General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed even though the same party has been in power for 14 years? The ruling party has had 4 changes so far haven’t they?
10s had 3 quick succession I guess but the latest was after a full cycle.

2 out of the 3 of them is due to brexit really.
It's not great if 4m voters think the dumb stuff but they never get representation on the big stage that can be shouted down and mocked in public. Discontent under the surface will only grow, got to bring it out into the daylight eventually. Call it King Log if you like but bringing filth like Johnson and Farage into the light where they have to deliver something is their downfall.
On the other hand the size of the UKIP vote has barely changed over the years.
Yeh I figured that is the case. What do Lib Dem’s really stand for that Labour don’t though? Just seems like a waste of a party and vote split to me.
The main difference in recent years has been that the Lib Dem’s were far more Pro-EU than Labour were under Corbyn. You’d normally view them as more centrist than Labour but I’m not so sure that’s the case at this point. They have campaigned for PR, decriminalisation of cannabis, anti-war.
I disagree mate. I've spent 30ish years working for local authorities and one thing that always gets me is that the "status quo" take it for granted that they will win local votes. Much to their detriment and surprise on election results nights.

The other thing that has always got me, and I'm not a supporter, is that the libs and greens candidates are often the most accessible, most hard working in terms of "pounding the beat" and often "friendlier".

Yes they won 71 seats. Some will be tactical voting, some will be hard work of the candidate.

What they could have done with is a leader not pissing about.

I dunno, I liked the Lib Dem manifesto and I'm not sure I'd have heard much about it if he hadn't been pissing about tbh. Remember Jo Swinson talking all that delusional bollocks about being the next PM and everything - got them absolutely nowhere and just reinforced the belief that they're dishonest and/or hopelessly naïve. At least Davey seemed genuine and raised their profile without setting traps for himself (he probably isn't genuine I know - ex Post Office minister and whatnot).
The last one was nearly 5 years ago so not many

As for PM, this position is not elected by the public, the PM is the leader of the party in power, and the party can change the leader anytime it chooses
Brexit basically.

It broke what is supposed to be the main benefit of an otherwise dumb system: stability.
A term lasts a maximum of 5 years, the PM can call a GE anytime they want within those 5 years, usually right at the end. The reason we've had so many is because of the Tories imploding, with various factions within the party turning on one another as well as stabbing each other in the back. This has resulted in various PMs resigning, only to be replaced with a new party leader (who by convention is also the Prime Minister). And in some cases (Theresa May in 2017), a PM may call an election considerably early within the 5 year limit just to reinforce their mandate. Boris Johnson led the Tories to a victory in 2019, but because of various scandals was pushed to resign in 2022, and was replaced by Liz Truss, who herself lasted a few months after a disastrous budget that pretty much tanked the economy. She was replaced by Sunak who finally had to call an election this year because its been 5 years since the last one in 2019.
Appreciate the quick political lesson!
This has resulted in various PMs resigning, only to be replaced with a new party leader (who by convention is also the Prime Minister). And in some cases (Theresa May in 2017), a PM may call an election considerably early within the 5 year limit just to reinforce their mandate.
Also why do you need a new election to reinforce a mandate? How does that work? And did Theresa May not run for re-election when she was the one who called for the election or was Boris Johnson chosen instead of her as the lead candidate since they are from the same party?
Also why do you need a new election to reinforce a mandate? How does that work? And did Theresa May not run for re-election when she was the one who called for the election or was Boris Johnson chosen instead of her as the lead candidate since they are from the same party?
It is possible that you have a rebellion from your party, MPs who do not vote for your legislative agenda. In which case, the PM might decide to call a snap election, usually where the internal polling show that they’ll win more MPs than last time around (and the party can choose to not have the rebels in their election list).

Both May and Johnson called for snap elections cause they were unable to push the Brexit deal (in case of May, she was not able to do so even after the elections, forcing her to resign and for Boris to become party leader and PM).

Sir Jacob told BBC News the result of the vote was not based on his performance as an individual.

"If your party is unpopular, then the fact that you may have been a good constituency MP is not going to win an election," he said.

He also reacted to the result by quoting the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

"And one final thought from Caractacus Potts, and that is from the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success.

Argh, he's such a cnut. Why is he such a cnut?! Even when he's fallen on his arse and failed spectacularly he is still a full blown cnut.
Also why do you need a new election to reinforce a mandate? How does that work? And did Theresa May not run for re-election when she was the one who called for the election or was Boris Johnson chosen instead of her as the lead candidate since they are from the same party?
In Theresa May's case, she prematurely called for an election before the end of the 5 year term because of internal pressure she was facing from pro-Brexit factions within the Tory party (she was a remainer). I suppose it was her way of signalling she had a symbolic mandate going forward if successful. It slightly backfired though as the Tories had ended up losing their majority and had to go into coalition with the DUP.

