Jeremy Corbyn - Not Not Labour Party(?), not a Communist (BBC)

One thing is certain across any of the forums the Daily Mail is never a credible source even if it fits your agenda.
One thing is certain across any of the forums the Daily Mail is never a credible source even if it fits your agenda.

So an article in the Mail making suggestions of something, which have been verified by the Independent is out of line, but citing skwawkbox is completely fine?
I think your laughing face + shit gif with no relevance to anything replies were better. You've gone from mocking people for discussing poles on a football forum to posting a link about the width of stone bases.
It was a joke Oscie. I know self awareness isn't your strong point.
That blog is awful as well. It does nothing to convince me it can’t be the same grave. The ‘wide’ stone base is very irregular in form and the slate could well be sitting on it in the Corbyn picture as the flowers obscure the view. On the side you view it from on the Corbyn picture you can see it tapers in there on the other picture.
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"Evidence Corbyn sank the Titanic in MARXIST plot"

Er.... if you actually zoom in on the red pin the man in the suit is wearing you'll actually see this

I still have no idea if people are taking the piss saying thats the same item i mean just look at them height, size, shape. That's me for the night...
So an article in the Mail making suggestions of something, which have been verified by the Independent is out of line, but citing skwawkbox is completely fine?

Has it been verified by the independent? I've not kept up with the news this weekend but looking on their website and article on this it does no such thing.

If there's much to the story it gets picked up by the reputable papers. There's just never a need to use Daily Mail as a source imo, we know 90% of their shit is false.
Funny how quickly 'sensible centrists' cross the line from being unhappy with the direction their preferred political party to becoming foaming right-wing conspiracy theorists innit.
Has it been verified by the independent? I've not kept up with the news this weekend but looking on their website and article on this it does no such thing.

If there's much to the story it gets picked up by the reputable papers. There's just never a need to use Daily Mail as a source imo, we know 90% of their shit is false.

I don't think any other papers (except the sun) have commented on the truth of the claims. They've just reported Javid's response. I know it's just the Mail and some bloke's blog right now but I reckon they're actually right on this one, that it is the same plaque and that Corbyn's gone and fecked up in a pretty big way.
Funny how quickly 'sensible centrists' cross the line from being unhappy with the direction their preferred political party to becoming foaming right-wing conspiracy theorists innit.

he is an absolute bell end with a history that is catching up with him though
Funny how quickly 'sensible centrists' cross the line from being unhappy with the direction their preferred political party to becoming foaming right-wing conspiracy theorists innit.

Dunno if this is aimed at me or not but I remain a lunatic from the left and for whatever it's worth I'm delighted with the direction Labour's taken under Corbyn.
Dunno if this is aimed at me or not but I remain a lunatic from the left and for whatever it's worth I'm delighted with the direction Labour's taken under Corbyn.

Nah I've not really seen much of your posting in here, more a comment on people who've gone from 'Corbyn's a nice guy but unelectable' to rabidly getting behind anything against him regardess of its veracity. 3 years of not getting what they want and they've gone from 'voice of reason' to Dacre's attack dogs.
But there's no evidence to suggest he was.

Not sure if this has been posted, but Corbyn himself wrote about it here -

The pertinent quote: "a group of us gathered at the hillside cemetery overlooking the villages and walked down to the town and the beautiful blue Mediterranean where in 1986 Israeli jets screamed in to bomb the relocated headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, causing many deaths...After wreaths were laid at the graves of those who died on that day and on the graves of others killed by Mossad agents in Paris in 1991, we moved to the poignant statue in the main avenue of the coastal town of Ben Arous, which was festooned with Palestinian and Tunisian flags."

This thread does a good job showing who he's probably referring to as those "others killed by Mossad agents":

Not sure if this has been posted, but Corbyn himself wrote about it here -

The pertinent quote: "a group of us gathered at the hillside cemetery overlooking the villages and walked down to the town and the beautiful blue Mediterranean where in 1986 Israeli jets screamed in to bomb the relocated headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, causing many deaths...After wreaths were laid at the graves of those who died on that day and on the graves of others killed by Mossad agents in Paris in 1991, we moved to the poignant statue in the main avenue of the coastal town of Ben Arous, which was festooned with Palestinian and Tunisian flags."

