General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Wouldn’t be my first choice in a PR system, but some constituencies have no choice if you want to get rid of the right. For whatever reason, Labour have never got close in the places I’ve lived.
Yeh I figured that is the case. What do Lib Dem’s really stand for that Labour don’t though? Just seems like a waste of a party and vote split to me.
If theres a whiff of the type of shit the Tories have been up to for years, it'll be "They're all the same" and those narrow wins turn to losses fairly easy.

Starmer has to guard against any OG's.
Anybody, especially members of his cabinet, who steps out of line gets 'pulled'.... he's got 170 on the bench.
Farage is a cnut. It's scary the votes reform has got.

That said during this campaign Farage and his ilk got out there and did campaigning etc.

All I saw of Ed Davey was him bungy jumping and having a bit of a party.

Was speaking to someone about that's akin to Nick the brick and the monster raving looney party levels of campaigning.

I'm gutted the recognition Farage gets from media and the populace but Ed Davey can't be a serious politician?

The bungie jumping and pissing around got them 71 seats, the most they've ever had.

Just generally being seen as harmless while the Tories and Labour fall over each other competing to be more right wing on immigration, welfare, and Israel isn't a bad idea.
It's not really a happy thread this is it given we've just smashed the Tories? Says a lot about the current landscape I feel but let's look for the positives and hope that more representation from the Lib Dems, Greens, and even Reform can be a good thing for solving the problems successive governments have created over recent decades.
Hard to see how.
But if Lib Dems/Greens didn't exist then most of those would go to Labour.

Lib and greens had been therr for decades. That will not disappear of fusion with labour. Reform is a new party that splitted the right wing and one will disappear of will fusion eventually IMO

What i was trying to say is that labour didnt win because labour proposed any good. They won because the tory splitted their vote, so if not for Farage, the tory would had a chance after their disastrous 14 years.

So everybody should thank Farage and suck his german cock
That's a very optimistic view.

The alternative is that those two parties just brought in almost 11 million votes between them. Over a million more than Labour. It's on a knife edge between them being screwed and us being screwed.
If I was on some hellish mirror universe version of the Corbyn thread, I would be having exactly the same argument as I had then with Corbynistas, but with Faragists or Braverites - eg don't elect the leader with the history of rubbing along with & saying nice things about dubious people. Don't elect the leader who wants to move the party to the extremes. Don'r elect the leader who prefers making big promises over simple competency. Don't let the party accept entryists from other parties who care more about ideology than winning. Don't say and do things that make it hard for moderate MPs and voters to support your cause. But luckily that universe doesn't exist and because I loathe the Tories, I wouldn't do it anyway so let the shitshow begin.
I feel the longer Farage is exposed to the British public the more criticism and ire he will start to attract. He just doesn't have that broad appeal to offset the scandals that surround him and will start to emerge over the next few years. Over time, even the most enamoured Reform voter will turn on him.
I don't know about that. Have you seen the number of daft Tories who'll still say "I don't know why they ever got rid of Boris..." As if they missed everything that led to Boris getting rid of himself by resigning?

They cut off the reporter giving an overview of all of Wales after about 30 seconds so they could get every word of the 10 minute speech of a losing Tory candidate in Swindon or somewhere.

For at least five minutes they had a shaky camera shot of what was allegedly the back of Farage's head through the window and between the fecking table legs of the restaurant he was apparently in, like live footage of fecking Bigfoot.

Time after time they completely cut out Labour candidate victory speeches, but went back to air the losing Tory candidate's concession speech in full.
Yes. She's a shameless attention whore who posts vile tweets and then cries wolf. Similar to Darren Grimes.
She’s got the same handler as Grimes, amongst others. There was a thread about them all posting exactly the same content at exactly the same time on numerous occasions.
FPTP is really a version of the football chant..."you only sing when your winning".

After yesterdays outcome it is a case of "you only sing when your winning".... isn't it always?
Hard to see how.

It's not great if 4m voters think the dumb stuff but they never get representation on the big stage that can be shouted down and mocked in public. Discontent under the surface will only grow, got to bring it out into the daylight eventually. Call it King Log if you like but bringing filth like Johnson and Farage into the light where they have to deliver something is their downfall.
The bungie jumping and pissing around got them 71 seats, the most they've ever had.

Just generally being seen as harmless while the Tories and Labour fall over each other competing to be more right wing on immigration, welfare, and Israel isn't a bad idea.

I disagree mate. I've spent 30ish years working for local authorities and one thing that always gets me is that the "status quo" take it for granted that they will win local votes. Much to their detriment and surprise on election results nights.

The other thing that has always got me, and I'm not a supporter, is that the libs and greens candidates are often the most accessible, most hard working in terms of "pounding the beat" and often "friendlier".

Yes they won 71 seats. Some will be tactical voting, some will be hard work of the candidate.

