarantine works no matter the comparative rates. Obviously it is more beneficial the higher the rate of the source country and quarantining people from the few countries with no or negligible infection may be of litte or no benefit. Ideally quarantine allows internal gains to be maintained.

If you choose to accept a certain level of infection then allowing free movement between countries with similar infection rates becomes acceptable. But that wasn't the point I responded to. You said,

That isn't correct.
Show me the evidence it has worked in the UK then.
If you look at my original response that is what I expected. Rather than denial and pretending that that wasn't the point. If he didn't have so much form I'd probably have ignored it more.
When I elaborated on what I meant you accused me of changing the goal posts.
Because you wouldn't admit that your original statement was factually incorrect.
It’s not. And you have failed to prove otherwise. I never said it doesn’t work under any circumstances. I was clearly talking about the current circumstances in the UK. You won’t provide any evidence because you can’t. You can’t explain the difference between transferring it between Madrid and London and Manchester and London because you can’t.

If quarantining national borders alone was effective when community transmission is rife then Australia wouldn’t have had to block movement between regional borders.

If I didn’t believe it could work under any circumstances I wouldn’t have said this 40 minutes prior to the post you’re banging on about.

True. Though I’m not convinced quarantining at this stage is going to make the slightest difference. We missed that boat 7 months ago.
FFS - you are asking me for evidence that quarantine has worked in the UK in the current pandemic when the UK hasn't used quarantine?
But they have. Just an ineffective one, several months too late. I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.
What do you think the chances are of picking one up at the beach, where there's loads of people but all at 6 ft away?

I haven't seen good research on this - and I know it's probably hard to come to conclusive results on this so soon.

Similar to you, I don't wear a mask when I go running. I don't see the need. I am conflicted about the beach, however, where there's loads of people.

Beaches seem likely to be pretty safe - outdoors, usually a decent breeze, people tending to keep a reasonable distance.