This thread does a good job showing who he's probably referring to as those "others killed by Mossad agents":

At the risk of me getting clowned again here are the coordinates to the exact place Corbyn was (Cimetière Palestinien, Tunisia):,10.324686,45m/data=!3m1!1e3

As can be seen there's only one canopy in that cemetery. That canopy is by no means extensive and the places Corbyn could have been standing extremely limited. Limited in fact to only one place.
Very conveniently rehashed story to knock Boris off the front pages huh.

Fecking hate the widow chasing the Mail do. Low life scum
Surely it’s possible (likely?) he had no clue who the people “killed by Mossad agents in 1991” actually were? If that’s the case doesn’t it make what he did less problematic?

Or is the issue here him happily breaking bread with a bunch of extremists, irrespective of exactly who they were mourning? Because we’ve known he’s well capable of that sort of thing for ages already.
Very conveniently rehashed story to knock Boris off the front pages huh.

Fecking hate the widow chasing the Mail do. Low life scum

Boris is getting far far more coverage than Corbyn here. Boris is all over the news, leading the news. Corbyn commemorating terrorists, well, it should be getting coverage, should it not?

The ironic thing being that Boris has engineered this whole situation in an attempt to emulate a move from the Trump play book.
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Surely it’s possible (likely?) he had no clue who the people “killed by Mossad agents in 1991” actually were? If that’s the case doesn’t it make what he did less problematic?

Or is the issue here him happily breaking bread with a bunch of extremists, irrespective of exactly who they were mourning? Because we’ve known he’s well capable of that sort of thing for ages already.

Which is kind of a problem for a man supposed to be fronting one of the two serious parties in this country.

Either he's thick, either he's careless, either he's a racist, or either he's a character from a sitcom who keeps happening to get into misadventures which end up with him sharing the stage with questionable people.

In this instance I believe we're using the second one of those excuses again, which is fine I suppose, but I'm not sure we on the left would allow Conservative MPs the same benefit of the doubt so I don't really see why we should lower standards here because it's Corbyn.
Which is kind of a problem for a man supposed to be fronting one of the two serious parties in this country.

Either he's thick, either he's careless, either he's a racist, or either he's a character from a sitcom who keeps happening to get into misadventures which end up with him sharing the stage with questionable people.

In this instance I believe we're using the second one of those excuses again, which is fine I suppose, but I'm not sure we on the left would allow Conservative MPs the same benefit of the doubt so I don't really see why we should lower standards here because it's Corbyn.

:lol: All that's missing is the the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme tune...

You're right, though. To me the most damaging there here is not that it makes him seem bad or dangerous, just a bit hapless and incompetent. Which feeds into the geography teacher promoted above his abilities narrative. And that's something that has the potential to repeatedly damage Labour's prospects at a GE so long as he's in charge.
Surely it’s possible (likely?) he had no clue who the people “killed by Mossad agents in 1991” actually were? If that’s the case doesn’t it make what he did less problematic?

Or is the issue here him happily breaking bread with a bunch of extremists, irrespective of exactly who they were mourning? Because we’ve known that much about him for ages already.

That's my guess. It looks like it's a yearly ceremony that has the exact same itinerary - the leader of Hamas and former Palestine PM Ismael Haniyeh did the exact same things on the exact same date in 2012.

Seems to me Corbyn attended a conference and was then taken to this cemetery, his main focus being to lay a wreath for the 47+ Palestinians killed by Israeli air strike in 1985 (an act that received universal condemnation - ultimately even from the USA). Corbyn was probably happy just to nod his head as he got dragged around but that still leaves him making du'aa (and like me not knowing what the feck that is) at the feet of the founder of Black September. I mean even though I'm an atheist I'd like to know who it is I'm disingenuously praying for. At the very least the episode displays just how incurious and one eyed he was to assume and assert that these people were "killed by Mossad" but not enquire as to who they were or why they were targeted.
Surely it’s possible (likely?) he had no clue who the people “killed by Mossad agents in 1991” actually were? If that’s the case doesn’t it make what he did less problematic?

Or is the issue here him happily breaking bread with a bunch of extremists, irrespective of exactly who they were mourning? Because we’ve known he’s well capable of that sort of thing for ages already.

