General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Sorry for being a bit petty but I wonder if Steven Flynn will be humbled by this result. His behaviour was getting unhinged

None of them seem to these days, whenever something negative happens, they just ignore it and carry on as if nothing has changed. I think he will too.
A little gutted that Streeting didn't lose his seat knowing how close it was. Would have been hilarious.
It’s far more easier to prey on people’s fears on immigration and culture war nonsense than the less exciting topic of green and the environment. He may have pushed on those areas but he was just exploiting the racism already present. You are less likely to get that from the Greens. The media has helped him in this regard.
It also helps that he is charismatic, while the Green leaders, well, the vast majority of Green voters do not even know whom they are.
I'm coming across as a Starmer stan but I genuinely didn't know much about him until he turned up as the subject of a podcast I listen to. Two very experienced journalists go deep on various topics, trying to sift through the most valid sources possible to uncover the reality behind various topics. I'm half way through one about Starmer and his career as a human rights lawyer is undeniably impressive, in terms of his commitment to helping those in need. Actually made me feel quite guilty about how little I've done in comparison!

I'm more ambivalent about his career as a politician. He's said/done more questionable stuff in that context but his career before moving into politics would put a lot of people on here to shame, that's for sure.

Did the podcast mention the Lynette Williams case? I always felt he knew more than he let on about those documents going missing...

I do agree though, he seemed a very capable lawyer, I hope he proves he's capable as a PM but I'm not holding my breath. It's a big job and I'm not sure he's up to it.
The only possible way I could be wrong is if the person I’m talking to is also an experienced human rights lawyer. And I’m willing to bet they aren’t. So my certainty is justified.

Or if there are things about Starmer that we do not know, at the end of the day what we know about him has been carefully crafted by his PR team.
Not saying he is or isn't a good person, but to talk in absolutes especially about people you don't know personally is a bit weird


The foundations for such a majority don't feel at all strong. Pressure will be on for Labour deliver at decent pace.

Delighted to see the back of the tories.
Another one where a pro-Gaza independent took decisive votes off Labour.

In this case it's a bit of a shame. John Grogan (Labour candidate) seemed a decent bloke with a good track record. His stance on Gaza is a perfectly reasonable one. The cause of Gaza would have been better served with him in Parliament.
What is the website one can use to check out the official constituency by constituency results including votes for every candidate. I watched the Indian elections a month back and the website was top class but really struggling with one for the UK elections
Disappointed but not surprised to see reform get so many votes
What is the website one can use to check out the official constituency by constituency results including votes for every candidate. I watched the Indian elections a month back and the website was top class but really struggling with one for the UK elections

You can then click on a constituency on the map and then find detailed results.
Whatever, I can state with absolute certainty that it's a hell of a lot better than yours (and mine!).
I don't doubt he has expert knowledge on the matter considering his vocation and experience, I just doubt him being a good person with moral integrity, evident by the shocking stance he's taken on a genocide.

Being a human rights lawyer doesn't equate you to being a decent person.
Maybe, maybe not. Luckily, we will never got to know.
Luckily for people as wealthy as you maybe. I personally think things would have improved for most ordinary working people in this country if Corbyn had had a chance to implement his policies
What is encouraging people to vote FOR Labour?

Asking people to vote against something is a bollocks approach. Especially when the thing they’re being asked to vote for isn’t all that different in terms of policy.

Completely agree with this. Annoyed me when people’s answer to voting Labour was “they aren’t the conservatives”. I asked them to name one policy they like of Labour, and they couldn’t say anything that wasn’t genetically the same as all of other manifestos.

If you’re going to vote for someone, know what you’re voting for. Otherwise why pick Labour over Lib Dems/Green etc etc.
Right so why were our pension funds acting so ludicrously as to invest in British companies and projects as recently as 2 decades ago if Britain is somehow inherently not innovative and untrustworthy? Or are we actually historically very innovative and trustworthy but have spent our time since the financial crisis actively pursuing mediocrity and corruption? That's the challenge, to reverse that trend in both reality and perception.
The world constantly changes. In the era of internet/computers, the UK has done feck all. Pretty much the only big company in that aspect is Arm, and you might not even heard about them.

The UK should first improve the economy, and the confidence on it, and then the UK pensions can go there, not the other way around. With the social benefits being lower and lower, the worst thing to do is to also lower the pensions, which would happen if the pensions trust start putting more money in the UK (they already do quite a lot, my pension fund invests 18% in UK equities compared to all-world index funds which put under 5% there.
Labour beat the Tories by 15 votes (no idea who's still voting Tory in this day and age). It was projected to be an easy Labour win, we all voted Green/Lib Dem :lol:

My lefty mum (famously interviewed by the BBC on tv outside a hospital during the Corbyn years) voted for the workers party candidate. The rest of her group of 40/50 people voted the same or Green. All around 60 years old and none of them have ever voted anything but Labour.

