I have heard she's a trump supporter and a lot of things. I'm not really interested on who she is, but rather the stats/points she made in the video in question.
I really don't want to get into that. In this day and age that we live in, if you even have an ounce of differing opinion you will get slaughtered and name called all kinds of things. Even on this forum I will get banned for having a different opinion. It's in my best interest to go with the majority belief.
I consider myself fairly left on most things and a liberal person.. but how society has shaped into one that's extremely far left, and extremely far right, I'm kind of in a situation where if I say anything out of the popular consensus, I will be labeled by both groups.
God forbid there are people who question the status quo. I was one of the only posters on all of Redcafe who claimed football will be back soon and got vilified by everyone and banned for it... yet those exact same posters who called me names for suggesting that are the same ones "excited" that football is back. We live in a very funny, short sighted world.
Just because someone else has a different opinion, we shouldn't call them names.. instead we should be open minded and assess claims/facts that they are putting forward. Why does society now have to be a "my way or the highway" mentality?
From the video I saw she made it very clear that what happened to Floyd was terrible and that he deserves justice. She also made it very clear that the problem is beyond white people killing black people. It's black people killing black people and them not holding themselves to a higher standard. There's been a couple other high profile people in the world with similar points of view. Why should we call them names? Can we not come to some sort of understanding and agreement?