Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Parody account alert. But bang on the money

Let me see if I can help you - these are only issues because of smears used against Corbyn. You think anyone wanted to spend all summer debating the arse off Israel/Palestine? It’s only ever talked about by the left wing to DEFEND themselves. Ie: they’re responding rather than instigating the topic.

Same with deselection - no one would be discusssing it if it weren’t for the fact that a group of MPs would rather spend all summer undermining Corbyn than doing anything else.

All your tweet tells anyone is how much time people have had to waste defending themselves against all the smears and lies.
It would be more embarrassing for him now if he didn’t let the membership decide after making clear today he would.

Once he’s said that he was elected to give the members more power, he’s nailed his colours to that mast.

It’s the same as Trident. He doesn’t agree with it, but as it was Moi aussi j'ai hâte d'être dans tes bras for by members at the last conference it remains party policy.

I don’t see what the confusion is. What’s happened this weekend was always likely to happen - as I predicted in this thread - and now we have to wait to see if McDonnell and Corbyn can find a way to provoke a General Election, which is the ultimate aim.

There was talk that in the committees that decide the wording of motions, that there would be shenanigans tonight, leading to a motion being put forward that didn’t tie the leadership down to anything concrete. Still waiting to see whether it happened or not.
And here’s the fudge..

“The final draft for the vote says: "If we cannot get a general election, Labour must support all options remaining on the table, including campaigning for a public vote."

So it's "for the Many, not the few....apart from those few over there who can vote you out even if they are only 33%"

Labour are going to need a very long campaign bus in this General Election they are expecting to win!

With regards to the fudge on Brexit also....I love the quote froma senior labour source..."There was consensus in the room opposing the Tories' chaotic approach to the Brexit negotiations...." and then proceed to offer nothing other than keeping "all options open"

Why have Chaos under May when you can have Chaos under Corbyn!

How did the Labour party become such an Orwellian nightmare!
His participation in the CE basically boils down to this thread so I doubt there’s a difference between forum and thread ban.

Mental decision either way. He’s very fixed in his views/opinions but no more so than the people he’s arguing with and certainly no less civil. Smacks of double standards.
Mental decision either way. He’s very fixed in his views/opinions but no more so than the people he’s arguing with and certainly no less civil. Smacks of double standards.
Not really.

There's countless times where he would say something completely untrue - New Labour weren't anti immigration for example and another poster would write a long post showing and breaking down why his opinion was wrong, Oscie would then completely ignore the post and carrying on with the late 90's stand up routine. Christ I spent a good amount bizarrely proving that I read the links I post all because I did the god awful thing providing evidence to show why Osice opinion was.......yes you've guessed it wrong again.

If he wants to do this shite then fair enough but just do it on twitter because on here he's just wasting other people time. Also he didn't seem to understand the quote and reply system which was annoying as piss.
Not really.

There's countless times where he would say something completely untrue - New Labour weren't anti immigration for example and another poster would write a long post showing and breaking down why his opinion was wrong, Oscie would then completely ignore the post and carrying on with the late 90's stand up routine. Christ I spent a good amount bizarrely proving that I read the links I post all because I did the god awful thing providing evidence to show why Osice opinion was.......yes you've guessed it wrong again.

If he wants to do this shite then fair enough but just do it on twitter because on here he's just wasting other people time. Also he didn't seem to understand the quote and reply system which was annoying as piss.

He definitely didn’t cover himself in glory in that interaction with you. I remember that. Don’t think “countless times” is fair though. Just seems like a shitty thing to do, to ban the (almost) lone voice constantly critical of Corbyn from this thread because he sometimes looses the run of himself in an argument (which happens to us all!)
He definitely didn’t cover himself in glory in that interaction with you. I remember that. Don’t think “countless times” is fair though. Just seems like a shitty thing to do, to ban the (almost) lone voice constantly critical of Corbyn from this thread because he sometimes looses the run of himself in an argument (which happens to us all!)