When I visit a memorial side to show solidarity, I educate myself about who I am commemorating. Thats essential part of it, right?
If he didn't know what he was doing, it was because he put blind faith into the narrative of some of the most vile people in the world, who naturally would glorify/sugarcoat the acts of terrorists. Its not just incompetence, but a staggering lack of judgement. This lack of judgement isn't caused by stupidity, but by ideology. Thats why many of his biggest supporters mimic his responds: They are also not dumb, but share the same extreme ideology, which leads them to the same conclusions.
The Labour party need to lose this joker and get themselves seriously electable - and quick. While they have this guy at their head the Tories will just bumble on. There needs to be a clear and present threat to the government that if they don't sort this Brexit business out then they'll be voted out of office. At the moment the notion of Corbyn as PM is just about the worse of the two evils.

Labour won't get a better opportunity. But they'll blow it with this guy. They need a moderate leader to pull the party back towards the centre with less radical policies. They need to adopt pro-europe (or at least a soft Brexit) agenda. If they can do that they'd win a landslide.

I'm right leaning and have voted so all my life. But even I can see the need for an electable opposition for the good of the country.
The Labour party need to lose this joker and get themselves seriously electable - and quick. While they have this guy at their head the Tories will just bumble on. There needs to be a clear and present threat to the government that if they don't sort this Brexit business out then they'll be voted out of office. At the moment the notion of Corbyn as PM is just about the worse of the two evils.

Labour won't get a better opportunity. But they'll blow it with this guy. They need a moderate leader to pull the party back towards the centre with less radical policies. They need to adopt pro-europe (or at least a soft Brexit) agenda. If they can do that they'd win a landslide.

I'm right leaning and have voted so all my life. But even I can see the need for an electable opposition for the good of the country.
Nah, that's bollocks. No way a party should shift its policies and political leanings to placate the electorate. The only reason people suggest this is because of our undemocratic voting system which punishes smaller parties and results in a big two. I didn't mind the Blairites too much (especially in comparison to now), but totally disagreed with their takeover of Labour.
The Labour party need to lose this joker and get themselves seriously electable - and quick. While they have this guy at their head the Tories will just bumble on. There needs to be a clear and present threat to the government that if they don't sort this Brexit business out then they'll be voted out of office. At the moment the notion of Corbyn as PM is just about the worse of the two evils.

Labour won't get a better opportunity. But they'll blow it with this guy. They need a moderate leader to pull the party back towards the centre with less radical policies. They need to adopt pro-europe (or at least a soft Brexit) agenda. If they can do that they'd win a landslide.

I'm right leaning and have voted so all my life. But even I can see the need for an electable opposition for the good of the country.

Corbyn's 'radical' policies are generally popular with the electorate so I don't see how the Labour party would do well out of trying to reclaim the centre at a time when centrist parties are in retreat. And as much as I agree that Labour should be advocating for no/soft-brexit (because without which they'll have no money to introduce any of their agenda) there's good reasons (as depressing as they are) why that's not a complete slam dunk.

I think the problems with Corbyn are mostly just problems with Corbyn rather than his platform as a whole.
Nah, that's bollocks. No way a party should shift its policies and political leanings to placate the electorate. The only reason people suggest this is because of our undemocratic voting system which punishes smaller parties and results in a big two. I didn't mind the Blairites too much (especially in comparison to now), but totally disagreed with their takeover of Labour.

Then they will remain in opposition.
I don't think he ever dreamed of becoming party leader. The tide against him strong right now and is causing a distraction. The pictures of him with these groups of people aren't helping and feeds into a narrative that he's either dodgy or incompetent.
For Labours sake, I hope it passes and we can get back to turning the screw on this shambles of a government.
I don't think he ever dreamed of becoming party leader. The tide against him strong right now and is causing a distraction. The pictures of him with these groups of people aren't helping and feeds into a narrative that he's either dodgy or incompetent.
For Labours sake, I hope it passes and we can get back to turning the screw on this shambles of a government.

He's the UK version of Donald Trump. He's bound by his racist base and is unimpeachable in the eyes of his supporters. He's going nowhere.

