Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

Corbyn said he was present at the wreath laying ceremony but not involved. Was the picture of him actually holding the wreath from a different ceremony or something?

No it was a politician in a corner getting slippery with words to give himself some wriggle room.

A bit like ‘I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman”.
I've just had it up to my bollocks with the Labour party being in the permanent state of 'might as well not exist', all whist fanatics pretend that it's some kind of radical force in British politics. Nobody alive has any memory of the Labour party being less relevant to the political narrative and biggest issues of the day than it is now and I'm fed up with it.

I'm fed up with excuses, fed up of the govt getting away with everything, fed up with the party having zero media handling ability. And more's the point my piss has been boiled so much by those who have realised their only chance of making this shower of absolute shite look any good is by rubbishing what was a fecking good Labour government of 1997-2010 in the hope that they'll succeed and make Corbyn look fractionally less shit than he is, that I think it's actually all evaporated now. And that's without even getting started on Brexit.

So yeah, he can feck right off.

Thats not quite correct, they were a irrelevemce under Kinnock, labour were in a similar situation towards the end of hs time as it was Thatchers unpopularity rather than his popularity thst was turning people to vote for them.

If the comservatives didnt have such a vacuous arsehole at the helm then Corbyns labour wouldnt be getting a look in and would be very much labouring under a “looney left” tag as he has zero credibility.

As for the last labour government being “very good”, i could spend all day pulling that apart, yes they did some good things, they also did some bad things, some really bad things, some discraceful and anti democratic things, they attacked personal freedoms amd freedom of speech, introduced and abused and misused anti terror laws, and were one step away from introducing inprisonment without charge for three fecking months for nothing more than “thought crimes”.
No it was a politician in a corner getting slippery with words to give himself some wriggle room.

A bit like ‘I didn’t have sexual relations with that woman”.

But when he made that statement he had seen the pictures of himself actually holding the wreath at the ceremony? Not exactly super slick. What is he trying to suggest participation entails?
As for the last labour government being “very good”, i could spend all day pulling that apart, yes they did some good things, they also did some bad things, some really bad things, some discraceful and anti democratic things, they attacked personal freedoms amd freedom of speech, introduced and abused and misused anti terror laws, and were one step away from introducing inprisonment without charge for three fecking months for nothing more than “thought crimes”.
I'm afraid this makes you a cult member.
Same problem with Bernie

I tend to find Bernie's less prone to things like this than Corbyn, but suppose he's in a position where he's not really the active leader of a party, despite his stature/profile. I also think though that he's a far better speaker than Corbyn and generally comes across better than him overall. Although probably helps him that his opposite party over there are much more extreme than the Tories here. Although on age, yeah, similarities are a lot more obvious.
But when he made that statement he had seen the pictures of himself actually holding the wreath at the ceremony? Not exactly super slick. What is he trying to suggest participation entails?

To be fair he had his supporters denying he was at an event that he had written himself he was at and when they saw pictures of him there.

You can't really blame them for thinking 'just lie, they'll swallow anything', would work.
I don't think, because it's irrelevant to the context of the argument-labours radical policies didn't turn off voters.
Ah right, I see what you mean, it does support that point of view.

Your linking it with Conservative voters support of Brexit led me to consider the Brexit aspect of I'm afraid, an unintentional consequence I'm sure. Given Labour's support.

2017 Corbyn is a neoliberal Blairite scumbag who should be deselected.

Feel like this kinda misses the point. Even if Corbyn didn't lay a wreathe the fact he was there at the time associating openly with people commemorating terrorists is where the problems stems from for a lot of people.
Long-term I imagine the best option for the party will be someone on the left who's a lot younger than Corbyn and who thus doesn't have the same baggage when it comes to issues like Palestine, the IRA etc. Doesn't really seem to be anyone in that bracket right now though - most of the renowned lefties are all older.
This is basically what needs to happen. Similar policies without the baggage.
Have I turned into Winston or something? How can I help seeing what is in front of my own eyes? He's literally photographed at the foot of the grave holding a wreath and offering prayers.
This is basically what needs to happen. Similar policies without the baggage.

Doesn't seem like there's an obvious choice right now is the only problem. Would be very interesting to see what'd happen if he were to resign.
Doesn't seem like there's an obvious choice right now is the only problem. Would be very interesting to see what'd happen if he were to resign.
'Baggage' would return to not being an issue, as a man complicit in torture would be heralded back as a hero to run against Little Miss Work Capability Assessments for the leadership.
Doesn't seem like there's an obvious choice right now is the only problem. Would be very interesting to see what'd happen if he were to resign.
Don't think he should resign tbh and I'm pretty sure he won't. Him resigning now doesn't do anyone good.
Doesn't seem like there's an obvious choice right now is the only problem. Would be very interesting to see what'd happen if he were to resign.

There's not an obvious choice given the only MPs who get a fair about of media attention are the ones who aren't on the same page and have grievances to air. Ummuna, Khan, Phillips and a couple of others of the "younger" age Labour ranks seem to be very opportunistic and no doubt eyeing up the job in the future. The 2017 intake who align more with Corbyn aren't going to be taken too seriously since Corbyn himself hasn't really built from the positivity from last year.
There's not an obvious choice given the only MPs who get a fair about of media attention are the ones who aren't on the same page and have grievances to air. Ummuna, Khan, Phillips and a couple of others of the "younger" age Labour ranks seem to be very opportunistic and no doubt eyeing up the job in the future. The 2017 intake who align more with Corbyn aren't going to be taken too seriously since Corbyn himself hasn't really built from the positivity from last year.

