You've spent the last couple of years calling everyone who voted for Brexit stupid while at the same time admitting that had you live in the UK at the time you would have voted for not only the party who put forward such a simplistic referendum but for the party who's time in government made it easier for Leave to win( Your excuse being well you didn't know anything about the alternatives(By the way that post of yours was from 2017. Two years after the 2015 election and one after the referendum result, fair play for shitting your brain so far after the event).
This conversation we are having is very similar to the time where people on the forum had to explain you that the housing crisis in Britain wasn't due to people buying iPhones. I mean christ you said one of the reasons you voted Labour was because you started driving and Heath wanted to reduce the speed limit!. So the idea of politics having wider repercussions and effects to people other than yourself is a concept that seems impossible for you to understand.(Don't worry your not alone as plenty of other tories have the same issue).
Full credit must go to your public schooling for giving you the confidence in having such awful views.