Protests following the killing of George Floyd

I'm always open to other ideas. You evolve and learn more by looking at both sides of the story and the truth is more or less in the middle. What have I posted that's conspiracy? I simply asked the Caf thoughts about the planedemic documentary.

You're putting words in my mouth. When did I say youtube is the primary literature? I posted a video about scientists (well recognized ones at that) as part of a guest panel suggesting covid isn't as bad as it is. How is that disruptive and conspiracy? Because it shows the other side?

You don't search out and evaluate data. Scientists do that. You listen to ludicrous YouTube videos and suck them up wholesale. You then disrupt discussion on here by polluting threads with your nonsense.

The video you posted in the Covid thread is a prime example. The fact it was promoted by Tony Robbins should have been the first giveaway. I'm also suprised you still.think it has any validity after numerous posters told you what utter tosh it was. You also made me waste my time watching it all the way through, long after it was obvious to everyone but you that it was indeed bullshit.

Pretty much all of it. Except for the bits that have been deceptively edited.

2.45 - Chemist thinks there is a political agenda. Only backs this up with the statement that the WHO exaggerate things. Whereas the WHO have been accused of underplaying this pandemic. So nothing more than an opinion that barely rises to the status of a non sequitur.

3.00 - misrepresents COVID deaths as equivalent to a flu season. This is obviously and demonstrably wrong. Deaths are massively beyond an annual flu season already and we aren't anywhere near done yet - not to mention deaths to date are likely rapidly approaching 1 million already due to poor reporting.

3.44 - clip says death RATE likely lower due to a lack of testing of mildly symptomatic cases. Yes. But so what? It will still be hugely worse than flu and hundreds of thousands of people are actually dead already and lots more will follow until we have a vaccine.

4.30 - blah, blah, blah - Skynet. Then more "just another RNA virus" bullshit.

8.00 - only the old die so feck the old - take one for the team you selfish bastards.

9.00 - more "its just a flu" bullshit.

10.00 - this is probably worse than the bullshit. This guy did an antibody study that suggested less than 5% of Californians had been infected. His study was to improve understanding of the pandemic and that understanding was that herd immunity without a vaccine was impossible without huge mortality. They edited an interview to make it seem like he supported the agenda of the video. I hope he sues them.

If I had longer between meetings I'd find far more bullshit in there I'm sure.
Thank you, we were all waiting with bated breath for that analysis.
I’m thanking posters for posting stuff I haven’t seen in a number of cases, honestly don’t get the unnecessary hostility in this place at times - troll elsewhere.

I’ll be sure to @ you in tomorrow’s review, your support is appreciated.
I think you should leave the Pyrrhonism alone until you have grasped some basic critical thinking skills.

Impressionable dolts will be the death of us.

You're the same guy that said this:

Playing out the season on FIFA and streaming it is the closest thing I can see to a safe and reasonable resumption to the season. Games can be played and broadcasted by sky/BT, Liverpool can get their digital title and the fans get to watch something.

All the other suggestions involving lots of real humans meeting up for a bunch of competitive contact games look utterly ridiculous, oblivious and greedy in comparison.

I thought the world was ending dumbo? It looks like you are the one that lacks any sort of critical thinking skills. Your predictions look very much short sighted and you exaggerate a lot of things. This ludicrous statement took me one second to find. I can dig through more and find more nonsense of yours but I'll leave that be and will not derail this thread.
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You don't search out and evaluate data. Scientists do that. You listen to ludicrous YouTube videos and suck them up wholesale. You then disrupt discussion on here by polluting threads with your nonsense.

The video you posted in the Covid thread is a prime example. The fact it was promoted by Tony Robbins should have been the first giveaway. I'm also suprised you still.think it has any validity after numerous posters told you what utter tosh it was. You also made me waste my time watching it all the way through, long after it was obvious to everyone but you that it was indeed bullshit.

I asked people's opinions on a covid thread. There were people that posted other videos in that thread as well. You need to stop taking life so seriously man. Otherwise you won't have to worry about covid killing you, your seriousness will
You're the same guy that said this:

I thought the world was ending dumbo? Your predictions look very much short sighted and you exaggerate a lot of things. This ludicrous statement took me one second to find. I can dig through more and find more nonsense of yours but I'll leave that be and will not derail this thread.
Oh wow, you are absolutely right! You got me.

