General Election 2024

Who got your vote?

  • Labour

    Votes: 147 54.2%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Lib Dem

    Votes: 25 9.2%
  • Green

    Votes: 48 17.7%
  • Reform

    Votes: 11 4.1%
  • SNP

    Votes: 5 1.8%
  • Plaid Cymru

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Independent

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • UK resident but not voting

    Votes: 18 6.6%
  • Spoiled my ballot

    Votes: 3 1.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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*This might end up as an essay, so I apologise in advance *

I expected today to be different, full of euphoria and celebration, playing music & dancing at Labour’s victory in the General Election. But what I feel today more than anything is exhaustion.

Exhaustion at having lived through 14yrs of painful governance, the worst excesses of self promotion, cronyism and greed, combined with disingenuous hate-mongering and so-called culture wars.

So here’s a quick list off the top of my head, of some of the worst displays of ‘leadership’ by the outgoing government, a list that will put the lie to “they’re all as bad as each other” and “it’ll just be more of the same under Labour”

- they ‘solved’ a financial crisis caused by bankers not by punishing bankers, but by closing libraries, youth clubs, Sure Start centres, A&E wards, schools, and cutting NHS beds & staff, police numbers & other public sectors to their breaking point

- they put themselves over the country when, scared by Farages cabal, they called for a Brexit referendum

- they created an ‘inhospitable’ environment for people who had come here to build better lives

- they claimed Junior Doctors were ‘only in it for the money’ when they dared to go on strike

- they lied to the Windrush generation

- they allowed clowns like Boris Johnson, Jacob-Rees Mogg, Liz Truss, Lee Anderson, Jonathan Ghullis, Steve Baker (to name but a few) to the most powerful rooms in the country

- one of the above claimed victims of Grenfell died because they ‘lacked the common sense’ to flee AND then, in a separate incident, lied to the late Queen!

- they implemented Lockdowns during the pandemic, then turned 10 Downing Street into the most fined address in the country!

- they painted over cartoons in child asylum seeker centres because the kids had it too easy apparently

- when on of their own broke the rules of MP conduct, their efforts were directed at re-writing the rule book!

- they decided that they could use OUR MONEY as a piggy bank for so-called PPE VIP lanes, whilst expert manufacturers were turned away

- they decided that unfunded tax cuts for the wealthiest was a good idea, and wipe BILLIONS of our economy

To them these were all just games, events without consequence. But there were. People died because of the list above. People lost their homes and their families. People had their livelihoods destroyed & dreams crushed. People couldn’t say goodbye to loved ones or support their nearest during times of crisis, whilst these charlatans partied and continued like nothing was going on!

These people BROKE this country, and most will likely saunter away to their mansions and social bubbles, but this country has been through trauma after trauma after trauma because of THEM!

Now, hopefully, after so much trauma, we might be able to start the rehabilitation process.
Great post. The Tories have dragged politics and this country down into the gutter and I'm glad that they're now left with just a handful of useless twats.
I guess it gives the Corbynistas another excuse to avoid thinking about why they lost, so I can see why it must seem like an important statistic.
Starting to think you are a wum at this point

Feels like people who are actually qualified for the roles is a thing again. Rather than the Tory method of playing pass the parcel to decide who gets what.

Ideologically the Tories are a lot more into to the idea that everything can be solved by parachuting in an overpaid management consultant with no specific experience whose main role is to squeeze as much money out of it for themselves..
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Job has gone to a human rights barrister called Richard Hermer, mate of Keir, who also seems to be pro-Palestine (or at the least supportive of an end to the conflict), if a very lazy Google search is anything to go by. Means bugger all for his role I guess but interesting considering the stance that Labour have sometimes taken recently.

Richard Hermer KC, who signed on the open letter to Israel, told Sangita Myska that it is "impossible to conceive" how Israel's siege on Gaza is in compliance with international law.
We like to blast the Yanks’ electoral college but something is wrong when you can win a landslide with a third of the vote. Thats wrong.
I know little about politics, but that Darren Jones always comes across a decent lad. Wouldn't mind seeing him in front of Kier when he gets ousted
Wonder if it went left or right then?
Look at the next tweet. 22% went for Reform and Tory’s combined. 65% to Labour, Green, LD. 10% to other, which will be independents, SNP etc.

