Protests following the killing of George Floyd


Full Member
Jun 24, 2013
Just on the "silence = complicity" stuff.. it is word for word the exact argument you hear from Tommy Robinson and people of that ilk when they talk about Muslim communities complicity in grooming gangs.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
So wait... you're more angry over a statue being defaced than centuries of racism, oppression, genocide, etc....
I said it in another thread but it takes less effort for some folk to understand a symbol like the cenotaph than it does hundreds of years of oppression and murder at the hands of exploitative overlords and the many intricacies that come with it. Which is why they probably care about it / notice it more.

Not saying that defacing the cenotaph is an acceptable thing, because it isn't, but I also think the folk using its defacement purely as an argument against the protests either secretly or unknowingly have a problem with the protests because they either don't understand them or don't agree with them.


Full Member
Aug 8, 2016
Of course I would in most situations.

but where do you stop? Do I report a gardener, who I know is not fully declaring his taxes? I cannot be expected to challenge everything, and every opinion, and every action that is wrong.

it’s the other chap who believes that you have to be actively anti something, otherwise you are complicit in that viewpoint which is beyond absurd.
Where you stop is when you don't care enough about the act being undertaken.

If you had been impacted by racism it would likely be much higher in your list of priorities.

I think the point is, if you don't challenge something then you are not helping the situation.

This applies more in the case of racism because the perpetrators are much less likely to listen to the opinion of the very race they are prejudice toward. Doesn't make you a bad person if you don't challenge it. But staying silent implies that it is acceptable behaviour imo.


Sep 9, 2007

Gammon are pissed.
Mum said about this earlier we come from near Bristol and I've lived there. I guessed it was to do with the slave trade. Apparently they threw the statue in the river as a show of what colston did with black people. We both agreed that protests that damage property was bad but this was an exception.


Full Member
Sep 17, 2010
There are videos out there of black police being attacked. I guess those black lives don’t count?
so because of a small minority, people shouldn’t protest racial injustice?
This argument is the equivalent of saying that black lives don’t matter because black people kill each other too.


all-round nice guy, aka Uncle Joe Kardashian
Oct 22, 2010
If you hate this country so much then fecking leave!
We can't - since we took back control of our country we're locked-down, have no flights, no money, no country and no control.

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
Yeah I think I’m going to try and stick to the football forum because even though it’s a minority of posters, it’s depressing seeing some of the nonsense spewed in this thread.
Yeah threads like this always turn out quite depressing, though them going off the deep end and getting banned is somewhat entertaining.


Full Member
Aug 21, 2010
Before now the only things I associated BLM UK with were blocking ambulances on motorways and shutting down student libraries.

And the 'mass protests amid a pandemic for a virus that hits black people the hardest' strategy isn't doing much to change my general view of their approach to things.


Full Member
May 14, 2007
Under a tree.
People often use this as a justification for the acts of the past, but is that really the case? It’s not difficult to imagine that you would still feel empathy for your fellow human and view their oppression as wrong, even if you were born 100 years ago.

I mean, even in those times there were people that viewed slavery etc as wrong. Even if it wasn’t the dominant mindset, it does show that it was not impossible, people simply didn’t want to.

Having a conscience and empathy is universal and timeless, regardless of what era you’re born in or what the dominant mindset is at the time.
There are people that are smashing shit up and saying it's in the name of anti racism so it expunges them apparently from being viewed as complete and utter cnuts. Are they going to be viewed as noble in years from now as they are today?


Full Member
Apr 22, 2014
Burning the cenotaph flags. If you hate this country so much then fecking leave!
As angry as I am about people trying to literally set the Cenotaph and all that it represents on fire - and those who think it's an irrelevance. This is also a brutal reaction, dunno if your upset, trolling, or just wrong but wise up.

Defacing war memorials is not the way to sort it, but there is an issue. Telling people that are born here to leave is not going to be part of the solution.

I'd like to be done with this thread, I've tried several times, yet here I am again. I will never in a million years agree with some of the responses sent to me tonight, but nor do I support the actions of Trump's warped version of America. Maybe tomorrow il wise up and go stalk Sancho instead of wasting my breath here.


In Gadus Speramus
Jun 15, 2000
I consider myself fairly left on most things and a liberal person.. but how society has shaped into one that's extremely far left, and extremely far right, I'm kind of in a situation where if I say anything out of the popular consensus, I will be labeled by both groups.
If so why are you so attracted to right wing nonsense and conspiracy theory bullshit?

God forbid there are people who question the status quo.
It is nothing to do with any status quo. You just seem to think that You Tube is primary literature and believe any old rubbish you find there. Then bring it here to distract and disrupt threads. That is why you get threadbanned.


Full Member
Jan 11, 2016
There are people that are smashing shit up and saying it's in the name of anti racism so it expunges them apparently from being viewed as complete and utter cnuts. Are they going to be viewed as noble in years from now as they are today?
It will be viewed as a necessary step, yes. Peaceful protests have gone on deaf ears for decades. What do you suggest? Another century of taking the moral high ground and hoping that something changes from peaceful words alone?