He won't be turning any screws either because he doesn't want to be in power with the poison chalice of Brexit in his hand. He'll continue to be quiet as a mouse hoping to seize power sometime after March next year when its all gone tits up.
Corbyn's 'radical' policies are generally popular with the electorate so I don't see how the Labour party would do well out of trying to reclaim the centre at a time when centrist parties are in retreat. And as much as I agree that Labour should be advocating for no/soft-brexit (because without which they'll have no money to introduce any of their agenda) there's good reasons (as depressing as they are) why that's not a complete slam dunk.

I think the problems with Corbyn are mostly just problems with Corbyn rather than his platform as a whole.

His policies may be popular but they are wide open to fiscal scrutiny and would struggle in a GE situation. I actually agree with some of his proposals - like nationalizing the Railways.

Last time the Tories were complacent because of May's lead. They won't be next time.

I am not sure whether majority of populist sentiment in the UK is actually 'left-wing'. Many would say the opposite. At the end of the day the majority of people vote for centrist policies.
Surely it’s possible (likely?) he had no clue who the people “killed by Mossad agents in 1991” actually were? If that’s the case doesn’t it make what he did less problematic?

It’s certainly possible, since he seems to have gotten a bit mixed up over who was killed where in 1991. On the other hand, given his politics and the kind of activities he’s engaged in throughout his entire political career, he doesn’t exactly deserve the benefit of the doubt here. He’s someone who has Palestine on the brain pretty much 24/7, it stretches it quite a bit to believe he was totally clueless here.
It’s certainly possible, since he seems to have gotten a bit mixed up over who was killed where in 1991. On the other hand, given his politics and the kind of activities he’s engaged in throughout his entire political career, he doesn’t exactly deserve the benefit of the doubt here. He’s someone who has Palestine on the brain pretty much 24/7, it stretches it quite a bit to believe he was totally clueless here.
It’s not on his brain 24/7. It’s not being discussed because he’s putting it on the agenda, it’s being discussed because his enemies in the Labour Party and the right wing press are determined to keep us all talking about it.
His policies may be popular but they are wide open to fiscal scrutiny and would struggle in a GE situation. I actually agree with some of his proposals - like nationalizing the Railways.

Last time the Tories were complacent because of May's lead. They won't be next time.

I am not sure whether majority of populist sentiment in the UK is actually 'left-wing'. Many would say the opposite. At the end of the day the majority of people vote for centrist policies.
Not if you’ve been awake and watching the world for the last 10 years. Across Europe and in the States people are divided more and looking less to centrist politicians. The Conservatives big problem is that a generation of young people who are significantly worse off than their parents are growing up, are already in debt after student fees, and will be a huge force electorally. Momentum, Corbyn and McDonell have understood this and the Tories are way behind. The next U.K. general election will be a fascinating struggle between the Left and their youthful, social media savvy backing, and the Right with their traditional press power.
He's the UK version of Donald Trump. He's bound by his racist base and is unimpeachable in the eyes of his supporters. He's going nowhere.

He won't be turning any screws either because he doesn't want to be in power with the poison chalice of Brexit in his hand. He'll continue to be quiet as a mouse hoping to seize power sometime after March next year when its all gone tits up.
I don't want a leadership debate now. It doesn't help labour at all. I don't care for personalities. Just want a functioning opposition and hope he can do it at least for another year.
Not if you’ve been awake and watching the world for the last 10 years. Across Europe and in the States people are divided more and looking less to centrist politicians. The Conservatives big problem is that a generation of young people who are significantly worse off than their parents are growing up, are already in debt after student fees, and will be a huge force electorally. Momentum, Corbyn and McDonell have understood this and the Tories are way behind. The next U.K. general election will be a fascinating struggle between the Left and their youthful, social media savvy backing, and the Right with their traditional press power.
The Tories at the last GE ran the most diabolically rubbish campaign that I have ever seen in 40 years of voting. It saw a 20 point lead whittled away to barely nothing. There was nothing populist or radical about their manifesto they went on the 'strong and stable' ticket. Well, apart from the 'dementia tax' which was even more of a disaster. And even with Labour promising the earth and all it's riches to everyone in creation they couldn't oust them.

The majority of people vote safe.