I’d love to know how many of those young Reform voters ever bothered paying attention to politics prior to Farage announcing.
The gall of the man, posting about the general election in the general election thread. He should keep that sort of thing to the general election thread.
It's a stat posted, let's face it, to make some kind of point about the comparative virtues of you know who, although one which largely eludes me. Hard not to laugh at the cheek on the day of one of the great labour victories.

Edit: or maybe I'm getting too cynical in my old age. Probably time to pay more attention to footy and less to the election for the rest of the day.
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Scandinavia has been carrying out left-leaning policies for some time. Not all the way socialist but enough to say that it's not the whole world. Plus communist nations still exist. We could argue capitalism doesn't really work based on all the problems we currently face.

Being centre right is far different to just being centre or just to the left of the centre.

Scandinavia is always used in these types of discussion. Norway is sitting on a trillion dollar oil fund and Sweden is falling apart by most accounts. Neither are good examples and no Scandi country is close to the scale of the UK.

I'm yet to see a successful, comparable example of a semi recent socialist government. It always goes downhill one way or another.

Without left wing politics there would be no pension, no vacation, no public health care, no 8 hour work day, no worker protections, etc. Hurr durr doesn't work outside a classrom is intellectually infantile.

Left wing policies are not the same thing as left wing politics. The odd policy works, all of it together doesn't.
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Strange way to word the question, should have been if reform didn't exist, who would you have voted for.

The 25% that said they didn't consider voting for another party are just assumed to be non-voters, with that wording.

As you say, strange wording, as GEs are not about second choices.

Just for balance and to avoid the idea you are an agenda poster,

Do you want to put the number of people who voted conservative in those elections. So we can see if for every extra vote gained by JC he also motivates more voters to vote conservative?
IMO the main goals entering this election were:

1) Get the Tories out of power (Done)
2) Remove as much Tories as possible (Done)
3) Don't let too many of those other guys into de HoC in the process (Done)
4) If possible leave Tories in third place so they aren't main opposition (it was probably a one in a million chance anyway)

So 3 out of 4 looks like a really succesful election. Now onto the trends:
  • The Tories got 14M votes last election. Now Tories+Reform got 11M votes total. The right wing got 3M votes less than in 2019, which is coincidentally the reduction in turnout.
  • Most of the other Big/median parties got less votes than last time: Labour 0,6M (10,3 to 9,7), Lib Dems 0,2M (3,7 to 3,5), SNP 0,5M (1,2 to 0,7). The only exception were Greens who won 1M votes (0,8 to 1,8). So there's a strong possibility that A) a lot of Labour and Lib Dem votes went Green this time and B) both parties were able to reduce the impact a little by capitalizing on the SNP's collapse.
  • The aforementioned changes in voting didn't translate into seats: Reform got 14% of the votes but 0,7% of the seats. Greens got 6,4% and 0,5% respectively. Meanwhile Labour got 34% of the votes but 63% of the votes (Tories 24% and 19%, LD 12% and 11%, SNP 2,5% and 1,5%). This is pretty terrible for representative democracy and a good argument for PR instead of FPTP (even if in this case -and in most elections- would result in a hung parlament with Reform getting better participation). Another way of seeing it is how many votes in average did a party got per seat won:
    • Labour: 23.596
    • Tories: 56.405
    • Lib Dems: 48.625
    • SNP: 78.778
    • Greens: 460.500
    • Reform: 822.800
TLDR: a good election by any standards, but there's no reason to believe that it will last. So we may as well enjoy it.
As you say, strange wording, as GEs are not about second choices.

They could be if transferable preferential voting was adopted. It would be an interesting exercise to do a large scale test in some highly contested electorates to see what the results would be.

IDS would have lost and seats where Labor, Greens and Lib Dems took votes from each other may have changed hands but Labor may well have lost a swathe of seats when Tory and Reform voters would predominantly preferenced each other over labor.
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I'm yet to see a successful, comparable example of a semi recent socialist government. It always goes downhill one way or another.

Has there ever been a socialist government in the UK?

Left wing policies are not the same thing as left wing politics. The odd policy works, all of it together doesn't.

Yet the Tories have spent 14 years trying to get rid of every last one of them. And as employment reduces and the environment gets worse and worse we need more government led action, not less.
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