Easier to explain it in the form of a timeline starting from 2010:

2010 - General election leads to a hung parliament (no party has crossed the threshold needed in terms of seats won to form a majority). The Tories, led by David Cameron, win the most seats and go into coalition with the Liberal Democrats, then led by Nick Clegg. Cameron is PM, Nick Clegg is Deputy PM.

2015 - After the maximum 5 year term has passed, a general election is called. The Tories this time manage to secure an outright majority, and Cameron remains as PM, the Lib Dems are practically wiped out in this election. During the campaign, Cameron pledged he would hold a Referendum within a year on staying in the EU. Cameron himself is a remainer, and wanted to ward off pressure he was getting from eurosceptics in his party, so gambled on this being an opportunity to quash internal party squabbles.

2016 - Brexit referendum is held, and the UK votes marginally in favour of leaving the EU. Cameron subsequently resigns, and the Tories carry out a process to select the next party leader and hence the PM (In the UK parliamentary system, the leader of governing party is the PM by convention, its not a directly elected position as with presidential systems). The Tories select Theresa May as their leader who subsequently becomes Prime Minister. Note by this point its been a year since the last general election, so Theresa May isn't obliged to call an election for another 4 years.

2017 - Theresa May calls an election well before the maximum term limit (2020), as a gamble to ward off pressure she was facing with the most ardent Brexiteers in the party, essentially trying to reinforce her perceived mandate. The Election backfires since the Tories lose their delicate majority, and instead have to go into a coalition with the DUP.

2019 - After repeatedly failing to convince passing her proposed Brexit withdrawal agreement, Theresa May resigns. The Party then selects Boris Johnson to become leader and hence PM. Johnson shortly after calls a snap election after being sworn as PM, namely because he himself couldn't pass a revised withdrawal agreement.

2019 - Tories reclaim an outright majority in the election, Boris continues as PM, now with a stronger mandate.

2020 - Britain officially leaves the EU.

2022 - Following a series of scandals, Johnson resigns as PM. The Tory party selects Truss to be new leader and PM.

- few months later, Truss speedruns tanking the economy with a disastrous mini budget, and fails to outlive a lettuce as she resigns in shame. Rishi Sunak becomes the new leader and PM.

2024 - Its now 5 years since the last general election, so Sunak is obliged to call an election within the year. He selects July 4th as the date. Tories get wiped out, Labour secures a landslide majority, and their leader Keir Starmer becomes PM.
Astonishingly, given Labour's massive majority, their share of the vote is the lowest for a winning party since the establishment of universal suffrage (I didn't look back any further than that).
Astonishingly, given Labour's massive majority, their share of the vote is the lowest for a winning party since the establishment of universal suffrage (I didn't look back any further than that).
Starmer getting less votes while running to become PM is a mad one.

Ah, in that case what I wrote has definitely come out wrong. Sorry for that.

I'm definitely not against it. It would be a much fairer system. Basically what I'm trying to say is that there should definitely be a PR referendum but as soon as it happens you can expect the SNP to start beating the independence referendum drum again, and this time the "once in a lifetime" argument isn't going to hold much weight (I thought it was always a daft argument anyway).
Ah fair enough.
That's what he says, but I imagine he'll go for those disaffected voters that didn't bother turning out.
At a guess, think he’ll put a bug so far up Starmer‘s arse he won’t know what day of the week it is.

Feels like people who are actually qualified for the roles is a thing again. Rather than the Tory method of playing pass the parcel to decide who gets what.

Feels like people who are actually qualified for the roles is a thing again. Rather than the Tory method of playing pass the parcel to decide who gets what.

No doubt people in this thread will spin this as a negative.
No doubt people in this thread will spin this as a negative.

Hopefully it means more of a nuanced approach and a push towards rehabilitation rather than just punishment (for certain cases anyway)
Wes Streeting asked on @bbc5live ‘how did a 23 year old independent give you a scare’. He answered "It was ‘dirty’ and ‘ugly’ campaign".
Horrible person.
No doubt people in this thread will spin this as a negative.
It's posted in the other thread and everyone so far has said it's a good idea.

Those of us to the left of this iteration of the Labour Party aren't waiting for it to fail. We want it to do good things and make the country better.
*This might end up as an essay, so I apologise in advance *

I expected today to be different, full of euphoria and celebration, playing music & dancing at Labour’s victory in the General Election. But what I feel today more than anything is exhaustion.