In fairness, it seems more likely his ban is a result of some posts in the Brexit thread rather than here.
He definitely didn’t cover himself in glory in that interaction with you. I remember that. Don’t think “countless times” is fair though. Just seems like a shitty thing to do, to ban the (almost) lone voice constantly critical of Corbyn from this thread because he sometimes looses the run of himself in an argument (which happens to us all!)
Agree. I mean it's clear that this thread is too pro left/Corbyn(Me included of course) so it does need some ''balance'' and digging a bigger hole for yourself when people point out your wrong is definitely something that has happened to us all but if Oscie does come back he has to at least acknowledge when this happens. Just out of sheer politeness if nothing else.
Mental decision either way. He’s very fixed in his views/opinions but no more so than the people he’s arguing with and certainly no less civil. Smacks of double standards.
The only problem for me is that he's repetitive, and I could understand it if he were warned not to post the same thing over and over again. There are some bigger offenders in the Brexit thread on that score though, who repeat their mantra every single day, so he shouldn't be the only one when it comes to such warnings. Maybe request would be a better term than warning? I don't know, I'm naturally pretty tolerant.
He definitely didn’t cover himself in glory in that interaction with you. I remember that. Don’t think “countless times” is fair though. Just seems like a shitty thing to do, to ban the (almost) lone voice constantly critical of Corbyn from this thread because he sometimes looses the run of himself in an argument (which happens to us all!)

I don't know what the criteria is for a ban but having encountered him a fair bit in here it's clear he has no interest in debate and his presence here has been hugely detrimental to any sort of sensible conversation. The thread is definitely broadly pro-Corbyn but you would be hard pressed to find anyone in here on the 'pro-Corbyn' side as myopic and determined in defence of Corbyn as Oscie is in his hatred of Corbyn. It's the same lines multiple times a day over the course of weeks and months.
The Labour Cabinet as a whole like to sideline people that disagree with them - so why should this place be any different? :smirk:
JC needs to get off the fence. He needs to promise a second referendum on the agreed deal and then push for another election.
What a fudge. And a fudge that doesn't even make sense.

This is why people won't vote Labour. If the people in Labour had any sense, this would be the perfect time to split momentum and rid Labour of JC. I think he's great, but he's unfit for the role.
I understand what they're trying to do, keeping their options open so they don't have their hands tied in a snap election scenario, but they should be playing the board as it is now, rather than as it could be in the future. The Tories are in power and are making a mess of Brexit so I'd have liked to see a Labour promise a referendum offering Tory Brexit/No Deal on one hand and Remaining on the other.

In any case, Labour is no longer 100% committed to carrying out Brexit, so it's a start. The wording of the motion on which that tweet above (@Adisa ) is based doesn't appear to be the final wording according to the BBC

The leadership had to agree that wording which restricted a future referendum to "the terms of Brexit" had to go.

This means that the party could, in theory, back a referendum that gave voters the option of remaining in the EU and not just a vote on the final deal.
I understand what they're trying to do, keeping their options open so they don't have their hands tied in a snap election scenario, but they should be playing the board as it is now, rather than as it could be in the future. The Tories are in power and are making a mess of Brexit so I'd have liked to see a Labour promise a referendum offering Tory Brexit/No Deal on one hand and Remaining on the other.

In any case, Labour is no longer 100% committed to carrying out Brexit, so it's a start. The wording of the motion on which that tweet above (@Adisa ) is based doesn't appear to be the final wording according to the BBC
Totally agree, but McDonnell and Corbyn are old-school far left anti-EU, so they'll twist and turn to avoid that as much as they can. It will be an interesting conference, the activists, the leadership, the MPs and the simple Labour voters all seem to want different things. Fudge anyone?
Seeing as he is often the only dissenting voice against the Corbyn fan club, I think this is hardly fair.

He's not on a WUM, he genuinely believes that Corbyn is a cnut, and that puts him high up in my estimation, for one.

People keep saying this but it isn't really true. Look at this page alone and you'll see the number of people (rightfully) criticising Labour's fairly daft approach to Brexit, for example. I don't necessarily agree with banning Oscie but he tended not to have any interest in actual debate for the most part and regularly ignored counter-arguments that didn't suit his own.

Again, the only reason Palestine is so regularly talked about is to defend the anti-semitism smear.

I couldn’t be more delighted if we stopped jizzing money into defence and kept out of the Middle East.

If the upside is an increase in helpful public spending, and our lives, health service, education and cultural output increased I’d be more than happy.
Outrageous. I just don't see a way out of this now. Nobody in Labour is willing to challenge JC and his supporters.