What they could have done with is a leader not pissing about.
I voted Labour. Always have whenever I've voted local/general. Glad they won.

Looks like Reform took a lot of Tory voters. The rise of the Far-Right is real..
Given this I'm not sure I understand why you would be against such a referendum
Ah, in that case what I wrote has definitely come out wrong. Sorry for that.

I'm definitely not against it. It would be a much fairer system. Basically what I'm trying to say is that there should definitely be a PR referendum but as soon as it happens you can expect the SNP to start beating the independence referendum drum again, and this time the "once in a lifetime" argument isn't going to hold much weight (I thought it was always a daft argument anyway).
Reform are up to 5 seats with South Basildon and East Thurrock, beat Labour by 98 votes.
Happy to engage more once you've attained a modicum of understanding on the subject
After reading the reply from @Cassidy I've realised that what I typed may have looked like I was against PR. So sorry for that, I definitely am not.

I've been with you side by side throughout this thread, but I will not abide by you attacking @Mr Pigeon in this manner.

It was a fair response but I prefer more swear words if I'm honest.
After reading the reply from @Cassidy I've realised that what I typed may have looked like I was against PR. So sorry for that, I definitely am not.

It was a fair response but I prefer more swear words if I'm honest.
I didn't look at the username before replying the first time. Otherwise I would have been a bit cannier.

I doubled down because I'm a cnut at heart though. No hard feelings.
The only real hope when it comes to farage is that he is a monumentally lazy piece of crap, and his carefully crafted image will fall apart over the next 5 years.

It should have hapenned when he was an MEP. To give an example, he managed to get himself onto the fisheries commission representing UK the UK fishing industry. He attended the first meeting and never went again. Attendence records showed that at times, he was even in the building during meetings, he just could not be bothered to go. He collected the 20 grand or whatever it was additiuonal income for being on it though, for 3 years.

What that means in reality was that our fishing industry had no voice at all. While other countries were ensuringt heir fishing boats were getting the best access possible, we got nothing. Yet in the run up to the referendum, there he was, on a fishing boat, shouting about how the EU was stifling british fishing. And not a single media outlet pointed out why, or what he had done. Not one.

The best hope now is that even our craven media won;t be able to hide his utter uselessness when its going on in westminster.
To the surprise of no one Farage says he isn't going to be in Clacton that much when will people fecking learn

have you seen the kind of people in clacton? farage needs those kinds of people to stay relevant, but he has absolutely no interesting in interacting with them otherwise.
I didn't look at the username before replying the first time. Otherwise I would have been a bit cannier.

I doubled down because I'm a cnut at heart though. No hard feelings.
No hard feelings whatsoever. Nothing wrong with being a cnut, unless you're @Pexbo. That might sound harsh...
Unfortunately for Farage, the declaration of interests over the next 5 years is going to look very interesting.

I wonder if he'll be paid in Sterling or Rubles?
I didn’t vote for them, but everyone is entitled to believing who they want to believe. I disagree in the idea of hurling abuse at people who believe in a manifesto. At the end of the day, it’s the future plan you vote for - not what they’ve done.
I have three magic beans to sell them
Looking back at the 2015 election, UKIP/Farage got 3.8m votes and 12.6% of the overall vote on a turnout of 66%.

This time around, Reform has 4.1m votes and 14% of the overall vote on a turnout 59.9%.

Perhaps the shift to the far right narrative is being over stated? It's always been present but largely absorbed by the Tory vote.
Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed even though the same party has been in power for 14 years? The ruling party has had 4 changes so far haven’t they?
Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed even though the same party has been in power for 14 years? The ruling party has had 4 changes so far haven’t they?

We're the Chelsea of football
Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed?
The last one was nearly 5 years ago so not many

As for PM, this position is not elected by the public, the PM is the leader of the party in power, and the party can change the leader anytime it chooses
Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed even though the same party has been in power for 14 years? The ruling party has had 4 changes so far haven’t they?

Brexit basically.

It broke what is supposed to be the main benefit of an otherwise dumb system: stability.
Could someone explain why there are so many general elections in Britain and why the PM keeps getting changed?
A term lasts a maximum of 5 years, the PM can call a GE anytime they want within those 5 years, usually right at the end. The reason we've had so many is because of the Tories imploding, with various factions within the party turning on one another as well as stabbing each other in the back. This has resulted in various PMs resigning, only to be replaced with a new party leader (who by convention is also the Prime Minister). And in some cases (Theresa May in 2017), a PM may call an election considerably early within the 5 year limit just to reinforce their mandate. Boris Johnson led the Tories to a victory in 2019, but because of various scandals was pushed to resign in 2022, and was replaced by Liz Truss, who herself lasted a few months after a disastrous budget that pretty much tanked the economy. She was replaced by Sunak who finally had to call an election this year because its been 5 years since the last one in 2019.
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