Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting

Its similar to people being released from prison, theyve served their time and have the right to a life afterward rehabilitated or not. The difference being that in the eyes of most he shall forever be guilty as the CPS denied him the ability to serve time and rehabilitation.
fecking hell :lol:

Those pesky CPS once again ruining a man's chance at jail!
Its similar to people being released from prison, theyve served their time and have the right to a life afterward rehabilitated or not. The difference being that in the eyes of most he shall forever be guilty as the CPS denied him the ability to serve time and rehabilitation.

Oh aye. Give your damn head a wobble.

The CPS denying him the right to be charged for rape is the problem.
Its similar to people being released from prison, theyve served their time and have the right to a life afterward rehabilitated or not. The difference being that in the eyes of most he shall forever be guilty as the CPS denied him the ability to serve time and rehabilitation.
This is such an odd way of phrasing someone getting away with committing a serious crime scot free.
The difference being that in the eyes of most he shall forever be guilty as the CPS denied him the ability to serve time and rehabilitation.

Yes it's similar to O.J. Simpson being denied the ability to serve a life sentence for double homicide and as a result of that being cruelly judged by society afterwards.
That's in private though, with people you know well enough to know where they stand on things. If you're at a random work function or community event, you probably wouldn't just launch into a Trump rant, or laugh at whatever he's done now. You would probably first probe a bit what people think, and would launch into your diatribe only once you're sure you have a receptive audience - and even then you'd probably be more nuanced, with more explicit comments on what you think about Trump. And that's while Trump is actually a relatively clear case in most social circles, cause views on Trump align pretty well with people's overall societal and political views. Views on Trump are pretty clear on the Caf as well: there's currently no-one in the CE threads that's openly supporting him.
:eek: Is this actually the case? Is it forbidden to support Trump on the Caf? As in, warnings and bans dished out for openly supporting Trump?

Well he’s not our problem anymore. Just wondering what stage it needs to get to for all United fans to forget him. Will it be another beating for his girlfriend? Will it be him being snide against United? Where’s the line?
I don't know about others but that would definitely be the line for me, personally, anything along the lines of those examples would be my limit.
Well he’s not our problem anymore. Just wondering what stage it needs to get to for all United fans to forget him. Will it be another beating for his girlfriend? Will it be him being snide against United? Where’s the line?

Sadly, I think him being snide against United would change some opinions quicker than if he beat his girlfriend again.
Isn't it just! Even for this thread 'poor Mason never got the chance to serve his prison sentence' is a new level of insanity though.
There was a lot of that in the other thread. It's mind melting!

My personal favourite was that guy, who actually did claim to be a teacher too, who said that it's possible she woke him up from a nap so he was half asleep and that's why he beat and attempted to rape her.
I am judging the people shitting on the people that don't care about what Greenwood did, the same people that act like they care about human rights yet watched the Qatar World Cup.

I support people taking a stand on DV/rape, I am just saying it is harsh to judge people that still want Greenwood to play.

Well before you can do that we are going to need a full biography including but not limited to everything you have ever watched, everything you have ever said, which brands you have purchased, any stated positions on human rights, DV etc. I mean, you would not want us to be judged by someone who could possibly be a hypocrite now would you?

See how it works? You don't want to admit you are arguing in bad faith so you position yourself as better than others in this thread because somehow being against DV is wrong in your world unless you can prove you are a perfect human being in thought and deed.
Well he’s not our problem anymore. Just wondering what stage it needs to get to for all United fans to forget him. Will it be another beating for his girlfriend? Will it be him being snide against United? Where’s the line?

If he said anything that was moderately negative about United (see the Neville thread).

Or If he was shit. This thread would be about 2 pages long if he was shit and playing in the conference. All the people so desperate to forgive him because his partner has stayed with him or because of the devious CPS would have forgotten him yesterday.
There was a lot of that in the other thread. It's mind melting!

My personal favourite was that guy, who actually did claim to be a teacher too, who said that it's possible she woke him up from a nap so he was half asleep and that's why he beat and attempted to rape her.
Wait? What? Who?
Wait? What? Who?
Some newbie who started off reasonable enough, then descended into madness.

He was banned not long after that I believe, his name had teacher in it (at some point he said he was an actual teacher, I think in a PM). He claimed that he had read that excuse on here, but I went back and checked and no one had and when I questioned him on it, he unraveled quickly :lol:
Well before you can do that we are going to need a full biography including but not limited to everything you have ever watched, everything you have ever said, which brands you have purchased, any stated positions on human rights, DV etc. I mean, you would not want us to be judged by someone who could possibly be a hypocrite now would you?

See how it works? You don't want to admit you are arguing in bad faith so you position yourself as better than others in this thread because somehow being against DV is wrong in your world unless you can prove you are a perfect human being in thought and deed.
Let's be totally clear: you're arguing with a user who either lacks the most primitive understanding of logic or chooses to systematically post fallacy after fallacy in bad faith.
Let's be totally clear: you're arguing with a user who either lacks the most primitive understanding of logic or chooses to systematically post fallacy after fallacy in bad faith.
Well as he's UK based he's using electricity that's patly generated from Qatari gas so .....
:eek: Is this actually the case? Is it forbidden to support Trump on the Caf? As in, warnings and bans dished out for openly supporting Trump?
Of course not, and that's what I meant. I was saying that, in any social setting, you probably want to understand the views of people you're talking to a bit before candidly staying your own on a controversial topic. In the Caf CE forum, however, there isn't currently anyone posting that openly supports Trump. So if you want to post some kind of version of 'Trump is an idiot' in one of the US politics thread, you'd probably just do that without reservation.

Anyway, the context was how people post about Greenwood.