Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting

Whilst it's a great outcome they've now achieved, let's not get it twisted. The club WERE trying to bring him back, and they got busted by The Athletic and the people spoke up.

But fair fecks to Ineos and Jim, it's done now. Apart form the odd few weirdos who will always pipe up the moment he has a good game and United struggle, he should largely be forgotten about on here now.

I defer to your knowledge. Once the situation was known I only kept a superficial track of what was going on. The only thing I’d heard/seen about him potentially coming back was something to do with Arnold and then the backlash from the media, seem to remember Rachael Riley featuring in this.

He’ll always have a profile in the club and people will naturally follow him, even only if it’s death scrolling type thing, but he is no longer the club or fans concern and it needs to be forgotten with lessons learned
Why would the club extend his contract? They needed rid of him. Wait the end of the window and it was let him go for free or pay him for another year. And they weren't going to go with B

If he plays like a ballon d'or contender then yeah, I can see Atletico, Juventus or Napoli possibly going for that. Big IF. Also let's see how this year in France at a big club goes in terms of fan reaction....

I agree Utd wanted to get rid of him but I'm saying they wouldn't cared that much about optics and would have extended, if in the 'worst case' scenario this summer no club came with a good transfer fee. Or rather that's the bluff they are calling out other clubs. 'We didn't terminate two years right at the height of the scandal, we know he's a talent and if you want him now, pay up, otherwise we will keep him for another two years'.

I wouldn't have put it past Utd to do that and neither would I put it past the Atleticos and Juves to come in the future if he performs good to very good (e.g 30+ total goals/assists). The 30 goals for two seasons comment was just for effect.
I’d have stopped supporting the club had he came back.

Leaving the abhorrence aside of possible... He’ll tear up Ligue 1 and become a darling of Marseille.
Great deal for us overall, shocked to get that amount amidst the protests surrounding his arrival in France.

Hopefully the past incidents stay in the past and there’s no repeats and they can move on together past it all.
The point is that any club with an actual interest could have waited the end of the market and got him for free. That United were able to successfully bait a club into paying a fee at all, and a big one at that, is nothing short of a masterpiece in terms of sales
How would they have been able to get him for free at the end of the summer? United would have sent him on loan for a fee, triggered the extension and tried again next summer, worst case do the same thing again. Maybe in two years they would have a chance of getting him for free. In that time he would have far more interest and he’s never choosing Marseille over other options.
Quality control
Wishing you and your family all the best, Mason. I’ll be closely following your football career as you start this new chapter at Marseille and beyond.
All these messages in the second person talking "directly" to Greenwood are beyond cringeworthy. Have some self-respect.
Let go and free yourself from the burden of hatred.
Hatred doesn't even have to come in to it. It's the bizarre way that people reply, as if the OP was from MG himself. Who the feck are these people 'directly' talking too??
Hatred doesn't even have to come in to it. It's the bizarre way that people reply, as if the OP was from MG himself. Who the feck are these people 'directly' talking too??
That seems a pretty pedantic and disingenuous point. There's endless amounts of threads about players / managers on here where posters 'thank them' for their time here, or wish them well in their career when released or sold, or if the thread is about an injury or illness, etc.

You'd have a busy time if you had a go at every poster doing that on all those threads, as if they're 'directly' talking to them.

I'm guessing your main issue is you disagree with anyone saying it this time around about Greenwood. Which is valid enough. But it's pretty disingenuous to make it sound as if it's a strange thing to do to anyone, given how frequently that kind of thing is done on so many threads here.

It's more valid to query if it's appropriate in this case aimed at Mason Greenwood, rather than act like it's an unusual thing to see on here in general.
That seems a pretty pedantic and disingenuous point. There's endless amounts of threads about players / managers on here where posters 'thank them' for their time here, or wish them well in their career when released or sold, or if the thread is about an injury or illness, etc.

You'd have a busy time if you had a go at every poster doing that on all those threads, as if they're 'directly' talking to them.

I'm guessing your main issue is you disagree with anyone saying it this time around about Greenwood. Which is valid enough. But it's pretty disingenuous to make it sound as if it's a strange thing to do to anyone, given how frequently that kind of thing is done on so many threads here.

It's more valid to query if it's appropriate in this case aimed at Mason Greenwood, rather than act like it's an unusual thing to see on here in general.
I agree with the sentiment of your post and you are right that I disagree with anyone saying it about MG, which like you say is valid enough and far better than deciding to reply by assuming emotion like anger or hatred because you disagree. This isn't an injury or illness or released or sold under normal circumstances, which is why I find it 'bizarre' in this circumstance. Each to their own though.
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All these messages in the second person talking "directly" to Greenwood are beyond cringeworthy. Have some self-respect.
Agreed and it's equally as cringey to keep going over the what ifs and whys.

