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2024-25 Performances

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4.8 Season Average Rating
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‘I always thought his best position is when he comes from the left to the centre, not when he’s a clear number nine,’ Mourinho said on Sky Sports.
‘I always thought it was better for him to come from the side, especially the left side.’

Former Manchester United captain Roy Keane agreed that Rashford is not suited to play as a central striker: ‘The hardest position to play at Old Trafford is up through the middle,’ said the Irishman. ‘Playing with his back to goal is not one of his strengths.’

Quotes from back in 2019, still ring true today. Eth isn't Harry Potter !!

2023. Speaking to Sky Sports, Sir Alex said: “I don’t think he’s a striker. He operates from the left-hand side fantastic, his finishing is always good, always keeps his shots down which is really important for a striker and he’s in a great vein of form.”
I thought it was bad enough that he did the PR stuff with the videos of him training during the national team matches, but stuff like this is beyond annoying.

Fairly certain i said the same this summer with all the PR stuff about how hard he was working on his fitness, looking rock solid ahead of the season etc, that i can't really understand why he doesn't just shut the feck up, keep his head down and work harder.

All it does is bring even more negative attention when he doesn't perform well...
It's pathetic if we still care about an odd good performance from Rashford. The only "comeback" from him will be him becoming consistently good. Otherwise he needs to go, sooner the better
A goal or two for a striker can have a roll on effect which leads to more confidence in the team and the individual and all true fans should be hoping for this.
It is pathetic to always keep looking for the negative and we should be leaving that to the media and the pundits that earn a living banging on about it.
A goal or two for a striker can have a roll on effect which leads to more confidence in the team and the individual and all true fans should be hoping for this.
It is pathetic to always keep looking for the negative and we should be leaving that to the media and the pundits that earn a living banging on about it.
what is pathetic is to try and manipulate fans having endless propaganda heaped on them. Now its his shit team mates making him look bad. Its amazing this PR sharade hasnt cottoned onto that yet, and it only does the player more damage to the actual people who can put him on the pedestal he craves. sick of it to be honest, what next week, a bungee jump?
A goal or two for a striker can have a roll on effect which leads to more confidence in the team and the individual and all true fans should be hoping for this.
It is pathetic to always keep looking for the negative and we should be leaving that to the media and the pundits that earn a living banging on about it.
We have been watching Rashford for years and waiting for "roll on effects" for about as long. He has been inconsistent his entire career. This is not a forward we just signed.

Not sure where you have been all these years but let's get real. We are talking about a 26yo on record wages.

I support Man United, not a specific player. Anybody who doesn't contribute needs to be moved on. This is top level of professional sports, not kindergarten with participation trophies
We have been watching Rashford for years and waiting for "roll on effects" for about as long. He has been inconsistent his entire career. This is not a forward we just signed.

Not sure where you have been all these years but let's get real. We are talking about a 26yo on record wages.

This is the key issue here. Rashford is (quite possibly?) the second highest paid player at Manchester United ever…
That podcast is cringey “it’s a team game” looking to shift the blame

If he was that good an individual surely he’d still be in the England starting XI ahead of Antony Gordon

And if it indeed is a team game, maybe he could track back and press alongside his team mates, maybe he could pass and cross to the them also rather than constantly being head down dribbling into the opposition only to lose the ball

I wish he’d come good again because that season before last he was absolutely world class but I think he’s like Sancho in that he just can’t keep his head right and maintain high performance levels
Expecting one of the highest paid professional footballers in the world to be an effective attacker is a form a bullying ?

Who knew? Honestly I'm done with him, he lacks the temperament to play at this level now. something has gone badly wrong in the last couple of years.
Expecting one of the highest paid professional footballers in the world to be an effective attacker is a form a bullying ?

Who knew? Honestly I'm done with him, he lacks the temperament to play at this level now. something has gone badly wrong in the last couple of years.
Expecting one of the highest paid professional footballers in the world to be an effective attacker is a form a bullying ?

Who knew? Honestly I'm done with him, he lacks the temperament to play at this level now. something has gone badly wrong in the last couple of years.
Expecting one of the highest paid professional footballers in the world to be an effective attacker is a form a bullying ?

Who knew? Honestly I'm done with him, he lacks the temperament to play at this level now. something has gone badly wrong in the last couple of years.
It's beyond pathetic now. One of the most protected footballers in the past few years complain he feels bullied. The media always had blind eyes for his performances, but even they started to notice, which only shows how bad his performances were for a very long time. He doesn't have the mentality to play for this club. Actually he also doesn't have the brain judging by his awful decision making on the pitch. If United truly want to be successful, the club should be more ruthless and starting to get rid from such players. Doesn't matter if you are local boy or not the club success should comes first.
The lad is a waste of space stealing a living.

Not only does he get to do what millions consider a dream job, but he wins the lottery each month as a bonus.