I still voted Labour.

Derek Twigg, who had been the former MP for Halton, was victorious - taking the new seat for The Labour Party with 23,484 votes. Runner up was Reform with 7,059, Conservatives with 3,507, Greens on 2,058, Lib Dems with 1,593, and the Workers Party of Britain with 415
Luckily for people as wealthy as you maybe. I personally think things would have improved for most ordinary working people in this country if Corbyn has had a chance to implement his policies
I didn't know I am wealthy, but that's great to know.

I think the UK would have increased the decay under Corbyn, and in 5 years, would have just resulted with another Tory government who would have been even more right wing. Might be wrong, who knows, we will never know, and again, I am quite happy that we won't ever know.
Or if there are things about Starmer that we do not know, at the end of the day what we know about him has been carefully crafted by his PR team.
Not saying he is or isn't a good person, but to talk in absolutes especially about people you don't know personally is a bit weird

I'm talking with certainty about his education, qualifications, career and field of expertise. These are indisputable facts.
You need to give them something to vote for.
You should try offering them something.
If labour had rolled out any grand plans the media would have sunk them. Look how hard the flailing Tory party tried to get the tax lie to stick even with the beige shite labour have put out there.

The truth is, this was the best shot at real power Labour had, and they pulled it off masterfully in my opinion. Now, I hope they do a hell of a lot more than they promised. But I completely get why they walked the line as they did either way.

Our media is horrible, and a large proportion of our population very, very easily misled.
About 25% of people in this country voted for candidates who will hold only 2% of the seats in parliament.

That is a massive failure of democracy, whichever way you want to look at it.
Sure but people know that when casting their vote. I’ve never voted Labour in my life because I’ve always lived in LD/Tory seats, it does work both ways. I’ve got no sympathy for the right now moaning about FPTP which of course all the Reform voters are now doing. I wonder how they voted in the 2011 referendum on AV.

The insane thing to ponder is Labour's 34% vote share would have been considerably lower in a PR system, since they no doubt benefited from tactical voting, with many of their votes being Anyone-But-Tory votes. Make every vote count on a national scale and they'd struggle, especially with a drone like Starmer at the helm.

There really needs to be a serious discourse on PR returning, of course it won't be in Labour's interest to pursue since they'd stand to lose much in a more proportional electoral system.
The exit polls that came out at 10pm used data from 20,000 people from 133 polling booths and predicted 410 for Labour. Labour will end up 412-14 seats in the final results, that is absolutely incredible work tbh.
Whatever, I can state with absolute certainty that it's a hell of a lot better than yours (and mine!).

no doubt it is, which is why him making that statement (which he must know is wrong) just to appeal to voters, shows what a morally reprehensive person he is. like i say, another slime ball politician. feck him.
My lefty mum (famously interviewed by the BBC on tv outside a hospital during the Corbyn years) voted for the workers party candidate. The rest of her group of 40/50 people voted the same or Green. All around 60 years old and none of them have ever voted anything but Labour.

I still voted Labour.

Derek Twigg, who had been the former MP for Halton, was victorious - taking the new seat for The Labour Party with 23,484 votes. Runner up was Reform with 7,059, Conservatives with 3,507, Greens on 2,058, Lib Dems with 1,593, and the Workers Party of Britain with 415
Was she the 'not another one?!' lady? :lol:
Find a constituency’s result
Is this serious? Take a look at the seat count if you want to see what has been gained. That's what counts.
That's not what counts when you are talking about a mandate to govern. 33.7% is not a mandate. In fact it's a disgrace that such a percentage has resulted in that many seats.

Labour are just lucky the right collapsed and the voting system is broken.
PR in this election would probably see Reform as the opposition. That’s the danger of it we have to accept.
PR would result in coalitions and voting blocs in a constant state of flux, don't think you'd have a concrete, consistent opposition during a parliamentary term.
I didn't know I am wealthy, but that's great to know.

I think the UK would have increased the decay under Corbyn, and in 5 years, would have just resulted with another Tory government who would have been even more right wing. Might be wrong, who knows, we will never know, and again, I am quite happy that we won't ever know.
Maybe wealthy was the wrong word but you're definitely not an average working person, so I think it's understandable why you personally are happy he didn't win.

Maybe it would have, maybe it wouldn't. It's just hilarious that it's so acceptable for a country to decay by trying right wing policies that only benefit a few but God forbid a country try left wing policies that are aimed at helping the majority.
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