Full Member
Oct 26, 2018
Few defaced memorials are nothing compared to centuries of racism, genocide, systemic injustices and inequality.
One has nothing to do with the other. It's not like a Confederate monument or a statue of a slave owner. It's a monument to soldiers who died. It's vandalism and has feck all to do with race or racism.


Full Member
Jan 20, 2015
Real Madrid
I don't think it's my place to speak on behalf of black people, it's on you to educate yourself on history and racism not on me.
Do you have a list of recommended books? I would like to educate myself a bit on the subject


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
All racism is wrong. Let me get out of the way right away. To protest around the world to show support that poor mans family and to show every racist that its not acceptable is also a good thing.
To vandalise and riot, to attack police is also not on. Some of the things we are seeing on tv are without doubt damaging the legitimacy of the protests.
I dont know enough about the guy whose statue was torn down but if he was a slave trader then he was an arsehole by all our standards. Does that give a mob any right to tear it down without due discussion? Absolutely not. What kind of message does this send out? Any time we disagree with something we just do as we please because we are morally in the right? Ive seen police being assaulted on tv, by thugs protesting about police brutality. How fecked up is that?
@PepsiCola do you think these protesters are going about things in the right way, and is the way they are behaving justified?
One thing to understand is how the media is biased towards sensationalism and only viewing things on edited TV news distorts reality. The reality is hundreds of thousands/millions around the world are peacefully protesting but if you look at unedited footage, well that's a bit boring. If you only watch the edited nightly news you are getting a very skewed impression of what's happening. 50,000 people are peacefully protesting but 50-100 of them start breaking a few windows what do you think the sensationalist media is going to show? 45 minutes of airtime from looting that makes up a minuscule fraction of the overall protest. The only people I see questioning the "legitimacy of the protests" are heavily biased, to begin with. A few looters among millions of protesters does absolutely nothing to de-legitimize the protests, although of course, that's what the neo-fascists want people to think.

Another thing to understand is that there is some legitimate document evidence that it was police/right-wing nutjobs that started breaking windows to make the protesters look bad. For every video of a looter, there is also a video of militarized police going way beyond legitimate use of force.

Olly Gunnar Solskjær

Marxist bacon-hating kebab-dodging Tinder rascal
Jan 26, 2008
dreams can't be buy
One thing to understand is how the media is biased towards sensationalism and only viewing things on edited TV news distorts reality. The reality is hundreds of thousands/millions around the world are peacefully protesting but if you look at unedited footage, well that's a bit boring. If you only watch the edited nightly news you are getting a very skewed impression of what's happening. 50,000 people are peacefully protesting but 50-100 of them start breaking a few windows what do you think the sensationalist media is going to show? 45 minutes of airtime from looting that makes up a minuscule fraction of the overall protest. The only people I see questioning the "legitimacy of the protests" are heavily biased, to begin with. A few looters among millions of protesters does absolutely nothing to de-legitimize the protests, although of course, that's what the neo-fascists want people to think.
Yeah you wont see Sky News The Sun posting about these sort of things



Full Member
Jan 20, 2015
Real Madrid
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Full Member
Feb 17, 2012
Where's my arc, Paulie?
One thing to understand is how the media is biased towards sensationalism and only viewing things on edited TV news distorts reality. The reality is hundreds of thousands/millions around the world are peacefully protesting but if you look at unedited footage, well that's a bit boring. If you only watch the edited nightly news you are getting a very skewed impression of what's happening. 50,000 people are peacefully protesting but 50-100 of them start breaking a few windows what do you think the sensationalist media is going to show? 45 minutes of airtime from looting that makes up a minuscule fraction of the overall protest. The only people I see questioning the "legitimacy of the protests" are heavily biased, to begin with. A few looters among millions of protesters does absolutely nothing to de-legitimize the protests, although of course, that's what the neo-fascists want people to think.

Another thing to understand is that there is some legitimate document evidence that it was police/right-wing nutjobs that started breaking windows to make the protesters look bad. For every video of a looter, there is also a video of militarized police going way beyond legitimate use of force.
Most of these protests are organized by folks who’ve been doing this decades. The insinuation that they don’t care about covid or public health is so willfully ignorant. Especially when you know that doctors are at the front of this movement supporting the cause. Instead of acknowledging they know what they’re doing, we see reactionary BS that does nothing to help the cause.


Caf's Milton Friedman and Arse Aficionado
Dec 17, 2013
Brazil, Arsenal,LA Aztecs
Most of these protests are organized by folks who’ve been doing this decades. The insinuation that they don’t care about covid or public health is so willfully ignorant. Especially when you know that doctors are at the front of this movement supporting the cause. Instead of acknowledging they know what they’re doing, we see reactionary BS that does nothing to help the cause.
Well said mate.


Fending off the urge
Apr 12, 2006
Under the bright neon lights of sincity
Most of these protests are organized by folks who’ve been doing this decades. The insinuation that they don’t care about covid or public health is so willfully ignorant. Especially when you know that doctors are at the front of this movement supporting the cause. Instead of acknowledging they know what they’re doing, we see reactionary BS that does nothing to help the cause.
Eh? They know what they're doing?

Look. I support the protest. Would join them if I'm geographically there. But let's not pretend they know what they're doing corona wise.
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