On top of that he's defended by his own boss and pundits whenever he decides he can't be arsed putting in effort, which is every week.

To add insult to it, the people who pay money for tickets to watch him, also sing and clap for the lazy waster in the hope of motivating him.

Then some pillocks have the nerve to say he's being bullied or treated like shit whenever someone has the audacity to call out the entitled egomaniac for not having the professionalism to do his job properly.

Marcus Rashford is an example of everything wrong with modern day celebrity culture. He's entitled, lazy, overpaid, idolised, and uses social media to brainwash the simpletons who follow him. He wants the fame and the money without the hassle of needing to do the hard work.
Reading the posts in this thread is like chewing glass, will avoid in future
Expecting one of the highest paid professional footballers in the world to be an effective attacker is a form a bullying ?

Who knew? Honestly I'm done with him, he lacks the temperament to play at this level now. something has gone badly wrong in the last couple of years.
Dont know what happened to Rashford , he looks afraid and lazy these days.

There was a time when Jose called him a mad dog for his high work rate yet these days your lucky to see him even make a token effort to track back, not sure if thats managers instructions or he is just unwilling although you would expect him dropped if so.

I would really like Rashford to find himself again because he can be a really exciting player. It would be nice to see hard working performances to show he is ready to fight but sadly it looks like he doesnt have it in him.
All he needs to do to avoid any criticism is to actually do the job he is paid handsomely to do. Sadly he’s not been doing that for a long time now.

Throwing his team mates under the bus is not going to endear him to anyone. He’s a spoilt entitled mard arse who could do with a healthy shot of reality.
Press Briefing again? Right before the game too, What chance he has been told that he has been dropped against Southampton?
Hope ETH has the guts to do it as it might earn him the respect of the other players and so galvanise them to perform better.

Some of the remarks in the inews article (’Supporters believe what senior ex-players say, which only makes worse.’) reveal that he/his entourage have a very low opinion of Utd fans and their ability to think for themselves.

I wonder how many members the entourage have in here?
Manchester United as a club and as fanbase are quite forgiving. I'm not sure who is advising him to do this PR stunts, its backfiring and putting him in trouble every single time. If you are reading this rashy, fire that firm. Quit checking social media and ignoee the papers. Put your head down and train as hard as you can. You only have 3-4 years on the top.
Isn't his agent his brother? It might explain this ham-fisted, amateur, defensiveness when it comes to his PR. It seems quite basic and rudimentary. There's no subtlety to it. The same type of stories get recycled every few weeks. When there's focus on his form they run through them at pace and it becomes silly.

At no point every does the solution to the criticism seem to be trying putting his head down and working hard. If you work hard, I don't care what limitations you have as a player, you will be an asset.

Whether he stays or he goes he needs to get new people around him.
His 30 goal season didn't come as a striker? Was Weghorst wasn't it?
He had a decent period of time where he was playing as a striker that season. Still mostly out wide, but at a guess I'd say he spent about a third of that season in the middle (either starting there or moving there after ETH made some subs).

However that was the only time in the last six or so years that he was actually decent when played up front. The rest of the time he's been extremely shit up there, worse than he's been out wide lately.
Rashford is one of the biggest names at the club. He is the PR face of the club. He is one of the highest earners at the club.

Oh the shock when he is one of the most scrutinized player at the club.

This is the Pogba discussion all over. How other players are not doing well to support Pogba. how he is always targetted unfairly by media and fans, how the manager is unable to get the best out of Pogba, etc etc
It was somewhat true for Pogba though. He copped more criticism than every other player put together despite being one of our better players for the first four years. It was also obvious that we basically never had a balanced midfield while he was here (which hurt the performances of ALL our midfielders, not just Pogba). The only couple of months in his entire six years that we actually did play with a balanced midfield (Matic-Herrera-Pogba) he had the best form of his career and we as a team probably had the best results in the post-SAF era, then we changed our midfield set-up again.

Meanwhile Rashford has been massively protected by the media and many in the fanbase for years while consistently performing far worse than Pogba did (until the injuries started destroying him in his last 18 months). Realistically he's got away very lightly for most of his career.
Nepotism doesn’t work: Kane’s brother, Marcus’ brother and Eddie Howe’s nephew.
My Rashy shall always play....

What hold does this guy have on the club that every manager since Mourinho has to play him week in week out
My Rashy shall always play....

What hold does this guy have on the club that every manager since Mourinho has to play him week in week out

Mostly Garnacho not playing well this season. Garnacho was useless against Liverpool, Rashford should have had atleast an assist against Liverpool.
Looked more positive today and scored a great goal. Hope this is the point where he turns his form around but we'll see.
Encouraging performance really. Looked decent against Liverpool and took his chance well today.

Also really liked that he took that long range that was saved. He wasn't that confident a few weeks ago.