Please forgive me for ever questioning your ability to think critically, for ever questioning your ability to comprehend basic communication and for ever suggesting that you lack common sense. I was so, so wrong for believing you to be a raving lunatic, incapable of processing information. I was wrong, wrong, wrong for thinking you an impressionable dolt that just regurgitates any old crap that just happened to be glittery enough to catch an undiscerning, shallow mind.

My posting history has completely exonerated you of all charges of dumbfeckery. You are the winner.
Candace Owens?

She's a hypocrite of the highest order and her points are consistently awful. How on earth...
I asked people's opinions on a covid thread. There were people that posted other videos in that thread as well. You need to stop taking life so seriously man. Otherwise you won't have to worry about covid killing you, your seriousness will

Dangerous nonsence like that actually kills people. Nobody else that I saw posted dangerous nonsense.
Have the people so mad about the Cenotaph actually seen the damage? “BLM” spray painted on there once, which was cleaned off the morning after. Same on the statue of Haig, except it said “ACAB”.

Going off the newspapers and other posters (and Farage) you’d think they had been torn down like the one in Bristol. All it takes is one person to do that, out of the thousands that attend, same with the person trying to burn the flag. Others around him actually stopped it.

It’s bordering on fake news some of the content I’ve seen around the subject and done deliberately, to turn people against the movement.
Where you stop is when you don't care enough about the act being undertaken.

If you had been impacted by racism it would likely be much higher in your list of priorities.

I think the point is, if you don't challenge something then you are not helping the situation.

This applies more in the case of racism because the perpetrators are much less likely to listen to the opinion of the very race they are prejudice toward. Doesn't make you a bad person if you don't challenge it. But staying silent implies that it is acceptable behaviour imo.

I disagree that saying nothing implies it is acceptable behaviour.

getting personal now, if anyone in my family or circle of friends came out with racial slurs/ options I would question them.

However, my point has been that I do not have to be “anti-racist” to everyone that in come across who may have a racist perspective.

and the implication, that I’m in some way complicit is their racist thoughts and actions is wrong.

In the real world, are you going to call out your boss, when your job is at risk? There are a million and one hyperthetical examples. It doesn’t mean I think it’s acceptable. (PS I’m self-employed).

so we are looking at the extremes of when people wouldn’t call it out. But the point remains - I don’t condone racism, but no I’m not required to challenge everything I come across.
I have heard she's a trump supporter and a lot of things. I'm not really interested on who she is, but rather the stats/points she made in the video in question.

I really don't want to get into that. In this day and age that we live in, if you even have an ounce of differing opinion you will get slaughtered and name called all kinds of things. Even on this forum I will get banned for having a different opinion. It's in my best interest to go with the majority belief.

I consider myself fairly left on most things and a liberal person.. but how society has shaped into one that's extremely far left, and extremely far right, I'm kind of in a situation where if I say anything out of the popular consensus, I will be labeled by both groups.

God forbid there are people who question the status quo. I was one of the only posters on all of Redcafe who claimed football will be back soon and got vilified by everyone and banned for it... yet those exact same posters who called me names for suggesting that are the same ones "excited" that football is back. We live in a very funny, short sighted world.

Just because someone else has a different opinion, we shouldn't call them names.. instead we should be open minded and assess claims/facts that they are putting forward. Why does society now have to be a "my way or the highway" mentality?

From the video I saw she made it very clear that what happened to Floyd was terrible and that he deserves justice. She also made it very clear that the problem is beyond white people killing black people. It's black people killing black people and them not holding themselves to a higher standard. There's been a couple other high profile people in the world with similar points of view. Why should we call them names? Can we not come to some sort of understanding and agreement?
So you post a video, say there is good points, but refuse to dicuss them?

That would be a troll
I thought I was done with this thread.

But I didn't think I would need to point out that the national Cenotaph to our war dead in London has nothing to do with some statue in Bristol that I had never heard of until today

Just pointing that out to you.
Also saying two wrongs doesnt mean you're suggesting they are equally wrong.
Have the people so mad about the Cenotaph actually seen the damage? “BLM” spray painted on there once, which was cleaned off the morning after. Same on the statue of Haig, except it said “ACAB”.