I'm admittedly not to knowledgeable on the extent to which the new MP's last year aligned with Corbyn vs the centre of the party. Could be crucial when it comes to ballot nominations from MP's - if there's enough for a left-wing candidate then I imagine McDonnell would run and then become leader quite comfortably. Which certainly won't placate those who find Corbyn too extreme.:lol:
I tend to find Bernie's less prone to things like this than Corbyn, but suppose he's in a position where he's not really the active leader of a party, despite his stature/profile. I also think though that he's a far better speaker than Corbyn and generally comes across better than him overall. Although probably helps him that his opposite party over there are much more extreme than the Tories here. Although on age, yeah, similarities are a lot more obvious.

You're right that Bernie wouldn't be in this mess simply because he's generally more moderate. The worst that they've hit him with is being at a Sandanista rally where someone chanted Death to America or Yankees go home or something.

My comparison with Corbyn was about having replacements. AOC, Ellison, Grijalva, Jayapal, Merkley - none of these are at all famous.
I'm admittedly not to knowledgeable on the extent to which the new MP's last year aligned with Corbyn vs the centre of the party. Could be crucial when it comes to ballot nominations from MP's - if there's enough for a left-wing candidate then I imagine McDonnell would run and then become leader quite comfortably. Which certainly won't placate those who find Corbyn too extreme.:lol:
If we're in laughing smiley mode how about Diane Abbott?
If we're in laughing smiley mode how about Diane Abbott?

Don't think Abbott would ever be taken seriously since she was regularly maligned as Shadow HS in the lead-up to last year's election. McDonnell, in spite of everything that puts people off him, is quite effective as a politician.
Don't think Abbott would ever be taken seriously since she was regularly maligned as Shadow HS in the lead-up to last year's election. McDonnell, in spite of everything that puts people off him, is quite effective as a politician.
More so than I expected to be honest. Must be what forty years of studying Mao does for you.
I don’t think McDonnell would be picked for his similar weaknesses to Corbyn, in particular comments about the IRA. A ‘fresh start’ would be needed, though I’ve no idea who would be picked. It’s going to be a mess.

I’m going to love seeing the momentum lot turn on each other though... more and more will suggest that Corbyn should go after this.
I don’t think McDonnell would be picked for his similar weaknesses to Corbyn, in particular comments about the IRA. A ‘fresh start’ would be needed, though I’ve no idea who would be picked. It’s going to be a mess.

I’m going to love seeing the momentum lot turn on each other though... more and more will suggest that Corbyn should go after this.

It was already happening over Brexit, actually. More and more of even his own support base are growing increasingly frustrated at his position.
Doesn't seem like there's an obvious choice right now is the only problem. Would be very interesting to see what'd happen if he were to resign.
Good at soundbites
First female leader
Close enough to Corbyn to get the ok from momentum
Anybody But Corbyn could get a big whack of the more centrist vote
Experience as shadow
Attorney general

Would be my bet (also bookies favourite)
I reckon Lammy would be a good shout. He's been very good on Windrush, Grenfell and he's in the right place on Brexit.
Don't think he should resign tbh and I'm pretty sure he won't. Him resigning now doesn't do anyone good.

Yes, why should a politician who trades amongst his fans on his integrity and honesty resign for being as slippery and dishonest as the next politician?
What has Corbyn's 2018 been like so far?

We're in August and from memory I have: the antisemitism row and that rally where he waved at people. I'm not being completely facetious, I genuinely can't remember anything of note.

Sooner he goes and Labour get a leader with the balls to say "This is bollocks" about Brexit, the better. If it happens because he lied about putting flowers on the grave of a terrorist then so be it.

I understand that you are upset about Brexit, boo hoo the population voted for Brexit. WTF that has to do with putting flowers on a terrorist's grave is beyond me. It's fecking pathetic.
Erm he asked about Buses....

I'm actually with him on that. Bringing buses back into at least partial local authority control always made more sense to me than renationalising the railways. Older people rely on buses as a lifeline, companies simply shouldn't be able to take that away because they happen to live on a route that isn't profitable.
Good at soundbites
First female leader
Close enough to Corbyn to get the ok from momentum
Anybody But Corbyn could get a big whack of the more centrist vote
Experience as shadow
Attorney general

Would be my bet (also bookies favourite)

Not an awful choice. Lammy's a decent shout as well.
Yes, why should a politician who trades amongst his fans on his integrity and honesty resign for being as slippery and dishonest as the next politician?
I don't give a shit about Corbyn, I only care about the party. I don't think a leadership contest right now, does the party any good.
I don't give a shit about Corbyn, I only care about the party. I don't think a leadership contest right now, does the party any good.

I'd think that if I felt the party had something to lose, but I can't see that it has. No momentum, marred in controversy, struggling in the polls, ineffective leadership under siege. Worth a gamble. How could it get any worse?
I'd think that if I felt the party had something to lose, but I can't see that it has. No momentum, marred in controversy, struggling in the polls, ineffective leadership under siege. Worth a gamble. How could it get any worse?
October and November will begin a crucial period for parliament. Leadership contests are divisive and whoever wins would have a hard time controlling the party in the short term. That can't be any good.
Good at soundbites
First female leader
Close enough to Corbyn to get the ok from momentum
Anybody But Corbyn could get a big whack of the more centrist vote
Experience as shadow
Attorney general

Would be my bet (also bookies favourite)

This is the first I heard of her and I imagine the opposition campaign will be built around it.
October and November will begin a crucial period for parliament. Leadership contests are divisive and whoever wins would have a hard time controlling the party in the short term. That can't be any good.

A leadership change would give Labour a chance of being relevant in that period. When push comes to shove if the opposition have the same policy as you do, you're on safe ground as a government.
I don't give a shit about Corbyn, I only care about the party. I don't think a leadership contest right now, does the party any good.

Maybe not but it only adds to the sense that Labour is fundamentally unelectable with Corbyn in charge.