Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

It's a longstanding Labour position and remains so in the current manifesto.
No it doesn't. They've gone with the cop out approach of recognising a Palestinian state as part of a peace process, which means they'd only accept it if the Israelis do. They could follow other European countries like Spain, Ireland and Norway in recognising a Palestinian state immediately, which is all the more critical since their very existence continues to be in increasing danger, but instead they've thrown a hollow bone expecting us to treat it like an actual stance.
Great minds think alike

Those mf are literally lapdogs to Netanyahu but they want to lecture the world on morality. I am not taking single fecking morality lecture from a western politician when they help Netanyahu slaughter Palestanians day after day after day. None. Every singel one of them, go feck yourself. You are not different from Putin.
Have you seen the state of the British military lately? It's laughable to suggest that a coup was a reality. It was far more real in the 70s when there were actual meetings about it and organisations set up.

Is it a PMs job to hit the help Palestine button?

A problem created by britain in the first place. Yes, it is.
It's a longstanding Labour position and remains so in the current manifesto.

That's an actual response which is different from what Kaos got. The question is whether it's the same nothing position as the US or they would recognize it regardless of Israel's stance like Spain.

The other part is withholding weapons which looks impossible for some reasons. Considering England's contribution isn't that significant, that's something they theoretically should be able to do and distance themselves from Israel's endless war crimes.
I wouldn't know about Starmer, but Corbyn could still win it.
Difficult, but there is a possibility that those who want to vote for him would actually make the effort and go to vote, unlike causal voters.
Difficult, but there is a possibility that those who want to vote for him would actually make the effort and go to vote, unlike causal voters.

Definitely fair to say that you would expect Corbyn voters to be more engaged than your average constituent. He's clearly got a lot of supporters locally so it's just how many they can convince or make aware in the next week. I thought this was one that his name recognition would have cut through more than it's showing at the moment.
There’s political pressure which a PM or a political party can push - recognising a Palestine state and voting in favour of Palestine or material help like stopping arms contracts to companies who sell to Israel. It should of course do all of these things but all of this requires going up against established/powerful political forces. Which tbf I think Corbyn and those around him somewhat understood but well there are big structural reasons why he didn’t win and why his policy platform would have faced immense pressure.

I’m not sure anyone wants to discuss it because it’s nerdy/boring and most just want to cosplay Fukuyama.

Don't know if i posted it here, but about a week after oct 7, is when i realised that the 2017 vote maths doesn't really matter, Corbyn could never have been PM even if Labour won under his watch. Was looking at the unified response of the free liberal democracies to Israel, imagining PM Corbyn there, and it doesn't fit. It cannot be. He would have been coup-ed, doubt the army would have needed to get involved even if they were itching to, internal party rebellion would be enough.

There is the template:
e - wrong link!
seeing who wrote this is a nice bonus!
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A problem created by britain in the first place. Yes, it is.

Absolutely. Britain needs to take responsibility for it colonialist past instead of pretending they didn’t cause at least two of the current ongoing geopolitical issues ie Palestine/Israel and India/Pakistan
Those mf are literally lapdogs to Netanyahu but they want to lecture the world on morality. I am not taking single fecking morality lecture from a western politician when they help Netanyahu slaughter Palestanians day after day after day. None. Every singel one of them, go feck yourself. You are not different from Putin.

i totally agree. The way a lot of Western politicians denounce Putin and Russia but laud Netanyahu and Israel is the the most mind boggling and infuriating thing.
Exactly, this is all we need to know.
Convenient. Remain in your echo chamber and keep posting shit tweets and smilies
Are your shits only being given for Palestinians?

Here's a handy guide for your outrage. I'm sure you can find ways to link them all to Starmer somehow.

How's about sticking to calling the Corbyn lot cnuts in defence of Starmer, instead of directing your flippancy towards a people experiencing unimaginable suffering. It'd be much less obnoxious.
How's about sticking to calling the Corbyn lot cnuts in defence of Starmer, instead of directing your flippancy towards a people experiencing unimaginable suffering. It'd be much less obnoxious.
Really takes someone special to go out of their way to cheerlead for someone as spineless and bland like Starmer. And the Israel support is the cherry on top.
Conservatives - This Marxist would have done a jihad and let Putin bring back the Soviet Union.

The “Marxist” -

I mean I like Corbyn but I don't think he would have been a great PM, his demeanour never came across confident enough for me.

However, someone like Starmer has no credibility at all, he'll do anything for the vote even if it means cosplaying as a Tory lite just like his shadow cabinet who are the same sort of chameleons. I have more respect for guys like Trump and Boris, despite being awful human beings at least they were genuine to who they really are.
Is the UK selling weapons to every culpable party on that list? is Starmer reprimanding anyone who speaks out against any of the other crimes listed there?

Who are we allowed to sell weapons to? Also, why stop at weapons? Should we not sell anything to people you disagree with since it helps them?
Who are we allowed to sell weapons to? Also, why stop at weapons? Should we not sell anything to people you disagree with since it helps them?
Should we sell weapons to the Russians then? How about sharing some intelligence with them too and purging party members who voice anti-Putin sentiments. Would that sit well with you?
I mean I like Corbyn but I don't think he would have been a great PM, his demeanour never came across confident enough for me.

However, someone like Starmer has no credibility at all, he'll do anything for the vote even if it means cosplaying as a Tory lite just like his shadow cabinet who are the same sort of chameleons. I have more respect for guys like Trump and Boris, despite being awful human beings at least they were genuine to who they really are.
I understand the sentiment. But Boris is a really bad example.
Should we sell weapons to the Russians then? How about sharing some intelligence with them too and purging party members who voice anti-Putin sentiments. Would that sit well with you?

A predictable response from you....avoiding the questions.

No we shouldn't sell weapons to Russia because they are an enemy and we wouldn't want to share tech with them. What a stupid question :rolleyes:
Labour tracking towards a massive majority may work in Corbyn's favour. Those inclined to vote for him - particularly those towards the centre-left of the party - are probably more likely to do so under the guarantee Labour will be in power.
A predictable response from you....avoiding the questions.

No we shouldn't sell weapons to Russia because they are an enemy and we wouldn't want to share tech with them. What a stupid question :rolleyes:
Which questions am I avoiding? I merely responded to your own whatabouttery response about other genocides taking place after another poster questioned whether people were comfortable with 20,000 dead Palestinian kids.
Would be a real shame if Corbyn went out like this. I mean all is fair in love, war and the dirty game of politics and I won't be crying for too long but he's served well and given a voice to a lot of people shit on by society. Besides, if you were to take every bad thing Corbyn has ever done in his entire life and bundled it all together, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as what Starmer said about starving women and children.

I guess the really repugnant thing is that Starmer and The Labour Party were wetting themselves over doing the same to Diane Abbott. Add in their treatment of Martin Forde and and you see a really digusting party, with a race problem.
Which questions am I avoiding? I merely responded to your own whatabouttery response about other genocides taking place after another poster questioned whether people were comfortable with 20,000 dead Palestinian kids.

Again avoiding the question and throwing in some straw man too. You're on a roll.
Would be a real shame if Corbyn went out like this. I mean all is fair in love, war and the dirty game of politics and I won't be crying for too long but he's served well and given a voice to a lot of people shit on by society. Besides, if you were to take every bad thing Corbyn has ever done in his entire life and bundled it all together, it wouldn't be anywhere near as bad as what Starmer said about starving women and children.

I guess the really repugnant thing is that Starmer and The Labour Party were wetting themselves over doing the same to Diane Abbott. Add in their treatment of Martin Forde and and you see a really digusting party, with a race problem.
