Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

For those of you wondering why the Labour right doesn't spend much time thinking about policies, Lucy Powell has answered your queries.
Quick bit of advise for Lucy - people who don't use the internet shouldn't talk about the internet. But of course the labour right answer to being call blairites on the internet is a already bigger surveillance state(Thus proving the criticism correct), ''It seems CorbynisMao69 called me bellend, clearly the logic and rational thing to do ban this person from the internetz and also find where they live and work.''
There won't be another GE for a while. Even if the Tories get shot of May, they won't call one.
Emily Thornberry says in tomorrow’s Financial Times that May’s Brexit deal will fail, that she’ll be gone by Christmas and that this could feasibly lead to a general election...
Emily Thornberry says in tomorrow’s Financial Times that May’s Brexit deal will fail, that she’ll be gone by Christmas and that this could feasibly lead to a general election...

Where the choice will be between a Tory party determined to push for an unobtainable Brexit, and a Labour party determined to push for an unobtainable Brexit. Woot!

Finally a REAL choice!
Emily Thornberry says in tomorrow’s Financial Times that May’s Brexit deal will fail, that she’ll be gone by Christmas and that this could feasibly lead to a genesral election...
Doubt it. The Tories won't call one for fear of losing seats.
What is appalling about Jeremy Corbyn criticising bankers and Conservatives being in bed together. If he has "wealthy bankers = jews" stuck in his head, that's his problem.
What is appalling about Jeremy Corbyn criticising bankers and Conservatives being in bed together. If he has "wealthy bankers = jews" stuck in his head, that's his problem.

I don't get it either. Seems a leap. I don't think Corbyn is antisemitic, however I do think he's spent his entire political life in circles in which casual antisemitism is something which many people are comfortable with. I think the party's failing to get to get to grips with the issue is likely more down to him being incompetent and lazy and ill-suited for the job he never really wanted in the first place, as much as anything else.

I think that's the closest I've ever got to being nice to him.
I don't get it either. Seems a leap. I don't think Corbyn is antisemitic, however I do think he's spent his entire political life in circles in which casual antisemitism is something which many people are comfortable with. I think the party's failing to get to get to grips with the issue is likely more down to him being incompetent and lazy and ill-suited for the job he never really wanted in the first place, as much as anything else.

I think that's the closest I've ever got to being nice to him.

Nope, this is about his policy on Israel, which is why no matter what processes are developed to tackle antisemitism the attacks will continue and you'll get overreaching like this.
I don't get it either. Seems a leap. I don't think Corbyn is antisemitic, however I do think he's spent his entire political life in circles in which casual antisemitism is something which many people are comfortable with. I think the party's failing to get to get to grips with the issue is likely more down to him being incompetent and lazy and ill-suited for the job he never really wanted in the first place, as much as anything else.

I think that's the closest I've ever got to being nice to him.

Completely agree with that. I've long thought of him as being a bit too "simple" for the job, which is to say he's a nice, somewhat regular guy who was never going to live up to the expectations that many had of him as a leader when they swept him into power.
As much as I hate Brexit I really think it would be a mistake for Labour to go for a second referendum. It would go down like a cup of cold sick in many constituencies. Plus if the government collapses before Brexit and it's official Labour policy to hold a 2nd referendum then that's a massive problem for any government.

What Labour needs to do is oppose any Tory deal, defeat Brexit in Parliament and try to trigger a general election running on a soft Brexit platform.
I don't get that...the vast majority of Labour voters/members want a 2nd referendum. It takes quite the logical acrobat to argue the electorally suicidal thing to do is give what most of your support want.

There is no 'soft' Brexit option, only the complete nonsense that believes that somehow we can retain the benefits of membership of the EU, CU and SM if Corbyn negotiates it. A man whose leadership seems entirely paralysed on a regular basis, whose own supporters seem to view as entirely under siege whenever a newspaper journalists says something mean about him, is supposedly the man to not only take on the toughest negotiation in history, but get a deal absolutely nobody aside from Nadine Dorries and JRM thinks is even possible.