Going off the newspapers and other posters (and Farage) you’d think they had been torn down like the one in Bristol. All it takes is one person to do that, out of the thousands that attend, same with the person trying to burn the flag. Others around him actually stopped it.

Been interesting to see how the right wing papers are dealing with it. The Mail have gone all in with calling the protestors names and beating the drums of outrage, meanwhile The Express are pretending it didn't happen and are running a front page story which is pretty much "isn't Boris great?" :lol:
Have the people so mad about the Cenotaph actually seen the damage? “BLM” spray painted on there once, which was cleaned off the morning after. Same on the statue of Haig, except it said “ACAB”.

Going off the newspapers and other posters (and Farage) you’d think they had been torn down like the one in Bristol. All it takes is one person to do that, out of the thousands that attend, same with the person trying to burn the flag. Others around him actually stopped it.

It’s bordering on fake news some of the content I’ve seen around the subject and done deliberately, to turn people against the movement.

It's nothing to do with the statue or vandalism in truth it's just pure culture war. They know it's the 'left" doing it and thus they must be angry about it.
Have the people so mad about the Cenotaph actually seen the damage? “BLM” spray painted on there once, which was cleaned off the morning after. Same on the statue of Haig, except it said “ACAB”.

Going off the newspapers and other posters (and Farage) you’d think they had been torn down like the one in Bristol. All it takes is one person to do that, out of the thousands that attend, same with the person trying to burn the flag. Others around him actually stopped it.

It’s bordering on fake news some of the content I’ve seen around the subject and done deliberately, to turn people against the movement.
The problem is that these incidents always hurt the movement. Two things any movement has to be careful of - 1) Poor behaviour by its own protestors / leaders which, even if not major, can make it easy for the narrative to be twisted and reputations muddied by those with an agenda and 2) people from the establishment using force and outside forces to provoke and create trouble which then leads to 1).

It's not easy of course. There are always going to be incidents in any protest. But these factors work to the advantage of the establishment.
The problem is that these incidents always hurt the movement. Two things any movement has to be careful of - 1) Poor behaviour by its own protestors / leaders which, even if not major, can make it easy for the narrative to be twisted and reputations muddied by those with an agenda and 2) people from the establishment using force and outside forces to provoke and create trouble which then leads to 1).

It's not easy of course. There are always going to be incidents in any protest. But these factors work to the advantage of the establishment.
Truth be told, those people who died, if they lived today would more than likely be supporting BLM. Yes there'd be a fair few Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Fat Head) supporters but they died in a different time fighting other battles. They knew that buildings and structures even then were less important than people.

To a certain extent I believe they'd want to be remembered but not have the events of the past glorified each and every year.
Have the people so mad about the Cenotaph actually seen the damage? “BLM” spray painted on there once, which was cleaned off the morning after. Same on the statue of Haig, except it said “ACAB”.

Going off the newspapers and other posters (and Farage) you’d think they had been torn down like the one in Bristol. All it takes is one person to do that, out of the thousands that attend, same with the person trying to burn the flag. Others around him actually stopped it.

It’s bordering on fake news some of the content I’ve seen around the subject and done deliberately, to turn people against the movement.

It doesn't actually matter to them what has happened, the mere hint of it has given them a jumping off point to go out of their way to discredit people protesting racism, because that definitely isn't as important as some spray paint and damage. While I do feel bad for small businesses that have suffered damage at the hands of a small portion of the protesters(you could question if a lot of this group are even interested in protesting), the people going crazy about it should remember, every day black people unfairly have their lives destroyed by things like police corruption, is physical property really the right thing to be vehemently vocal about in this situation?

Truth be told, those people who died, if they lived today would more than likely be supporting BLM. Yes there'd be a fair few Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Fat Head) supporters but they died in a different time fighting other battles. They knew that buildings and structures even then were less important than people.

To a certain extent I believe they'd want to be remembered but not have the events of the past glorified each and every year.

Exactly, no moral person who really fought for a good cause would want this ridiculous glorification that goes on. Treating people as gods, and letting this deification stand in the way of actual societal progress would be the last thing they would want.
Truth be told, those people who died, if they lived today would more than likely be supporting BLM. Yes there'd be a fair few Tommy Robinson (real name Stephen Yaxley Fat Head) supporters but they died in a different time fighting other battles. They knew that buildings and structures even then were less important than people.

