Mason Greenwood, Marseille Footballer | Read the thread rules in the OP before posting

Thank feck he's somebody else's problem to deal with now. Whatever about his potential, whatever about what the exact details are around what happened - given what is out in public's there was no way I would ever be comfortable seeing him play for United again.

Hope he learns, becomes a better person for his partner and kid and whatever happened was a one off and it's done now.
Glad the whole circus is over.

Can't help but wonder how good he could have become at United though.
Good deal, about as high as anyone could hope for, and a great sell on fee.

Finally ends the debate about him coming back and the worrying levels of what some would accept just because a guy can kick a ball about decently.
I’m glad this is done and everyone can move on. But I wonder how much heat Marseille will get over this, from the court of public opinion. I’m assuming nowhere near as much as we would have got if he had played for us again (not that I ever wanted that)
Thats the coldest goodbye tweet I've seen

Can't help thinking "what if" he's the most talented player we've produced since class of 92. I rated him above Mainoo, what a player we could've had a shame we didnt worked properly on his integral formation or whatever. Good deal all things considering specially tat 50% sell on clause I can see him joing PSG or a big italian club for a big fee, he's definitely ripping the french league appart there'll be plenty teams interested in him.
Best of luck to him in the future.

Hopefully he has already learned a lot from this experience and has become a better man, partner and father from it.
Think Utd should just be happy the saga is over, and they have a fee, and view any future fee as a bonus. The problem with the sell on is that because of what's happened, he's likely limited the number of clubs who will buy him, either through their own feelings, or fear of the fallout from a potential fan revolt.

Then when you think about the number of clubs that can afford say a £40m transfer fee aren't great, especially if you think that he'll likely remain blacklisted in England. Maybe the passing of time will ease the ill will towards him in other countries, not sure it ever will in the UK unfortunately for him.
Think Utd should just be happy the saga is over, and they have a fee, and view any future fee as a bonus. The problem with the sell on is that because of what's happened, he's likely limited the number of clubs who will buy him, either through their own feelings, or fear of the fallout from a potential fan revolt.

Then when you think about the number of clubs that can afford say a £40m transfer fee aren't great, especially if you think that he'll likely remain blacklisted in England. Maybe the passing of time will ease the ill will towards him in other countries, not sure it ever will in the UK unfortunately for him.

I'm pretty sure Barcelona were already interested. I don't think most clubs in Europe care and that will become even less as time goes by.

Especially if he starts scoring 30+ a season on that league which he very well could do.

We will see, I don't really care I'm just pleased he's gone but if you look at the business side that 50% is very good negotiating.
I thought he'd end up in Turkey or Saudi. Hopefully he can just get on with his career now and learned from his behaviour.
50% of any future profit. Brilliant. Let's hope he smashes it and Juve/Barca sign him for 70m one day.

Yeah exactly.

At 18-19 he looked a certainty to become an elite forward. Not sure if that's likely anymore but if he does then we'll make a very decent chunk.

(Unless he runs out his contract and signs somewhere on a free, pocketing a nice signing on fee for himself and cutting us out. Which is the sort of deal I can envisage Juve doing).
Amazing work by the INEOS guys. This is genuinely impressive

Wonder what OM ultras reaction is though...
end of some saga. I've got my spine broken repeatedly in the post-SAF era, I've felt embarrassed and humiliated by the Glazers, I've lost the hope many times and I've been heartbroken a plenty but nothing comes close to Greenwood - this was really a dagger straight in the heart. We were fecking shit, atmosphere and results terrible, and the only shining light at the time was arguably the best academy player in decades, two-footed unpredictable striker (in the times of lack of strikers), a guy I followed since he was 15-16 and among many others genuinely believed he will lead our attack for the next fifteen years or more. I'll not forget how much in disbelief we were when the news came out, how many replies the thread on the Caf got in seconds, how truly heartbroken so many felt - I could never imagine what fathers of the Caf had to tell their sons that idolised Mason, fecking hell.

comparing him to Ravel is injustice and gaslighting ourselves that he was not so good as we initially expected because he had a worse period right before the feck-up is also unfair. for me Greenwood was the biggest talent to come from our academy in this millennium and it's an enormous shame to lose him due to his off-field vileness. Knowing he could never play here again, I am elated to see the back of him with such a good business deal - I'd never expect we will sell him for such amount and with great sell-on clause. Won't be surprised if this motherfecker pulls it off and earns a transfer to a top club in a couple of years, only to become one of the best strikers around.

you fecked it up so bad Greenwood.
Came here to say this. Ligue 1 just got a new subscriber for next season.

Best of luck Mason. Learn from your mistake, be a better person and reclaim your career

Mistake, of course. Like breaking a speed limit, eh?
Gutted he won't be here anymore, one of the best youth prospects we have ever had come through. However, im glad the saga has come to an end and we can move on with our lives, the 2 years debating on this guy has been a long time and one player won't make us great again.

Wishing him all the best in his career and I hope he continues to mature to be a good person. Having a child usually makes us better humans because of the responsibility.
Remember that Real Madrid fan who was on here harping on about how no one was gonna pay anything for him?
He was a well informed chap.
Its a very good deal all things considered.

Hope this has caused him to hopefully sort himself out and more importantly his partner and child are in a safe stable enviroment. Footballing side of it pales in to insignificance next to that.
Pity how it ended after such a promising exciting start when he got integrated into the 1st team. The lad had it all but I’m glad he’s not our problem now and we’ve got ourselves a very good deal for someone who not long ago was looking as if his career was as good as over.
Am I still allowed to call him a piece of shit now he's not a United player?
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Well I'm glad that this saga is finally over. Looks like we ended up with some decent money from it as well, and if we are lucky get another chunk in a few years from the sell on clause.
A case of what it could've been...

Hope he comes good for them and fulfills the talent he has. One of the best natural finishers from the youth teams I have seen.

Decent fee for us. I wasn't expecting more than another loan to Getafe or somewhere. Hopefully, we'll have another windfall coming couple of years down the line.
Good luck to Greenwood. Could have made it to Foden levels by now but fate/his own idiocy had other plans.