I don't get the contortion that says backing a position most of your supporters back is somehow the wrong thing to do and that somehow the smart plan is to do what very few of your supporters want you to do else miss out on votes of a constituency of people very unlikely to vote for you in the first place.

The state of these cnuts.

His entire lecture was about the challenges facing liberal values. He said he believes in building bridges, and taking to the Trumpians etc, so you can find out why people are angry in order to address it. What a cnut, eh?

You don't have to agree with something to understand it.
His entire lecture was about the challenges facing liberal values. He said he believes in building bridges, and taking to the Trumpians etc, so you can find out why people are angry in order to address it. What a cnut, eh?

You don't have to agree with something to understand it.
Well then the irony is lost on him considering it’s charlatans of his ilk that have turned people away from these ‘liberal values’ and towards populism on both ends of the spectrum.

The best thing Tony can do is shut up and disappear into obscurity. He’s the last person I’d consider credible to talk about challenges facing progressives.
Well then the irony is lost on him considering it’s charlatans of his ilk that have turned people away from these ‘liberal values’ and towards populism on both ends of the spectrum.

The best thing Tony can do is shut up and disappear into obscurity. He’s the last person I’d consider credible to talk about challenges facing progressives.

Indeed. If Brexit taught us anything it's that we've had enough of experts. Who does someone who wasa politician for 25 years, leader of the country for 10 with all his first hand knowledge of winning elections, building multilateral coalitions, working with allies to achieve geopolitical and ecomomic agreements, think he has to offer when it comes to political discourse.

We should probably ask Jeremy Clarkson or that bloke from Gogglebox if we want some real insight .

Guy who's been PM for a decade? Probably has nothing to say. Smart thing to do is to assume that and double-down on a superiority complex.

You have a man who was a leader on the world stage for a decade talking about understanding present political apathy and disillusionment being told to shut the feck up by people comparatively ill-qualified to comment because they accuse him of being devisive. It's moments like this that it makes sense that as a country we voted Brexit
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It's a wider point. It's not just Blair. It's this whole political culture of devaluing the experienced. We saw it with Brexit. We saw it with Trump. It's very fecking dangerous and it's disheartening to see the numbers of people who now buy into it.

20 years ago Jim Royle was a comedy character. Today he'd probably be on Newsnight.

"I loved that bit where he said: ' Global warming, my arse' - he probably knows more than all these liberal scientists"

That's where we are now. Any kind of experience, knowledge or expertise is immediately dismissed. Trump. Brexit. It's all linked.
Well then the irony is lost on him considering it’s charlatans of his ilk that have turned people away from these ‘liberal values’ and towards populism on both ends of the spectrum.

Maybe. But you can listen to an argument irrespective of the person who is making it.
Well then the irony is lost on him considering it’s charlatans of his ilk that have turned people away from these ‘liberal values’ and towards populism on both ends of the spectrum.

The best thing Tony can do is shut up and disappear into obscurity. He’s the last person I’d consider credible to talk about challenges facing progressives.

Just out of interest, did you consider Obama a charlatan?
Just out of interest, did you consider Obama a charlatan?
I do.
His entire lecture was about the challenges facing liberal values. He said he believes in building bridges, and taking to the Trumpians etc, so you can find out why people are angry in order to address it. What a cnut, eh?
Is that before or after he's finished labelling people who support Labour currently as cultists? As the meme goes 'Liberals hate socialists more than fascists.'
His entire lecture was about the challenges facing liberal values. He said he believes in building bridges, and taking to the Trumpians etc, so you can find out why people are angry in order to address it. What a cnut, eh?

You don't have to agree with something to understand it.
People are angry because they have been neglected by both parties here and in America for far to long. And sending Blair out there to tell them why it was good for them will fuel that anger.
So if they tried being a bit more racist and the odd bit of talking up white supremacy, Blair will want to sit down and understand them?

For a fee obviously, he doesn't get out of his bed for free.

I like the way that whenever Blair is mentioned, you pop up. I could set my watch by it.