Thread should be locked so we have no choice but to move on from the hole debacle.
I can already feel that this thread is going to descend in to the chaos the other one did. Some just can't help themselves....
Not wasted given he's still playing football and can reach his potential if he puts in th work.
Ok fair enough. However, it’s unlikely he’ll ever play for England, and it’s unlikely he’ll ever play for a top club. A waste of talent in my opinion.
I think you know exactly the point they're trying to make. It's fairly obvious what that posters feelings are from earlier in the thread. Best to just ignore.
It's just so annoying. You're right though. Ignore activated.
Absolute weirdos that will follow him closely after he leaves though, tbh.
What's the point you're making here?
At a guess, I would say it's pointing out how a number of our own past or present players are wishing Greenwood 'Good luck, all the best' etc, and including love hearts. While the United fans on here posting similar, and without the love hearts, are being called weirdos, etc. So I guess it's suggesting that either non-weirdos can wish those sentiments, or those players seemingly fall into that category?
Absolute weirdos that will follow him closely after he leaves though, tbh.
Yep best thing to do. Yeh I agree, there was one guy yesterday who said they're going to subscribe to whatever subscriber shows Ligue 1 games so they can watch him. I mean wtf?!
At a guess, I would say it's pointing out that a number of our own past or present players are wishing Greenwood 'Good luck, all the best' etc, and including love hearts. While the fans on here posting similar, and without the love hearts, are being slated and called weirdos, etc. So I guess it's pointing out that either non-weirdos can wish those sentiments, or those players seemingly fall into that category?
The players fall in to that category obviously. Because anyone that is wishing a domestic abuser and potential rapist well, no matter who they are, are definitely weird. And more than likely have something seriously wrong with them.
At a guess, I would say it's pointing out that a number of our own past or present players are wishing Greenwood 'Good luck, all the best' etc, and including love hearts. While the fans on here posting similar, and without the love hearts, are being slated and called weirdos, etc. So I guess it's pointing out that either non-weirdos can wish those sentiments, or those players seemingly fall into that category?
Great guess, but I disagree. I would say that they're implying that if ex teammates are able to forgive then our fanbase should have. Also, to be clear, I'm happy to say that the players wishing him the best of luck are weirdos too.
The 50% sell on clause creates a pretty weird situation. Its one thing in the case of a player like Calafiori, who was only bought for 4m euro anyway so Bologna is going to make a decent profit on a 50m euro sale to Arsenal (or if another club comes in) no matter what.. But in this case Marseille would need to sell him for like 80m euro to make even a tiny profit on the deal.

Unless there's an explicit or implicit agreement where they have to accept bids above a certain level, it creates a pretty strong disincentive to sell the player.
I think the immediate appeal for l'OM is sports and results based. Getting back into the Europa or even better the CL would immediately boost their short term financials, even better if they can do it a few years in a row. Having an elite talent forward is a huge asset in Ligue 1 and could win them the points and games they were lacking this season.

I don't think asset trading is their end goal here though it's not out of the question if he finds form that they can recoup their investment even if the clause is 50% of the gross.
I swear I read something that we would have to give Getafe a payment or cut of a deal if we didn't sell to them. Was I imagining things?
It was only if we sold him during his loan period to them, that's over so it doesn't matter now.
I swear I read something that we would have to give Getafe a payment or cut of a deal if we didn't sell to them. Was I imagining things?
No, but there's been conflicting reports of when that ends.

The most likely one was that it just applied if we opted to break the loan and sell him in January 2024 - then they'd get 20% of the fee. There were some other reports that it applied for whenever we sold him, and was included in the loan deal as an incentive for Getafe to take him and help rebuild his form and reputation, etc.

However, it does seem like it was the more likely first option, and doesn't apply once the loan ended.
Great guess, but I disagree. I would say that they're implying that if ex teammates are able to forgive then our fanbase should have. Also, to be clear, I'm happy to say that the players wishing him the best of luck are weirdos too.
Nah, just sharing what I found. Not trying to change anyone's minds. I do remember in some past arguments that some wondered how his teammates would feel. These are people who know him better than us, and probably keeps in contact with him and his family.
Nah, just sharing what I found. Not trying to change anyone's minds. I do remember in some past arguments that some wondered how his teammates would feel. These are people who know him better than us, and probably keeps in contact with him and his family.
That's fair enough, and you're right to a degree, but I was one of the ones who said that about his teammates if he went back, and my point at the time was that some would be fine with it yeh, but some wouldn't and it would just cause major disruption and disharmony in the dressing room that we could've done without.
That's fair enough, and you're right to a degree, but I was one of the ones who said that about his teammates if he went back, and my point at the time was that some would be fine with it yeh, but some wouldn't and it would just cause major disruption and disharmony in the dressing room that we could've done without.
I just don't understand what it proves. Sure, it shows that people are more likely to stand by their friends when they do something utterly shitty, but it doesn't make them (or their friends' actions) right. It's such a weird thing to point out imo.
It was only if we sold him during his loan period to them, that's over so it doesn't matter now.

No, but there's been conflicting reports of when that ends.

The most likely one was that it just applied if we opted to break the loan and sell him in January 2024 - then they'd get 20% of the fee. There were some other reports that it applied for whenever we sold him, and was included in the loan deal as an incentive for Getafe to take him and help rebuild his form and reputation, etc.

However, it does seem like it was the more likely first option, and doesn't apply once the loan ended.
Thanks both. That makes sense. I'm almost shocked that Arnold et al put an end date to that clause.
I just don't understand what it proves. Sure, it shows that people are more likely to stand by their friends when they do something utterly shitty, but it doesn't make them (or their friend's actions) right. It's such a weird thing to point out imo.
Yeh I agree.