Exhaustion at having lived through 14yrs of painful governance, the worst excesses of self promotion, cronyism and greed, combined with disingenuous hate-mongering and so-called culture wars.

So here’s a quick list off the top of my head, of some of the worst displays of ‘leadership’ by the outgoing government, a list that will put the lie to “they’re all as bad as each other” and “it’ll just be more of the same under Labour”

- they ‘solved’ a financial crisis caused by bankers not by punishing bankers, but by closing libraries, youth clubs, Sure Start centres, A&E wards, schools, and cutting NHS beds & staff, police numbers & other public sectors to their breaking point

- they put themselves over the country when, scared by Farages cabal, they called for a Brexit referendum

- they created an ‘inhospitable’ environment for people who had come here to build better lives

- they claimed Junior Doctors were ‘only in it for the money’ when they dared to go on strike

- they lied to the Windrush generation

- they allowed clowns like Boris Johnson, Jacob-Rees Mogg, Liz Truss, Lee Anderson, Jonathan Ghullis, Steve Baker (to name but a few) to the most powerful rooms in the country

- one of the above claimed victims of Grenfell died because they ‘lacked the common sense’ to flee AND then, in a separate incident, lied to the late Queen!

- they implemented Lockdowns during the pandemic, then turned 10 Downing Street into the most fined address in the country!

- they painted over cartoons in child asylum seeker centres because the kids had it too easy apparently

- when on of their own broke the rules of MP conduct, their efforts were directed at re-writing the rule book!

- they decided that they could use OUR MONEY as a piggy bank for so-called PPE VIP lanes, whilst expert manufacturers were turned away

- they decided that unfunded tax cuts for the wealthiest was a good idea, and wipe BILLIONS of our economy

To them these were all just games, events without consequence. But there were. People died because of the list above. People lost their homes and their families. People had their livelihoods destroyed & dreams crushed. People couldn’t say goodbye to loved ones or support their nearest during times of crisis, whilst these charlatans partied and continued like nothing was going on!

These people BROKE this country, and most will likely saunter away to their mansions and social bubbles, but this country has been through trauma after trauma after trauma because of THEM!

Now, hopefully, after so much trauma, we might be able to start the rehabilitation process.
*This might end up as an essay, so I apologise in advance *

I expected today to be different, full of euphoria and celebration, playing music & dancing at Labour’s victory in the General Election. But what I feel today more than anything is exhaustion.

Exhaustion at having lived through 14yrs of painful governance, the worst excesses of self promotion, cronyism and greed, combined with disingenuous hate-mongering and so-called culture wars.

So here’s a quick list off the top of my head, of some of the worst displays of ‘leadership’ by the outgoing government, a list that will put the lie to “they’re all as bad as each other” and “it’ll just be more of the same under Labour”

- they ‘solved’ a financial crisis caused by bankers not by punishing bankers, but by closing libraries, youth clubs, Sure Start centres, A&E wards, schools, and cutting NHS beds & staff, police numbers & other public sectors to their breaking point

- they put themselves over the country when, scared by Farages cabal, they called for a Brexit referendum

- they created an ‘inhospitable’ environment for people who had come here to build better lives

- they claimed Junior Doctors were ‘only in it for the money’ when they dared to go on strike

- they lied to the Windrush generation

- they allowed clowns like Boris Johnson, Jacob-Rees Mogg, Liz Truss, Lee Anderson, Jonathan Ghullis, Steve Baker (to name but a few) to the most powerful rooms in the country

- one of the above claimed victims of Grenfell died because they ‘lacked the common sense’ to flee AND then, in a separate incident, lied to the late Queen!

- they implemented Lockdowns during the pandemic, then turned 10 Downing Street into the most fined address in the country!

- they painted over cartoons in child asylum seeker centres because the kids had it too easy apparently

- when on of their own broke the rules of MP conduct, their efforts were directed at re-writing the rule book!

- they decided that they could use OUR MONEY as a piggy bank for so-called PPE VIP lanes, whilst expert manufacturers were turned away

- they decided that unfunded tax cuts for the wealthiest was a good idea, and wipe BILLIONS of our economy

To them these were all just games, events without consequence. But there were. People died because of the list above. People lost their homes and their families. People had their livelihoods destroyed & dreams crushed. People couldn’t say goodbye to loved ones or support their nearest during times of crisis, whilst these charlatans partied and continued like nothing was going on!

These people BROKE this country, and most will likely saunter away to their mansions and social bubbles, but this country has been through trauma after trauma after trauma because of THEM!

Now, hopefully, after so much trauma, we might be able to start the rehabilitation process.
Great post.
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