Protests following the killing of George Floyd

I think the point I was trying to make was what exactly has it got to do with them anyway?
I think the protests have gained a lot of sympathy from most ordinary people who at present support the BLM movement. I don't think we are completely aware of the aims from this protest but broadly speaking to stop the police brutality and to end racism etc etc. I don't think it will help to lose that support.
Flags and nationalism need to go away really. I've always been a fan of Star Trek where we're all just from Earth. But people do need an identity, we're on a football forum after all....that's all about identity and belonging to a group.
Yes, well we're not quite there yet are we? Europe might have been making some progress but that's pretty fecked now Star Trek boy.
Flags and nationalism need to go away really. I've always been a fan of Star Trek where we're all just from Earth. But people do need an identity, we're on a football forum after all....that's all about identity and belonging to a group.
True enough I guess. Any particular ideas as to what that could be built around?
"why don't you protest in a way that isn't offensive or inconvenient to me, maybe then i'll care about your cause"

Respectability politics, in protests. Hilarious.
Just asking. The slogan is black lives matter. Not equality for all.

Does this extrapolate to everything?

Macmillan are a bunch of cnuts because they support cancer sufferers. What about people who suffer from heart disease? Or lung fibrosis? Or psychiatric disease? Should they not support everyone who's ever gone through any condition ever?
Are Asians included in this black lives matter? They probably get racism more than anyone in the UK.

This is like asking "why don't Breast Cancer charities also campaign for Child Abuse?"

BLM has it's own specific cause, there's nothing stopping Asian people from creating their own version, and BLM isn't exclusionary in who should be in support of it either.
No wonder 'this place is an echo chamber' when the opposing views are so often absolutely crap.
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I'll be honest, I have some sympathy with the flag burning argument. For me to want to do something like that, I'd have to feel a visceral hatred of that flag and the country it represents. I can imagine an Iraqi burning the American flag, a Ukrainian burning a Russian flag, a Pakistani burning an Indian flag or vica versa.

What exactly does it mean to burn the flag of the country you live in? To have such a visceral reaction to it? I say this as someone who unfortunately knows quite a few people who've made the active decision to move to the UK and despise everything about it and Europe in general.

If I hated the UK that much, I'd move. I couldn't stand to be i the country and see the flag and the culture it represents around me.

I mean, people should be free to do as they want to of course in a protest, within reason, but I've personally never understood that.
It’s what it symbolises. Basically burning the whole country down.

It’s the white supremacy flags and KKK flags that should be being burnt.

The UK is not a racist country. It’s not.

It has its element of racist scum like everywhere else, but it is not Universally racist.

If you want examples of racism you only need look to countries like China.

We have work to do here, but The UK is not fecking comparable to actual racist countries.

Even if that is what it symbolises to yourself. I'm not still sure why it personally angers you.

I'd surmise you either feel as a British person it's an accusation against yourself or you're offended by what you see as disparaging lies against your country. I'm not sure either is true though.
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I really don't want to get into that. In this day and age that we live in, if you even have an ounce of differing opinion you will get slaughtered and name called all kinds of things. Even on this forum I will get banned for having a different opinion. It's in my best interest to go with the majority belief.

I consider myself fairly left on most things and a liberal person.. but how society has shaped into one that's extremely far left, and extremely far right, I'm kind of in a situation where if I say anything out of the popular consensus, I will be labeled by both groups.

With respect, this is quite a cop out.

I appreciate that if you hold contrary opinions on here, you can get jumped on by quite a few different people simultaneously, which is tiring and frustrating.

But then, what exactly is the utility in walking into a thread on the topic, asking people whether they've seen a video by X as it has some good points and then, when challenged in any way to even explain what the good points may be, say you don't want to get into it?

So basically you just wanted to post a contrary opinion and that's it?

I mean, by itself not the worst thing in the world but then you can't be surprised when people might call you out on that surely?

I know its not the best example as the majority on here will be Man Utd fans. But even if I were to think, for instance, that Fernandes is total shite, I wouldn't go into the thread about him, write that and then refuse to really engage or explain myself afterwards. If I did think that and couldn't be bothered to argue it, I'd probably just keep it to myself.
So this is how the LAPD are responding to peaceful protests. . .

If this is really true, it's what you see and expect from a totalitarian police state. Of course USA is a huge country and it varies, but it has always been so obvious how powerful the police, all the agencies and the military are.

Just imagine what the establishment has been doing for decades around the world, if this is how they act domestically. People used to say that it's stupid conspiracies to talk about the atrocities that the US commits. Hopefully these events finally reveal the real face of the "American dream".
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If this is really true, it's what you see and expect from a totalitarian police state. Of course USA is a huge country and it varies, but it's has always been so obvious how powerful the police, all the agencies and the military are.

Just imagine what the establishment has been doing for decades around the world, if this is how they act domestically. People used to say that it's stupid conspiracies to talk about the atrocities that the US commits. Hopefully these events finally reveal the real face of the "American dream".
If it wasn't the US you'd be expecting them to issue sanctions or have the Ambassador in for six of the best.