To a certain extent I believe they'd want to be remembered but not have the events of the past glorified each and every year.

No more poppy appeals then?
No more poppy appeals then?
Live and let live I say but there is one thing about the Remembrance Day celebrations or whatever they think it is that shows we've travelled not far at all is the fact that all the mucky mucks, Royals in the scrambled egg, the generals are all up front laying their wreaths and it is the ordinary folk, the veterans - what's left of them or their families that come along last as if the two World Wars was only about them incidentally. It was the generals and field marshals who sent the squaddies over the top and stayed behind to smoke their cigars and shoot anyone who came back too early. It's way past time they were forgotten.
Someone on LBC (claims to be a PC) saying there's an attack from black communists against white british natives and they're trying to take the countries wealth. Nick Ferrari doesn't take him up on any of it.

Yeah no racism going on in this country says Patel :wenger:

Christ, now a black man is saying we have the same type of racism here than in the US and is hounded to back up his claim. Time to turn off this thrash.
Incredible result with the decision by the Minneapolis city council. It just shows that protesting works. Heartening to see so many people of different backgrounds in the streets.
Someone on LBC (claims to be a PC) saying there's an attack from black communists against white british natives and they're trying to take the countries wealth. Nick Ferrari doesn't take him up on any of it.

Yeah no racism going on in this country says Patel :wenger:

Christ, now a black man is saying we have the same type of racism here than in the US and is hounded to back up his claim. Time to turn off this thrash.

I was thinking yesterday that in the UK we never had a civil rights movement anything like that headed by MLK. Everything that has been achieved in terms of equality has been hard fought over time mostly through democratic means and education. The US has always had to be dragged kicking and screaming to change. I read that John McCain didn't even support MLK day until 1990. It hasn't been easy here but I think we've done so much better than the US.
I was thinking yesterday that in the UK we never had a civil rights movement anything like that headed by MLK. Everything that has been achieved in terms of equality has been hard fought over time mostly through democratic means and education. The US has always had to be dragged kicking and screaming to change. I read that John McCain didn't even support MLK day until 1990. It hasn't been easy here but I think we've done so much better than the US.
We are good at petitioning here as well, so things then get brought to parliaments attention and that people are not happy. Do they do that sort of thing in the US?
All that Enid Blyton I used to read too. Oh and Henry Ford was one of the most belligerent anti-semites you could ever find. That Ford Sierra I owned for a few years has condemned me.

Not quite the same though is it. Early Disney productions were wildly racist and sometimes anti-semitic too. There's a difference between a product made by a bigot and an openly bigoted product.

I'm always open to other ideas. You evolve and learn more by looking at both sides of the story and the truth is more or less in the middle. What have I posted that's conspiracy? I simply asked the Caf thoughts about the planedemic documentary.

You're putting words in my mouth. When did I say youtube is the primary literature? I posted a video about scientists (well recognized ones at that) as part of a guest panel suggesting covid isn't as bad as it is. How is that disruptive and conspiracy? Because it shows the other side?

This is not true. Listening to ‘Both sides’ is often dumb. The truth isn’t some halfway house between fact and invention
Not quite the same though is it. Early Disney productions were wildly racist and sometimes anti-semitic too. There's a difference between a product made by a bigot and an openly bigoted product.


I wouldn't mind if Disneyland and all the other parks got torn down. My idea of hell going to one of them.
I disagree that saying nothing implies it is acceptable behaviour.

getting personal now, if anyone in my family or circle of friends came out with racial slurs/ options I would question them.

However, my point has been that I do not have to be “anti-racist” to everyone that in come across who may have a racist perspective.

and the implication, that I’m in some way complicit is their racist thoughts and actions is wrong.

In the real world, are you going to call out your boss, when your job is at risk? There are a million and one hyperthetical examples. It doesn’t mean I think it’s acceptable. (PS I’m self-employed).

so we are looking at the extremes of when people wouldn’t call it out. But the point remains - I don’t condone racism, but no I’m not required to challenge everything I come across.
Of course you are not required too. We have a personal choice.

But those personal choices have knock on effects when you look at the broader picture. i.e if no one chooses to challenge racists then their behaviour is unlikely to change.