You'd hope that heads of state from all over the world are stating their concerns either over the phone or via diplomatic channels.
I have boxers with the Welsh flag in them and I don’t always shake well so it has stains. If I ever got far enough for someone to see them I imagine they’d be horrified at my blatant disrespect to the red dragon
How are you not in jail mate? Or asked to go live somewhere else by someone who does the exact same thing as you. I've used the tricolor of my home country for many things as to me it's just a piece of cloth with color and a design to signify a country. Of course some banners signify a horrible past like swastikas, Confederate and to a lot of people around the world the Union Jack but sometimes it's just a piece of fecking cloth.
If it wasn't the US you'd be expecting them to issue sanctions or have the Ambassador in for six of the best.

You'd hope that heads of state from all over the world are stating their concerns either over the phone or via diplomatic channels.
There has been a lot of friction already and a lot of damage has been done to relationships for some time now, but the EU leaders are basically scared of the US.

Just look at how they conduct themselves towards Germany for example, who are trying to make a new gas pipeline from Russia. The US threatened severe sanctions to anyone and any company, that was going to participate, so the big companies got scared and pulled off. All because the US wants only them to be able to supply Europe with energy resources, same thing has been happening to many prospective projects in different areas of the energy industry across Europe.

And by the way, those sanctions were voted by the US Senate from both Republicans and Democrats. So make no mistake about what the establishment actually is.
No wonder 'this place is an echo chamber' when the opposing views are so often absolutely crap.
Haha. If you come here with right wing talking points you better be prepared. There is a lot of arseholes in the Caf, I consider myself one of them but you can't complain when you have multiple posts or posters that destroy your argument concisely and accurately backed by facts and context. Or just don't agree with your opinion, but you were still allowed to give it if you want. Something rightwing media finds alien.
What are you on about. It was a simple question. I've seen more racism towards asian people than black people in the uk.
But that's just you and your particular life-experience though. I've, literally, never met a Jewish person but that doesn't mean they don't exist.
What are you on about. It was a simple question. I've seen more racism towards asian people than black people in the uk.

It wasn't a simple question, it was a loaded one, designed to prove your own point I'd wager.

But I'll give the benefit of the doubt and engage.

1) Do you say the same about medical charities or causes?
2) How about any person who cares about any one cause because of personal experience? Do you criticise those who give to animal charities? Or those who work to expand the arts? For not always focusing on the most important cause to you?
3) What type of Asian are you talking about anyway?
4) What's your proof that they are victims of more racism in the UK? Why are you trying to stratify levels of racism?
5) For me, black lives matter is a slightly clunky phrase to take to the UK anyway because, and I've said this before, the experience of black Americans, especially African Americans (vs recent African migrants to the USA) and experience of black Brits is not the same. Still, there are some shared aspects that have particularly struck a chord with black people in the UK and also with people who want to deconstruct racist structures and make things fairer for all. There is no anti-Asian bias within the anti-racism protests.
6) Ultimately, this argument can be extrapolated to almost everything. People in the West are so focused on Covid now because its affecting them. Its only just getting to yearly malaria mortality rates and still some way off TB mortality. Racism towards people of colour is given far more attention in the West, while people from the Middle East, South and East Asia, South America pretend it isn't absolutely rife within their societies as well. It gets more anger than the horrible living conditions imposed by the dictators in the ME for instance. That's just normal though.

If you're genuinely upset by people being like this, don't be. Its human nature. People can't be upset and focus on every single injustice in the world and will ultimately usually focus on what is important and close to them. If you're doing it to just troll and wind people up....well, carry on I guess.
@Garethw care to explain how Britain is not racist when their current 21st Century PM is a racist bigot and was voted in on a mandate of xenophobia and cultural division?

As an ethnic minority growing up in the U.K. back in the 90s I would have agreed that U.K. is becoming less racist after the 80s but the country has gone backwards since then.
But that's just you and your particular life-experience though. I've, literally, never met a Jewish person but that doesn't mean they don't exist.

Come to Golder's Green. Some great delis round there.
@Garethw care to explain how Britain is not racist when their current 21st Century PM is a racist bigot and was voted in on a mandate of xenophobia and cultural division?

As an ethnic minority growing up in the U.K. back in the 90s I would have agreed that U.K. is becoming less racist after the 80s but the country has gone backwards since then.

And @Garethw while you're at it, answer my question as to whether you have experienced racism yourself.
Just asking. The slogan is black lives matter. Not equality for all.

The definition of equality is fairness for all. It stands to reason that by campaigning for equality for one section of society, you are campaigning for equality for all sections of society. The name of the movement is irrelevant when the goal is the same. You weren’t “just asking”, as your subsequent posts indicate.
The definition of equality is fairness for all. It stands to reason that by campaigning for equality for one section of society, you are campaigning for equality for all sections of society. The name of the movement is irrelevant when the goal is the same. You weren’t “just asking”, as your subsequent posts indicate.

It's a bit like asking why feminism can't be called everyoneism.